单词 | 反射光 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 反射光—reflected lightless common: reflection reflect light See also:反射(...)v—reflect (sth.)v reflexv bouncev 反射n—reflectancen reflectionn reflectionspl reflectivityn reflexionn 反射—reflect reflection (from a mirror etc) reflex (i.e. automatic reaction of organism) 反光adj—reflectiveadj
我们知道所有的可见物体都朝各个方向反射光,我们需要收集尽可 能多的光线到胶片上。 motion.kodak.com | We know that since all [...] visibleobjectsreflect light rays in all directions, [...]we must gather as many rays as possible and [...]get them to our film without distortion. motion.kodak.com |
在可透视的表镜表面上,涂上薄薄的一层可使反射光源驱 散的可透视薄膜。 oris.ch | A thin transparent layer deposited on the surface of a transparent [...] object, whichdispersesreflected light. oris.ch |
而这些对我们非偏振反射光谱来说都不需要,极大地节约了人员培训和测量时间。 cn.filmetrics.com | Neither of these approaches are required for [...] our unpolarizedspectralreflectance. filmetrics.com |
光谱 椭圆偏振仪 (SE) 和光谱反射仪(SR) 都是利用分析反射光确定电介质,半导体,和金属薄膜的厚度和 折射率。 cn.filmetrics.com | Both Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (SE) and SpectralReflectance [...] (SR) analyzereflected lightto determine the thickness and refractiveindexof dielectrics, [...]semiconductors, and thin metal films. filmetrics.com |
LCOS 显示器与传统的液晶显示器相比其优点 是液晶能够反射光线,而不是让它通过。 moderntech.com.hk | the advantage of lcos displays over conventional lcDs is the ability of their liquid crystals to reflect the light instead of letting it pass through. this allows for placing the driving circuitry under the reflective [...] layer, which helps to get [...] rid of the rastergrid in displayed images. lcos panels providesmooth color transitions [...]with ultra-precise [...]grayscale gradations. they produce crisp and clear high-resolution images without an annoying “rainbow effect”. moderntech.com.hk |
白色光,明视场透射光与反射光,暗视场 反射光 malvern.com.cn | White light, bright field diascopic and episcopic, dark field episcopic. malvern.de |
激光传感器向工件表面投射光线,感应器获得反射光和散射光并自动计算3D空间内激光和工件之间的测量点距离。 a0038.009k.net | Laser sensors in multisensor systems [...] work by projecting light towards a [...] surface, collecting thereflected and/orscattered light [...]ona dedicated sensor, and automatically [...]calculating the distance ofa measured point between the laser and the part in3D space. a0038.009k.net |
此外,反射光束的s-极化和 p-极化分量之间的相移位应尽量低,以避免干扰激光光束的极化。 ophiropt.com | In addition, phaseshift between the s- and p-polarized [...] componentsof the reflectedbeam should be as [...]low as possible in order [...]to avoid disturbing the polarization of the laser beam. ophiropt.com |
涂料内含聚合物,气温下降时会溶化在胶质内,露出能吸热的黑色表面,随着气温提高,聚合物会与胶质分裂,形成白色混合物反射光线,他期望这项产品明年可量产,也表示投资者众。 thisbigcity.net | The coating contains a polymer which dissolves in gel when temperatures drop, revealing a black background which absorbs light. thisbigcity.net |
通过从一个角度向被测表面发射强度不变的光束,然后监测同一角度反射光的量来测量光泽度。 elcometer.com | Gloss is measured by directing a constant intensity lightbeam atan angle to the test surface [...] and monitoringthereflected light atthe same angle. elcometer.com |
根据接收到的光量或反射光的光量变化进行检测。 sensorcentral.com.cn | Detection is based on the quantity of light received, or the [...] change in thequantity of reflectedlight. sensorcentral.com |
Mirasol显示器是业界首款使用干涉测量调制(IMOD)的显示器;干涉测量调制是一项基于微电子机械系统的技术,能从环境反射光生成 色彩。 qualcomm.cn | The mirasol display is the industry’s [...] first to use [...] interferometricmodulation (IMOD); a micro-electro-mechanical systems-based technology capable of creating color from ambientreflected light. qualcomm.co.kr |
传统太阳能电池板仅从面对太阳的一面收集能量,而 Norlina 的电池阵呈管型,可以 360 度全方位收集太阳能,包括屋顶反射光。 glenraven.com | While conventional solar panels collect energy only from the surface facing the sun, [...] Norlina’s arrays are tube-like and collect [...] solar energy from sunlightcoming from360 degrees, including roofreflections. glenraven.com |
所有建筑玻璃幕墙可见光反射率不应超过 0.3,沿市政道路两侧 10 米以下玻璃幕墙可见光反射率不应超过 0.16。 szdesigncenter.org | The visible light transmission of all the glass curtain of construction shall not be more than 0.3; The visible light transmission [...] of the glass curtain [...]below 10 meters along the both sides of the municipal roads. szdesigncenter.org |
另外,科学技术卫星-2 装备有一个卫星激光反射器,用来证明其旋进轨道 确定能力。 oosa.unvienna.org | STSAT-2 has also been equipped with [...] a satellite laser reflectortodemonstrate [...]its precession orbit determination capability. oosa.unvienna.org |
这个防光晕层,是一个在胶片片 基中或者在胶片片基上的深色涂层,能够吸收或者减少光反射。 motion.kodak.com | An antihalation layer,a dark coating on or in the film base, will absorb and minimize this reflection. motion.kodak.com |
激光切割机,激光切割雕刻机,激光打标机,激光雕刻机,CO2系统,YAG系统,CO2激光管,激光聚焦透镜,激光反射镜,激光电源,工业用水冷却机,激光光学,激光控制系统,激光切割头和配件等。 chinatrader.ru | Laser Cutting Machines, Laser Cutting Engraving [...] Machine, Laser Marking [...] Machine, Laser Engraver, Co2 System, YAG System, Co2 Laser Tube, Laser Focusing Lens,LaserReflector Mirror, Laser [...]Power Supply, Industrial [...]Water Cooler Unit, Laser Optics, Laser Control System, Laser Cutting Head and accessories etc. chinatrader.ru |
在HiRISE图像处理和存储器模块内,共有28个高性能14位ADI [...] AD6645模数转换器用于一个由14个电荷耦合器件(CCD)组成的阵列,这一阵列用来捕捉火星表面 反射回 来的入 射光。analog.com | Within HiRISE’s image processing and memory module, twenty-eight high performance 14-bit ADI AD6645 analog-to-digital (A/D) converters are utilized [...] across an array of fourteen charge-coupled devices (CCDs), which [...] capture incominglightreflected off the Marssurface. analog.com |
由于粒径大小对入射光线所产生的反射和干 涉的物理特性,它们可以产生丰富多彩的色彩,展现出从水晶般的金属闪烁到丝缎般的珍珠效果。 eckart.com.cn | Due to their physicalproperties in respect of reflection and interaction [...] with incident light and depending on their particle [...]size they offer a wide range of colouristic possibilities creating effects from crystalline metallic sparkling to silky pearl appearance. eckart.net |
其他考虑事项是阴霾和海面产生的 光反射,这可 能会影响对油类的能见度。 itopf.com | Other considerations are [...] haze and light reflection off thesea, [...]which can affect visibility of the oil. itopf.com |
Marktech 的光反射器在单一封装中同时包含了发射器和光检测器功能,能在目标进入检测区域时,从传感器发射光线,再将这束光线 反射回检测器侧。 digikey.cn | Marktech's photo reflectorsare sensors that contain both emitter and photo detector functions within a single package, emitting light from the sensor andreflecting it back tothe detector side [...] as an object enters the sensing area. digikey.be |
根据分光反射率计算的 L*a*b* 的观察条件为 10 度 /D65。 konicaminolta.com | Monitoring conditions for L*a*b* [...] calculated from spectral reflectivity arefor 10° [...](observer) field of view and D65 light source. konicaminolta.com |
另一名出示 了其病历手册,其中记载他请求进行爱克斯光检查,因为腹部持续疼痛 反射至背 部和臀部左侧;在手册中没有记录答复,只有囚犯的坚持要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another showed his healthcare booklet in which he [...] requests anX-ray because of persistent pain in the abdomenradiating to theback [...]and left hip; no response [...]was noted in the carnet other than the prisoner’s insistence. daccess-ods.un.org |
据意法半导体公司光学特性和仿真专家Axel Crocherie博士称:“FDTD Solutions 7.0中可用的优化设计功能,有利于快速找到微透镜曲率半径或抗 反射层的最佳工作点,以优化CMOS图像传感器的量子效率。 tipschina.gov.cn | According to Dr. [...] AxelCrocherie, Optical Characterization and Simulations Expert at STMicroelectronics, "the optimization function available in FDTD Solutions 7.0 is useful to quickly find the best operating point for microlens radius of curvature or the antireflective layersto optimize [...]the quantum efficiency of CMOS images sensors. tipschina.gov.cn |
具 有 高 度 太阳光 反 射能力的 凉 爽 屋 顶 能 应 对 由 于 沥 [...] 青 和 混 凝 土 的 大 量 使 用 而 引 起 的 城 市 热 岛 效 应, 热 岛 效 应 可 使 城 市 温 度 比 农 村 高 出 10 度。 huntsman.com | Cool roofs – those that can [...] deliver high solar reflectance–combat the Urban [...]Heat Island Effect, caused by widespread use [...]of asphalt and concrete, which can make cities up to 10 degrees warmer than rural areas. huntsman.com |