单词 | 反差 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 反差 noun —contrast n (often used)less common: discrepancy n • harshness n See also:差 n—difference n • discrepancy n • error n • inferior n 差—differ • differ from • mission • messenger • lacking • commission • make a mistake • err • fall short of
咨询委员会注意到减少初始职级 P-2/1 员额的提议,这与增加高级员 额的提议形成反差。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee notes the proposed reduction in entry-level P-2/1 posts, which contrasts with the increases in senior posts being put forward. daccess-ods.un.org |
请注意所有影响反差的数 据都写在了图表上。 motion.kodak.com | Notice that all of the data [...] that affects contrast is written on [...]the graph. motion.kodak.com |
这一必然反差使得 我们认识到,国家事实上并不仅仅是中央政府、所谓的行 [...] 政权力或者是秘鲁《政治宪法》所赋予的三权之总和。 daccess-ods.un.org | That contrast has pointed up the [...] fact that the State is indeed more than just the central government, the executive branch, [...]or the sum of the three branches of government established in the Constitution. daccess-ods.un.org |
分析发现:大学生将互联网作为重要信息渠道的比例极高(90.5%),但是他们对互联 网上的信息的信任程度却又极低(37.1%),这 种 反差 值 得 深入研究。 apira.org | According to analysis, the proportion of university students viewing the Internet as a major information [...] channel is high (90.5%), but they have a low (37.1%) trust in Internet [...] information, the contrast is worthy of [...]in-depth study. apira.org |
特别是由于它是波斯的影响力,这个世界之间 的 反差 , 在 这种邪恶,死亡和罪恶盛行,和未来世界“,这是完全好”(Tamid立法会),是如此强烈地强调,和流行的观点认为从一个过渡到其他可以通过一个巨大的危机带来了约,仅仅是一个垂死的世界和生育的一个新的阵痛衰退的迹象将迎来成立。 mb-soft.com | It was particularly owing to Persian [...] influence that the contrast between this [...]world, in which evil, death, and sin prevail, [...]and the future world, "which is altogether good" (Tamid lc), was so strongly emphasized, and the view prevailed that the transition from the one to the other could be brought about only through a great crisis, the signs of decay of a dying world and the birth-throes of a new one to be ushered into existence. mb-soft.com |
因此,當社會對某些政策已有共識時, 政府在處理上就必須非常小心,避免造成強烈 的 反差 , 不 能逆民意而 行。 legco.gov.hk | When the community has a consensus [...] about certain policies, the Administration must carefully [...] avoid strong opposition and it cannot [...]act against public opinion. legco.gov.hk |
如果在室內、室外等光線和陰影反差 強 烈 的地方(風景)追蹤拍攝移動的被攝物體,曝光可能不會 變成最佳值。 us.leica-camera.com | If you are following a moving subject while taking pictures in a place [...] (landscape) indoors, outdoors etc. where [...] there is a large difference between the light [...]and shade, the exposure may not become optimal. en.leica-camera.com |
一方面,教科文组织要在国际上承担制定全民教育全球活动安排的重要工作,另一方 [...] 面,还要直接为各个国家实现教育目标服务,这两个职能之间的鸿沟使教科文组织有限的协 调作用与达喀尔确定的某些宏伟目标 的 反差 成 为 关注焦点。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This gap between the Organization’s capacity to undertake significant action at the international level in setting the global EFA agenda, on the one hand, and its capacity to contribute directly towards the achievement of the EFA goals at the national level, on the other, brings into [...] focus the limits of UNESCO’s coordination role and the ambitious nature of certain of [...] the goals that were adopted at Dakar. unesdoc.unesco.org |
为支持其论据,法院指出,宣言没有明确表示宣言是科索沃议会所为,而宣 [...] 言第一段开头的语句“我们,人民民主选举产生的领导人……”同科索沃议会的 通常做法似乎形成反差,因 为科索沃议会在已通过法案的文本中采用第三人称单 [...]数(而不是第一人称复数)(咨询意见,第 107 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | in contrast to what appeared to be the common practice of the [...] Assembly of Kosovo, which used the third [...] person singular (as opposed to the first person [...]plural) in the text of adopted acts [...](Advisory Opinion, paragraph 107). daccess-ods.un.org |
这与提交给委员会的申诉中所载的内 容 反差 强 烈 ,申诉中二人声称阿富汗警察见 到第一申诉人携带的瑞典大使馆的文件时,表现非常残暴,使他差点丧了命。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is in sharp contrast to what is contained [...] in the complaint submitted to the Committee, where the complainants state [...]that the Afghan police had reacted so brutally when they saw documents from the Swedish embassy, which the first complainant brought with him, that he almost lost his life. daccess-ods.un.org |
圣塞浦路斯的口才平静流(主教的迦太基,249-58)是一个巨大 的 反差 给 他的“主人”问题。 mb-soft.com | The placid flow of St. Cyprian's eloquence (Bishop of Carthage, 249-58) is a great contrast to that of his "master". mb-soft.com |
其實,這問題 在香港已造成了一個很大的反差,便 是當有些土地暫時未有用途或不知如何 使用時,便會用來放置貨櫃,而這些貨櫃的存放情形,當然會引起當地居民 不滿,因為其中會產生噪音,如果說到環境污染,聲音也會構成其中一種污染。 legco.gov.hk | When it comes to environmental pollution, noises will certainly constitute one form of pollution. legco.gov.hk |
非政府国际 组织强调其国家级成员的自主性,以此来解释这 一 反差 现 象。 unesdoc.unesco.org | To explain this discrepancy, NGOs point to [...] the independence of their members. unesdoc.unesco.org |
同样,第60条第3款(b) 项规定“ 严重违反” 条约与其他违反条约的情况 形成反差,是违反[ 对条约] 必不可少的一项规定 daccess-ods.un.org | Likewise, article 60, paragraph 3 (b), defines a “material breach” of the treaty, in contrast to other breaches, as “the violation of a provision essential” [to the treaty]; and daccess-ods.un.org |
2011 年,有关从布基纳法索转让武器和有关物资以及 [...] 提供军事援助的报告不再是断断续续的,而是持续的,并且数量很大,这与 2009-2010 年期间形成鲜明反差。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2011, reports of transfers of weapons, related materiel, and military [...] assistance from Burkina Faso were no longer intermittent but sustained and [...] numerous, in marked contrast to the 2009-2010 period. daccess-ods.un.org |
通常,如果 [...] 使用实际印刷校正曲线对印刷机进行线性化,打印时将使用生成 低 反差 图 像 的线性版 材。 glunz-jensen.com | Generally, if you use the actual [...] press calibration curve to linearize your press then you will be printing with linear [...] plates that will produce flat images. glunz-jensen.com |
很难想象有什么国家比索马里和厄立特里 亚 反差 更 大了:索马里是一 个已经崩溃 20 [...] 多年的国家,没有正常运作的国家机构;厄立特里亚则拥有 非洲大陆中央集权程度最高的军事化独裁政府系统。 daccess-ods.un.org | Young People’s Front for Democracy and Justice It [...] would be hard to conceive of two States that [...] offer greater contrasts than Somalia [...]and Eritrea: the former, a collapsed State [...]for over two decades, with no functional national institutions; the latter, possessing the most highly centralized, militarized and authoritarian system of government on the African continent. daccess-ods.un.org |
1400 萬畫素加上最新的 HDRII 高反差影像優化技術,輕鬆一按,立刻捕捉影像最明亮與灰暗的細部。 benq.com.tw | This 14M digital camera has the latest HDRII image enhancement technology to capture both the darkest and brightest details of an image. benq.com |
表盘上美丽的黑色与白色的“V4”和“TAG [...] Heuer(豪雅)”雕刻完美并列,而获得专利的白色传动与重绕传动带,则以专门为新计时器独家开发的 高 反差 、 高 科技的白色聚合物制造。 hautehorlogerie.org | The beautiful black juxtaposes superbly with the white “V4” and “TAG Heuer” engravings on the dial, and with the [...] patented transmission and rewind white belts, [...] now in high-contrast, high-tech white [...]polymers exclusively developed for the new timepiece. hautehorlogerie.org |
而 在化学反应上,它也规范出染料能在不同片类中匹配,即便两种片类有着上述任一品项(例 如 反差 上)的显着差异,不具有剪接一致性,但仍可能在艺术上匹配或互补。 motion.kodak.com | If two films offer significant differences from one another in any of the above categories (different contrasts for example), they may still be considered artistically compatible or complementary, but not necessarily intercuttable. motion.kodak.com |
4-1.2 所有的警句标签必须是在一个显著的 位置,使用英语,引人注意,印刷清楚,在排列 和颜色上与其它的图文内容反差强烈。 afsl.org | 4-1.2 All cautionary labeling must be located prominently and in the English language in conspicuous and legible type in contrast by typography, layout or color with any other printed or graphic matter on the label. afsl.org |
光滑的金属和奢侈的黄金形成强烈 反差 , 受 此启发, kimrobinson 工作室总监Kim [...] Robinson 设计了标志性的限量版发夹系列。 kimrobinson.com | Inspired by the contrast of sleek metals [...] and luxe gold, kimrobinson studio director Kim Robinson was inspired to create [...]a capsule collection around the iconic barrette shape. kimrobinson.com |
有色彩反差的缝合线、领子内侧的定型线和两侧开襟的设计让这款女性衬衫更好看。 decathlon.com.cn | Contrasting topstitching, tape trim inside collar and contrasting openings at the side embellish this women's polo shirt. decathlon.com.cn |
其44毫米直径精钢表壳具备12巴的防水性能,灰色表盘上印有库斯托的签名,白色刻度与蓝色累加器形成强烈 的 反差 效 果,佩戴在手腕上显得格外醒目。 iwc.com | The 44-millimetre stainless-steel case is pressure-resistant to 12 bar and, with a slate-coloured dial bearing Cousteau’s signature, high-contrast white indices and blue totalizers, transforms the watch into an unmistakable statement on the wearer’s wrist. iwc.com |
这与短暂而急促的商业世界相比, 反差 极 大。 visitfinland.com | Compared with the short-term world of business driven by quarterly results, there’s a huge contrast. visitfinland.com |
沿用1000萬有效像素CCD及f/1.9大光圈28mm定焦鏡頭,新代GR Engine把ISO值提高至3200度;並針對光差問題加入「高動態範圍補償」(Dynamic Range Compensation),解決在光源極大反差的環境中,影像無法顯示細節的問題。 think-silly.com | Featuring a 10MP CCD sensor and a fixed 28mm f/1.9 lens, the new generation GR Engine pushes the ISO sensitivity to 3200, while adding “Dynamic Range Compensation” to help minimizing the effects of blown highlight in bright areas. think-silly.com |
SOLO LOEWE POP是回應當代男士需求的香水,他的周圍充滿具有強 烈 反差 的 事物而他總是能夠在工作與家庭生活之間,責任與生活中的閒暇時光之間找到平衡和諧是融和這些衝突的關鍵因素,而SOLO LOEWE POP是男性形象的完美代言人,他能在一個充滿變化而令人目眩的世界上,在緊張中找到平靜. hk.eternal.hk | SOLO LOEWE POP was conceived as a response to the needs of the contemporary man, who lives surrounded by constant contrasts and is able to reach a balance between his working life and his family life, his obligations and his moments of leisure… Harmony is the key to resolving these vital conflicts and SOLO LOEWE POP is the perfect ambassador for the man who is able to find serenity in a tense, changing and dizzy world. hk.eternal.hk |
打开一个专用IP地址和个人网络端口(征得客户同意),服务中心能够通过EasyLED软件或者网页将问题发送给投影仪,投影仪将用包括序列号,固件类型,LED寿命以及投影仪状态(包括开启,空白,静止,无信号)的参数来回答,现时挑选出来的输入以及分辨率,图像设置状态(例如亮度 , 反差 系 数 )等等。 sim2usa.com | Opening a dedicated IP address and a port of a private network (to be agreed with the customer) the service center can send queries through either EasyLED software and Web Pages to the projector which will answer with a parameter list including Serial Number, Firmware version, LEDs life hours, projector’s status (e.g. ON, [...] blank, freeze, no signal), current selected input and resolution, image settings’ status [...] (e.g. brightness, gamma) and so on. sim2usa.com |
專為捕捉高反差影像所設計的HDR高 反差 影 像 優化技術,解析度升級至1400萬畫素,HDR能捕捉更清晰的前景與背景細節,在任何場景中皆能拍出光源平衡的影像。 benq.com.tw | With its resolution upgraded to 14MP, HDR captures the finest foreground and background details and generates a balanced lighting image in any setting. benq.com |
如这些玩具像毛绒玩具般有毛毯的柔软的质感,或色彩对比分明(如黑和白), 或含有基本的反差大的 图案和脸部轮廓,或色彩丰富、鲜艳,更会魅力倍添。 cpsc.gov | They are more appealing when they have a soft, felt-like texture like plush toys, have highly contrasting colors (for example, black and white) or basic contrasting patterns and faces, or have rich vibrant colors. cpsc.gov |