

单词 发丧

See also:

make funeral arrangements
corpse (old)
be in mourning
be defeated

External sources (not reviewed)

审计委员会还注意到,用每日和每周磁带制作每月备份磁带,因此将每日 和每周磁带保存在保险箱外并不安全, 发 生 灾 害就 丧 失 一 个月的数据。
The Board further noted that the monthly back-up tapes were made out of the daily and weekly tapes and therefore it was
not safe to keep the daily and weekly tapes out of
[...] the safe, as data could be lost for a month in the [...]
event of a disaster.
南南合作特设局在区域一级没有有效代表性的状况,已致使联合 发 展系 统丧失了 加强支持实施区域和次区域一体化计划的机会。
The absence of an effective SU/SSC representation at the regional level has resulted in lost opportunities for the UNDS in enhancing support for regional and subregional integration schemes.
我们要向自叙利亚危机发以来丧生者 的亲友表示最深切的同情。
We would like to express our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of those who have lost their lives since the outbreak of the crisis in the country.
国际老年性黄斑变性联盟呼吁全球行动起来,改善湿性老年性黄斑变性患者护理,该病 发 达 国 家视 丧 失 的 主要原因。
AMD Alliance Issues Global Call to Action to
Improve Care of Patients With Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD),
[...] a Leading Cause of Vision Loss in Developed World
2010 年 10 月 25 日,明打威群发生 7.2 级地震,随发生海啸,使 460 人丧失,15 353 人失去家园,并摧毁了几千所房 屋。
On 25 October 2010, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake
[...] struck the Mentawai islands, followed by a tsunami which killed 460 and displaced 15,353 [...]
people and destroyed thousands of houses.
尽管手术仍然是首要的治疗方法,但由于胰腺癌常 发 现 较 晚, 丧 失 根治的机会,因此需要对胰腺癌患者进行综合治疗。
Though surgery is still the prime treatment option,
pancreatic cancer often is found
[...] late resulting from the loss of chance to treat, at [...]
this time, comprehensive treatment should be carried out.
在这种国家,一家公司可能公开了它的 发明,例如在贸易展览会上展示了发 明,或在公司样本或技术杂志上刊登了 发明,然后在宽限期内提出了专利申 请,发明并不丧失专利性,也不妨碍 获得专利。
In such countries, a company may disclose its invention, for example by displaying it in a trade show or publishing it in a company catalogue or technical journal, and file the patent application within the grace period without the invention losing patentability and being barred from obtaining a patent.
南南合作特设局在区域一级没有切实有效的存在,这意味着联合 发 展 系统 丧失了 通过现有的区域和次区域一体化计划推进南南合作的机会。
The lack of an effective presence of the SU/SSC at the regional level has meant lost opportunities for the United Nations development system in advancing SSC through existing regional and subregional integration schemes.
这反过来可能导丧失发展 地 方机构、加强地方能力和发展(即增强内在知识)的机会。
This in turn may result in lost opportunities to develop local institutions and to strengthen local capacities and development, i.e., reinforcing endogenous knowledge.
根据 2007 年 7 月 21 日“关于俄联邦 2008 年及 2009 和 2010 年计划期间社 会保险基金预算”的第 183 号联邦法(以下简称“第 183 号联邦法”),一个整日历月 的暂时丧失劳动能力补贴的最高限额(因生产中的人身事故或职业 发 生 的丧失劳动能力补贴例外)不能超过 17 250 卢布。
In accordance with Federal Act No. 183 of 21 July 2007 on the budget of the Russian Social Insurance Fund for 2008 and for the planning period 2009 and 2010, maximum benefits for temporary occupational disability (except in cases of industrial accident or occupational illness) for an entire calendar month may not exceed 17,250 roubles.
报告还 将审查巴勒斯坦与以色列双边贸易逆差实际幅度的新证据以及因东耶路撒冷与其
[...] 他被占领巴勒斯坦领土的经济相割裂而产生的经济影响和造成 发 展 机 会 丧 失。
The report also examines new evidence regarding the actual scale of the Palestinian bilateral trade deficit with Israel as well as the economic ramifications of the severance of East
Jerusalem from the rest of the economy of the occupied Palestinian
[...] territory and the resultant lost development [...]
如果我们的经济复苏努力仅仅以恢复危机前的 状况为目标,那么我们就丧失一个 发 展 的 机会。
It would be a lost opportunity for development if our efforts towards economic recovery were aimed solely at re-establishing the pre-crisis status quo.
电缆尾线通过插头连线到导体脚针(采用压接或焊接工艺),然后通过收缩套管并采用合成橡胶灌封工艺对其进行绝缘,以确保即使在极端环境条件下也能保持良好的电气功能(这 发 生 冷却 剂 丧 失 事故 (LOCA) 期间非常重要)。
The cable tails are connected to the pins by plugs, crimping or soldering and then insulated by shrinking sleeve and potting with elastomer to ensure
the electrical function even during extreme environmental
[...] conditions (important during Loss of Coolant Accident, LOCA).
非传染性疾病造成的负担和过丧生 对 发展 努力构成沉重压力,甚至对实现千年发展目标构成障 碍。
The burden and untimely loss of human life caused [...]
by NCDs are putting a heavy strain on development endeavours, posing obstacles
even to achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
就人类的苦难、经 济损失丧失的发展机 会而言,代价巨大。
The toll in terms of human suffering, economic loss and wasted development opportunities has been enormous.
急性青光眼患者会突然感到眼部疼痛、头痛、光线呈现光环、瞳孔扩张 丧 失 视 力、眼 发 红 、 恶心和呕吐。
Acute glaucoma presents suddenly eye pain, headaches, haloes around lights,
[...] dilated pupils, vision loss, red eyes, nausea and vomiting.
另外,大会第六十六届会议就中美洲的可持续旅游业和可持续发展举行了第 一次讨论,并确认考虑到已宣布 2012 年为中美洲可持续旅游年,有必要特别是 通过消费可持续旅游产品与服务来推动发展可持续旅游业,加强生态旅游业的发 展,同时应保持土著和地方社区文化和环境的完整性,加大对生态敏感地区和自 然遗产的保护力度,此外还需要推 发 展 可 持续旅游业和能力建设,为此要考虑 到应对气候变化挑战和遏止生物多样 丧 失 等方面的需要(第 66/196 号决议)。
Also at its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly held its first discussion on sustainable tourism and sustainable development in Central America and recognized the need to promote the development of sustainable tourism, in particular through the consumption of sustainable tourism products and services, and to strengthen the development of ecotourism, taking into account the declaration of 2012 as the Year of Sustainable Tourism in Central America, while maintaining the culture and environmental integrity of indigenous and local communities and enhancing the protection of ecologically sensitive areas and
the natural heritage,
[...] and to promote the development of sustainable tourism and capacity-building, taking into account the need to address, inter alia, the challenges of climate change and the need to halt the loss of biodiversity [...]
(resolution 66/196).
这些来自各族、各方、各民、各国的 丧 之 民 , 发 现 耶 稣已经为他们付上了代价,耶稣对他们有什么旨意呢?
How did Jesus intend for all these lost people, from every tribe, language, people and nation, to discover that He has already paid the price for them?
民间社会倍感丧的是,发达国家通过金融和粮食投机、不公正贸 易规则、附加有偿条件的不合理贷款、以及包括气候变化在内的生态损害,给最 不发达国家造成巨大损失,却连承诺向最不发达国家提供更多援助都没有做到。
Civil society is frustrated that, having caused massive costs in the LDCs through financial and food speculation, unjust trade rules, illegitimate loans with onerous conditionality, and ecological damage, including climate change, the developed countries have not even committed to provide more aid to LDCs.
企业可为环保提供强大助力,在阻止生物多 样丧失方面发挥重大作用。
Business can bring significant capacity to conservation efforts and has a key
[...] role to play in halting biodiversity loss.
气候正在发生变化,水和食物变化巨大,人口急剧增长,洪灾,经济衰退,石油达到峰 值,生物多样性丧失及海洋酸化等众多问题导致异化、暴力、身 丧 失 ,甚 至 发 生 恐 怖主 义,并对全球经济造成了影响。
The climate is changing, water and food are under great change, the population is exploding, there are floods, recessions, oil peaks, biodiversity loss, ocean acidification, etc. Numerous problems that lead to alienation, violence, loss of identity and even terrorism and has impacts on the global economy.
生物多样丧失是最不发达国 家迫切关注的另 一个问题,为解决这个问题,应为其及时提供更多 可预测的财政支持。
Biodiversity loss was another issue of pressing [...]
concern to the least developed countries, which should be provided with
increased, predictable, and timely financial support in order to deal with it.
尽管大部分人支持保护区的存在,但是那些极为 靠近保护区的人们却有一种更为矛盾的观点,尤其是 如果建立保护区意味着失去土地利用权 丧 失 发 展机 遇和减少使用维持生活的服务时更是如此。
While most people support the existence of PAs, those in close proximity may have a more ambivalent view, especially if the implementation of PAs translates into loss of land-use rights, missed development opportunities and reduced access to life-supporting services.
只有通过法治和善治扩大国家的 正当权力,才能防止有关国家重新陷入冲突 丧 失发 展成就。
Only where legitimate State authority is expanded through the rule of law and good governance can countries be prevented from relapsing into conflict and losing development achievements.
丧生或伤害的任何索赔须丧生或伤 害 发 生 日期起三十( 30 )日内以书面形式连同详尽内容通知承运人。
Any claim for injury or loss of life of the Guest [...]
shall be notified to the Carrier in writing with full particulars within
thirty (30) days form the date when the loss of life or injury giving rise to the claim occurred.
[...] 和平和安全是可持续的,以及一旦特派团任务结束 后,它的惠益不丧失,并使重发 生 冲 突的风险降 到最低。
That is true in particular when it comes to efforts aimed at medium- and long-term economic recovery, which is necessary for ensuring that peace and security are
sustainable and that, once a mission comes to
[...] an end, its benefits are not lost and the risks of a [...]
relapse are minimized.
(t) 应对可持续农业发展面临的环境挑战,例如水的质量和可获得性、毁林
[...] 和荒漠化、土地和土壤退化、多尘、洪水、旱灾和变幻莫测的天气格局、生物多 样化丧失,促进发和传 播适当的、可承受的、可持续的农业技术,并按照双 [...]
(t) Addressing environmental challenges to sustainable agriculture development such as water quality and availability, deforestation and desertification, land and soil degradation,
dust, floods, drought and
[...] unpredictable weather patterns and loss of biodiversity, and promoting [...]
the development and dissemination
of appropriate, affordable and sustainable agricultural technologies and the transfer of such technologies on mutually agreed terms
对系统进行改动或将其用于未被设计的用途,如未经许可,则将导 丧 失 质 保! 发 生 故障时,请首 先从 SIPOS Aktorik(西博思)获得许可,以便进行维修或退回系统或部件。
Unauthorized interference on the system or
operation which is not
[...] designated lead to loss of warranty! In case of problems admission from SIPOS [...]
Aktorik has to be obtained
for repair or return of the system or components.
报告 确定劳动力市场的复苏存在很大差异,发达国家失业率居高不下, 丧 感 日发展中区域就业略有增长,弱势就业和在业贫穷依然保持较高水平。
The report identifies a highly differentiated recovery in labour markets marked by
persistently high levels of
[...] unemployment and growing discouragement in developed countries; [...]
and by some slight employment
growth and continued high levels of vulnerable employment and working poverty in developing regions.




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