

单词 反求诸己

External sources (not reviewed)

同时,当国家面临一种它们必须作 反 应 的 局势时,如果它们希望 求豁 免,它们就有义务明确表达己的要 求。
At the same time, States had a duty to express themselves clearly within a reasonable time, if they wished to claim immunity, when they were confronted with a situation which required their response.
每 一公民都有权诸法庭寻求补救
Every citizen had
[...] the right to seek redress through the courts.
[...] 标的工作,同时又要满足各国日益增长的 求 , 向 诸 如 高 等教育这样的领域提供援助,或开 展尖端科学研究,那么就必须在正常计划内长期提供更多的资金,加强该计划和工作人员的 [...]
If UNESCO is to work more efficiently to achieve EFA, while responding
[...] to the increasing demand of countries to [...]
also provide assistance in areas such as
higher education or be at the cutting edge of research, significant further resources must also be provided on a permanent basis within the regular programme to reinforce both the programme and staff budgets.
他也擁有罕見的天賦,能夠知道如何感動人心,並且讓他們透 反求 諸 己 的 方 式找到改變人生的答案。
He was one of those rare humans who knew how to touch people and more importantly, make them look inside to find life-changing answers.
这是 一条死路,只会造成更多的动乱反 暴 力 ,更多的痛 苦和苦难,并使那些为己追求更美 好生活的手无寸 铁的平民变成只懂得暴力、流血和各种形式极端主义 语言的极端分子。
That is a deadend road and will only bring
[...] more instability and counter-violence, more pain and suffering, and will transform those who are defenceless — civilians who are seeking a better life for themselves — into extremists [...]
who know only the
language of violence, blood-letting and extremism in all its forms.
[...] 中提出的其他问题有:有必要对媒体上的仇恨演说、以种族划线和负面的陈词滥 调进反击;呼吁诸司法 的平等权利;以及执法当局有必要打击歧视行为。
Other issues raised in the
[...] replies were the need to counter hate speech, racial [...]
profiling and negative stereotyping in the
media; to call for equal access to justice; and the need to counter discriminatory practices by law-enforcement authorities.
该国的阿拉伯人被禁求助文 明世界为解决分歧问 题设立的国际机构,也被禁止诸违 反 国 际 法的补 救办法,使得以色列可以滥用有罪不罚。
The country’s Arab people were denied recourse to the international institutions established by the civilized world for the resolution of differences and the remedy of violations of international law, allowing Israel to carry out its abuses with impunity.
作为颁发护照的条件,每一位新公民都被 求 为 自 己 的 行动负责:要致力 反 对 一切野蛮行径、与胁迫和贫困作斗争、支持社会进步、保护环境和濒危物种、维护人的尊严、捍卫全世界的自由、公正与和平这些不可剥夺的权利。
On deliverance, the passport requests in return that each new citizen take responsibility for their actions: to dedicate themselves to combat [...]
all acts of barbarity, to fight against intimidation and poverty, to
support social progress, to protect the environment and endangered species, to safeguard human dignity and to defend the inalienable rights to liberty, justice and peace in the world.
然而,主要是由于在监测整个群岛劳动力分布上存在的困难和缺 诸如 《反贩运 法》等重要立法,在外籍工人保护上仍然存在一些问题。
However, several issues still persist in the protection of expatriate workers, arising mainly due to difficulties in monitoring the
disbursement of the labour force across the
[...] archipelago and the lack of key legislation, such [...]
as an Anti-trafficking Act.
教科文组织需要制反映自己的工作重点和能够吸引 预算资金的计划,而不是仅仅是为了满足其非政府组 织合作伙伴以及其他游说团体或捐助国的 求。
There is a need for UNESCO to develop programmes that reflect its priorities and that attract extrabudgetary funding, rather than designing its programmes around the priorities of its various [...]
partner NGOs
and other lobbies or those of donors.
如果遇到获 取公共信息受到限制或不让公众参与发放环境许可证的情况,人们可以 诸法 院,保护己的权利。
In cases where access to public information has been restricted or cases of failure to involve the public in issuing environmental permits, persons may have access to court for the protection of their rights.
遵照过去几届规划委员会积累的经验,规划当局在执行这一任务的过程中 不断询问贝多因各位代表的意见,他们根据每个城镇需要具备的特点提出 己的 观点,特诸如该 城镇是否针对特别需要划定聚居区的农业人口建立;该城居民 不同部族之间是否需要严格分离;或者该城是否为更具城市化特征的人口而建。
Following lessons learned from past planning committees, the planning authorities performed this task in constant consultation with Bedouin representatives who provided input as to their vision of every town’s desired character depending on such characteristics as whether the town is built for an agrarian population with a special needs for designated flocking areas; whether the town is planned for a group that requires strict separation to be maintained between the various tribes or whether the town is designed for a population that has a more urban character.
该报告还将讨论农村地区体面的工 作条件问题反映在诸如职 业安全和健康以及社会保护等农村就业的特点上。
It will also examine decent work conditions
[...] in rural areas, reflecting on such qualitative [...]
characteristics of rural employment
as occupational safety and health and social protection.
ZANU-PF 拒绝采取进一步的行 动,它将 MDC 阵营的求描绘成推行一个外部议 程,反它自己却在 推动结束联合政府、加快选举 进程——无论从任何客观标准来看,津巴布韦都不 [...]
Further movement
[...] is rejected by ZANU-PF, which portrays demands by the MDC formations as promotion of [...]
an external agenda and is pushing instead for an end to the Inclusive Government
and an expedited election process that by any objective standard the country is not ready for.
我们的目标是通过 与我们的供应商开展合作,以确保我们完全符合上述 求 , 反 过 来 ,供应商也应在其与 己 的 雇员、代理商、 分包商和供应商合作、为 Lindt & Sprüngli 提供商品和服务时,同样遵守上述要求。
Our goal is to work with our Suppliers to assure full
[...] compliance with these requirements as they, in turn, apply them to their own employees, agents, [...]
subcontractors and
suppliers with whom they work with in the delivery of goods and services to Lindt & Sprüngli.
刚果民主共和国综合战略框架的总体目标是:(a) 就联合国如何协助刚果民 主共和国政府和人民结束在该国东部地区旷日持久的冲突、巩固其他地区的和平 以及在全国加快复苏和发展进程达成共同愿景;(b) 将这一愿景转变成一个单 一、连贯的战略框架,其中列出明确的目标和优先事项,同时充分考虑到减贫战 略、政府优先行动计划及刚果民主共和国东部地区稳定和重建计划 反 映 的 政府己的目 标;(c) 加强联合国协调和管理机制,确保遵循“一体行动”原则协调 一致地执行优先事项。
The overall aim of the Integrated Strategic Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo is: (a) to forge a shared vision of how the United Nations can assist the Government and the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to end the long-lasting conflicts in the eastern part of the country, to consolidate peace in other areas, and to accelerate nationally the process of recovery and development; (b) to translate this vision into a single, coherent strategic framework that has clear objectives and priorities, taking full account of the Government’s own goals as reflected in the poverty reduction strategy and its priority action plan, and the Stabilization and Reconstruction Plan for eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo; and (c) to strengthen United Nations coordination and management mechanisms to ensure the cohesive implementation of priorities in keeping with the principle of “delivering as one”.
他强调,中国的援助是严格建立在不干涉受援国内部事务基础 上的,这也是中国过去己要求捐助者采取的办法。
He stressed that China’s aid was strictly based on
non-interference in the internal affairs of recipient countries, an approach that
[...] China had itself requested of its donors in [...]
the past.
该国政府强调,法律中涵盖的赔偿只是行政性的,决不会与受害者将犯罪 者诸法院要求获得 赔偿的权利产生冲突或限制行使这项权利。
The Government stressed that the reparations included in the law would have been solely administrative and in no way would have conflicted with, or restricted a victim’s right to take the perpetrator of the acts to court to obtain redress.
任何 人没有权利以任何理由阻止或强制公民投票,让他们对 己 的 投 票负责,或求 他们透露己的投 票或说明没有投票的原因。
No person has the right, on any reason whatsoever, to prevent or force a citizen to vote,
to hold them accountable for
[...] their votes or request them to reveal their vote or state the reasons for failure to vote.
自 2004 年 1 月 1 日起,人人有权诸大法官,求核 实 一国家机构或地方 政府机构,公法中的法人,或私法中在履行公职的法人或自然人是否遵守了确保 [...]
Since 1 January 2004, everyone has
the right of recourse to the
[...] Chancellor of Justice with a request to verify whether a [...]
state or local government agency or
body, a legal person in public law, or a natural or legal person in private law who is performing public functions complies with the principle of ensuring fundamental rights and freedoms and the principle of good administration.
我们 汲取的一个主要经验教训是,加强透明度和与广大会
[...] 员国的互动对于支持安理会的各项决定以及这些决 定诸如维持和平反恐、制裁等各项最重要方面的 执行至关重要。
One of the main lessons we learned was that greater transparency and interaction with the general membership are essential to the support of the Council’s
decisions and their implementation in the most critical areas, such
[...] as peacekeeping, counterterrorism, sanctions and others.
夏洛特敦的艺术产业蓬勃发展,反 映 在 诸 多 当 地艺术展廊和艺术节日上。
Charlottetown has a thriving arts scene, seen in the many local art galleries, as well as festivals throughout the year.
会议认识到所有缔约国都可以发挥作用,强调那些 求 建 设 自 己 能 力 的国 家应该确定本国的具体需求和要求,并设法与其他国家建立伙伴关系,而有能力 这样做的国家应提供援助和支持。
Recognizing that all States Parties have a role to play, the Conference
stresses that those
[...] States Parties seeking to build their capacity should identify their specific needs and [...]
requirements and seek
partnerships with others, and that those States Parties, in a position to do so, should provide assistance and support.
在和平时期开展活动时,各国应当采取一切适当的措施,使 己 的 行为符合保护文化 遗产的求,尤 其是符合 1972 年《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》、1956 年《关于国际考 古发掘原则的建议书》、1968 年《关于保护公共或私人工程危及的文化财产的建议书》、 1972 年《关于在国家一级保护文化和自然遗产的建议书》和 1976 年《关于保护历史或传统 建筑群及其在现代生活中的作用的建议书》所确定的原则和宗旨。
When conducting peacetime activities, States should take all appropriate measures to conduct them in such a manner as to protect cultural heritage and, in particular, in conformity with the principles and objectives of the 1972 Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, of the 1956 Recommendation on International Principles Applicable to Archaeological Excavations, the 1968 Recommendation concerning the Preservation of Cultural Property Endangered by Public or Private Works, the 1972 Recommendation concerning the Protection, at National Level, of the Cultural and Natural Heritage and the 1976 Recommendation concerning the Safeguarding and Contemporary Role of Historic Areas.
拉丁美洲及加勒比地区同意支持萨尔瓦多代表中美洲地区提出的采取“预防青年暴 力”的行动的求,并将其视为己 的 要 求 , 因 为“拉帮”、“结派”的犯罪团伙现象已表 明了青年暴力的存在。
The Latin America and the Caribbean
region has agreed to support
[...] and consider as its own, the request presented by El Salvador on [...]
behalf of the Central American
subregion to initiate an action for the “prevention of youth violence” as evidenced in the gang phenomenon of “Maras” or “Pandillas”.
他说,厄瓜多尔、列支敦士登、立陶宛、黑山、圣 马力诺、斯洛文尼亚和多哥等已经成为提案国,并
[...] 敦促委员会以协商一致的方式通过该决议草案,从 而在巴勒斯坦人民求主张自己不可 剥夺的权利, 即拥有一个以东耶路撒冷为首都的有生存能力的主 [...]
权国家,与以色列和平安全地共处的时候,向他们 发出声援的信息。
He said that Ecuador, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Montenegro, San Marino, Slovenia and Togo had become sponsors and urged the Committee to adopt the draft resolution by consensus, thereby sending a
message of solidarity to the
[...] Palestinian people as they sought to assert their inalienable [...]
right to a sovereign and viable
State with East Jerusalem as its capital, living in peace and security with Israel.
y 再次重申,强反对执行诸如《 赫尔姆斯-伯顿法》那样的 反 国 际 法 的法律和行动,并且忠告美国政府停止采取这些法律和行动; y 要求美国 政府遵守联合国大会就有关问题通过的 19 项决议的规定,终 止对古巴进行的经济、商业和金融封锁。
“We request the Government of the United States of America to comply with the provisions of the 19 successive resolutions adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations and to end its economic, commercial and financial embargo against Cuba”.
我们仍然有理由感到遗憾的是,在 冲突地区发生诸多违反人权 和国际人道主义法的 行为,尽管有所有生效的法律文书,特别是《日内瓦 [...]
第四公约》及其 1977 年的附加议定书。
We still have occasion
[...] to regret the many violations of human rights [...]
and international humanitarian law in conflict zones,
notwithstanding all of the legal instruments in force, in particular the Fourth Geneva Convention and the 1977 Additional Protocols.
[...] 明了需要毫不拖延地予以处理的重大缺陷 诸 如 未采 取 反 映 科 学咨询意见的措 施、没有完整和准确的数据收集和不能及时提供数据、不遵守规定、重要角色不 [...]
The second joint meeting of tuna regional fisheries management organizations expressed concern that the independent performance reviews had identified fundamental shortcomings that needed to be
addressed without delay, such as failure to
[...] adopt measures that reflect scientific advice, [...]
lack of complete and accurate data collection
and untimely provision of data, non-compliance, lack of participation by important players and the need for institutional and legal reform.
应当采取措施在学校和社区之间发展协同效应,根据非洲文化、知识和背景, 重新调整教育,并且促进可持续经济模式的创造性思维和对于文化、社会结构和 生活方式的社反应,包括诸如全 民教育、联合国扫盲十年、联合国艾滋病规 划署全球教育和艾滋病毒及艾滋病五倡议和千年发展目标进程的举措。
Actions should develop synergies between schools and communities, realign education with African culture, knowledge and contexts and stimulate creative thinking on
sustainable economic
[...] models and social responses to changes in culture, social structures and lifestyles, including through ongoing United Nations initiatives such as Education [...]
for All, the United
Nations Literacy Decade, the UNAIDS Global Initiative on Education and HIV and AIDS and the Millennium Development Goal process.




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