单词 | 发令 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 发令 —issue an orderExamples:发令枪—starting pistol 令人发指—make one's hair stand up in anger (idiom); to raise people's hackles 发号施令—boss people around [idiom.] See also:令 n—an order n • order n • command n • season n • warrant n 令—writ • make sth. happen • virtuous • honorific title • government position (old)
如果违 犯了这些规则,劳动监察员可以签 发令 状。 daccess-ods.un.org | In case of violation of the rules, a labour inspector may issue a precept. daccess-ods.un.org |
在UCI和北京市政府为期几个月的筹划下,比赛今天终于在鸟巢打响 了 发令 枪。 serk.cc | After months of planning by the UCI and Beijing Government the tour finally started today outside the iconic bird’s nest in Beijing’s Olympic Park. serk.cc |
火山的爆发令他们 遗失了家园和最亲近的人。 4tern.com | Volcano eruption had killed their love ones and ruined their home. 4tern.com |
每年核查访问次数大大高于受管制公司数量,因为出于不同原因,可能必 须数次访问(比如执行法定的批准和同意程序,处理雇员提交的申诉,在调查过 严重或致命职业事故后向雇主签发令 状 ,进行后续视察)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The number of verification visits per year is considerably higher than the number of controlled companies because, for different reasons, it may be necessary to visit some companies several times (e.g. to carry out approval and consent procedures required by law, to deal with applications filed by employees, to issue a precept to an employer after an investigation of a serious of fatal occupational accident, to carry out follow-up inspections). daccess-ods.un.org |
12 月 20 日,主管政治事务的助理秘书长奥斯卡·费尔南德斯·塔兰科强调 [...] 指出,在实现“两国解决方案”方面没有取得进展,而暴力事件 频 发令 人 担 忧; 他还简要介绍了四方为帮助各方恢复直接对话所作的努力,强调指出各方之间减 [...]缓对立和建立信任的重要性。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 20 December, the Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Oscar Fernandez-Taranco, stressed that the realization of a two-State solution [...] had not advanced, with violent incidents [...] erupting at a worrisome rate, and outlined [...]the efforts undertaken by the Quartet [...]to help the parties resume direct talks, stressing the importance of de-escalation and confidence-building between the parties. daccess-ods.un.org |
Christophe Claret是从简单的构想开始的:运动员总是能 在 发令 枪 响起之前从起跑器上跃起; 拳击手在听到铃响时开始或停止他们的战斗; 赛马在起动器给出信号时冲出起点。 wthejournal.com | Christophe Claret started with a simple premise: athletes launch out of starting blocks when the gun is fired; boxers begin and stop their fights when a gong is struck; horses burst out of the stalls when the starter gives the signal. wthejournal.com |
联合国各会员国为求对于维持国际和平 及安全有所贡献起见,担任于安全理事 会 发令 时,并依特别协定,供给……军队、协助及便利”。 daccess-ods.un.org | All Members of the United Nations, in order to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security, undertake to make available to the Security Council, on its call and in accordance with a special agreement or agreements, armed forces, assistance, and facilities”. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些清单由法定管制令发布, 并纳入商务部发布的 2007 年出口政策指令。 daccess-ods.un.org | These lists were notified by a Statutory Regulatory Order and are included in Export Policy Order, 2007 issued by the Ministry of Commerce. daccess-ods.un.org |
这款不含硫酸盐的温和洗发水中加入了富含维他命C的金虎尾精华, 可 令发 质 重 新焕发活力。 cn.lubrizol.com | This mild sulfate-free energizing shampoo is infused with Acerola extracts enriched in revigorating vitamin C. lubrizol.com |
这款精致乳液采用Noveon®消费品特种化工多功能PSN——聚合物乳液体系,为头发带来了出色的感官特性, 并 令发 质 柔 滑如丝。 cn.lubrizol.com | This is an elegant emulsion, made using Noveon® Consumer Specialties’ versatile PSN - Polymeric Emulsion System, provides excellent sensory properties to hair, leaving the hair soft and silky. lubrizol.com |
在剥夺国籍的命令发出之 前,联邦政府须依照第 27 条的规定,书面通知此 命令所针对的人,说明拟发此命令的 理 由,解释此人有将此案提交一个调查委员 会审理的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Before an order for deprivation of citizenship can be made, the Federal Government is required, pursuant to article 27, to provide notice in writing to the person against whom the order is proposed to be made, [...] informing him of the [...]ground on which the order is proposed and of his right to have the case referred to a committee of inquiry. daccess-ods.un.org |
命令发出的 当日,在黎巴嫩被拘押的四个被羁押 人安全获释。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the day of the order, the four detainees were released safely from custody in Lebanon. daccess-ods.un.org |
高等法院还有司法管辖权监督下级法庭的民事 [...] 或刑事诉讼,并就向其适当提出的申诉,做出此类 命 令 、 发 出 此 类令状、提出它 认为合适的指示,确保下级法院正确行使司法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The High Court also has jurisdiction to supervise any civil or criminal proceedings before a subordinate court and may, [...] on an application duly made to it, [...] make such orders, issue such writs and give such [...]directions as it considers appropriate [...]to ensure that justice is duly administered by the subordinate court. daccess-ods.un.org |
当报文被接受后,电压调整器将具有传送原因 20 的输入命令发回。 highvolt.de | The voltage [...] regulator returns the command received with [...]reason for transmission 20 if the message has been accepted. highvolt.de |
2005 年《世界首脑会议成果文件》重申了联合国 在促进发展方面的核心作用,但本组织始终未把发展 列为优先事项,正如 [...] 2010-2011 两年期的拟议资源分 配所反映,又一次令发展中国家失望。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the 2005 World Summit Outcome had reaffirmed the central role of the United Nations in promoting development, the Organization had repeatedly failed to make development a priority, as reflected in the proposed [...] allocation of resources for the biennium 2010-2011, which represented yet [...] another disappointment for developing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
相比之前 使用的 PC,这种不起眼的安装设计令发热量 显著减少。 igel.com | This unobtrusive installation also reduces the amount of heat generated compared to the heat load from the PCs that had previously been installed. igel.com |
在可采取的行动中添列了一些条目,例如,确认采购实体作出的决定和废 [...] 除以不合法的方式生效的采购合同或框架协议,已经发布采购合同或框架协议 授标公告的,下令发布废标公告(2011 年版本第 67 [...]条第(9)款(c)项至(f)项)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some items have been added to the list of available actions, such as confirmation of a decision of the procuring entity and overturning the award of a procurement contract or a framework agreement that has entered into force unlawfully and, if notice of the award of the procurement [...] contract or the framework agreement has [...] been published, ordering the publication [...]of a notice of the overturning of the award (2011 article 67(9)(c)-(f)). daccess-ods.un.org |
为了进行更加全面的保护,鼓励各国根据国际法采取各种适当的措施与其他有关国家进行合 作,以便确立有关的司法管辖权,并对那些犯有或 下 令 犯 有 上述行为(VII.个人的刑事责任)并在 该国领土被发现的 个人(不论其国籍如何以及该行为在何 处 发 生 ) 予以有效的刑事制裁。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For the purposes of more comprehensive protection, each State is encouraged to take all appropriate measures, in accordance with international law, to cooperate with other States concerned with a view to establishing [...] jurisdiction over, and [...] providing effective criminal sanctions against, those persons who have committed or have ordered to be committed acts referred to above (VII – Individual criminal responsibility) [...]and who are found [...]present on its territory, regardless of their nationality and the place where such act occurred. unesdoc.unesco.org |
有。但是如果兼容软件无法将命令发 送 到 要启动的功能,内置于 DSV-E 版本的全功能版功能将可能无法完全实现。 graphics.kodak.com | Yes but the full functionality of the features built into the DSV-E’s may not be fully addressed if the compliant software does not send the commands to the feature that needs to be activated. graphics.kodak.com |
但在另外一些情况下,关于适用授权规则的进 一步规定通过法令发出(其 中将详细列出依据普遍管辖权可以适用有关法律的各 [...] 种罪行,以及为此提供法律依据的各项条约)(例如芬兰)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In yet some other cases, further provisions [...] on the application of the enabling rules [...] were issued by decree (which would set [...]out a detailed list of crimes to which [...]the law could be applied on the basis of universal jurisdiction, as well as of treaties providing the legal basis thereof) (e.g., Finland). daccess-ods.un.org |
2012 年 5 月 7 [...] 日,俄罗斯联邦总统新当选总统颁布 命 令 , 发 布 实 施外交政策 战略的措施,确认了俄罗斯调解人对德涅斯特地区有关事项严格坚持的做法,即 [...]“继续积极参与,争取在尊重主权、领土完整和摩尔多瓦共和国中立地位基础上 解决德涅斯特河地区冲突,确定德涅斯特河地区的特殊地位。 daccess-ods.un.org | A decree issued by the newly re-elected [...] President of the Russian Federation on 7 May 2012 on measures to implement foreign [...]policy strategy confirmed the approach to which the Russian mediators had strictly adhered in matters related to the Dniester region, which is “to continue to participate actively in the quest for a resolution to the Dniester region conflict on the basis of respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and the neutral status of the Republic of Moldova in determining the special status of the Dniester region. daccess-ods.un.org |
当选中了 [任意] 时,该端口从所有的通道上对指令发 生 反 应。 dmx512.ch | When [Any] is selected, the [...] interface reacts to commands from all channels. dmx512.ch |
第 025-2008-ED 号副部长决议批准通过了第 [...] 069-2008-VMGP-DIGEBE 号行政 令,发布了 与规划、组织、执行、监督和评估包容性教育动员和提高认识全国 [...]运动的各项活动相关的规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Vice-Ministerial Decision No. [...] 025-2008-ED to adopt Directive No. 069-2008VMGP-DIGEBE, [...]which establishes regulations for [...]planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating activities under the National Campaign to Promote and Raise Awareness of Inclusive Education daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,如果卖方是 [...] 一个意大利与其有充分信息交换基制的国家的居民,那幺此类资本收益不须纳税(拥有充分信息交换 基制的国家或地区白名单已根据一项部 长 令发 出 )。 vasapolli.it | However, such capital gains are not subject to taxation if the seller is a resident of a country that Italy has an adequate exchange-of-information system with (a whitelist of [...] the states and territories that have an adequate exchange-of-information system has been [...] issued by a ministerial decree). vasapolli.it |
他在谈到商品问题时说,价格波动过大尤 其 令发 展中 国家感到关注,他呼吁国际社会建立一套监管制 度,管理商品市场和股票市场上的投机和期货买卖行 为,保护贫穷国家的利益。 daccess-ods.un.org | Turning to the issue of commodities, he said that excessive price volatility was a particular concern to developing countries and he called on the international community to institute a regulatory regime to manage speculation and futures trading practices in the commodity and stock markets in order to protect the interests of poor countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
人提供各种医疗卫生护理而采取的立法和其他措施 - [...] 通过第 027-2007-PCM 号最高敕令,发布了公共部门必须 遵守的国家政策;其中第 [...]5.3 条政策规定消除对残疾人一 切形式的歧视。 daccess-ods.un.org | Supreme Decree No. 027-2007-PCM establishes [...] national policies that are binding on the public sector, including Policy 5.3 [...]on the Eradication of All Forms of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会感到遗憾的是,它收到了一些关于将个人遣返到可能遭受酷刑或残 忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚的国家,或者被遣返回原籍国的人入境时遭到 [...] 逮捕和虐待的指控,尽管委员会或欧洲人权法院 命 令发 出 了 临时保护措施请求, 但仍有这种情况发生 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee deplores the fact that it has received several documented allegations regarding the return of persons to countries where they risked being subjected to acts of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and from persons sent back to their country of origin who reported being arrested and subjected to ill-treatment on [...] arrival, in some cases despite interim [...] protection measures ordered by the Committee [...]or the European Court of Human Rights (art. 3). daccess-ods.un.org |
不这样做只会致使经由隧道的运 输增多,为哈马斯提供资金,令发现 和 遏制武器流动 的工作更加困难,并引发更大的民愤和怨气,最终导 致加沙人走向极端。 daccess-ods.un.org | Failure to do so merely encourages increased traffic through the tunnels, provides funding to Hamas, makes the task of detecting and curbing the flow of weapons more difficult and generates greater anger, resentment and, ultimately, radicalization of Gazans. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际老年性黄斑变性联盟(AMD Alliance International)是全球唯一一家专注于推动黄斑变性疾病的认知、治疗和研究的国际组织,黄斑变性疾病 是 令发 达 国 家人口失明的主要原因。 tipschina.gov.cn | AMD Alliance International is the only international organization in the world dedicated exclusively to promoting awareness, treatment and research into macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss in the developed world. tipschina.gov.cn |