

单词 反右派斗争

See also:




right wing
(political) right



External sources (not reviewed)

强调了设立和加强参反腐败 斗争的专 门机构以及提高认识和教育活动,同时强调了公民社会和私营部门参 [...]
The creation and strengthening of specialized institutions
[...] involved in the fight against corruption, as well [...]
as awareness-raising and education campaigns,
were emphasized, as was the importance of involving civil society and the private sector.
在这方面还提到匈牙利的极右翼尤比克 党,该党与意大利、英国、瑞典和比利时的极右翼团体而不是本地区的 右 翼党 派建立了联盟。
Reference was made in this regard to Hungary’s extreme right-wing Jobbik party that had formed an
alliance with Italian, British, Swedish and Belgian
[...] far-right groups rather than extreme right-wing parties in the region.
[...] 安全部门关押的人应有机会得到法律咨询和信息,在武装冲突 反 恐 斗争 中 应尊 重国际人道主义法。
It stressed that detainees held by the political security department should be given access to legal advice and
information and that international humanitarian law be respected during armed
[...] conflicts and the fight against terrorism.
[...] 同文明间对话的行动,并强调了这种对话在消除不同民族和不同文化之间的不信任以及在解 决冲突反恐斗争中的关键作用。
As regards future orientations, several Member States commended the initiative taken by the Director-General to promote a dialogue among civilizations, including at the regional and interregional levels, and emphasized the critical role such a dialogue could play in overcoming
mistrust between peoples and cultures as well as in the context of conflict
[...] resolution and the fight against terrorism.
此外,他这位同行所在的国家正是一家萨拉菲 派卫星电视网络的东道国,这个网络持续煽动叙利 亚人之间的派斗争。
Moreover, the country from which his colleague hailed was
hosting a Salafi satellite television network that was working without
[...] interruption to foment sectarian strife among Syrians.
大家看看《經濟學人》中最保守、最 右派 ” 的 經 濟學者的論據,他們均指出資本主義在現時受到很大的質疑,所以現時 全世界也應該回看整個金融業泡沫化的問題,這方面有需要大家反 省, 亦希望香港不要再出現第二次的問題。
In the Economist, the most conservative and "rightist" economists have argued that as capitalism is questioned a lot, the whole world should reconsider the finance industry bubble problem.
为了国家的最高利益,任命过程绝不能再次成 为派之间争斗的对象,而必须立即完成,不再拖延。
The appointment process must not again
[...] become the object of partisan infighting, but rather [...]
must be accomplished without delay
in the best interests of the country.
深为痛惜在打击恐怖主斗争中发 生了侵犯人权和基本自由的行为以及反国际 难民和人道主义法的行为, 关切地注意到有些措施可能损害人权和法治,例如在没有按律羁押的依据和 正当法律程序保障的情况下羁押恐怖行为涉嫌人,以相当于将被羁押者置于法律 保护之外的方式剥夺自由,在没有基本司法保障情况下审判涉嫌人,非法剥夺恐 怖活动涉嫌人的自由并将他们移送他处,在未作个别风险评估以断定是否存在确 凿理由相信涉嫌人回国有可能遭受酷刑的情况下便遣送涉嫌人回国,以及限制有 效监督反恐措施
Noting with concern measures that can undermine human rights and the rule of law, such as the detention of persons suspected of acts of terrorism in the absence of a legal basis for detention and due process guarantees, the deprivation of liberty that amounts to placing a detained person outside the protection of the law, the trial of suspects without fundamental judicial guarantees, the illegal deprivation of liberty and transfer of individuals suspected of terrorist activities, and the return of suspects to countries without individual assessment of the risk of there being substantial grounds for believing that they would be in danger of subjection to torture, and limitations to effective scrutiny of counter-terrorism measures
但是,政治派和右派 都有一些人采反对和 平解决和坚持原始协定的立 场。
There are
[...] positions on the political left and right alike, however, that argue against [...]
the merits of peaceful resolution
and adherence to the original agreements.
為確保 股 東 獲 得 將 在 股 東
週 年 大 會 上 批 准 派 發 之 末 期 股 息(將 於 二 零
[...] 一 一 年 六 月 二 十 日 或 該 日右 派 發),股 東 須 於 二 零 一 一 年 [...]
五 月 十 二 日 下 午 四 時 三 十 分 前,將 所 有 轉 讓
文 件 連 同 有 關 股 票 送 交 本 公 司 之 股 份 過 戶 登 記 處,香 港 中 央 證 券 登 記 有 限 公 司,地 址 為 香 港 灣 仔 皇 后 大 道 東183號 合 和 中 心17樓 1712–1716號舖,辦 理過 戶 登記 手 續。
In order to establish
[...] entitlement to the final dividend to be approved at the [...]
AGM (and payable on or about 20 June 2011),
all transfers accompanied by the relevant share certificates must be lodged with the Company’s share registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at Shops 1712–1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, not later than 4:30 pm on 12 May 2011 for registration of transfer.
影像和原始影片的影像同样大 小,但右相反。
Images are the same size as the original
[...] images, but have a reversed left-to-right orientation.
當 年 毛 澤 東 就 是因為害 怕 人 民 翻 文 化大革命 的案,所以在死 前 幾 年,與 四 人 幫 一 起 大反 右 傾 翻 案風。
Years ago, MAO Zedong was afraid that the people would reverse the verdict on the Cultural Revolution and so several years before he died, he
teamed up with the Gang of Four to start the
[...] Struggle against Right Deviation and the Tendency to Reverse Correct Verdicts.
[...] 工作的补充,已经有了发展;这一点是通过与当地的非政府组织合作,在实地开展有实效 的、成反贫困斗争样板 和支柱的具体活动来实现的:在尼日尔(培训贫困、失业妇女从事 [...]
导游工作,开辟环游线路“Imzadr 的明白人”;在阿尔及利亚(非物质遗产);在毛里塔尼
亚(为贫穷者举办文化旅游培训讲习班);在马里(修复一座房子,将其变成文化中心); 在摩洛哥(提高一个妇女合作社的能力)。
In addition to designing a strategy for the medium and longer term and efforts to raise the awareness of decision-makers and strategic stakeholders, UNESCO’s action has been pursued through specific field activities that have
tangible effects and serve as examples and
[...] springboards for combating poverty, in cooperation [...]
with local NGOs in Niger (training
of guides, T.O., women in poverty, the unemployed and establishment of the “Imzad listeners” tourism circuit), Algeria (intangible heritage), Mauritania (training seminar in cultural tourism for poor people), Mali (renovation of a house as a cultural centre) and Morocco (building the capacities of a women’s cooperative).
英國的左 派 上 台 時指 BBC 是右 派 的 恐 龍 ",右 派當權時,卻 指 BBC 是 “ 左 派 的 溫 床 "。
When the leftists of Britain were in power, BBC was branded as the dinosaur of the rightists.
它们反对种族主斗 争最全 面的国际框架。此外,要以更大的决心和政治 意愿,在世界各地包括被外国占领的所有地区并在生 活的各个方面,消除形形色色的种族主义、种族歧视、 仇外心理和相关不容忍行为,这也是必不可少的。
Furthermore, it is indispensable to address with greater resolve and political will all forms and manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in all spheres of life and in all parts of the world, including all those under foreign occupation.
全国大会党很 快食言,《达尔富尔和平协议》并未带来和平,而是引 发了更多的冲突与派争斗。
The NCP quickly reneged, and the DPA led to more conflict and factionalism, rather than peace.
专家组将继续 调查这些情况和其他一些情况,即移居国外的政治领导人 反第 1 807(2008)号 决议第 4 段和第 1804(2008)号决议第 1 段的规定,采取措施防止卢民主力量和 团结和民主联盟/全国保卫大会/卢旺达人民联盟/国民军 Imboneza 派战斗人员 放下武器。
The Group will continue investigating these and other incidents tying diaspora political leaders to measures to prevent FDLR and RUD/CND/RPR/AN-Imboneza combatants from laying down their weapons, in breach of paragraph 4 of resolution 1807 (2008) as well as paragraph 1 of resolution 1804 (2008).
由于特委会完全负责监察派军队战 斗 人 员和武器,而且尼泊尔军队由现行 宪法和法律规定加以管理,除了上述机制之外,现在不再需要任何解 争 端 机 制。
With SC fully in charge
[...] of monitoring of Maoist Army combatants and arms and the Nepal Army managed under existing constitutional and legal provisions, there is no longer a need for any dispute resolution mechanism [...]
in addition to
the already agreed aforementioned mechanisms.
但美国在有些方面还需更加努 力,其中最重要的是加入国际人权条约和 反 恐 斗争 中 保 障人权。
On the other hand, in a number of areas, including, first of all, acceding to the international human rights treaties and
ensuring human rights in the process
[...] of the fight against terrorism, additional efforts by [...]
the United States were required.
为了遵守他的誓言,维护王国的宗教统一,他介入 反 对 波罗雅尔(Port-Royal)修道院冉森 派 的 斗争 , 并 对新教徒进行迫害。
To fulfil his vow and preserve
[...] the kingdom’s religious unity, he led the struggle against the Jansenists of Port-Royal and the [...]
persecutions against the Protestants.
土地資源分配有問題,公共財政的理財原則又50年不變,坐在這 裏的全是右派,原 屬左派的現在都變 右派。
While there is a problem with the allocation of land resources, the principle of public finance management policy also remains unchanged for 50 years.
我相信英國保守黨也不 會承認自己是工商黨,只不過他們的信念較 右派 , 較 為資本主義,所以與工商界 的關係較為密切,這是無可否認的。
I think that even the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom would not admit to being a Commercial and Industrial Party.
朝鲜民主主义人民共和国在此根据安全理事会第 1624(2005)号决议向反恐 怖主义委员会提交报告,以执行联合国大会和安全理事会与反恐怖主义有关的各
[...] 项决议,并遵守各项打击恐怖主义国际公约的宗旨和原则,同时重申致力于继续 在国反恐怖主义斗争中予 以全力合作。
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea hereby submits its report to the Counter-Terrorism Committee pursuant to Security Council resolution 1624 (2005), honouring the resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council related to counter-terrorism as well as the purposes and principles of international conventions on
combating terrorism, and reaffirming its commitment to continued full
[...] cooperation in the international fight against terrorism.
但 是,即使將來有一人一票,我們亦要相當小心,以防經 右派 只 顧 營商, 而不利公義。
But even there will be elections on a one-person-one-vote basis, we
have to be very cautious in order to
[...] prevent the economic rightists from running their [...]
business at the expense of justice.
强调各国必须正确理解和履行关于禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格 的待遇或处罚的义务,反恐斗争中 严 格遵守《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或 有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》3 第 1 条关于酷刑的定义
Emphasizing the importance of properly interpreting and implementing the obligations of States with respect to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and of abiding strictly by the definition of torture contained in article 1 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment,3 in the fight against terrorism
我们欢迎自第 1373(2001)号决议通过以来全反恐斗争取得的巨大进展。我们特别注意到安理会根 [...]
据第 1267(1999)号、第 1373(2001)号和第 1540(2004) 号决议设立的三个反恐委员会在确保相关决议得到 充分执行及改进它们的工作方法和与会员国的互动
We welcome the significant progress that has been made in the
[...] global fight against terrorism since the adoption [...]
of resolution 1373 (2001), and we note
in particular the commendable efforts of the Council’s three counter-terrorism committees established pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999), 1373 (2001) and 1540 (2004) in ensuring the full implementation of the relevant resolutions and improving their working methods and interactions with Member States.
欧安组织驻塞尔维亚共和国派团也 在以下领域开展工作:司法机构,有 组织犯罪反腐败,关于争罪的 国内法律程序的改革,监禁机构、人权机构, 以及法律文件翻译工作的改革。
The OSCE Mission to the Republic of Serbia also works in the following fields: reform of the judiciary, organized crime, anti-corruption, domestic proceedings on war crimes, reform [...]
of imprisonment institutions,
human rights institutions and translation of legal documents.
至於更早期屬祖師爺一輩的財政司,例如報章上經濟 右派 人士不時提及的郭伯偉、彭勵治,小弟因不夠資深,所以沒有聽過他們發 [...]
As for those prominent Financial Secretaries further back in time, like John
COWPERTHWAITE and John BREMRIDGE who are often
[...] mentioned by the rightist economists in the [...]
press, I did not have the opportunity
to listen to their Budget speeches because I am not senior enough, but I have read the full text of their speeches.




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