单词 | 反智 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 反智 adjective —anti-intellectual adj (often used)less common: unwise adj See also:智 adj—wisdom adj 智 n—knowledge n 智 adv—intellectually adv
把親疏關係凌駕政策的優劣,其實 是反智的行為。 legco.gov.hk | To allow the importance of affinity to assume greater importance than the merits or demerits of [...] policies is in fact anti-intellectual behaviour. legco.gov.hk |
主席女士,這是否一個反智的社 會呢? legco.gov.hk | Madam President, is this an anti-intellectual society? legco.gov.hk |
所以,如果這些如 此反智、企圖歪曲事實的調查是由中策組進行,我們為何要給公帑讓 [...] 它去做呢? legco.gov.hk | Hence, if the CPU is [...] undertaking these anti-intellectual polls [...]in an attempt to distort the truth, why should we provide [...]it with public funds to do so? legco.gov.hk |
主席女士,現行這種 反 智的政制安排 更 因 議席產 生的方式 不同, [...] 而令議 會 內 很 難 組 成 多數黨 。 legco.gov.hk | Madam President, with such an unwise political arrangement [...] and Members returned by different methods, a majority party can [...]hardly be formed in the Council, thus making it difficult for political parties to exercise effective checks and balances on the Government. legco.gov.hk |
這些反智的行為、反智的表現,其實令 我們香港人十分難過。 legco.gov.hk | Such anti-intellectual behaviour and acts have [...] actually saddened Hong Kong people. legco.gov.hk |
今天要我們討論這個“爛方案”,其實便 是 反智 社 會的最真實反映, 而令社會越來越反智的元 兇,便是我們的政府。 legco.gov.hk | The "crap package" to be discussed by [...] us today most truly [...] reflect an anti-intellectual society, and the Government is the prime criminal who made our society become increasingly anti-intellectual. legco.gov.hk |
政 府可制 訂合理的機 制、收回 這些土 地 , 或 採 用 以 地換地的 方 式 , 避免再出現受影響的業權 人 為求發 展 而 自 行 破壞土 地 生 態 環 境的荒謬、 反 智 行為。 legco.gov.hk | The Government may also set up reasonable mechanisms of land resumption or exchange, so that the affected landowners will not resort to such absurd and anti-intellectual actions as deliberately damaging the ecological environment on their lands for the sake of development. legco.gov.hk |
我覺得以這種邏輯來支持這項議案是完 全 反智 的。 legco.gov.hk | I think it is entirely anti-intellectual to [...] justify this motion by this logic. legco.gov.hk |
所请求强制执行的裁决并不违反智利 的 公共政策,因为被申请人已获得开始仲裁的通知,而且也被给予合理的机会 来陈述其案情。 daccess-ods.un.org | The award for which enforcement was [...] sought was not contrary to the public policy of Chile, because the defendant [...]had been notified [...]of the beginning of the arbitration and given a reasonable opportunity to present its case. daccess-ods.un.org |
當我們有如此反智、漠視數據、漠視民情,而只想用強權推動政策措施的政府,也浪費了中 [...] 策組。 legco.gov.hk | If our Government is so anti-intellectual and [...] it just wants to promote policies and measures autocratically without any [...]regard to data and public sentiment, work done by the CPU will just be wasted. legco.gov.hk |
局長雖然是主理房屋和運輸政策,但政策方向涉及不同的政府部門,我希望 局長回去與其他政策局商議,盡快改善這 些 反智 的 政 策,並且訂立長者房屋 政策的目標。 legco.gov.hk | Although the Secretary is responsible for housing and transport policies, since the policy directions involve different government departments, I hope that the Secretary can go back and [...] discuss with the other policy bureaux on [...] ways to improve such anti-intellect policies [...]as soon as possible and formulate the [...]objectives of an elderly housing policy. legco.gov.hk |
如果我們授權行政機關的一個部門去制定附屬法例,但 最終卻只能逆來順受,特別是當民意是完全反對時,這個代表民意的 立法機關也只能如橡皮圖章般,照通過如儀,這便絕對 是 反智 , 而這 對現時的情況及政治環境也沒有幫助。 legco.gov.hk | If we delegate a department of the executive authorities to make subsidiary legislation and in the end, we are only allowed to accept whatever is proposed even if there are inadequacies; and if this legislature, being a [...] representative of [...] public opinion, can do nothing but endorse the relevant subsidiary legislation like a rubber stamp, especially in the face of mass public opposition, is that not totally anti-intellectual? legco.gov.hk |
市民不禁捧腹大笑,有些人表示,行 政長官竟說出如此反智的言論。 legco.gov.hk | The people could not help but laugh, [...] and some would query how the Chief Executive could have made such an unwise remark. legco.gov.hk |
當然,這些 說話只是諷刺曾蔭權的答案是如此 反智。 legco.gov.hk | Can you arrange that for us?" Of course, he said this to tease Donald TSANG [...] for giving such an anti-intellectual answer. legco.gov.hk |
所以,我們真的無法理解,一項行之有效的政策突然被終止後, 到今天社會普遍要求恢復作為一個有效的資助政策,以及調節市場的 工具,卻竟然被拒絕,而當局所舉出的理由,我覺得 是 反智 和 反 常識 的。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, we really cannot understand, a well-tested policy had been suddenly terminated and today, the public generally request for the resumption of this effective policy of subsidized housing as a tool for market adjustment, and yet, the Government turned down this request. legco.gov.hk |
書中讚歎這羣人的智 慧,亦同時慨歎反智社會 對他們的無形壓迫。 legco.gov.hk | The book praises highly the wisdom of these people and also sighs with regret their invisible [...] oppression by an anti-intellectual society. legco.gov.hk |
簡 單 的 即 [...] 是 說,這 個 由 董 建 華 領 導 的 政 府 是 反 智 的。 legco.gov.hk | In brief, the Government led by [...] TUNG Chee-hwa is anti-intellectual. legco.gov.hk |
不执行这些建议和不能确保妇女和女童享有安全的治疗性流产 违 反 了 智 利的 国际人权义务。 daccess-ods.un.org | The failure to implement these recommendations and to [...] ensure that women and girls have access to safe [...] therapeutic abortion violated Chile’s international [...]human rights obligations. daccess-ods.un.org |
代理 主席,我作為律師這麼多年,我時常覺得,如果有些人拿出法律意見, [...] 告訴你這是法律,法律是這樣的,但當普通人士、不懂法律的人士聽 到,便覺得“有無攪錯”,好像不太合乎常理,似乎有少 許 反智。 legco.gov.hk | Deputy President, I have been working as a lawyer for so many years and I have always have such an impression: when a person presents me with a legal advice, telling me that it is a legal provison and that is what is stated in the law, ordinary people or those who do not know the law may wonder, [...] after listening to his remarks, if there is anything wrong because it seems not quite [...] normal and is a bit anti-intellectual. legco.gov.hk |
有 鑒 於此, 我和民 協 希望提 醒 政 府當局 和 中 央 政 府 , 絕 大部分的 香港市 民 都 是理性 和 文明,而 非 野蠻和 反 智的; 偏 激 和 辱 罵只會 導 致 香港人 對 管治 當 局 失 去 信 任 , 對 有 極 度 需 要 爭 取 民 心 的 特區政 府 來說, 這更是一種 背道而 馳 的 自 毀 行為。 legco.gov.hk | In view of this, both the ADPL and I wish to remind the Administration and the Central Government that an overwhelming majority of the people of Hong Kong is rational and civilized. legco.gov.hk |
主席,這便多得民建聯和自由 [...] 黨在兩年前漠視了基本人權的需求,在政治掛帥後,作出了完全不負責 任,以及有一位同事剛才所說的反智 行 為 ,導致這樣的結果。 legco.gov.hk | They acted, primarily out of political [...] considerations, in a completely irresponsible way [...] and in such an unwise way as criticized [...]by an Honourable colleague earlier, hence resulting in such an outcome. legco.gov.hk |
重 要 的 一 點 是 必 頇 查 明 所 有 曾 [...] 影 響 被 告 人 意 志 的 事 情 , 而 那 會 是 包 括 查 看 被 告 人 的 教 育 背 景 [...] 、 天 生 的 胆 怯 程 度 、 對 權 力 的 反 應 、 智 能 , 以 及《 法 官 規 則 》可 有 遭 到 [...]違 反 。 hkreform.gov.hk | It is important that all the circumstances that operated on the defendant's mind be ascertained, and that will include looking at his [...] educational background, natural timidity, [...] reaction to authority, intelligence and at any breaches of the judges' rules. hkreform.gov.hk |
轻微暴露的表现包括发育中重大事件的延迟、肌肉伸缩性及 腱反 射改变及智力低下(Ingham County 2005)。 zeromercury.org | The manifestations of mild exposure include [...] delayed developmental milestones, altered muscle [...] tone and tendon reflexes, and depressed intelligence (Ingham County 2005). zeromercury.org |
投机的末世论,发展因此,普遍反映 了 人类 的 智 慧 和 道德观念的增长,较大的男人和妇女的社会经验,以及他们对自然的认识不断扩大。 mb-soft.com | The development of eschatological speculation, [...] therefore, generally reflects the growth of human [...]intellectual and moral perceptions, [...]the larger social experience of men and women, and their expanding knowledge of nature. mb-soft.com |
Penny Stock 是一个全球经济萎缩的一个副产品,是一个对开始下滑的全球市场一个 明 智 的 反 应。 shop.projectaegis.com | Penny Stock is a byproduct of our current global recession, a clever reaction to the downturn of the global marketplace. shop.projectaegis.com |
他们强调,有 [...] 必要建立起由学术界、全国委员会、私营部门、政策制定者和决策者、非政府组织等组成的 网络,以促进反思,确保智力监测和前瞻性思维并将想法转化为行动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | They stressed the need for the establishment of networks comprising the academic world, National Commissions, the private sector, policy- [...] and decision-makers, NGOs, etc., in [...] order to enhance reflection, ensure intellectual [...]monitoring and prospective thinking, [...]and translate ideas into actions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
不 过,工作组也注意到,对在执行局会议上开展专题辩论的看法分歧很大 , 反 映 了作 为 智 力组 织教科文组织应如何发挥作用的深层次问题,以及由此会对执行局及其审议工作造成的影 响。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, the working group was also conscious of the well-known divergence of opinion on the [...] place of the thematic debate at [...] Executive Board meetings, reflecting the underlying issue [...]of the extent of UNESCO’s role as [...]an intellectual organization, and the consequences for the Executive Board and its deliberations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
从军事和安全的角度来看,在某些强权国家获得这种反人类的武器后,毫无 疑问,核战争是无法打赢的,而且参与这样一场战争将是不 明 智 和 反 人 类 的行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | From a military and security perspective, after certain powers obtained this inhuman weapon, there remained no doubt [...] that victory in a [...] nuclear war would be impossible, and that to engage in such a war would be an irrational and inhuman act. daccess-ods.un.org |
偏离我们的目 标不是明智之举;相反,我 们应当竭尽全力加快落实 与享有饮用水和卫生设施有关的各项目标,并成功完 成在日内瓦开始的进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is not advisable to stray from our goals; rather, we must devote ourselves to speeding up the implementation of the Goals related to access to water and sanitation and to carry the process begun in Geneva to a successful conclusion. daccess-ods.un.org |