

单词 双陆棋

a game of chess
chess piece
chess-like game

External sources (not reviewed)

小口袋和封套大小适中,可收纳各种票根、收据及其他杂乱的必要零星物件;首饰袋收纳珠宝配件,整齐又稳当;长途飞行时与羊绒/羊毛混纺披肩及眼罩相依偎;蒙地卡罗 (Monte Carlo) 西双陆棋您消磨沉闷时光。
The pouches and envelopes are perfectly sized to organise all the tickets, receipts and other necessary odds and ends that add to clutter; pack jewellery neatly and safely with their jewellery cases and rolls;
snuggle up on a long haul
[...] flight with a cashmere/woolblend shawl wrap and eye mask; while away a dull journey with aMonte Carlo backgammonset.
如果巫师被飞行的石块砸到了,将这个巫师和此玩家的所出游戏,然后把石块 放在之前巫师所在的方格。
When you hit a Sorcerer with a flying Rock, remove the Sorcerer and his entire team from the board, and put the thrown Rock at the square where the Sorcerer died.
由于条款比较苛刻,又担心会与美国 发生冲突,近年来许多石油公司对于是否在伊朗 投资一直
Because of these unfavourable terms and concerns about the risk of conflict with the U.S., many oil companies have hesitated to invest in Iran in recent years.
(c) 根据企业所得税法,自二零零八年一月一日起,就中国附属公司赚得之溢利向海外投资者宣派之股息,须根 据香港与中国订的税协议》缴付 5% 的预扣税及就本集团内公司间贷款的利息收入缴付 7% 的预 扣税。
(c) Withholding tax is imposed on dividends declared to foreign investors in respect of profit earned by PRC subsidiaries from 1 January 2008 onward at 5% tax rate under the EIT Law, and interest income in respect of intra-group loans in the Group at 7% tax rate based on the New Double Taxation Arrangement between Hong Kong and Mainland China.
该小组将确保联合国采取一法,确保参与向非索特派团提供 支持的所有部门执行统筹行动目标。
The Team would ensure a comprehensive United Nations approach and the implementation of integrated operational objectives among all departments involved with providing support to AMISOM.
Basking in the sunshine on the igneous black rock, the iguanas – both terrestrial and marine varieties – look more like fairy-tale dragons.
同 35 C/5 一样,在提倡以一点看待包括所有各级教育和各种施教模式的全纳 终身教育的同时,活动可以侧重于实现全民教育,扫盲、师资和就业技能培养,以及全部门 政策、规划和管理这三大板块。
While promoting a holistic vision of inclusive lifelong learning covering all levels and delivery modes of education, action could, as in document 35 C/5, focus on the three building blocks for achieving EFA: literacy, teachers and skills development for the world of work as well as sectorwide policy, planning and management.
万事达卡世界卡持卡人预订套房时可享有 VIP 贵宾地位升等 (名额有限)、迎宾礼餐、免费上网,以及每日 50 美元抵用优惠。
cardholders enjoy VIP status with an upgrade upon availability, a welcome amenity, Continental breakfast for two, free internet access and USD 50 credit per stay when booking a Suite.
A lot of operators predicted the future development trend of the game industry, and talked about the importance of diversity and development of games at GDC Taipei Summit 2012.
In post-conflict and transition countries, UNESCO strengthened its holistic approach in assisting the reconstruction and development of an independent, pluralistic, professional media sector supporting media professional associations and media development.
业绩 上升主要是来频接入业务之收入增长所致。
This was mainly attributable to the growth in revenue from the two-way broadband access business.
但是,卫星营运开支增加 9,000,000 港元、员工支出上升 4,000,000 港元及中国税增加 10,000,000 港元,却抵销了缩减 之成本。
However, this was offset by the increases in satellite operation expense by HK$9 million, staff costs by HK$4 million and China business tax by HK$10 million.
中心会密切留意各国有关评估和规A的发 展,并跟进此事。
CFS would monitor closely the development of international assessment of BPA and regulation and follow up the issue.
尽 管 人 民 币 不 能 与 其 他 货 币 自 由 兑 换,但 是 根 据 中 国华 人 民 共 和 国 外 滙 管 理 条 例 及 结 滙、售 滙 及 付 滙 管 理 规 定,本 集 团 可 以 通 过 有 权 进 行 外 币 业 务 的 银 行 将 人 民 币 兑 换 成 其 他 货 币。
The Renminbi is not freely convertible into other currencies, however, under Mainland China’s Foreign Exchange Control Regulations and Administration of Settlement, Sale and Payment of Foreign Exchange Regulations, the Group is permitted to exchange Renminbi for other currencies through banks authorised to conduct foreign exchange business.
微 观 层 面 , 随 着 竞 争 对 手 港 口 汉 阳 港 计 划 於 二 零 一一年年中 关闭并 搬 迁 至 阳 逻( 即 武 汉 阳 逻
港 所 在地), 董 事 认 为 此 乃 极 佳 机 遇 , 可 令 武 汉 阳
[...] 逻 港 首 次 与 汉 阳 港输 成 本 方 面 处 於 [...]
同 等 竞 争 地 位 , 及 於 二 零 一一年 吸 引 更 多 费 率 较 高
的 武 汉 本 地 集 装 箱 业 务 , 从 而 增 加 本 集 团 武 汉 本 地 货 运 业 务 的 收 入 及 市 场 份 额 。
On the micro front, with the closure and relocation of the competitor port, Hangyang Port to the Yanglou area, where the WIT Port is located, planned to take place in mid 2011, the Directors welcome the opportunity for the WIT Port to compete
on an equal footing with the Hangyang Port
[...] in termsof the landside transportation [...]
costs for the first time and to attract
more Wuhan sourced containers with higher tariff rates to the port thereby increasing the Group’s Wuhan sourced cargo revenue and market share in 2011.




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