

单词 双职

See also:


two num


pair n

classifier for pairs of objects which naturally come in pairs such as chopsticks or shoes
surname Shuang


duty n

External sources (not reviewed)

韩国女性在结婚或有孩子后依然像以前一样选择离职回归家庭;韩国仅有3 8% 的 双职 工 家 庭——约为经合组织成员国平均数据的一半。
South Korean women still drop out of the labor force when they marry or have children; only 38% of families have two wage earners (half the OECD average).
关于他们的工作/生活问题,教科文组织 已经/正在采取一些措施(休假规定、灵活的工作安排),并且还正在机构 双职 工 家庭支 助计划框架内,支持在巴黎设立一个当地配偶协会(LESA)。
In terms of work/life issues, UNESCO has put/is putting in place several measures (leave provisions, flexible work arrangements) and is also supporting the set-up of a local spouse association (LESA) in Paris in the framework of the inter-agency dual career support programme.
本组群资源估计数中包括核心费用 3 510 万美元,用于给国际公务员制度委
[...] 员会、联合国系统职员学院、“联合国关爱”方案、内部司法 双职 业 和 工作人 员流动性及联合国薪金调查的捐款。
Included in the estimated resources for this cluster are central costs amounting to $35.1 million for contributions to the International Civil Service Commission, United Nations
System Staff College, UN Cares,
[...] administration of justice, dual career and staff mobility, [...]
and the United Nations salary survey.
在缺乏资源的情况下,小的组织可选择指派一名或多名有能力的 工作人员作双重职责担起风险秘书处/官员的职责。
In the case of lack of resources, small
organizations can choose to assign the risk secretariat/officer function to one or more
[...] capable staff as a dual function role.
47 儿权委还建议采取措施建立更多的托儿设施;有效执行2001 年《私人托 户托儿条例》,包括培训人员和提供适当的人力和财政支助;确保托儿服务有助 于儿童早期发展,满双职工家 长的需求。
It further recommended that Andorra take measures to establish more child-care services; effectively implement the Regulations for Child-care in Private Homes of 2001, including by training personnel and providing appropriate human and financial support; and ensure that childcare services promote early childhood development and meet the needs of working parents48 .
对于规模过小无法单独设立道德操守办公室的组织而言,为避免某 双重 职能安 排所固有的利益冲突问题,可设立联合或共用的道德操守办公室。
For those organizations too small to establish separate ethics offices,
and to avoid the conflict of interest
[...] inherent in some dual-function arrangements, [...]
a joint or shared ethics office could be established.
人力资源管理局参与联合双职工和 工作 人员流动指导委员会(CEB),并设计了联合 双职 工和工作人员流动网站的法国部分
HRM participates in the Steering Committee for the
[...] United Nations Dual Career and Staff Mobility (CEB) and designed the France component for the Global United Nations Dual Career and Staff Mobility [...]
开展的其他活动包括,完成“联合国工作场所残疾人就业问题政策声明”,以 及根双职工和 工作人员流动方案,开展试点方案,与意大利和马来西亚东道国政 [...]
Further activities include finalizing a policy statement on employment of persons with
disabilities in the United Nations workplace
[...] and, under the Dual Career and Staff Mobility [...]
Programme, the launching of a pilot
programme on negotiating work permits for United Nations staff members’ spouses and partners with host Governments in Italy and Malaysia.
此外,两个较大的组织、即原子能机构和国际 劳工组织(劳工组织),不当地采用 双 重 职 能 模 式,这种作法有重大的负面风 险。
Moreover, two of the larger organizations have unjustifiably adopted the dualfunction model, namely IAEA and the International Labour Organization (ILO), with significant downside risks.
作为教科文组织里唯一的职责涵盖五个重大计划的 I
[...] 类机构,统计研究所将继续履行双重职责: a)与各重大计划密切合作,满足它们与上文所述各项活动有关的数据与信息需 [...]
求,并配合其评估工作;以及 b)满足会员国和联合国系统其它机构以及非政府组织的统计需
UIS as UNESCO’s only category I institute with a remit
covering all five major programmes will
[...] continue pursuing its dual responsibilities: [...]
(a) to work closely with the major programmes
and support data and information needs and assessments related to their activities, as reflected above; and (b) to service the statistical needs and capacities of Member States and other agencies of the United Nations system as well as non-governmental organizations.
联合国重组的 目的就是避免这样双重职能, 第三委员会应当做 的是支持人权理事会的工作。
Indeed, the purpose of restructuring the United Nations was to avoid such duplication and the Committee should support the work of the Human Rights Council.
该委员会行使双重职责, 审议所有由执行局负责制定的本组织准则性文件的实施情 [...]
况,包括会员国落实公约与建议书情况的报告以及审议教科文组织收到的涉及指控侵犯本组 织职权范围内的人权的来函。
Exercising its dual mandate, the Committee [...]
reviewed all questions related to the implementation of the Organization’s standard-setting
instruments entrusted to the Executive Board, including Member States’ reports on the implementation of conventions and recommendations as well as communications concerning cases and questions of alleged human rights violations within UNESCO’s fields of competence.
另有一些组织选择或正计划将这一任 务作双重职责正 式地或非正式地派给最高层官员中的一位或多位工作人员, [...]
Other organizations chose or are planning to assign
[...] this task as a dual function, formally or [...]
informally, to one or more staff in one
of the top-level offices, e.g. executive office and strategic planning and programming office.
十二.2 秘书长表示,由于安全和安保部担负向联合国各主要地点的工作人员、 代表、来访者以及向联合国系统外地业务活动提供安全和安保服务 双 重 职 责, 因此该部的活动经费一部分来自经常预算,另一部分同外地安保管理系统覆盖的 其他组织分担(同上,第 35.7 段)。
XII.2 The Secretary-General indicates that, given the dual responsibility of the Department of Safety and Security to provide, on the one hand, for the safety and security of staff, delegates and visitors at the main locations of the United Nations and, on the other hand, for the safety and security of the United Nations system operations in the field, the activities of the Department are financed both from the regular budget and on a cost-sharing basis with other organizations covered by the security management system in the field (ibid., para. 35.7).
该宪法委员会拥双重职能, 既评判法律的合宪 性,又保障基本人权和公共自由。
The Constitutional Council both judges the constitutionality of laws and guarantees fundamental human rights and civil liberties.
[...] 息),确保提供具有竞争性和可靠的安居服务;b)就工作地点所在国家的工作证事宜进行 协商,加入联合国的双重职业和 人员流动”计划等,为配偶/伴侣就业提供便利;c)如果 [...]
STU has put forward a number of suggestions on support measures such as: (a) ensuring competitive and reliable relocation services either by developing agreements with United Nations support centres or hiring the services of a relocation company (to take care of finding accommodation, schools, processing paperwork, providing advice on security, doctors, car retailers, etc.); (b) facilitating spouse/partner employment by negotiating work permits in all countries where
duty stations are located, joining the
[...] United Nations “Double career and staff mobility” [...]
programme, etc.; and (c) in cases
where a staff member’s rotation entails the spouse’s/partner’s loss of gainful employment, provision for reasonable compensation, at least during the first year.
制宪会议履行编写宪法和行使立法议 职 责 的 双 重 职 能。
It performs the dual functions of writing a constitution [...]
and acting as legislature parliament.
设置一个工作组秘书 作为外勤支助部内的一个常设双重 职 能 , 再结合提议的各会员国特遣队所属装 [...]
The establishment of a Secretary of the Working Group, as a
[...] permanent and dual function within the Department [...]
of Field Support, in combination
with the proposed permanent COE Working Group Bureau of Member States, would provide a well-balanced system for the benefit of all stakeholders.
就联合国和区域层面上承认的权利和义务而言,教育应该具 双 重 职 能: 支持社群在经济、社会和文化方面的自力更生;同时开创道路,使这些权利和义 [...]
In the context of rights and obligations recognized at the level of the United
Nations and regionally, education
[...] should serve the dual function of supporting the [...]
efforts of communities to self-development
in economic, social and cultural terms while opening pathways by which they can function in the wider society and promote social harmony.
因此,雅加达办事处拥双重职能:亚太地区科学办事处,一个负责 48 个国家的办事 [...]
处;以及涉及五国的多国办事处,包括印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾(2001 年加入教科 文组织)以及后来的东帝汶(2002 年加入)和文莱(2005 年加入)。
The Jakarta Office
[...] therefore has a dual dimension. It is [...]
Regional Bureau for Science in the Asia-Pacific region, which comprises
48 countries, and cluster office for five countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines (2001) and, once they had joined UNESCO, Timor-Leste (2002) and Brunei Darussalam (2005).
委员会委员们在长时间交换意见之后,一致表示应当维持执行局的这一附属机构,同 时也注意到在委员会行使双重职权 过程中,有向其职权的第二个方面倾斜的失衡现象。
Following a lengthy exchange of views, the members of the Committee declared themselves unanimously to be in favour of maintaining this subsidiary organ of the
Executive Board, while noting an imbalance in the
[...] exercise of the dual mandate of the Committee [...]
to the advantage of the second aspect of the terms of reference.
[...] 资源网报告了行政首长协调会正在开展的工作,包括研究业务做法的协调问题, 以及由行政首长协调会管理双份职 业 和 工作人员流动方案。
To that end, the Network reported the ongoing work of CEB,
including the study on harmonization of business
[...] practices, and the dual career and staff mobility [...]
programme managed by CEB.
(c) 在职税收抵免,按照为父母一方双 方 在 职 的 每 个子女规定的固定数 额向家庭提供。
(c) The In-Work Tax Credit, which is paid to families as a set rate for each
[...] child where one or both parents is in work.
这个预算空缺职位 数比“误时因素”所要求达到的数量( 双 年 度 定为 3%,58 个职位)只多 42 个,这对于 将开支控制在预算以内是必要的。
This number of budgetarily vacant posts is, on average, only 42 in excess of the number required for
the Lapse Factor (fixed at 3%
[...] for the current biennium; 58 posts) which is necessary to contain [...]
expenditures within the budget.
不是调动现有工作人员,而是将主要用以 双年 度腾空职位来弥补总部外的空缺,以此将费用控制在一定范围内。
As opposed to transferring existing staff, posts vacated over the next biennia would largely be used to fill gaps in the field offices, thus limiting costs.
第 III 组提名委内瑞拉 担任核准委员会代表,但巴哈马代表团呼吁每 双 年 度让 该 职 位 在 分地区的基础上轮换。
Group III nominated Venezuela to serve on the Approval Committee, however, the Delegation of the Bahamas called for this position to be rotated on a sub-regional basis each biennium.
在这方面,摩尔多瓦已根据《国际标准教育分类》第 97 条和欧洲联盟统 计局的规定,设计并采用针对高等教育专业培训的职业教育与资格认证的部门分 类标准,而且自 2005
[...] 年以来,在大型职业、学科、专业领域培训部门组织了多 场入学考试,目前可提供 27 个同时培训双重教师职业资格认证。
In this respect, the Classifier of sectors of vocational training and qualifications for the training of experts at the higher education institutions was adopted, conceived in accordance with ISCED-97 and EUROSTAT, and since 2005 matriculation is organised in large sectors of
vocational training of studies/fields and
[...] qualifications. 27 double teaching qualifications [...]
within simultaneous training have been made available.
对于总干事关于教科文组织医疗保险基金全球行动计划落实情况的报告(176 EX/INF.4),一位专家表示遗憾的是,本组织被迫延迟到下一 双 年 度 来增 职 工 分 享医疗 保险基金(MBF)的捐款,这是总干事行动计划中拟定的一项措施,该计划将从 2008 年 1 月起分三阶段执行。
With regard to the Director-General’s report on the status of the implementation of the global action plan for the UNESCO Medical Benefits Fund (176 EX/INF.4), one expert expressed regret that the Organization was obliged to defer to the next biennium the increase of the employer share of the MBF contribution, a measure that was foreseen in the Director-General’s action plan to be implemented in three phases starting from January 2008.
这份战略规划具体阐明了全民信息计划各机构在 双 年 度 的 职 责 和 义务,并且延伸到 各机构未来的职责和义务,要求他们为实现全民信息计划的目标作出自己不可替代的作用。
This Strategic Plan specifies many duties and obligations for IFAP bodies in the current biennium, and by extension also in future ones, requiring them to make an indispensable contribution to the implementation of IFAP’s goals.
一成员表 示,全环基金秘书处的一名代表在场,在本次会议期间,两秘书处根据各自 职 权 就 双方 合作的问题进行了讨论。
One member indicated that a representative of the GEF Secretariat was present and that discussions on cooperation between the two Secretariats within their respective mandates could occur at the present meeting.




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