

单词 反气旋

See also:

a loop
a circle

External sources (not reviewed)

结果表明:来自西伯利亚向南传播和来自孟加拉湾及南海向北传播的LFO气旋(降水谷值期) 反气旋 ( 降 水峰值期)形成了高原东部上空LFO气旋(降水谷值期) 反气旋 ( 降 水峰值期)以及来自中纬度西太平洋南下西移经日本、黄海到达中国大陆东部海洋上空的 L F O 反气旋 ( 降 水谷值期)和气旋(降水峰值期)的共同作用造成了长江中下游地区强烈的下沉(降水谷值期)和上升(降水峰值期),形成长江中下游降水LFO谷值期和峰值期。
It is the joint effect of the mid-upper tropospheric strong 30--60-day filtered cyclone (anticyclone) over the eastern plateau and the LFO anticyclone (cyclone) over the west subtropical Pacific that induces the whole layer LF descending (ascending) motion over [...]
the mid-lower reaches of Yangtze River,
which provides the favorable condition for the break (maintenance) of precipitation.
提供的功能包括:查看,放大/缩小,缩放到适合查看的尺寸,调节对比度,调整亮度 反 色 , 90度顺时 旋 转 等
Available features include: view , zoom in/out ,
zoom to fit the view of the size , adjust contrast,
[...] brightness adjustment , anti-color, 90 -degree clockwise rotation .
[...] ( 用于高 粘度涂料 ), 可将六角螺母 (E) 反时针旋转。
To open dose or purge valves (for high viscosity materials),
[...] turn hex nut (E) counterclockwise.
气旋是在 温暖的热带水域形成的低气压系统,并在其中心附近形成强风。
Tropical cyclones are low pressure [...]
systems that form over warm tropical waters and have gale force winds near the centre.
实际上,由于区 域中越来越严重的威胁——海平面上升、荒漠化、森 林退化、土壤流失、作物多样性和生产力的丧失、淤 积、干旱、暴雨旋风、反常降雨、水灾、冰川融化 和因此造成的冰川湖溃决以及城市污染 气 候 变 化已 变得更加重要。
In fact, climate change has become even more relevant in the context of the increasingly severe threats in the region — from sealevel rise, deforestation, forest degradation,
soil erosion, loss of
[...] crop diversity and productivity, siltation, droughts, storms, cyclones, unseasonal rains, floods, glacier melt and the resulting glacier [...]
lake outburst, and urban pollution.
1.47 维持和平行动支助账户资源和预算外资源将用于:(a) 支持全球契约倡议推动主要利益攸关方 之间的合作并促进伙伴关系以支持联合国的各项目标;(b) 在维持和平问题上辅助政治、维持 和平和人道主义事务厅的工作;(c) 协助秘书长展开旋以及 在世界各地区展开建立和平活 动;(d) 用于秘书长办公厅的特别项目;(e) 支持联合国不同文明联盟事务高级代表的活动; (f) 支持秘书长关气候变 化的优先议程以及全球可持续性问题高级别小组的工作。
1.47 Resources from the support account for peacekeeping operations and extrabudgetary resources would: (a) support the Global Compact initiative in facilitating cooperation among key stakeholders and promoting partnerships in support of United Nations goals; (b) supplement the work of the Office of Political, Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Affairs on issues relating to peacekeeping; (c) assist the Secretary-General in the exercise of his good offices and peacemaking activities in all regions of the world; (d) be used for special projects to be undertaken by the Office of the
Secretary-General; (e) support the
[...] activities of the United Nations High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations; and (f) support the Secretary-General’s priority agenda relating to climate change and the work of the High-level Panel on Global Sustainability.
有代表在会上指出,上述简编将有 助于热气旋专题 小组和台风委员会的工作。
It was noted that the compendium would contribute to the work of the
[...] Panel on Tropical Cyclones and the Typhoon [...]
但是,专家组指出,它认为,苏 丹政府未经委员会事先授权,在达尔富尔部署自 2008 年以来由白俄罗斯交付的气式飞机,这反了第 1591(2005)号决议,该决议没有提及苏丹政府声称存在 的豁免,并且,这也意味着,苏丹政府违反了向白俄罗斯政府作出的最终用户承 诺。
The Panel notes, however, that it would consider the deployment to Darfur by
the Government of the
[...] Sudan of the jets delivered by Belarus since 2008 without prior authorization from the Committee to be a violation of resolution [...]
1591 (2005), which
does not mention the exemption that the Government claims exists, as well as, by implication, a violation of the enduser undertaking given to the Government of Belarus.
除正在议程项目 3 项下审议的共同文件外,经社会还收到了减少灾害 风险委员会第二届会议报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/11)和两份背景文件:台风 委
[...] 员会报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/INF/6)和热气旋专题 小组报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/INF/7)。
In addition to the common documents being considered under agenda item 3, the Commission had before it the report of the Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction on its second session (E/ESCAP/68/11) and two information documents: the
report of the Typhoon Committee (E/ESCAP/68/INF/6) and the report of the
[...] Panel on Tropical Cyclones (E/ESCAP/68/INF/7).
它甚至有可能帶手套操作,但為了安全起見,只在順時 旋 轉 的 相 反 方 向
It is even possible to operate it with gloves, but for safety
[...] reasons, only in the opposite direction of clockwise.
因此,热气旋专 题 小组可发挥更重要的作用,通过其政府间进程,促进采取各种措施改进预 [...]
警系统、传播研究技术信息以及改进预报活动,从而减轻热带旋风灾害产生 的社会经济影响。
As a result, the
[...] Panel on Tropical Cyclones would have more [...]
important roles to play, through its intergovernmental process,
in promoting measures to improve warning systems, disseminating technical information on research, and improving forecast-related operations to mitigate the socioeconomic impact of tropical cyclone-related disasters.
[...] 效落实被贩运者获得有效补救的权利做出重要贡献,具体做法包括推广注重受害 者权利的气以及反污名的措施。
Training, education and sensitization aimed at other actors, and society at large, could also make a crucial contribution to the effective implementation of the right to an effective
remedy for trafficked persons, including through the promotion of a victims’ rights
[...] culture and measures to counter stigma.
铭记必须在部门发展规划和方案中并在灾后情况下,应付与不断变化的社 会、经济、环境条件和土地使用情况有关的灾害风险,以及地质事件、 气 、水气候反复无常和气候变 化等危害产生的影响
Bearing in mind the importance of addressing disaster risks related to changing social, economic and environmental conditions and land use, and
the impact of hazards
[...] associated with geological events, weather, water, climate variability and [...]
climate change, in sector
development planning and programmes as well as in post-disaster situations
澳大利亚地区正式的热气旋季为 11 月 1 日至 4 月 30 日,大多数发生在 [...]
12 月和 4 月之间。
In the Australian region, the
[...] official tropical cyclone season runs from [...]
1 November to 30 April with most occurring between December and April.
结果是这些资源提供的生态系统服务衰退,特别是免受沿海区域危险(例如风 暴和热气旋)影 响的服务,并减少对生产性生计的支持。
The result can be a depletion of the ecosystem services that these resources provide,
particularly protection from coastal hazards
[...] such as storms and cyclones, and a reduction [...]
in support for productive livelihoods.
缅甸:作为一个非驻地机构,教科文组织从 2009
[...] 年开始与国家工作队展开密切合作, 在备受关注的受纳吉气旋影响的社区内开展了两项重要活动:《缅甸教育恢复计划》 [...]
(MERP)和降低灾害风险教育(DRR Ed)。
Myanmar: As a non-resident agency, UNESCO has been working closely since 2009 with the UNCT, resulting in two key
activities with particular focus on communities
[...] affected by the Cyclone Nargis: Myanmar [...]
Education Recovery Programme (MERP) and
Disaster Risk Reduction in Education (DRR Ed).
顺时针旋转方向的反方向 (从电缆末端看去)。
Normal reverse rotation is CW, seen from the [...]
cable end.
[...] 域,如全球变暖、海冰覆盖面和冰体缩减、海平面升高、大规模洋流系统发生 变化、不稳定的天气条件,以及更强烈或更极端的天气事件,如暴风雨、热气旋、洪水和旱灾。
The Committee noted that climate change had been adversely affecting all regions of the world through a variety of processes such as global warming, reduction in the sea ice coverage and ice masses, sea-level rise, changes in large-scale current systems in oceans,
unstable weather conditions and more intense or
[...] extreme weather events such as storms, tropical cyclones, floods and droughts.
当电机断电后,逆止器的主要作用是阻止装置在液压的作用 反 向旋 转。
The backstop prevents reverse rotation under the back pressure of the conveyed medium if the motor is turned off.
[...] 为,根据蒙特利尔议定书缔约方会议第十九次会议的第 XIX/6 号决定,特别是第 9 和第 11 段,在审查项目和方案时,将采反 对 使 用对 气 候 具有重大影响的氟氯烃作为替代品的 假设,各执行机构在筹备此种活动时应顾及这一点。
Some members expressed the view that, in line with decision XIX/6 of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, in particular
paragraphs 9 and 11, a
[...] presumption against the application of alternatives to HCFCs with a high impact on climate should be applied [...]
when reviewing projects
and programmes, and that the implementing agencies should take this view into account when preparing such activities.
在我们所在的地区以及在许多最 不发达国家,洪水气旋或干旱所导致的绝收也许是 “人的安全”所面临的最大威胁。
In our part of the world, and in many least
developed countries, a lost crop resulting
[...] from a flood or a cyclone or a drought might [...]
be the single largest threat to human security.
该分计划的主要成果是:提高了对支配水文系统的物理和生物过程的了解和改进了旨 在减少与水有关的冲突、危害和灾害及确定各地 气 候 变化 和 反 复 无 常的影响的能力培养。
The major results of the subprogramme are the enhanced understanding of the physical and biological processes that control the hydrological system and the improvement of capacity-building in order to mitigate
water-related conflicts, risks and disasters and
[...] identify the impacts of climate change and variability [...]
in various zones.
拟议预算列入 2009/10 年度期间空中业务所需计划 业务经费反映旋翼和 固定翼飞机按目前合同费用 的计算的租赁费和运行费有所减少,两架飞机的拟 议飞行时数有所减少,以及拟议停飞土耳其伊斯坦 [...]
The proposed budget covers planned operational requirements for air
operations in the 2009/10
[...] period, which reflects reductions in rental and operation costs for the rotary and fixed-wing [...]
aircraft, based on current
contractual costs and decreases in planned flight hours for both aircraft, and the proposed termination of flights to Istanbul, Turkey.
ISO 会与 水分 (如湿气)反应, 形成细小、坚硬的研磨性晶粒并 悬浮在流体中。
ISO will react with moisture (such as [...]
humidity) to form small, hard, abrasive crystals, which become suspended in the fluid.
此外,气候变化、环境退化、荒 漠化、土地和土壤退化、极端气候事件、洪涝、干旱 气旋 、 砍 伐森林、物种的 减少、可用水减少及水质下降等带来的不利影响也有损农业发展。
Furthermore, agriculture development has been suffering from adverse impacts of climate change, environmental degradation, desertification,
land and soil
[...] degradation, extreme weather events, floods, droughts and cyclones, deforestation [...]
and loss of biodiversity,
declining water availability and degrading water quality.
[...] 富汗和巴基斯坦采取的统一应对措施,包括在中国四川大地震、古巴和海地飓风、缅甸热气旋纳尔 吉斯和纳米比亚洪灾发生后一个时期以及伊拉克重建过程中采取的统一应对措施。
Since the start of the biennium, UNESCO has participated in United Nations coordinated responses in Afghanistan, Pakistan and in the aftermath of the Sichuan
earthquake in China, the hurricanes in Cuba
[...] and Haiti, the cyclone Nargis in Myanmar, [...]
the floods in Namibia, and in the reconstruction of Iraq.
1957年美国保险业的3名工作人员调查一起由甲醛和苯酚制取酚醛树脂的反应器爆炸事故,经过仔细调查,一点也没有发现燃烧爆炸的痕迹"研究结果表明,其原因是: 反应器内的介质主要是水,它处于加压过热状态,而 反 应 器 气 相 部 分的器壁发生了裂口,这使反应器内压力急剧下降,造成反应器内的水骤然气化和体积膨胀,正是由它造成了反应器的爆炸"在当时已了解到蒸汽锅炉也有类似事故发生,进一步的研究还发现液化天然气即使在不加热的情况下,也会发生类似的现象"为了与其他的爆炸加以区别,将它称之为"BLEVE"。
In 1957 the U.S. insurance industry along with three staff survey taken by the system and phenol formaldehyde phenolic resin reactor explosion, after careful investigation, that also found no traces of burning and explosion "results show, the reason is: reactor the medium is mainly water, it is
pressurized thermal state, and
[...] part of the reactor wall of gas had cracks, which makes a sharp decline in the pressure within the [...]
reactor, causing a sudden
water reactor gasification and volume expansion, it is It is caused by the reactor explosion "in the steam boiler was already aware of similar incidents have occurred, further research also found that LNG is not even in the case of heating, a similar phenomenon will occur" in order to explode with the other distinction, it would be called "BLEVE".
在这方面中出现了两大类关切:(a) 在叙利亚 和利比亚这类由侵犯人权、政治不稳定和武装冲突触发的新的紧急情况以及阿富
[...] 问题;(b) 需要以综合的发展和人道主义对策建立复原力的危机,以及可 反映 气候变 化等早期表现的危机(如萨赫勒地区和非洲之角的粮食安全危机及在巴基 [...]
Two major categories of concern emerge: (a) problems of access, protection and staff security in new emergencies driven by human rights violations, political instability and armed conflict, such as in Libya and the Syrian Arab Republic, and in protracted emergencies such as those in Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo; and (b) crises that require an integrated development and humanitarian
response to build resilience
[...] and that might reflect early manifestations of climate change, e.g. [...]
the food security crises
in the Sahel and the Horn of Africa and the recurrent floods in Pakistan.
粮食、能源、经济及金融等方面遭到 种种冲击,造成相互提升和加剧的恶性循环,加上气 候变化产生的负面和不相称影响,诸如喜马拉雅山等 地冰川融化反复无常的气模式及水灾等,大大限 制了为实现千年发展目标作出的努力。
The vicious cycle of the mutually reinforcing and exacerbating impacts of food, energy, economic and financial crises, together with the
adverse and
[...] disproportionate impacts of climate change, such as the melting of glaciers in the Himalayas and elsewhere, erratic weather patterns and [...]
floods, have significantly
constrained our efforts to meet the MDGs.




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