

单词 反抗


反抗性 adj

seditious adj


antiwar protest

See also:



anti- adj


fight v

External sources (not reviewed)

越南是继反抗殖民主义和军事入侵的斗争后,显示 这一成功的。
Viet Nam had been able to demonstrate this success after its struggle against colonialism and military invasion.
委員認為有關部 門 應加強執
[...] 法,並促請當局向前線 執 法人員提供更妥 善的裝備,以應付 違例人 士反 抗 及 對 抗 行為。
Members considered that the relevant departments should step up enforcement efforts, and urged
that the frontline enforcement staff should be better equipped to deal with
[...] resistance and confrontation from offenders.
有必要向正反抗占领 的巴勒斯坦人民提供支助,以使他们能够 行使其不可剥夺的权利。
It was necessary to support the Palestinian people who were fighting against occupation in order to enable them to exercise their inalienable rights.
民间社会呼吁废除不公正的贸易协定,呼吁最不发达国 反抗 发 达 国家为商 谈对等贸易协定所作的努力。
Civil society is calling for an end to unjust trade agreements
[...] and for LDCs to resist efforts by developed [...]
countries to negotiate reciprocal trade agreements.
例如,欧洲防止酷刑委员会知 道的一些文书,禁止使用强制方法以惩 反抗 的 外 国人,或使用引起无用痛 苦的强制方法。
For instance, some instructions which the CPT
examined prohibit the use of means of restraint designed to punish
[...] the foreigner for resisting or which cause [...]
unnecessary pain.
(p) 部分委員關注到,採用"新加坡模式"可能會引起社 會強烈反抗和回 響,故此他們對政府當局建議引 入 " 新加坡模式"(即規定由滲水單位上層業主證明 其無須為影響下層單位的滲水情況負責) 的做法有 所保留。
(p) With the concern that it might lead to strong resistance and repercussion in the community, some members expressed reservation towards the Administration's proposal to bring in the "Singaporean Model" which would require the owner of the upper floor to prove that he/she was not responsible for the water seepage affecting the lower floor.
艺术家在他的艺术书籍反抗宣言 》中,暗示了不久的将来以宣言形式出现的生存手册。
The artist suggests the manual of survival in the near future in the form of declaration in his artist book Anti Manifesto.
在这些 演讲过程中,Rogo 再三呼吁对联合国和索马里境内的非洲联盟驻索马里特派团
[...] (非索特派团)部队使用暴力,并敦促他的听众前往索马里加入青年 反抗 肯 尼亚 政府的战斗。
During these lectures, Rogo repeatedly called for the use of violence against both the United Nations and the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM)
forces in Somalia, and urged his audiences to travel to Somalia to join
[...] al-Shabaab's fight against the Kenyan Government.
(d) 苏丹还承诺遵守关于尊重人权、国际法、难民、核电用途和大规模毁灭 性武器的国际文书;并诚恳地努 反抗 腐 败
(d) The Sudan is also committed to international instruments relating to respect for human rights, international humanitarian law,
refugees, the uses of nuclear power, and weapons of mass destruction; and exerts earnest
[...] endeavours to counter corruption.
随后在 2011 年 10 月 31 日,厄瓜多尔政府投票 支持联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)
[...] 接纳巴勒斯坦为其成员国,以克服数十年来的不公 以反抗一些 国家所带来的压力和威胁,这些国家 [...]
认为他们在处理国际关系事务中有权向其他国家强 加他们的观点。
Subsequently, on 31 October 2011, his Government had voted in favour of admitting Palestine as a Member State of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO), with a view to overcoming decades of
[...] injustice and in defiance of the pressure [...]
and threats from some States which felt
they had the right to impose their views on other countries in the conduct of their international relations.
框架提出若干问题以引导关键领域的资料收集和分 析,涉及 (a) 民族、族裔、种族或宗教群体的存在和易受害问题;(b) 侵犯这种群 体人权的事件;(c)
[...] 国内防止灭绝种族的能力;(d) 是否存在武反抗力量 ;(e) 是否存在任何重大的政治、经济等方面的动机趋势政治领袖挑动群体之间的分 [...]
裂;(f) 是否已经出现构成灭绝种族罪的要素;(g) 是否有出现致命弱点的时候; 以及 (h) 是否存在某种苗头,决心要摧毁人口中一个民族、族裔、种族、或宗教 群体等问题。
The framework asks a number of questions to prompt information collection and analysis of key areas, about (a) the existence and vulnerability of national, ethnic, racial or
religious group(s); (b) human rights violations committed against such group(s); (c) domestic capacity to prevent genocide; (d) the
[...] existence of armed opposition actors; (e) the [...]
existence of any significant
political or economic other motivation encouraging political leaders to stoke divisions between groups; (f) whether elements of the crime of genocide are already occurring; (g) whether there are moments of particular vulnerability approaching; and (h) whether there is a discernible intent to commit to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious population group.
美国前大使托马斯·彼格令(Thomas Pickering),威 廉·卢尔斯(William Luers )及国际安全问题专家吉 米·沃尔斯(Jim Walsh)说用制裁解决伊朗核问题尤其 困难,原因如下:首先,伊朗是地区大国而且是产油 国,在全球石油供给逐渐萎缩的情况下,各国会继续购 买伊朗原油;第二,伊朗政府已经公开承诺继续核研 发,而且就此前经验来看,伊朗可以在制裁生效之前装 好离心机;第三,伊朗民族自豪感强烈,而且憎恨外部 干涉;最后,制裁虽然有惩罚效果,但过于嚣张且自以 为是,因此容易导反抗而不是服从。
Former U.S. Ambassadors Thomas Pickering and William Luers, along with international security expert Jim Walsh, argue that the Iranian nuclear case presents a particularly tough challenge for sanctions for several reasons: Iran is a regional power and an oil supplier likely to continue to sell to various countries given declining global supply; its government has made a very public commitment to the nuclear program, and experience has shown it can build centrifuges faster than others can impose sanctions; it is a proud country with a cultivated abhorrence of outside interference; sanctions can impose costs, but their loud and accusatory character make them as likely to induce resistance as compliance.
在这方面,我要再次重申,利比亚新当局的出现 是利比亚人反抗不公现象这场革命的成果,它要将 [...]
伸张正义列为最高优先事项,因为没有正义就没有安 全,而没有安全就无法实现民主、发展和繁荣。
that the new authorities in Libya, which have
emerged as a result of the revolution of the
[...] Libyan people against injustice, will [...]
give the highest priority to the achievement
of justice, for there can be no security without justice, and democracy, development and prosperity cannot be achieved without security.
正 如 Taylor所 言 ﹐英 國 在 1911年 派 出 軍 艦 支 持 法反 抗 德 國 在 摩 洛 哥 的 軍 事 政 策 ﹐為 英 法 日 後 的 軍 事 聯 盟 奠 下 基 礎 。
As Taylor mentioned, British mobilization of her fleet to support France’s resistance to the German gunboat in Morocco in 1911 paved the road for the military alliance of Britain and France later.
这两种方式有助于人 们清醒地回忆起巴伐利亚的民反抗 组 织 与纳粹专制做斗争的历史。
Both are to contribute to keeping alive the memory of democratic resistance in Bavaria against the National Socialist dictatorship.
[...] 责为最严重的恐怖主义,而利用国家力量镇压和暴力对 反抗 外 国占领的 人民行使其不可剥夺的自决权利应继续受到谴责。
The brutalisation of people remaining under foreign occupation should continue to be denounced as the gravest form of terrorism, and that the use of State power for
the suppression and violence against
[...] peoples struggling against foreign occupation [...]
in exercising their inalienable right
to self-determination should continue to be condemned.
北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特位于山峰与海岸之间一块不大但风景秀丽的土地上,这座拥有精彩历史的城市相当具 反抗 精 神 ,在斗争后的数十年转变为一个充满活力的热闹旅游景点。
With its compact size, picturesque location between mountain and coast and fascinating history, Belfast in Antrim, Northern Ireland is a defiant city that has emerged from decades of strife into a vibrant, buzzing destination.
这显示出地方空间不断地变化以应对更广泛的经济政治 力量,但不是以任何决定性和随意的方式进行;儿童作为一股力量会根据本土需求和条反 抗、质疑和重构空间(Aitken et al. 2006)。
This implies that local spaces are changing in response to wider economicpolitical forces, but not in any deterministic and
causal manner; children
[...] as agents, can resist, contest and reformulate place according to local needs and conditions (Aitken et [...]
冲突矿物是指在武装冲突和人权侵犯的条件下开采的矿物(一般指钽、锡、金和钨),特别是在刚果东部各省,由刚果国民军和包括卢旺达解放民主力量在内的各武 反抗 团 体 挖掘的矿物。
Conflict minerals refers to minerals (generally tantalum, tin, gold and tungsten) mined under conditions of armed conflict and human rights abuses, notably in the eastern province
of DRC, by the Congolese National Army
[...] and various armed rebel groups, including [...]
the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda.
发言 人认为,在特别报告员的报告中,他没有适当考虑 到补贴的有害性,也没有考虑到发展中国家不可能 采用相同的武器反抗,因 为他们不可能提供给他 们的农民和富裕国家一样的补贴,他还没有考虑到 生计农业补贴不影响国际贸易,不会造成价格下跌, 不会阻碍农村发展,而富裕国家的农业补贴使发展 中国家发展自己的农业和出口产品的能力受到威 胁。
In his report, the Special Rapporteur did not take sufficient account of the harm they caused or of the fact that the developing countries were not competing on an equal footing because they could not give their farmers the same support that the rich countries did.
1900 年,威廉二世将德国东亚远征军派往中国,参与八国(英国、法国、德国、俄罗斯、美国、日本、奥地利和意大利)的军事行动,镇压中国义和团对外国势力 反抗。
The German East-Asian Expeditionary Corps was sent to China in 1900 by Kaiser Wilhelm II as part of the eight-nation (Britain, France, Germany,
Russia, United States, Japan, Austria, Italy) operation to
[...] suppress the Boxer Rebellion against foreign [...]
influence in China.
即使幾位民主派人士的行為並不代表整個派別,但就足以激發慣常沉默、持著「非主流民意」的人士,用「主流民意」人士最常用表達意見的方式走上街頭,也許代表他們對「主流民意」 反抗 和 諷 刺。
Even the behavior of several Democrats does not represent the whole Party, it is enough to rouse those silent 'non-mainstream public opinion' holders to use the 'mainstream public opinion' holders' usual means (i.e. rally) to express their opinion.
在 這 段 期 間 ﹐皇 權 受 到 削 弱 ﹐這 可 以 從 以 下 事 例 看 到 ﹕ 政
[...] 府 未 能 平 息 人 民 不反 抗 的 浪 潮 ﹐ 他 們 對 改 革 [...]
範 圍 過 窄 感 到 不 滿 。
In this period, there also witnessed the decline in imperial power in the sense that
it could not solve the problems of the
[...] rising tide of opposition which was disappointed [...]
at the narrowness of the reforms.
相反,各种情况表明,达尔 富尔冲突应视为《1949 年 8 月 12 日日内瓦四公约》共同第 3 条下的非国际武 装冲突,即:㈠ 存反抗中央 政府的有组织武装团体,㈡ 反叛分子控制部分 领土,㈢ 战事旷日持久。
Rather, the requirements are met for the Darfur conflict to be considered a non-international armed conflict under common article 3 of the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, namely, (i) the existence of organized armed groups fighting against the central authorities, (ii) control by rebels over part of the territory and (iii) protracted fighting.
2011 年 2 月 17 日,利比亚人民群反抗卡扎菲 政权,以便恢复他们的权利和尊严,并为所有国民在 [...]
长达几十年的不公、人权遭到侵犯和基本自由遭到剥 夺之后诉求正义。
On 17 February 2011, the Libyan
[...] people rose up against the Al-Qadhafi regime [...]
in order to restore their rights and dignity
and to achieve justice for all citizens after long decades of injustice, human rights violations and infringements of fundamental freedoms.




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