

单词 反切

External sources (not reviewed)

按"ENTER"键,进入选择菜单,按"+"或"-"键,选择"通 反切 " , 确 定 选择按ENTER键,进入调节界面,按ENTER选择要调整的通道,按"+"或"-"键进行调节,按EXIT键保存并退出。
Press ENTER to choice menus, click "+" or
[...] "-",choose "Servo Rev",confirm choice then press ENTER to adjust interface, choose the channel needed to be [...]
adjusted,click "+" or "-"
,then press EXIT for save and quit.
提交人提出,他向国内法院提出了这些问题,但是 “由于它们在各次庭审记录中均未得 反 映 , 一 切 国 内 补救办法都已用尽”。
The author submits that he raised these
issues before the domestic courts but
[...] “as they were not reflected in the respective [...]
trial transcripts, all available domestic
remedies have been exhausted”.
筆者認為政府現時無需急於委任新主席,反而應利用這段時間去 切反 省 , 廣納民意。
The author believes that the government need not appoint another chairperson in haste.
馬匹秀麗的輪廓線條與性格顯得端莊、母牛的龐大體形和頭上的角看起來或許不夠 切 , 反 觀 胖 胖的小豬兒更見親切可愛,容易讓人親近。
Plumb and cute-looking, pigs are easy on the eyes and adorable.
[...] 就第8(1)(g)條提出的擬議修訂未必 切反 映 私隱專員與香港以 外對口單位之間的相互協助關係。
Moreover, the proposed amendment to section 8(1)(g)
[...] may not duly reflect the mutual assistance [...]
relationship between PCPD and his
counterparts outside Hong Kong.
发言人毫无保留地赞成当代形式的种族主义、 种族歧视、仇外心理和相关的不容忍现象问题特别 报告员在最近一份报告(A/HRC/9/12)中的断言, 即必须同等对反对一切形式 诋毁宗教的活动,避 免对歧视的形式划分等级,这种做法与特别报告员 的职权范围不符。
He wholeheartedly supported the assertion contained in the Report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance (A/HRC/9/12) regarding the need to accord equal treatment to combating defamation of religions in all its forms so as to avoid establishing any hierarchy in the different manifestations of discrimination, which would run contrary to the mandate given the Special Rapporteur.
可以看出,该准则依据的是《维也纳条约法公约》第 20
条第 4 款,其中规 定的一般规则是:“(a)
[...] 保留经另一缔约国接受,就该另一缔约国而言,保留国 即成为条约之当事国,但须条约对各该国均已生效;(b) 保留经另一缔约国反对, 则条约在反对国与保留国间并不因此而不生效力, 反 对 国 确 切 表 示 相 反 之 意 思 者不在此限;(c) 表示一国同意承受条约拘束而附以保留之行为,一俟至少有另 一缔约国接受保留,即发生效力。
As can be seen, this guideline is based on the provisions of article 20, paragraph 4, of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, which sets out a general rule that: “(a) acceptance by another contracting State of a reservation constitutes the reserving State a party to the treaty in relation to that other State if or when the treaty is in force for those States; (b) an objection by another contracting State to a reservation does not preclude the entry into
force of the treaty as
[...] between the objecting and reserving States unless a contrary intention is definitely expressed by the objecting State; (c) an act expressing [...]
a State’s consent
to be bound by the treaty and containing a reservation is effective as soon as at least one of the contracting States has accepted the reservation”.
检查干事吁请人力资源管理人员考虑这 个问题,提倡一种更加积极主动的态度,发布经过更新的职务说明, 切反 映工 作人员实际从事的活动。
The Inspector calls on human resource managers to reflect on this issue and encourage a more proactive approach to
issuing updated job
[...] descriptions that accurately reflect the activities the staff member actually engages in as appropriate.
我们还必须扩大行动范 围和在区域层面加大力度,并适当提高联合国内切 反恐行动的一致性和完整性。
We must also expand movements and make greater efforts at the regional level, as well as
appropriately enhance the consistency and integrity of
[...] all activities concerning counter-terrorism in the [...]
United Nations.
发展中国家就进口国公共规则表达的 切反 映 在 其对有关食品安全的私人标 准上。
The concerns expressed by developing countries in relation to public regulation in importing countries are mirrored in their [...]
concerns related to private standards for food safety.
2006 年 2 月,新闻学会对伊斯兰会议组织明显企图授权新的联合国人权理事会防 止切反宗教行为引发不宽容、歧视、煽动仇恨和暴力事件深表关切。
In February 2006, IPI expressed deep concern about the apparent attempt by the Organization of the Islamic Conference to give the new United Nations Human Rights Council the power to prevent instances of intolerance, discrimination, incitement of hatred and violence arising from any actions against religion.
委員察悉,由於政府當局會動議委員會階段修正案 (下稱"修正案"),以刪去擬議第7AC(1)條中對"在該合夥作為有 限責任合夥的業務運作中"的提述,而代以"在該合夥作為有限法 律責任合夥提供專業服務過程中",以訂明無辜的合夥人將會獲 得保障,使其不會就有關律師行其他成員在提供專業服務方面
(而非該合夥在業務運作中招致的其他一般營運債項,例如租金 及僱員薪金等)的失責行為負上個人法律責任,政府當局會動議
[...] 修正案,從擬議第7AA(1)條中刪去"業務(business)"的定義,以 更切反映政 府當局的政策用意,即條例草案提供局部的法律 [...]
Members note that as the Administration will move Committee Stage amendments ("CSAs") to replace "in the course of the business of the partnership as" referred to in the proposed section 7AC(1) with "from the provision of professional service" to make clear that an innocent partner will be protected against personal liability for the default of other members of the firm from the provision of professional service and not from other ordinary trading debts such as rent and employees' salaries arising in the course of the business of the partnership, the Administration will move CSA to delete the definition of "business"
(業務 ) from the proposed section
[...] 7AA(1), so as to better reflect the Administration's [...]
policy intent that the Bill offers partial liability shield.
这些缉获量可能更切 地反映零 售而非批发市场,但联合王国边境管理局缉获的海洛因的纯度也有类 [...]
似的下降,尽管下降不太明显,从 2009 年第三季度的 58%降至 2010 年最后一 个季度的 31%(见图九)。
These seizures likely reflect more closely the retail [...]
rather than the wholesale market, but a similar, albeit slightly less
pronounced, decrease was also observed in the purity of seizures made by the United Kingdom Border Agency, which fell from 58 per cent in the third quarter of 2009 to 31 per cent in the last quarter of 2010 (see figure IX).
切反制措 施如要行之有效,均需要有消息 灵通、训练有素而且配备精良的执法官员,精通对苯丙胺类兴奋剂及其前体的 识别。
Underpinning all effective countermeasures was the need for law enforcement officers to be well informed, trained, adequately equipped and knowledgeable in the identification of amphetamine-type stimulants and their precursors.
一些市场切反映履 约市场的标 准,而其他市场则采用不严格的规则和灵活方法,以减少行政负担、业务费用和在 [...]
Some markets closely mirror the standards [...]
of the compliance markets, while other adopted less stringent rules and flexible
approaches in order to reduce the administrative burdens, the transaction costs and enable to generate as many credits as possible on the market.
海洋采矿业对海洋环境的切反映在 它 2000 年向海矿学会提出的要求,即 制定本《准则》,并进行协调,定期审查和修订《准则》。
The marine mining
[...] industry’s concern for the marine environment is reflected in its request [...]
in 2000 to IMMS to develop the
Code, and to coordinate a regular review and updating of the Code.
在编写这 份文件时,尽切努力反映各 成员国的优先事项,确保更好地平衡秘 书处的规范性工作、分析性工作和业务工作,并开展亚太经社会具有 [...]
In preparing
[...] the document, every effort has been made to reflect the priorities [...]
of member States, ensure a better balance
in the secretariat’s normative, analytical and operational work, and build upon areas of comparative strength of ESCAP, including its multidisciplinary orientation.
[...] 活动的设计、开展和评估在实质和方法方面达到最高水平,并且学习活动 切反 映机构优先事项。
The Centre will coordinate internal learning activities organization-wide, ensuring that learning design, delivery and evaluations have the highest
degree of substantive and methodological integrity, and that
[...] learning activities closely reflect institutional [...]
The government should learn from this experience before appointing another chairperson.
自 1971
[...] 年以来,全 球运输能源使用每年稳步增加 2%-2.5%,切反映了 同期全球经济增长率。
Since 1971, the use of energy for transport
globally rose steadily by 2-2.5 per cent
[...] per annum, closely reflecting the global economic [...]
growth rates over that period.
对在切反恐背 景下有关长期秘密拘留、特别引渡和可能对人员 施加酷刑的案件进行调查,并将对这些侵犯人权行为负有责任的 人绳之以法
Investigate all
[...] cases of violations of human rights in all counterterrorism settings related [...]
to lengthy secret detentions,
extraordinary renditions, and the possible application of torture against individuals, and bring those responsible of such violations to justice (Belarus)
諮詢平台的主要工作是切反映九 龍城區各界在市區更新方面的訴求和優先次序,並揉合專業意見,向政府提出有本區特色和反映區內人士的意願和整體社會利益的九龍城市區更新计划。
The major work of the
[...] DURF is to truly reflect the request and [...]
priorities on urban renewal put forward by the local community
while integrating professional advice, and propose to the Government an urban renewal plan, which displays the character of Kowloon City, reflect local aspirations and strike a balance among different social interests.
[...] 级内试验”的概念,这种试验可产生切反映最终使用条件下之产品行为 的数据。
This led to the concept of in-grade testing which would produce
[...] data that closely reflect the behaviour [...]
of products in end-use conditions.
这一重要切反映在 联合国大会 2005 年 12 月通过的“严 重违反国际人权法和严重违反国际人道主义法行为受害人获得补救和赔偿的权利基 本原则和导则”10 之中。
This preoccupation is reflected in the Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and [...]
Reparation for Victims
of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law, adopted by the General Assembly in December 2005.10Without creating any new international obligation, this non-binding instrument reiterates States’ obligation to ensure respect for and implement international humanitarian and human rights law through national legislation, and focuses on the role of States in making available adequate, effective, prompt and appropriate remedies, including reparation, to victims.
所有这切反过来 又要求 各国必须更好地相互了解,以使其能够消除典型的成 见,拒绝接受你我分明心态,展开真正对话,以争取 实现共同目标。
All of this in turn necessitates better understanding among nations, enabling them to rise above classic stereotypes, reject us-and-them mentalities and engage in genuine dialogue aimed at attaining our common objectives.
(q) 依照两性平等和不歧视原则制定和执行 切反 恐 措
(q) To shape and
[...] implement all counter-terrorism measures [...]
in accordance with the principles of gender equality and non-discrimination
上半年集團的核心產品及服務需求 切 , 反 映 集 團業務 實力雄厚,同時使中期股息維持於二零零七年的水平。
The strong demand for the Group’s core products and services seen in
[...] the first-half reflects the underlying [...]
strength of the Group’s businesses and
has enabled the interim dividends to be maintained at the same level as in 2007.
在路线图的指引下,一些企业通过引入“顶层规划”和“基础技术支撑”等创新思路,使企业掌握了短、中、长期的市场技术发展趋势,增强了企业制定 切反 映 市 场需求和产品标准的能力,提高了产品市场占有率,同时形成了创新的产品质量评价体系,加快了产品推广应用,促进了产业转型升级。
Under the guidance of the map, a few enterprises by introducing "top planning" and "basic technical support" innovation ideas, make the enterprise master the short, medium and long term market technology
development trend, to enhance the
[...] enterprises to make exact reflect market demand [...]
and product standard ability, improve the
product market share, and at the same time, formed the innovation product quality evaluation system, speed up the popularization and application of the products, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry.
防范小组委员会明确指出,这种登记制度既不规范也不 全面,而且还缺少可信度,从中不能有效地了解或监控犯人的情况,而这 切反 倒会加剧犯人的不利处境。
The Subcommittee observed that the recordkeeping system is haphazard, rudimentary and unreliable, and does not provide an adequate information and surveillance mechanism, which increases prisoners’ vulnerability.




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