单词 | 反右 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 反右 —anti-rightistExamples:反右运动—Anti-Rightist Movement, Mao's purge of "rightists" after the Hundred Flowers Campaign ended in 1957 反右派斗争—Anti-Rightist Movement, Mao's purge of "rightists" after the Hundred Flowers Campaign ended in 1957 See also:右—right (-hand) • west (old) • the Right (politics)
丁 教 授 在 她 的文章中 最 後 寫 道:“從‘ 反 右 ’ , 到 ‘ 文 革 ’ , 到 ‘ 六四’ [...] , 就是這五十年裏 兩 代 中 國人的命 運 。 legco.gov.hk | At the end of her article, Prof DING [...] wrote: "From 'the anti-rightist campaign' to 'the [...]Cultural Revolution' and to '4 June', [...]the destiny of two generations of Chinese people in the past 50 years was reflected. legco.gov.hk |
中國共產黨解放中國,在他們的黨史上和事實上發生了文化大革 命、1958年的反右、19 53年的鬥地主、大躍進等行動......六四只是其 [...] 中一個事件而已。 legco.gov.hk | In the history of their party and in [...] actual fact, campaigns like the Cultural [...] Revolution, the anti-rightist movement of 1958, the [...]purge of landlords in 1953 and the [...]Great Leap Forward happened …… and the 4 June incident was just one of the incidents, so why are we so concerned about this one? legco.gov.hk |
廬山會議由反左變成反右,是 由於突然更改議程。 legco.gov.hk | Am I correct? The Lushan Conference suddenly switched from [...] ant-leftist to anti-rightist only because there [...]was a sudden change in agenda. legco.gov.hk |
當 年 毛 澤 東 就 是因為害 怕 人 民 翻 文 化大革命 的案,所以在死 前 幾 年,與 四 人 幫 一 起 大 搞 反 右 傾 翻 案風。 legco.gov.hk | Years ago, MAO Zedong was afraid that the people would reverse the verdict on the Cultural Revolution and so several years before he died, he [...] teamed up with the Gang of Four to start the [...] Struggle against Right Deviation and the Tendency to Reverse Correct Verdicts. legco.gov.hk |
由“整 風 " 、 “ 反 右 " 以至“ 文 革 " , 翻 開 一 頁 一 頁 的,都 是 血淚斑斑的 [...] 歷 史 。 legco.gov.hk | If we page through history from the periods of [...] "rectification", "anti-rightist" to "Cultural Revolution", [...]we will find that it was stained with blood and tears. legco.gov.hk |
當 然,我們很難在短時間內大幅度地改變自1949年以來經歷 了 反右 運 動和 文革等痛苦鬥爭的中國同胞。 legco.gov.hk | Certainly, it is very difficult for us to substantially change, in a short time, our compatriots in [...] China who have since 1949 experienced such painful [...] struggles as the Anti-rightist Movement and the Cultural [...]Revolution. legco.gov.hk |
原本是反務進、反左,突然變 成了反右,彭 德懷由那時候起,直至文革時被鬥死,皆是由於該會議中 突然有轉變,所以,倉卒開會的禍害很清楚。 legco.gov.hk | Since that Conference, PENG Dehuai had been persecuted until his death during the Cultural Revolution, all because of the sudden change in the course of the Conference. Therefore, the evil consequences of holding hasty meetings are all very clear. legco.gov.hk |
我們從歷史上看到,1950 年代初期,出現了三反五反,1957年出 現 反右 運 動,一直到1966年出現 文化大革命,到了1989年發生六四事件,甚至直到現在為止,中國共產 黨始終有其特色,意識形態的鬥爭是無可避免的。 legco.gov.hk | As we can see from history, and even until now, the Chinese Communist Party always maintains its own characteristics; ideological struggles are inevitable. legco.gov.hk |
記得在1976年時,主席你可能也花了不 少心思學習一項運動,那就是“反右 傾 翻 案風”。 legco.gov.hk | President, at that time, you might have made much effort to learn a campaign, [...] namely, the "review of anti-rightist cases". legco.gov.hk |
最近 , 我 看 了 一 篇 即 將 發 表 的文章,是 由 丁 子 霖 的 丈夫蔣培 坤 寫 的,其中一 段 是這樣說 的 :在中共 執 掌 權 力 的五十年裏 ,第一個 十年發動了“土 改”, “ 鎮 反 ”和 “ 肅 反 ” , 接 是“反 右”; 第二個 十年發動了史 無 前 例的“ 文 化大革 命 ” , 它 一 直 延 續 到 了 第三個 十年,最 後 以 鎮 壓 丙辰清明的“ 四 五 運 動”告 終 , 接 下去是 第 四 個 十年。 legco.gov.hk | In one of the paragraphs, it was written: Within the 50 years that the Chinese Communist Party has been in power, the "land reform", the "suppression of counter-revolutionaries" and the "elimination of counter-revolutionaries" were initiated in the first decade, followed by the "anti-rightist movement". legco.gov.hk |
九年之後,從反右到文 化大革命亦重蹈覆轍,對海外歸 僑,甚至只有海外關係的㆟都進行迫害,又㆒次使㆟民和國家都蒙受損害。 legco.gov.hk | After 1949, China committed the same [...] mistake during the Anti-Rightist Struggle and the Cultural [...]Revolution in persecuting the [...]returned overseas Chinese and even those who had overseas relations, causing again great damages to the people and the country. legco.gov.hk |
动预览中包含⼀个直⽅图, [...] 显⽰不同亮度像素在图像中的 分布状况,图中灰暗像素(阴影) 在左边⽽明亮像素(反⽩)在 右边。 ricoh.com | The manual preview contains a histogram showing how pixels of different [...] brightnesses are distributed in the image, with dark pixels (shadows) on the left and [...] bright pixels (highlights) on the right. ricoh.com |
第二,廬山會議中,根據李銳先生 ⎯⎯ 他是毛澤東的秘書,就他 所回憶到的 ⎯⎯ [...] 廬山會議原本是反左的,只是彭德懷觸動了龍顏,突 然便變了反右,是 會議上突然改變了的。 legco.gov.hk | Second, at the Lushan Conference, as recalled by Mr LI Rui (He was the personal secretary of MAO Zedong) …… The Lushan Conference was originally intended to purge the leftists within the party; [...] yet because PENG Dehuai offended MAO, the "King", the purpose of the Conference [...] suddenly turned to purge the rightists. legco.gov.hk |
你 能 夠 忘 記 89 年的六四事 [...] 件 , 同樣也 能 夠 忘 記 文 化大革命、反 右 運 動 的 “ 陽謀”、南 京 大 屠殺、五 [...]四 運 動 、 辛亥革 命 、 八 國 聯 軍 、 鴉 片戰爭等 。 legco.gov.hk | If one can forget the 4 June incident in 1989, one can similarly forget [...] the Cultural Revolution, the "overt [...] conspiracy" of the anti-rightist campaign, the Nanjing [...]Massacre, the 4 May Movement, the [...]Revolution of 1911, the EightPower Allied Forces of 1900, the Opium War and so on. legco.gov.hk |
文革便是這 樣,一言堂;反右也是 這樣,沒有人敢說上面錯了,於是一錯再錯,變成了 災難。 legco.gov.hk | This is how it was like during the Cultural Revolution, when only one voice was allowed, and this is how it was like during the anti-rightist movement, when no one dared say that the people at the top were wrong. legco.gov.hk |
李華明議員:主席,讓我引述一位學者的一段言論,他說︰“中國是盛 [...] 產文字獄的大國,從秦始皇的‘焚書坑儒’到毛澤東的 ‘ 反右 ’ 、 ‘文革’,文 字獄的受害者歷代不絕、株連無數。 legco.gov.hk | MR FRED LI (in Cantonese): President, let me quote the remarks of a scholar, he said, "China is a big country abound with literary inquisition, from the First Emperor of Qin's burning the books and [...] burying alive the Confucian [...] scholars, to MAO Zedong's Anti-Rightist Movement and Cultural [...]Revolution, there were countless [...]victims of literary persecution in the different dynasties, and numerous innocent people were involved. legco.gov.hk |
接着,环绕信号反相混合进左/右声道 输出信号。 analog.com | The surround signals are [...] then mixed antiphasically into the left/right output. analog.com |
如果我们希望发现一个从前不知道的过程能自动地进行,我们只要在表中找出 相应的μ 值,然后比较反应方程的左右两边 的化学势值。 job-stiftung.de | If we wish to find out if a previously unknown process can run voluntarily, it is enough to find the [...] corresponding µ values in the tables and then to compare the [...] potentials on the right and left side of the reaction equation. job-stiftung.de |
也可以把原底片反转放映,可做成 被印片跟原底片的影像形态一致,没有 左 右 相 反。 motion.kodak.com | Additionally, you can print base side of the original to the emulsion side of the printing stock, which produces the same image configuration as the original. motion.kodak.com |
影像和原始影片的影像同样大 小,但左右相反。 motion.kodak.com | Images are the same size as the original [...] images, but have a reversed left-to-right orientation. motion.kodak.com |
这两个墓 地的时间被认为是 2006 年或 2007 年左右,其中有反叛团体的受害者。 daccess-ods.un.org | Both grave sites are believed to date from around 2006 or 2007 and to contain the victims of insurgent groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有这些非法行径和挑衅行为都表明了以色列 政府极端右翼的反和平意图。 daccess-ods.un.org | All of these illegal actions and provocations are indicative of the Israeli [...] Government’s extremely rightwing and anti-peace agenda. daccess-ods.un.org |
高速行驶时,突遇爆胎是非常危险的事情,在车辆爆胎时因胎径及摩擦系数的不同,车辆的运行轨迹将偏向爆胎的方向,爆左前轮向左偏,爆右前轮向右偏,而司机在打方向纠正时,因爆胎造成的慌乱,常常造成纠正过度,从而人为加剧车辆的失控,致使左前轮 爆 反 而 撞上 了 右 边 护栏板,甚至连续多次撞击左右护栏板的现象发生。 sdgxsz.com | When running at a high speed, an explosion is a very dangerous thing, in a vehicle tire due to fetal size and friction coefficient of different, vehicle running track will bias tire explosion direction, left front wheel to the left, the right front wheel to the right blasting, and drivers in direction correcting, because of tire burst caused panic, often cause to correct excessive, thereby artificially intensified [...] uncontrolled vehicle, causing the left [...] front explosion but hit the right guard plate, or [...]even continuous multiple impact around the fence board phenomenon. sdgxsz.com |
例如:如果 LFO 相位设定为 180 度,那么左和右将完全反相。 tcelectronic.com | Example: If LFO phase is set to [...] 180º, left and right will be exactly opposite. tcelectronic.com |
将右通道的相位反转, 但是只在效果通道上 进行。 tcelectronic.com | Reverses the phase of the right channel, but [...] only on the effect signal. tcelectronic.com |
數字顯示,女性的勞動㆟口參與率從 25 歲至 29 歲的年齡組別起,便出現顯著㆘降的 現象,30 歲至 54 歲的女性勞動㆟口參與率,由 43%至 59.5%不等,約為同年齡男性的 六成左右,反映生 育和在家庭擔當的角色對女性的就業產生直接的影響。 legco.gov.hk | The rate of employment for women aged between 30 and 54 varies between 43% and 59.5%, which is about 60% of that for men in the corresponding age group. This shows that child bearing and family roles have a direct impact on women's employment. legco.gov.hk |
第一階段應該是由去年9月底政府公佈基本法第23條咨詢文件起至10月底葉劉淑儀出席多個大學論壇止,其評分下跌「一級」,即5分 左 右 , 明顯 是 反 映 了 巿民對其論壇表現的評價。 hkupop.hku.hk | Stage 1 probably began in late September last year, when the government released the consultation document on Basic Law Article 23, and ended in late October last year, when Ip attended many university forums to discuss the issue. hkupop.hku.hk |
这幅图说明了双螺旋的几个机构特征:首先 为 右 旋 , 双链以 相 反 的 方 向运转;核苷酸,即链的构成块,具有形成骨骼的一个部分和伸向螺旋中间的一个部分(碱基);一个链中的内部伸向碱基相互对齐,因此能够与相反链中的碱基配对。 wdl.org | It illustrates several structural features of [...] the double helix: it is right-handed, with the two strands [...]running in opposite directions; [...]the nucleotides, the building blocks of the strands, have a part that forms the backbone and a part (the base) that projects into the middle of the helix; and the internally projecting bases in one strand are aligned so that they can pair with a base from the opposite strand. wdl.org |
雖然近期隨 內 地 開 放 自 由行及 與 香港簽訂 CEPA 之後, 已令本港的經濟開 始 出現復 甦 的兆頭 , 而 樓 市 跌 勢 亦 暫 告 喘 定,但 根據官方的 數字顯示, 負資產 的 數字至 今 年 9 月 底 , 仍高達九萬 九 千 八 百 多 宗,只較 SARS 高 峰 期 的 超 過 10 萬 宗,較 微 下 調 5% 左右, 反映負資產 的 問題仍然十分嚴 重。 legco.gov.hk | Property prices have kept on plummeting, and by now, they have gone down by 60% to 70% when compared with the price levels in the peak period. Following the coming of mainland individual travellers and the signing of CEPA, the economy of Hong Kong has started to show signs of recovery, and the property market has also stopped declining temporarily, but government statistics still indicate that the problem of negative-equity property is very serious — as at the end of September this year, the number of properties with negative equity still stood at some 99 800, which is just about 5% less than the 100 000-plus cases recorded during the peak of the SARS outbreak. legco.gov.hk |
在这方面,必须强调,被占领的东耶路撒冷继续广泛遭受占领国及其定 [...] 居者的极端行为和挑衅之害,以色列政 府 右 翼 官 员不断威胁和煽动,就 被占领城市的圣地,特别是耶路撒冷旧城“尊贵禁地”接二连三地提出 [...]挑衅性和不顾后果的公告和要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this connection, it must be stressed that Occupied East Jerusalem continues to suffer extensively from the extremism and the provocations of the occupying Power and its [...] settlers, as well as the constant threats [...] and incitement by right-wing Israeli Government [...]officials, who continue to make provocative [...]and reckless declarations and claims regarding holy sites in the occupied city, particularly with regard to Al-Haram Al-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary) in the Old City. daccess-ods.un.org |