

单词 双复磷

See also:


two num


phosphonium n

phosphorus (chemistry)

External sources (not reviewed)

近日, 国家质量监督检验检疫总局公布了2012年 复 混 肥料 、 磷 肥 产 品质量联动监督抽查结果,并且集体约谈了不合格化肥生产企业相关负责人。
Recently, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) has published the results of random checkings on the fertilizer products.
2065(XX)号决议, 以及非殖民化特别委员会的所有决定都承认阿根廷共
[...] 和国与联合王国之间存在的争端涉及主权归属问题, 规定解决这一争端的途径是通过 复双 边 谈 判,以便 找到一个考虑到岛上人民利益的公正、和平和最终的 [...]
In particular, General Assembly resolution 2065 (XX), inter alia, and all the decisions of the Special Committee on Decolonization, recognized the existence of a dispute between the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom as the sole parties concerning sovereignty,
establishing that the way to resolve it was
[...] through the resumption of bilateral negotiations in [...]
order to find a just, peaceful and
definitive solution, taking into account the interests of the population of the Islands; the right to self-determination was not, therefore, applicable to that question.
28. JS1 进一步表示关注的是,由于人口不断增长、可用作住房、园艺与农业的 土地不断减少,各种疾病的增加、以及沿海环境的退化,长期拖延对盐 磷 土地 进行复使其回到可使用的状况,影响了人们的生活条件和生活水平。
JS1 further expressed concern that the prolonged delay in the rehabilitation of mined-out phosphate land to a useable state impacted on the living conditions of people and standard of living, given the growing population and diminishing land available for housing, gardening and agriculture, increase in diseases, and degrading coastal environment.33 29.
约旦呼吁国际社会确保不采取不负责任的行动来 破坏复双方直接谈判的机会。
Jordan calls upon the international community to ensure that no
irresponsible actions are taken that could undermine the
[...] chances for resuming direct negotiations between the two sides.
[...] 调解四方成员,始终主张通过与区域和国际伙伴合作 来迅速复双方之间的直接对话,以求根据安全理事 [...]
会有关决议、“马德里原则”以及《阿拉伯和平倡议》, 在该区域落实公正全面的和平解决办法。
As a permanent member of the Security Council and a member of the Quartet of Middle East
mediators, Russia consistently continues to
[...] advocate a prompt resumption of direct dialogue [...]
between the parties by cooperating
with regional and international partners in seeking a just and comprehensive peace settlement in the region, in accordance with Security Council resolutions, the Madrid principles and the Arab Peace Initiative.
最后,以蕴含玫瑰、岩 兰草、薰衣草及维生素E的香薰护肤乳按 双 手 ,令 双手恢复美丽及亮泽。
Your hands will feel completely pampered as we complete the treatment with a massage application of aromatic hand lotion containing rose, lavender and vitamin E.
根据目标抗体是否分泌并在高尔基体内滞留,激酶或磷酸化蛋白是否需要磷酸酶抑制剂,核蛋白是否需 磷 脂 双 分 子 层部分溶解和DNA松弛,细胞透化需要选择不同的方式。
There are different choices for cell permeabilization depending on whether the antibody target is to be secreted and therefore sequestered in the Golgi, a kinase or
phosphoprotein that requires aggressive
[...] inhibition of phosphatases, or a nuclear [...]
protein that requires partial dissolution
of two membranes and relaxation of the DNA.
食典委还注意到,基于 CAC/32 LIM/16 中列出的理由,欧洲共同体和挪威对以下农 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食用内脏、苹果和梨 中的氟硅唑(165)、辣椒和生菜中的乐果(027)、小麦中的马拉 磷 ( 04 9)、葡萄和番 茄中的灭多威(094)、花椰菜、阔叶苣、苹果和桃子中的噻嗪酮(118),以及杏、甘蓝、 花椰菜、白菜头、牛奶、油桃、桃子、番茄、甜椒和玉米中的氯氰菊酯(146)。
The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community and Norway on MRLs for carbaryl (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole (165) in edible offal, apples and pear; dimethoate (027) in peppers and lettuce; malathion (049) in wheat; methomyl (094) in grapes and tomato; cypermethrins (118) in cauliflower, scarole, apples and peaches; and cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, milk, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, peppers sweet, and corn for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16.
[...] 列因素:生物地理的重要意义、生物考虑、自然状态、经济重要性、社会重要 性、科学重要性、国际或国家的重要性、管理和保护的可行性、以 双 重 性复制性
The Protected Area Network incorporates the following considerations: bio-geographic importance, ecological considerations, naturalness, economic importance, social importance, scientific
importance, international or national significance, feasibility of management
[...] and protection and duality or replication.
舍此以外,我们只能继续眼 看着当地局势进一步恶化,一切旨在 复双 方 之间的信任和恢复和平进程的努力 都将失败,并且建立在 1967 [...]
年以前边界基础上的两国解决方案被进一步破坏, 从而给我们的人民和整个地区造成严重后果。
Barring this, we will only continue to witness the further deterioration of the situation on the
ground, the failure of any and all
[...] efforts to restore confidence between the two sides and to revive [...]
the peace process, and the
further destruction of the two-State solution based on the pre-1967 borders, with grave consequences for our peoples and the region as a whole.
专门开发的多层涂层双组磷酸锌 环氧树脂系统为基础,应用于大陆性环境中Zollern传动装置和绞车中。
Specially developed multi-coating based on a
[...] two-component zinc-phosphate and epoxy resin [...]
system for Zollern gears and winches in continental surroundings.
为了使SMI 2-六甲磷酰胺复合物,取新鲜制备的SMI 2(10毫升,0.1M,1.0毫摩尔)在氩气下,通过注射器,在氩气下滴加1.75毫升六甲基磷酰胺(10当量,10毫摩尔)添加。
To make the SmI2-HMPA complex, take the freshly [...]
prepared SmI2 under argon (10 ml, 0.1 M, 1.0 mmol) and add 1.75 ml of HMPA
(10 equiv., 10 mmol) through a syringe, dropwise, under argon.
[...] 度和不成比例的使用坦克、F-16 战斗机、直升机和其 他重武器、包括磷弹和 致密惰性金属炸弹等武力, 人民的沉重苦难在继续,加沙人民无处躲无处藏。
As the Palestinian civilian population continues to be subjected to Israel’s indiscriminate, excessive and disproportionate use of force by means of tanks,
F-16s, helicopters and other heavy
[...] weapons, including white phosphorous shells and dense inert [...]
metal explosive bombs, the profound
human suffering continues to mount, as the people of Gaza have nowhere to run and nowhere to seek refuge.
通过针对分钟以及大脑双眼之间复 杂 互动的细致分析,他们成功地将图像的对比度优化至最后一个像素,以实现光影之间的完美平衡。
Through meticulous analysis
[...] of minute and complex interactions between eyes [...]
and brain they have optimised image contrast
down to the very last pixel to achieve the ideal balance of shadow and light.
谨转递 2010 年 6 月 17 日和 2010 年 6 月 28 日美国常驻联合国代表团给尼加 拉瓜常驻联合国代表团的普通照会(见附件),分别回复后者 2010 年 6 月 10 日和 2010 年 6 月 26 日有关尼加拉瓜常驻代表最近抵达美国机场后的境遇的两份照会, 这是美国作出双边回复。
I have the honour to transmit copies of notes verbales dated 17 June 2010 and 28 June 2010, respectively (see annexes), that the United States Mission to the United Nations sent to the Permanent Mission of Nicaragua to the United Nations as bilateral replies to the latter’s notes verbales dated 10 June 2010 and 26 June 2010, respectively, regarding the experiences of the Permanent Representative of Nicaragua upon her recent airport arrivals in the United States.
现可提供弹簧复和 双作用模式的执行机构。
They are available in
[...] spring-return and doubleacting modes.
(c) 在过渡司法方面,保持过渡司法问题的最高优先地位,广泛传播关于全 国协商的报告,并为迈向实双重机 制, 复 讨 论 待决问题(法院检察官的独立 性,真相与和解委员会和特别法庭之间的关系,将战争罪、危害人类罪和种族灭 [...]
(c) In the area of transitional justice, keep the issue of transitional justice as a top priority, communicate widely the report on national consultations and, with a
view to progressing towards
[...] implementation of the double mechanism, resume the discussions [...]
on pending issues (independence
of the Court prosecutor, relationship between the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Special Tribunal, and exclusion of amnesty for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide).
過量攝入某些除害劑,可能對健康帶來急性的不良影響 ( 例如﹕甲磷和三唑磷可能 影響神經系統) ,至於其他除害劑,則有資 料顯示可能對動物的健康產生慢性的不良影響( 例如﹕林丹可能影響肝 臟和腎臟﹔三氯殺蟎醇可能影響胎兒發育) 。
Excessive exposure to some pesticides may cause acute adverse health effects (e.g. methamidophos and triazophos, may affect the nervous system) whereas other pesticides have shown to cause chronic adverse health effects (e.g. lindane may affect the liver and kidney; and dicofol may affect foetal development) in animals.
2013 年限期前于
[...] 主要城镇中设立妇女和儿童保护部门。荷兰也表示关切尼泊尔东部难民营中的不 丹人处境,并鼓励不丹与尼泊尔 复双 边 谈 判。
The Netherlands also raised concern about the
situation of refugees from Bhutan in camps in Eastern Nepal and
[...] encouraged Bhutan to resume bilateral negotiations with Nepal.
3.15 水体富营养化:指在人类活动的影响下,生物所需的氮 磷 等 营 养物质大量进入湖泊、 河口、海湾等缓流水体,引起藻类及其他浮游生物迅速繁殖,水体溶解氧量下降,水质恶化。
3.15 Eutrophication of water body: the phenomenon that under mankind’s
[...] influence, nitrogen and phosphor needed [...]
by living organisms entering in a large amount
into slow-flow water bodies like lakes, river estuary and sea gulf, causing algae and other plankton to reproduce rapidly, the level of dissolved oxygen in the water to decrease and water quality to deteriorate.
为以下四种数据类型提供全功能的向量和矩阵类:单精度浮点数,双精度浮点数,单精 复 数 和 双 精 度 复 数。
Full-featured vector and matrix classes
for four datatypes:
[...] single- and double-precision floating point numbers, and single- and double-precision complex numbers.
不过,一些复者认为,双年 度 部门优先事项的地位不是很明确,特别是与 34 C/4 战略性计划目标的关系。
However, some respondents considered that the status of the biennial sectoral [...]
priorities was not always entirely clear,
especially in relation to the strategic programme objectives of document 34 C/4.
的机构逾越这些职权,其行为就是越权《国家在武装冲突中使用核武器的合法性, 咨询意见,1996
[...] 年国际法院案例汇编(I)》,第 82 页;《摩洛哥境内磷酸盐案, 判决,1938 年常设国际法院案例汇编,A/B [...]
辑,第 74 号》,第 14 页)。
The jurisprudence of the Court is clear that if an organ which has been attributed a limited number of competences transgresses those competences, its acts would be ultra vires (Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed
Conflict, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1996
[...] (I), p. 82; Phosphates in Morocco, [...]
Judgment, 1938, P.C.I.J., Series A/B, No. 74, p. 14).
它们都从前沿技术中获得了好处,例如用于带束层的极其牢固的 TWARON 高性能纤维 —
[...] 该纤维可优化胎面(甚至高速下的)稳定性,或者创新 双 重 胎 面 复 合 材 料 — 该技术在胎面内外两侧使用不同的复合材料,结合了干湿两种气候轮胎的优点。
They profit from cutting-edge technologies such as the extremely robust TWARON high-performance fibre for the belt ply – which provides the tread with optimised
stability, even at high speeds – or the
[...] innovative dual tread compound that combines [...]
the advantages of wet and dry weather
tyres using different compounds for the inside and outside tread.
打印机还拥有先进的媒体与自双面 复 印 , 打印,黑白传真接收文件和双向进纸,以减少纸张使用量处理能力。
The printer also has Advanced Media Handling capabilities with Auto Duplex copying, printing, [...]
incoming black and white fax
documents and a two-way paper feed to reduce paper usage.
威胁,而全球确认达成这一方案的紧迫性肯定起到了 推动作用,以至于今年前几个月连续有国家承认巴勒 斯坦,还有法国总统尼古拉·萨科齐提出建议、各国
[...] 政府和民间社会越来越多给予支持、2011 年 9 月 23 日四方发表声明和所有各方随后为 复双 方 之 间的 可信谈判做出努力。
The global acknowledgement of the urgency of achieving the two-State solution, which is being gravely threatened by the occupying Power’s illegal actions, surely prompted the series of State recognitions accorded to Palestine in the preceding months of this year, as well as the proposal by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, the growing support of Governments and civil society, the Quartet statement of 23
September (see SG/2178) and subsequent efforts by all concerned parties
[...] to resume credible negotiations between the two sides.
Bustos 女士(阿根廷)重申阿根廷政府坚决支 持自决原则,指出刚刚通过的决议草案必须按照大
会和给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言执行情况特别 委员会就马尔维纳斯群岛(福克兰群岛)特别问题 通过的有关决议,特别是大会第 2065 (XX)号决议加
[...] 以解释和适用,该决议认为,阿根廷与联合王国之 间的主权争端只能通过复双边谈 判找到该群岛人 民可以接受的解决办法来解决。
(Argentina), reiterating her Government’s firm support for the principle of selfdetermination, observed that the draft resolution just adopted must be interpreted and applied in accordance with the relevant resolutions that the General Assembly and the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples had adopted on the special question of the Malvinas Islands (Falklands), in particular General Assembly resolution 2065 (XX), which had recognized that the sovereignty dispute between Argentina and
the United Kingdom could be resolved
[...] only by the resumption of bilateral negotiations on [...]
a solution acceptable to the people of the Islands.
另一份复要求双年度部门优先事项,以考虑到更好地监督和管理社会发展和变革进程的需要,并指 出,如果教科文组织希望促进发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家的技能培养,特别是提高系统 收集和管理社会统计数据方面的能力,这样做是十分重要的。
management of the process of social development and transformation, noting that it would be crucial to do so if UNESCO is to facilitate skills development in developing countries and SIDS, particularly in terms of the strengthening of capacity for more systematic collection and management of social statistical data.
与此同时,我们 支持作出一切国际努力以最终达成一项有关未决最 后地位问题的全面协议,包括中东问题“四方机制” 最近为复双方实 质性会谈而作出的努力。
Meanwhile, we support all international efforts leading to a comprehensive agreement on the outstanding final status issues, including the recent efforts of the Middle East Quartet to resume substantive talks between the two parties.
新法针对AIA做了技术性修正,其中比较重要的修正包括废除九个月的“静默期”,在修法之前,在该期间内特定专利不能进入授权 复 审 程 序(“PGR”) 双 方 重 审程序(“IPR”)(第1(d)条);将申请人提交发明人宣誓或声明的期限延长至支付专利申请费之后(第1(f)条);修改与专利期限调整(“PTA”)活动(如与若干国际申请相关的期限调整)相关的条件和期限限制(第1(h)条);废除美国法典第35部分第373条,关于非适格申请人(第1(i)条);明确启动派生诉讼程序的期限(第1(k)(1)条)。
Among the key amendments are: the elimination of the nine-month “dead zone”, during which
certain patents were
[...] ineligible for post grant review (“PGR”) or inter partes review (“IPR”) (Section 1(d)); the extension of the deadline for an applicant to file an inventor’s oath or declaration until [...]
the date on which the
issue fee for the patent is paid (Section 1(f)); the modification of requirements and time periods for activities relating to patent term adjustments (“PTA”) such as the adjustment period for certain international applications (Section 1(h)); the repeal of Section 373 of title 35, United States Code, on improper applicants (Section 1(i)); and the clarification of the time period to institute derivation proceedings (Section 1(k)(1)).




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