

单词 反革命宣传



the crime of instigating counter-revolutionary propaganda

See also:

革命 n

revolution n
revolutions pl

革命 pl

revolutionaries pl

革命 adj

revolutionary adj

External sources (not reviewed)

它还呼吁采取保护妇女的 措施,例如消除侵害妇女的暴力的切实办法,审查教科书 宣传 妇 女 权利,提高 公众反对家庭暴力的行动的意识。
It also called for measures to protect women, such as practical solutions to eradicate violence against
women, a review of text-books
[...] in schools for the purpose of disseminating information on women’s rights, [...]
and increased public
awareness on action against domestic violence.
德黑革命法庭 26 分庭援引伊斯兰刑法典第 500、610 和 19 条作为其裁 决的依据,列举了“集会和合谋意在实施危害国家安全罪以 宣传反 对 伊 朗伊斯 兰共和国”等罪名。
Branch 26 of Tehran’s Revolutionary Court cited articles 500, 610 and 19 of the Islamic Penal Code as the basis for its ruling, listing charges such as “assembly and collusion with the intent to commit a crime against national security, and propagating against the Islamic Republic [...]
of Iran”.
迄今为止,这方面的经验已使古巴阻止或挫败了 630 多起攻击古革命领导 人菲德尔·卡斯特罗·鲁斯的事件,以及数以百计的其他恐怖主义行为,其中许 多在古巴提交给安理反恐怖主义委员会的第一份报告(S/2002/15),1 古巴关 于执行《消除国际恐怖主宣言》 的声明2 和其他文件中都提到过。
This experience has enabled it, thus far, to prevent or foil over
630 attacks on the
[...] leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, and hundreds of other terrorist acts, many of which were mentioned in the first report submitted by Cuba to the Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Committee (S/2002/15)1 and in the declaration on the implementation by Cuba of the Declaration on Measures [...]
to Eliminate International
Terrorism,2 among other documents.
Kiarash Kamrani 被捕的罪名包括集会和密谋危害国家安 全、在政府官员履行职责时拒绝予以服从、从 反 对 伊 朗伊斯兰共和国制度宣 传、侮辱伊斯革命已故 领袖和国家官员等。
The Government states that Kiarash Kamrani was arrested on charges of assembly and conspiracy against national security, disobedience of Government officials in the
course of discharging
[...] their duties, propaganda against the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, insults against the late leader of the Islamic Revolution and officials of [...]
the country.
一些答复者认为,除宣传《反兴奋剂公约》外,协助还没有相关政策 的会员国制定国家体育教育和体育运动政策也应成为一个优先事项。
Some felt, in addition to the
[...] promotion of the Anti-Doping Convention, [...]
that assistance to Member States to help develop
national physical education and sports policies where they do not already exist should also be a priority.
例如与真主为敌、进行反制宣传、 串 通违反制度安全、侮辱伊斯兰的神圣和国家领导人、传 播旨在藐视神灵的图片和资料、通过参 反革命 会 议与敌国合作及成立反革命媒体。
Such as enmity
[...] against God, propaganda against the system, colluding against the security of the system, insulting Islamic sanctities and leaders of the country, insults against the President, distribution of pictures and materials intended to mock sanctities, cooperation with hostile States by participating in anti-revolutionary conferences and establishment of anti-revolutionary media.
即㆒名市民,如在㆗國大陸由 反革命宣 傳 罪 而被判入獄 10 年,他是否會被剝奪 成為本港㆔級議會候選㆟的資格?
PRESIDENT: Do I understand your question: you want elucidation of the answer as to whether the offence provided for is an offence committed in Hong Kong, not elsewhere?
缔约国应实行必要的法律革,凡 宣传 民 族、种族或宗教仇恨的行为,构成 煽动歧视、敌视或暴力的都应入刑;凡 反 《 公 约》第二十条,发表言论造 成煽动此类行为的都应予以刑事处罚。
The State party should adopt the legislative reforms needed to criminalize any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred constituting incitement [...]
to discrimination, hostility or violence
and impose criminal penalties on any person making statements whose effect is the incitement to such acts, in violation of article 20 of the Covenant.
就此,她特别提到 34 C/11 号文件第 3 段,其中陈述了教科文组织新的使命宣言,而在该 使 命宣 言 中 , 传 播和 信息是主要支柱之一。
Particular reference was made in this context to paragraph 3 of document 34 C/11 which set out a new mission statement for UNESCO, where communication and information was one of the main pillars.
假如有市民在國內因政治原因反 革命宣傳罪 而被判監 10 年以㆖(其實已發生過),而在香港的法律系統內,卻沒有這種 [...]
If a citizen was sentenced to over 10 years' imprisonment in China
for political reasons or because of
[...] spreading counterrevolutionary ideas, (actually [...]
this has happened before), whereas
in our legal system, such criminal charges are non-existent, will the person be disqualified from candidature in the three-tier elections here?
在总部外,曾在 2001 年 9 月世反种族 主义会议范 围内,在(南非)德班举行了一次“二十一世纪会 晤”的特别会议,主题是“种族主义在全球化和传 革命时代的新面孔”。
Away from Headquarters, a special
[...] Talk was held in Durban (South Africa) as part of the World Conference against Racism in September 2001 on the theme “The New Aspects of Racism in the Era of Globalization and the Gene Revolution”.
还有这样的看法,即信息传播革命 可 能 促使 教科文组织重新调整自己的计划和优先事项。
The view was also expressed that the information and
[...] communication revolution might require [...]
a redirecting of UNESCO’s programmes and priorities.
[...] 价所分管的项目;监测和分析项目编制和执行情况,特别侧重管理安全部门改革 捐助者协调网站,并提供有关安全部门 革 的 宣传 和 培 训;与刚果安全机构及其 监督机构、民间社会和弱势群体代表联络;参与评估政府发布的政策和文件;编 写立场文件、谈话要点、临时情况报告和简报。
The incumbent of the Security Sector Reform Officer (Coordination and Projects) post (P-3) would participate in the development, implementation and evaluation of assigned projects; monitor and analyse project development and implementation with a particular focus on
management of the
[...] security sector reform donor coordination website and provision of security sector reform sensitization and training; [...]
liaise with Congolese
security institutions and their oversight bodies, civil society and representatives of vulnerable groups; participate in the assessment of policies and documents issued by the Government; and prepare position papers, talking points, ad hoc situation reports and briefing notes.
新技术与知识”、“传革命与人 类:面向一个美 好的世界还是一个勇敢的新世界?
New technologies and
[...] knowledge”, “The gene revolution and the human being: [...]
towards ‘a brave new world’ or a better world?
提交人进一步认为,两份要求他在德黑 革命 法 院 出庭 传 票 没 有争议, 而他在这两传票发出之后没有 革命 法 院 出庭这一事实本身就证实了,如果返 回伊朗伊斯兰共和国,他将会有被逮捕和遭受酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人 格的待遇或处罚的风险。
3.3 The complainant further maintains
that the two summons to
[...] appear before the Revolutionary Court in Tehran are uncontested, and the fact that he did not appear before the Revolutionary Court following [...]
those summons, in and of itself substantiates
the risk that he will be arrested and subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, if he is returned to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
委员会请涉及国政府就判决所称受害者的理由,尤其是指控他所从事的 反革命 ”活 动是否煽动使用暴力的问题向委员会提供说明,因为决定该来函可否受理的主要因素是指控 [...]
上述受害者所从事的活动而不一定是他的职业(130 EX/3 PRIV.第 35 段)。
The Committee decided to ask the government concerned to be good enough to provide details regarding the reasons for the alleged
victim’s sentence, and, more especially,
[...] whether the “counter-revolutionary” activities imputed [...]
to him included incitement to violence,
since it was the activity, which the alleged victim was accused of and not necessarily his profession, which was essential in determining the admissibility of the communication (130 EX/3 PRIV., para. 35).
作為英 國的殖 民地,香港一直反 清 革命黨 人 聚集的地方、策劃和籌備起義的中心、出版命 刊物和 報章宣傳革命思想的基 地、以商貿 為 藉口偷運 軍 火 和籌集 經 費 的 基 地、招募國 內外革命新血的中心,以 及起義失敗後革命志 士 容易藏身的 避難所。
As a British colony, Hong Kong always
served as a meeting
[...] place for members of anti-Manchu organizations, a centre for planning and preparation, a base for spreading anti-Manchu ideas by publishing revolutionary journals and [...]
newspapers, a base for
ammunition smuggling and fund-raising on the pretext of business transactions, a recruitment centre for supporters from within and outside China, and a convenient asylum where revolutionaries could take refuge after unsuccessful uprisings.
一名观察员提议大会通过一项认可海革命宣布种 族主义为非法并促进普遍人权所做贡献的决议。
One observer proposed that the General Assembly adopt a
resolution recognizing the contribution
[...] of the Haitian revolution to outlawing racism [...]
and to advancing human rights in general.
主席表示,英基可考慮修訂其使命宣 言,以反映其致力改善為有特殊教育 需要學生提供教育的質素。
The Chairman's remark that ESF might consider refining its
[...] mission statement to reflect its intent to improve [...]
quality of education for students with SEN.
联合国水机制命之水十年宣传和沟 通方案采取了一系列推动性的宣传举 措,包括:在 2008 年萨拉戈萨博览会设立联合国水机制展馆;为 [...]
2009 年伊斯坦 布尔世界水论坛的联合国水机制展览提供支助(由联合国水机制秘书处和粮农组 织协调);每年的斯德哥尔摩世界水周;2009
年在萨拉戈萨举办的水和气候变化 问题国际媒体协商会议暨第一届全球水运营者伙伴关系联盟国际会议;与西班牙 基金非洲之家一起在大加那利岛为非洲水务官员举办关于非洲水与合作问题的 联合活动。
The UN-Water Decade
[...] Programme on Advocacy and Communication has organized a [...]
series of catalytic communications initiatives,
including: the UN-Water pavilion at the Zaragoza Expo 2008; support to the UN-Water exhibit at the World Water Forum in Istanbul in 2009, coordinated by the UN-Water secretariat and FAO; the annual World Water Week in Stockholm; an International Media Consultation on Water and Climate Change and the First International Conference of the Global Water Operators’ Partnership Alliance in Zaragoza in 2009; and a joint event for African water officials on water and cooperation in Africa with the Spanish fund Casa Africa in Gran Canary Island.
(i) 戰爭、侵略、 外敵的作為( 不論是否宣 戰 )、 內 戰、叛亂革命、 起 義 、 軍 事或篡奪權力或 意圖奪權。
War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies,
[...] hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, [...]
martial law, military
or usurped power or attempts at usurpation of power.
联络干事职位(联合国志愿人员)的任职者将支助安全部门 革 的 宣传 和培 训举措;协助维护安全部门改革捐助者协调网站;与非政府组织和民间社会代表 [...]
建立和保持工作层面的接触;协助组织讲习班和会议;协调对刚果(金)武装力量、 刚果国家警察和其他安全机构培训中心的实地考察。
The incumbent of the Liaison Officer position (United
Nations Volunteer) would support
[...] security sector reform sensitization and training initiatives; [...]
assist with the maintenance
of the security sector reform donor coordination website; establish and maintain working-level contacts with representatives of non-governmental organizations and civil society; assist in organizing workshops and meetings; and coordinate site visits to the training centres for FARDC, the Congolese National Police and other security institutions.
可以肯定的是,启蒙了对精神运动寒蝉效应,但这是由约翰和查尔斯韦斯利和乔治Whitefield卫在英国和美国的大觉醒 革命 复 兴 反 击。
To be sure, the Enlightenment had a chilling effect on spiritual movements, but this was countered by the Methodist revival
of John and Charles Wesley and George Whitefield in Britain and the Great Awakening
[...] in America prior to the Revolution.
[...] 而是滥用联合国安全理事会具有权威性的论坛来重复阿塞拜疆过度使用 反亚 美宣传的论 点,却不记得提到阿塞拜疆领导人广为人知的种族主义论点,即 [...]
Instead of reaffirming his country’s commitment to the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, the President of Azerbaijan is abusing the authoritative tribune of the United Nations Security
Council in order to repeat the
[...] overused theses of anti-Armenian propaganda of Azerbaijan, [...]
forgetting to recall the Azerbaijani
leadership’s famous racist thesis that Azerbaijan’s “main enemies are Armenians of the world”.
[...] 曾提出抗告,而且也间接地违逆了古巴大使馆关于驳回其入籍申请的要求,这一 事实会被古巴当局视为反革命行动 ”。
The fact that he had challenged not only the decision of the Minister of Home Affairs of Guyana but, indirectly, also the
Cuban Embassy’s request to deny him citizenship would be
[...] considered a “counterrevolutionary action” by [...]
Cuban authorities.
[...] 动范围内开展了几项活动,包括不同的对话会、讲习班和印制海报及其 宣传 材 料, 以反 映消 耗臭氧层物质问题,如非法的消耗臭氧层物质进口做法和氟氯化碳淘汰等。
Several activities were undertaken in the context of the public awareness campaign, including different dialogue sessions,
workshops and the publishing of
[...] posters and other information material to reflect ODS issues [...]
like illegal ODS import practices and CFC phase-out.
在规范方面,本组织继续促使各会员国认识到必须反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂, 宣传 《反 对在 体育运动中使用兴奋剂国际公约》(2005 [...]
年)和《世界生物伦理和人权问题宣言》(2005 年),以此来应对科学技术进步过程中产生的伦理挑战。
In the normative field, the
[...] Organization continued to sensitize Member States about [...]
the need to fight against doping in
sport, and to address ethical challenges arising from the advances made in science and technology through the dissemination of the International Convention against Doping in Sport (2005) and the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005).
为支持他 的主张,申诉人着重提到两张要他到德黑 革命 法 院 出庭 传 票 ,以 及 革命 法院 缺席判处他五年监禁,并提到伊朗记者的普遍待遇和目前严重的人权状况。
In support of his claim, the complainant
[...] highlights the two summonses for him to appear before the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, as well as the sentence in absentia to five years’ imprisonment by the Revolutionary Court, with reference [...]
to the general
treatment of journalists and the current serious human rights situation in Iran.
社会变革管理计划的新动态需要继续保持,特别是关于多边和区域合作,并向各会员国适当宣传在社会变革管理 计划框架内实施的政策主导性研究和教科文组织职能领域内与社会变 [...]
The new dynamic of the MOST programme shall continue to need to be sustained, in particular with regard to
multilateral and regional cooperation
[...] and the appropriate dissemination in Member States [...]
of policy-oriented research carried
out within the MOST Programme as well as on MOST-related issues in UNESCO’s fields of competence.
根据联合国关爱特别工作队的建议,联合国艾滋病阳性团体于 2005 年作为
[...] 联合国改革的一部分成立并投入运行,其任务说明为,“团结起来,通过开展提 高认识、政策革和宣传,为 联合国系统内艾滋病毒携带者争取关爱、平等和接 受。
On the recommendation of the UN Cares Task Force, UN Plus was established in 2005 as part of the United Nations Reform in action with the mission statement, “Uniting for Solidarity, equality and
acceptance for people living with HIV within the United Nations system through
[...] awareness raising, policy change and advocacy.




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