

单词 发信


发短信 n

text n


an impact detonator


receive and send SMS messages

External sources (not reviewed)

这个法律框架为公民在丰富本国文化和 发信 息方面的权利和义务提供了基本保证。
This legal framework is the basis in
ensuring the rights and obligations of citizens to enrich the national culture and to
[...] receive and disseminate information.
闪烁的绿色发信号、 赛车维护区、超越对手、终点方格旗,让您尽享一级方程赛的精彩刺激。
The flash of the green light, the pit stop, overtaking a rival and the chequered flag awaits as you experience all the excitement of the Grand Prix.
在辩论时,大家对目前自然科学计划的发展方向,包括环境科学计划的发展方向都表 示支持,同时也强调在 33 C/5 中,要优先考虑下列领域:水为人类需要和人类活动服务,以
[...] 析气候变化对社会的影响;对艾滋病毒/艾滋病的研究;促进发展科学技术教育; 发信息 传 播工具的潜力,加强国际科学合作,促进科学知识更好的传播和分享(已建议将其列为跨 [...]
While supporting the present orientations of the natural sciences programme, including the environmental science programmes, the debates highlighted the following elements for priority attention in document 33 C/5: water for human needs and activities to promote water-related conflict prevention; geology in the service of society; the oceans; biosphere reserves for sustainable development; analysing the impact of climate change on societies; research on HIV/AIDS;
promoting education in science and technology;
[...] the potential of ICTs in enhancing [...]
international scientific cooperation and promoting
an effective dissemination and sharing of scientific knowledge (which was also mentioned as an area for possible intersectoral cooperation).
宣布与提供疾病发信息( 特别是似乎不同寻常的传染病突发和毒素引起的类 似情况) 的国家网站或国际、区域或其他组织网站的电子链接,也可满足表格B 的宣布要求。
The declaration of electronic links to national websites or to websites of international, regional or other organizations which provide information on disease outbreaks (notably outbreaks of infectious diseases and similar occurrences caused by toxins that seem to deviate from the normal pattern) may also satisfy the declaration requirement under Form B.
[...] 归档备查;在网上维持一个专用的文件库;代表小组起草、编辑和 发信 函 ; 安 排和组织大小会议和电视电话会议并根据需要承担其他管理职责。
The Administrative Assistant would provide administrative support to the Team, including by drafting meeting minutes; filing and archiving records with historical information; maintaining a dedicated web-based
repository of documents; drafting,
[...] editing and clearing correspondence on behalf of the [...]
Team; scheduling and organizing meetings,
conferences and videoconferences; and other administrative duties, as required.
新加坡的新人力发展路线图将侧重 发信通 技术专家,以及在绿色信息技术和云技术等新领域的 教育。
Singapore’s new manpower development road map would focus on developing ICT experts and on education in emerging areas such as Green Information Technologies and cloud computing.
奉我国政府指示,并继我 4 月 16 日至 20 日、23 日至 25 日、5 月 7 日、11 日、14日至16日、18日、21日、24日、29日、31日、6月1日、4日、6日、 7
日、11 日、19 日、20、25 日、27 日至 28 日和 7 月 2 日、3 日、9 日、11 日、
[...] 13 日、16 日和 17 日发信函,兹随附 2012 年 7 月 [...]
14 日武装团伙在叙利亚境内 违反停止暴力规定的行为详情清单(见附件)。
Upon instructions from my Government, and following my letters dated 16-20 and 23-25 April and 7, 11, 14-16, 18, 21, 24, 29, 31 May, 1, 4, 6, 7, 11, 19, 20, 25, 27 and 28 June and 2, 3, 9, 11, 13, 16
and 17 July 2012, I have the honour to
[...] attach herewith a detailed list of violations [...]
of cessation of violence that were committed
by armed groups in Syria on 14 July 2012 (see annex).
例如,在提高能源效率计划中,中国 使用了管制、资金激励、发、信息 手 段来实现目 标。
For example, in promoting energy
efficiency programs China has used regulations, financial
[...] incentives, R&D, and information instruments [...]
to achieve its objectives.
特别是由于最后一点,在接获制裁委员会要求后,专家小组建议制裁委员 会不授权被列名实体发信用证 ,因为 发信 用 证 将为那些会员国无法冻结资产 的实体产生可观的收益,尤其是鉴于被列名实体设在利比亚,而制裁措施在利比 [...]
Owing specifically to the latter point, after a request from the sanctions Committee, the Panel suggested
that the Committee should not
[...] authorize the issue of letters of credit by listed entities, [...]
as this generates considerable
earnings for those entities that Member States are not able to freeze, especially as the listed entities are based in Libya, and the sanctions measures do not apply to Libyan territory.
在司法改革中包含一项大胆的方案,即修建和翻修改造实体设施并 发信 息系统和设备。
The judicial reform process also includes an ambitious building and refurbishing programme and the installation of new information systems and equipment.
该系统的目的是帮助处理社会、 经济、地震、环境和地球物理安全问题,以及推动统一联合 发信 息、导航和电信资源,以便通过提供远程教学、远程医疗等服务解决 人道主义问题。
The system was intended to assist in social, economic, seismic, environmental and geophysical security issues as well as to promote unified and joint development of information, navigation and telecommunications resources for solving humanitarian issues through the provision of services, such as distance education telemedicine.
具体有:继续监测 ODS 和基于 ODS 的设备的进口和贸易并实行管制和立法措施;促进在可选技术的 发 、 信 息 交 流和 转让方面的区域和国际合作,以及加强提高认识活动及消费数据的收集和报告。
Specifically, continuing the monitoring of imports and trade of ODS and ODS-based equipment and enforcing regulatory and legislative measures; promoting regional and international co-operation in development, exchange of information and transfer of alternative technologies, intensifying its awareness activities and collecting and reporting of consumption data.
因此克莱门特,在致力于教会照顾他父亲的关怀,努力医治在科林斯纠纷和团结的原则,坚持和服从权威,尽量有利于和平,伊格内修,在他的感谢热情的各教会安慰他途中殉难,发回的确认信,反对当时的异端与告诫和嘱托,充满高度的精神保持在提交信仰团结的主教;波利卡普,依纳爵在腓立 发信 件 , 发 送 , 如遇到要求,普通信函的建议和鼓励。
Thus Clement, in paternal solicitude for the Churches committed to his care, endeavours to heal a dissension at Corinth and insists on the principles of unity and submission to authority, as best conducive to peace; Ignatius, fervent in his gratitude to the Churches which solaced him on his way to martyrdom, sends back letters of recognition, filled with admonitions against the prevailing heresy and highly spiritual
exhortations to keep
[...] unity of faith in submission to the bishops; Polycarp, in forwarding Ignatian letters to Philippi, sends, as [...]
requested, a simple letter of advice and encouragement.
为此,将发信息技 术工具来避免重复工作,并减少目前人工从事的工作的数量。
To this end, IT tools will be developed to eliminate duplication of work and to reduce the number of functions which are currently performed manually.
[...] 和一致性、行政系统的质量(规范、组织、程序、人员、专业技能)、电子政 府系统的发、信息和 通信技术(信通技术)和电子治理政策的设计、纳入两 [...]
性平等问题策略的制订、评价和审计系统的质量、人力资源管理、公共服务 部门的操守。
The separate performance of every component matters, as it solves specific key problems of social life (e.g., fair treatment before justice, public services for vulnerable populations, liability of contracts, legitimate election of authorities), but for
contributing to an effective governance of society
[...] and to build social trust in government, [...]
its individual performance is not enough
and has to be linked with other components and be part of a coherent unity of public action.
这些措 施既包括相对比较被动的活动,如提高认识和 发信 息 (主要为没有渔业管理功 能的区域渔业机构),也包括相对激进的活动,如港口、空中及海面监视(区域 渔业管理组织)。
The measures range from more passive activities such as awareness building and dissemination of information (mainly RFBs without fisheries management functions) to aggressive port, air and surface surveillance programmes (RFMOs).
偏离自由位置的同 时TS产生发信号并 通过电缆或红外线传 给数控系统。
At that moment the TS
[...] generates a trigger signal that is transmitted [...]
either by cable or over an infrared beam to the control.
显然,根据非洲联 盟海事安全战略,海军一体化和建立地区合作框架的 进程将按照分享手段与资源的方针发展,以使相关各 国对其海事领水拥有自主权,而且最重要的是可以发信息交换网络,并增强地方专门知识,以确保各国 单独、集体地有效应对海上威胁。
Clearly, the process of integrating naval forces and of establishing a regional framework for cooperation, in line with the maritime security strategy of the African Union, will develop along the line of sharing means and resources so that the States concerned assume ownership of their maritime territorial waters and, above all, so that an information exchange network can be developed and local expertise built up to ensure the effectiveness of individual and collective management of threats at sea.
将开展提高公众认识和发信息的 活动,同时实施与国家消耗臭氧层物质淘汰计划有关的监测和报告活动。
Public awareness and information dissemination activities will be implemented, along with monitoring and reporting activities associated with the NPP.
据称,在提交人住院时, Gladilin
[...] 先生使用了提交人签字的空白信纸,以便能以提交人的名义向合作伙伴机构发 信件。
Allegedly, Mr. Gladilin had used blank papers that the author had
signed, while he was in hospital so that Mr.
[...] Gladilin could send letters on the author’s [...]
behalf to partner organizations.
运营商从而可以收集关键性能指标(KPI)并持续评估从IP/MPLS核 心网直至基站发信机的服务质量。
The operator can therefore collect key performance indicators (KPIs) and continuously assess service quality from the IP/MPLS core all the way through to the base transceiver station.
理事 会对此解释说,通过为亚行提供用于 发信 通 技术项目指南的学院课 程单元 3(电子政务应用)和单元 7(信通技术项目管理的理论和实 践),信通技术培训中心为该项目提供了实物支助。
It was clarified that APCICT had offered in-kind support to the project by making available Academy Module 3 (e-Government Applications) and Module 7 (ICT Project Management in Theory and Practice) to ADB for the development of an ICT project guidebook.
MGTO has sent a letter informing Transport [...]
Bureau to pay close attention to the flow rate of visitors during the Spring
Festival Golden Week and to arrange sufficient transportation service for the routes to Lotus Bridge based on practical demands in order to disperse the visitors promptly and maintain smooth traffic in related districts.
2010 年 2 月 12
[...] 日,俄罗斯,美国和法国驻国际原子能机构的大使给 机构总干事共发信,声明伊朗如果将浓缩铀“扩大” [...]
到 20%“将会引发对伊朗核意图的新忧虑”并“进一步 破坏国际社会对伊朗的信任。
On 12 February 2010, the Russian ambassador to the
IAEA, along with the French and U.S.
[...] ambassadors, addressed a letter to the director [...]
general of the agency stating that the
“escalation” of Iran’s enrichment up to 20 per cent “would raise new concern about Iran’s nuclear intentions” and “further undermine the confidence of the international community in Iran’s actions”.
取决于特定情况,措施 从更被动的行动,例如提高认识和 发信 息 ( 主要是没有渔业管理职能的RFB)到 主动的港口、空中和海上计划(RFMO)。
Depending on the particular circumstances, the measures range from more passive activities such as awareness building and dissemination of information (mainly RFBs without fisheries management functions) to aggressive port, air and surface programmes (RFMOs).
联合国海洋法公约》附件二第二条第 2 款规定,联合国秘书长应在每次选 举之日前至少三个发信给各 缔约国,邀请它们在进行适当的区域协商后于三个 月内提出候选人。
Article 2, paragraph 2, of annex II to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
provides that, at least
[...] three months before the date of each election, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall address a letter to the States [...]
parties, inviting
the submission of nominations, after appropriate regional consultations, within three months.
因特网接入已经向高 速网络升级,中国将加快构建新一代信息网络基础设 施,促进信通技术的发展,推动移动因特网、电子政 务、电子商务、农村信发展, 加快推进城市社区的 信息化进程,利用信通技术实现工业绿色发展。
Internet access had been upgraded to a high-speed network and China would speed up its efforts to develop infrastructures for a new-generation information network to promote development of ICTs, pushing for development of mobile Internet, e-government, e-business and communications in rural areas, accelerating the ICT application process in urban communities and leveraging ICT to realize green industrial development.
预算文 件第
[...] 29C.35 段列出这一构成部分下将交付的产出,其中包括:提供范围广泛的 旨在建立和维持本组织领导及管理能力的培训方案;增进方案管理人员和负有行 政管理职责的工作人员的人力和财政资源管理专门知识;提高秘书处工作人员信息技 术技能;建立和强化语文能力;支持职 发 展 和提高实务技能。
The outputs to be delivered under this component are set out in paragraph 29C.35 of the budget document, and include the provision of a wide array of training programmes designed to build and sustain the Organization’s leadership and managerial capacity; improve the human and financial resources management expertise of programme managers and staff with
administrative responsibilities;
[...] upgrade the information technology skills of Secretariat staff; build and strengthen linguistic capabilities; and support career development [...]
and upgrade substantive skills.
值得注意的是,本办事处在教育领域开展的计划主要关注以下战略支助领域,所有这 些都直接回应肯尼亚教育部门支助计划(KESSP)所载的战略和成果,教育部门计划实现 《2030 年展望》:通过教育管信息系统加强规划、监测和评估教育系统;加强教育部门 以应对艾滋病毒和艾滋病;提高教育促和平计划的质量;以及通过宣传和技术支持战略规划 来加强扫发展。
It is noteworthy that programmes implemented by the Office in the area education focused on the following strategic areas of support, all directly responding to strategies and results contained in Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP), the education sector’s plan to materialize Vision 2030: strengthening the planning,
monitoring and
[...] evaluation of the education system through EMIS; enhancing the education sector responses to HIV and AIDS; improving the quality of education for peace programme; and strengthening literacy development through advocacy and technical support [...]
to strategic planning.




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