

单词 反正

正反 ()

positive and negative
pros and cons
inside and outside

正正 adverb ()

exactly adv



bring order out of chaos
set rights things which have been thrown into disorder


whether it's right or wrong doesn't make a lot of difference
six of one and half a dozen of the other
as broad as it is long


both sides of the coin

External sources (not reviewed)

反,正是出 于儿童的最大利益,才必须恢复儿童 与其父母、家庭和社会环境的关系。
On the contrary, the best interest [...]
of the child required restoring their relationship with their parents, family and social surroundings.
Never mind, I would find my Mr.Snow in other places.
反,正如先 前报告所指出的那样,局势现在可能比执行这些举措之前还要严重。
On the contrary, as stated in the [...]
preceding reports, the situation may have now become worse than before these initiatives were carried out.
希望政府今天不要再說一套、做一套,或說:對不起,如果削減燃油稅 的話,便接着有數十種稅項要調減,而已經過去的,便不要再理會;不論是 紅酒、酒店房租稅、利得稅等反正 已 經 調減了,便不要再深究了。
I hope that the Government will not say one thing and do another, or say that: Sorry, if fuel duties are reduced, a few dozens of tax items will have to be reduced; and let us not pay attention to things in the past, whether it be duty on wine, hotel accommodation tax or profits tax, as they have already been reduced, so let us not dwell on them anymore.
虽然这一份是透过工头介绍的,但是也无所 反正 有 工 作就好。
Although it is not recommended, but as long as, it is a money earning job, I am ok with it.
[...] 为解释性声明准确地反映了自己的立场,二是因为它们认为解释是错误的,但没 有必要指出来,因为在它们看来,在发生争端时 反正 没 有 公正的第三方会维持 这种解释。
States may consider it unnecessary to respond to an interpretative declaration because they share the view expressed therein, or they may feel that the interpretation is erroneous but that there is no point in saying so
since, in any event, the interpretation would not, in their view,
[...] be upheld by an impartial third party in case [...]
of a dispute.
这种规定的效果是,各方 当事人将无法使用当事人可以自由放弃的这些类型的追诉(例如,在有些法域 就某个法律问题提出上诉),但并不排除对裁决提出异议(例如,所涉及的事项 包括缺乏管辖权,反正当程 序,或是《贸易法委员会国际商事仲裁示范法》 第 34 条列明的撤销裁决的其他任何理由等),只要当事人不能通过合同排除这 些异议就可以。
The effect of that provision would be to make it impossible for parties to use those types of recourse that could be freely waived by the parties (for example, in some jurisdictions, an appeal on a point of law), but not to exclude challenges to the award (for example, on matters such as lack of jurisdiction, violation of due process or any other ground for setting aside the award as set out under article 34 of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration), insofar as the parties could not exclude them by contract.
我們的目的是要讓普通家庭也有機會置業安居,而不是要他們永遠繳納租金,剝奪了他們投資產業的機會 反正 他 們 始終都要佔用這些資產。
Again the aim is to put ownership within the reach of the ordinary family, rather than perpetuating payment of rent and depriving them of the opportunity to invest in the asset they will in any case occupy.
还有其他一些情况反映出,对证据的解释和评估以及举证责任的反转反 正当程 序原则,使被拘留者处于弱势和无助地位,违反了无罪推定原则――所有 [...]
There are other situations that reflect an interpretation and
evaluation of the evidence and a reversal of the
[...] burden of proof contrary to the principles [...]
of due process, which put detainees in
a position of vulnerability and defencelessness and violate the principle of innocence – all of which represents a risk of torture and ill-treatment of such persons.
提交人声称,以下情况构成反正当 程 序:违反由独立和无偏倚法庭审判 的权利,违反禁止反悔原则以及未将审前羁押作为一项特殊措施而非一般规则。
The source contends that the following
[...] constitute breaches of due process: the violation of the right to an independent and impartial tribunal, the [...]
violation of the principle
of estoppel and failure to regard pretrial detention as an exceptional measure rather than a general rule.
不過,以受訪者自稱的政治取向深入分析,則在自稱民主派支持者中,有40%支持五區總辭,反對者有37%,可謂意見分歧 正反 不 過 半。
However, in-depth analyses regarding the respondents' self-proclaimed political
inclination show that, among those who claimed themselves to be democracy supporters, 40%
[...] support the idea while 37% oppose it.
我们必须考正反两 种看法;我们必须非常审慎,以便找到能够促成这个 地区和平与稳定的真正妥协办法。
take into consideration both points of view, and we have to be very careful in order to find a real compromise solution that would bring peace and stability to the region.
正反 映透 過稅收及提供福利,有助收窄收入差距。
This indicates that taxation and the provision of social benefits have helped reduce income disparity.
5)全民投票的結果不可預知和控制,真正公平公正的全民投票對有關議題 正 、 反 雙 方 都帶有一定的風險。
(5) The results of referendums are unpredictable and uncontrollable. A genuinely fair and open referendum brings risks to both the affirmative and negative sides of the concerned motion.
作为新系统的一部分,消耗性财产管理政策和程序也将审查和 正, 反映系 统的变更,以及采购部门在采购财产问责上的作用和责任。
As part of this new system roll-out, non-expendable property
policies and procedures will also be
[...] reviewed and revised to reflect system changes, [...]
as well as the roles and responsibilities
of the purchasing divisions in terms of accountability for assets purchased by them.
正反开关的端子 (+) 和 (-) 呈吊耳状,有一个 M10 螺丝的 开孔。
The (+) and (-)
[...] terminals of the reversing change-over selector [...]
are shaped in the form of lugs with a through-hole for M10 screws.
当务之急是从整体着眼制定和平文化与可持续发展政策,可以将这两方面极为形象地 比喻为“同一枚硬币正反面”
There is an imperative need to adopt a holistic approach of policies
regarding a culture of peace and sustainable development, best captured by
[...] the image of being the “two sides [...]
of the same coin”.
关于阿以问题的决议和辩论必须做到 正 ,反 映出所有相关方的责任,并力争推动通过谈判实现和 平。
The resolutions and the debate on Arab-Israeli issues ought
[...] to be fair-minded, reflect the responsibilities [...]
of all parties concerned and seek
to advance a negotiated peace.
最后,我国代表团要申明,安全理事会改革是我 们这个国际组织最重要的问题之一,现在的确是增加
[...] 其成员、改进其工作方法和决策进程的时候了,这样 安理会才能正反映和 表达联合国所有会员国的立 场,而不是像有时那样被大国所利用,以牺牲发展中 [...]
In conclusion, my delegation wishes to state that reform of the Security Council is one of the most vital issues for our international Organization, and it is indeed high time that its membership be increased and its working methods and
decision-making processes be improved, so that
[...] the Council truly reflects and expresses [...]
the positions of all Members of the United
Nations, instead of being exploited, as it sometimes is, by the major Powers to promote their own political agendas at the expense of the developing nations.
尚未讨论到的一个重大挑战可能会对在世界贸易组织(WTO)框架内正在谈判的服务 贸易总协定(GATS)产正反面影响。
One important challenge, which has not been discussed, is the possible
negative and positive impact of the General Agreement on Trade in
[...] Services (GATS) being negotiated within [...]
the framework of WTO.
泵出口油液方向随斜 盘方向变化而改变,从而实现马达输出 正/反 转 向 切换。
Reversing the angle of the swashplate reverses the flow of oil from the
[...] pump and thus reverses the direction [...]
of rotation of the motor output.
代表委任表格,不論適用於特別大會或其他情況,須為一般或通用格式或董事 可能批準的任何其他格式,惟代表委任表格載列的條文不得禁止及董事不得禁 止採用載正反表決 選擇的代表委任表格,及董事可於彼等認為適當時將大會 適用的代表委任表格連同任何大會通告一併寄出。
An instrument appointing a proxy whether for a specified meeting or otherwise may be in any usual or common form or in any other form which the Directors may approve provided that no provision contained herein shall prohibit, and the Directors shall not prohibit, the use of a two-way proxy form and the Directors may, if they think fit, send out with the notice of any meeting forms of instruments of proxy for use at the meeting.
对 Sensei X 系统和两个新型导管正反馈表 明这个平台可能会继续增加机器人在EP手术中的应用。
The positive feedback to the Sensei [...]
X system and the two new catheters demonstrates the potential of this new platform to
continue to increase the adoption and utilization of robotics in EP procedures.
我们的问题是—— 正如他本人所说的那样——就附带条件这一点以及 该政策所牵涉正反两方面问题而言,存在着发展和 细化的空间。
The issue for us — as he himself said — is that there is scope for development and refinement in the conditionality dimension and the positive and negative elements it entails.
继续努力以 使论及人权的语言正反映 性 别平等(加 拿大);加紧努力 以 加强对妇女权利的尊重并促进性别平等(瑞典);加倍努力消 [...]
除 对妇 女的歧视并贯彻《 消除对妇女一切形 式 歧视公约》(墨西哥);保证农 村妇女全面享有教育、卫生保健、信贷以及土地和住房方面的机会以
执 行消除 对妇女歧视委员会的建议(卢森堡);在存 在着一些妨碍妇 女 行使权利的文化传统的农村地区加强提高认识的工作(联合王国); 9.
Continue efforts so that the language referring
[...] to human rights truly reflects gender equality [...]
(Canada); increase efforts to strengthen
the respect of women’s rights and to promote gender equality (Sweden); redouble efforts to eliminate discrimination against women and apply the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women fully (Mexico); ensure that full access is given to rural women to education, health care and credit, as well as to land and housing as recommended by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (Luxembourg); and strengthen awareness-raising efforts in rural areas where some cultural traditions inhibit women’s rights (United Kingdom)
我必須!因為假如我不能主 宰自己的航程,那我永遠不能生活在一個能 正反 應真誠的世界裡。
For if I am not master of my course, I will never live
[...] in a world that reflects real integrity.
到頭來,社會對公園圍籬的意見呈 正反 兩 極 ,在布宜諾斯艾利斯等城市裡,最好不要架起圍牆,因為當地人口眾多,平均每人可享受的綠地面積很小,故自由進出公園變得更為重要。
In Buenos Aires, and in other similar cities, it may make more sense not to put up fences since a larger population and less green space per person makes access to park space critical at all times of day.
這 份 綠 皮 書 尌 推 行 按 結 果 收 費 這 個 議 題 , 研 究正 反 兩 方 陎 的 不 同 論 據 , 包 括 ︰ 利 益 衝 突 的 風 險 、 美 國 的 經 驗 、 尋 求 司 法 的 渠 道 、 容 許 消 費 者 有 更 多 選 擇 等 。
The 1989 Green Paper examined the various arguments for and against the introduction of outcome-related fees including the risk of 33 conflict of interest, the United States experience, access to justice and allowing more choice to the consumer.




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