单词 | 及至 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 及至—by the time that
如果所有报销 申请的 5%或以上以及至少有5 份报销申请超过现行可报销支出上限,就达到了报 销申请触发点,由此调整补助金数额。 daccess-ods.un.org | If 5 per cent or more of the total claims and a minimum of five claims exceeded the existing maximum allowable expense limit, the claim trigger was reached and the grant level was adjusted. daccess-ods.un.org |
於一份或以上报章刊载」 指 [...] 倘相关地区为香港,则为以付费广告方式至少於一份英文报 章以英语刊载及至少於一份中文报章以中文刊载,在每一种情况下,该家报纸须为每日出 [...]版,在香港普遍行销,及依据香港政务司辖下公司条例第 71A 条之目的,而为宪报所指定发 行及出版之报纸。 kader.com | advertisement in one or more newspapers" in context where Relevant Territory is Hong Kong shall mean a paid advertisement in [...] English in at least one English language [...] newspaper and inChinese in atleast one Chinese [...]Language newspaper, being in each [...]case a newspaper published daily and circulating generally in Hong Kong and specified in the list of newspapers issued and published in the Gazette for the purposes of section 71A of the Companies Ordinance by the Chief Secretary of Hong Kong. kader.com |
各项目由涉及至少两个部门和至少一个外地办事处的小组设计并实施,强调跨部门性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Intersectorality was emphasized with each project being designed and implemented by teams involving at least two sectors and at least one field office. unesdoc.unesco.org |
附件C 及 附件D 所 载 的 两个图表显示1998至 2000年 每 公 升无 铅汽油和车用柴 油平均 零售价组 成 部 分的大致分项数字、油公司提供 的 主 要 组 成 部 分 最 高和最低单位成本之间 的 差距,以及1998至2000年 各 主 要 组 成 部 分平均单位成本每 年的相 对 变动。 legco.gov.hk | Two tables showing a breakdown at the broad level of the components of the average retail price per litre from 1998 to 2000 for unleaded petrol and automotive diesel respectively, the differentials between the highest and lowest value of the unit cost of the major components reported among the oil companies, and changes in the average unit cost of the major components from 1998 to 2000 are in Annex C and Annex D. legco.gov.hk |
及至沙士一役,市民更认识到,政府的无能不但影响自己的生计,更与生命攸关。 hkupop.hku.hk | During the SARS crisis, citizens [...] recognized that government incompetence does not only affect their material interests, [...]but potentially also their very life and death. hkupop.hku.hk |
婚姻不可在至少有一方已经结婚的两人之间、直接亲属长幼之间、兄弟姐 [...] 妹之间、同父异母或同母异父兄弟姐妹之间、养父母和养子女之间、同一人收养 的子女之间以及至少有一方因为有限的实际行为能力而一直受到监护的两人之间 [...]缔结(该法第 4 节第 1-3 条)。 daccess-ods.un.org | A marriage may not be contracted between persons of whom at least one is already married, between direct ascendants and descendants, brothers and sisters, half-brothers and half-sisters, adoptive parents and adopted children, or between children [...] adopted by the same person, and between [...] persons of whomat least onehas been [...]placed under guardianship due to his or her [...]restricted active legal capacity (§ 4 clause 1–3 of the Act). daccess-ods.un.org |
许多发言者还强调,该纲领在很大程度上侧重于与实现千年发展 目标有关的具体目标以及至关重要的社会融合和社会保护目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many speakers also asserted that the Brussels Programme of Action was largely focused on [...] targets related to achieving the Millennium [...] Development Goals and vitalsocial inclusion [...]and social protection objectives. daccess-ods.un.org |
法庭采用了“混杂”或“混合”的构成,其中包括塞拉利昂政府任命的 少数法官,以及至少理论上有一名塞拉利昂副检察官(我说在理论上是因为塞拉利 [...] 昂政府提名的第一位副检察官不是塞拉利昂人)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Its “mixed” or “hybrid” make-up including a minority of judges [...] appointed by the Government of Sierra Leone, [...] as well as,at least in theory, a Sierra [...]Leonean Deputy Prosecutor (I say in theory [...]because the first Deputy Prosecutor nominated by the Government of Sierra Leone was not a Sierra Leonean). daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,似乎可以清楚地看出,由于这些技巧产生的 效力几乎与保留所产生的效力相同,应该在专门载列保留定义的《实践指南》的 那一章中予以提及,至少能够更加明确地鉴别这个概念的关键内容,把它们同保 留区别开来,并且在可适用的情况下,针对保留的法律制度得出适当的结论。 daccess-ods.un.org | As they produce effects almost identical to those produced by reservations, these techniques nevertheless deserve to be mentioned in the part of the Guide to Practice devoted to the definition of reservations, if only so as to identify more clearly the key elements of the concept, distinguish them from reservations and, where applicable, draw appropriate conclusions with regard to the legal regime of reservations. daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织已做出努力,提高《2006 至 2007 年计划与预算》(已批准的 33 C/5)的行政、管 理和监督以及《2008至2009年计划与预算草案》(34 C/5 草案)的编制工作的交付标准,其中包 括通过依照总干事批准的工作计划授权和适当拨款以及重新编制计划来实施预算管理。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO has made efforts to increase the standards of delivery both in terms of administration, management and monitoring of the Programme and Budget for 2006-2007 (33 C/5 Approved), and of preparation of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2008-2009 (Draft 34 C/5). unesdoc.unesco.org |
执行委员会希望智利在今后两年以及至2010年能够继续对消耗臭氧层物质淘汰采取综合 [...] 性办法。 multilateralfund.org | The Executive Committee hopes that Chile will continue its integrated approach to ODS phase out for [...] the next two years and until 2010. multilateralfund.org |
倘股东於指定付款日期未能支付任何催缴股款,则董事会可发出不少於足十 四(14)日通知,要求支付仍未支付之催缴股款,连同任何已累计及至实际付款之日 前仍然应计之利息;该通知亦将声明,倘於指定时间或之前仍未付款,则有关催 缴之股份可遭没收。 cre8ir.com | If a member fails to pay any call on the day appointed for payment thereof, the Board may serve not less than fourteen (14) clear days’ notice on him requiring payment of so much of the call as is unpaid, together with any interest which may have accrued and which may still accrue up to the date of actual payment and stating that, in the event of non payment at or before the time appointed, the shares in respect of which the call was made will be liable to be forfeited. cre8ir.com |
董事会须不时决定应否及至何种程度、何时何地及按何 种条件或规则,将本公司账目及账册或任何彼等公开让非董事之 成员查阅,任何成员(并非董事)均无权查阅本公司账目或账册 或文件,惟由公司条例授予权力或董事会或本公司於股东大会授 权之情况下则除外。 ckh.com.hk | The Board shall from time to time determine whether andto what extent, at what times and places and under what conditions or regulations, the accounts and books of the Company, or any of them, shall be open to the inspection of the members not being Directors, and no member (not being a Director) shall have any right of inspecting any account or book or document of the Company except as conferred by the Companies Ordinance or authorised by the Board or by the Company in general meeting. ckh.com.hk |
接纳小组的宗旨是核查申请人是否符合《程序和证据规则》规则 58 和 59 的条件和要求,特别重视申请人在国际刑法领域的能力及至少应有若干年的相关 经验。 daccess-ods.un.org | The purpose of the Admission Panel is to verify whether applicants meet the requirements set out in rules 58 and 59 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, with a particular focus on the competence of the applicants in international criminal law and the required minimum number of years of relevant experience. daccess-ods.un.org |
3.2 会议议程及其相关文件,应按时及至少在会议日期的三个工作日前(或 委员会各成员同意的其他日期)将全部文件送交委员会各成员。 earnest-inv.com | 3.2 An agenda and accompanying papers shall be sent in full to all members of the Committee in a timely manner and at least 3days before [...] the intended date [...]of the meeting of the Committee (or such other period as agreed by its members). earnest-inv.com |
这场冲突必须结束:这不仅涉及至关重要的以色列人 和巴勒斯坦人的安全问题,而且也涉及到国际安全制 度的公信力问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | That conflict must come to an end: it is not only the security of Israel and of the Palestinians that is at stake, but also the credibility of the international security system. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于贩运人口(第16、18、43以及45至51项建议) ,加拿大人口与发展行 动组织承认国家在设立了专门审理需要特别对待的罪行的法庭后作出的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | In relation to human trafficking (recommendations 16, 18, 43, 45 to 51) Action Canada for Population and Development recognized the efforts made by the State after the set-up of specialized courts for crimes that required special treatment. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管主矿体中央部分含有三个接近垂直的块状硫化物透镜状地层(宽60米、长500米及6.5至17m厚), 然而该矿床仍以细脉浸染状多金属矿化物居多。 glencore.com | The vein-disseminated polymetallic mineralisation prevails at the deposit though the central part of the Main Orebody contains three subvertical lenses of massive sulfides with 60m width, 500m length and thickness varying from 6.5 to 17m. glencore.com |
除退任董事外,任何人士如未获董事推荐参选,均无资格在任何股 [...] 东大会上获选出任董事一职,除非表明有意提名该人士参兴的书面 通知,以及该名人士表明自愿参选的书面通知已於股东大会日期前 [...] 至少七(7)个整日送交总办事处或登记处,而该等通知的递交期限应 不早於寄发该选举指定股东大会通告翌日开始,以及至少为七(7)个 整日。 chinaallaccess.com | 110. No person, other than a retiring Director, shall, unless recommended by the Directors for election, be eligible for election to the office of Director at any general meeting, unless notice in writing of the intention to propose that person for election as a Director and notice in writing by that person of his willingness to be elected shall have been lodged at the Head Office or at the Registration Office at least seven (7) clear days before the date of the general meeting and the period for lodgement of such notices shall commence no earlier than the day after the [...] despatch of the notice of the general meeting appointed for such [...] election and shall beat least seven (7) [...]clear days in length. chinaallaccess.com |
创建新网页并证实其符合准则涉及额 外工作及至少多20%的额外制作时间。 daccess-ods.un.org | The additional efforts necessary to create the new pages and to validate them against the standards have required additional production time, which has increased by at least20 per cent. daccess-ods.un.org |
针对秘书处提出的问题和建议,法国政府同意修改氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第一阶段 (仅涉及2012至2015年),以实现削减 10%的氟氯烃消费量基准,费用总额为 [...] 900,000 美元,其中明确列入消除用 HCFC-22 冲洗制冷管道的活动,并采用替代办法。 multilateralfund.org | In response to the issues raised and the suggestion made by the Secretariat, the Government of France agreed to [...] modify stage I of the HPMP, covering only [...] the 2012 to 2015 period tomeet the 10 per [...]cent reduction of the HCFC consumption [...]baseline at a total cost of US $900,000 and to explicitly include an activity to eliminate flushing of refrigeration circuits with HCFC-22 and introducing alternative methods. multilateralfund.org |
我们欢迎 他提出的进展报告以及至今在执行工作中采取的步 骤。 daccess-ods.un.org | We welcome his progress report, and the steps taken so far in its implementation. daccess-ods.un.org |
(1) 该物业包括麗晶中心之全部,但以下已经出售的单位除外﹕A 座地下 G02 单位;1 樓、2 樓、3 樓及 6 樓所有单位;10 樓 1001至1003、1005至1010、1013及1015至1020号单位;12 樓 1021 至 1023、1205 至 1213、1215 至 1217 号单 位;13 樓所有单位、15 樓 1511、1512 及 1518 号单位;16 樓所有单位;17 樓 1701至1703、1705至1710、1713、 1715、1716及1720号单位;18 樓 1817 至 1819 号单位、21 樓 2105至2113及2115至2117号单位;及25樓2501至2503、2505及2518至2520号单位;以及 B 座地下地层 LG01 及 LG02 号单位;3 樓301至303、305至309及320 号 单位以及 6 樓、8 樓、9 樓、11 樓、12 樓及 15 樓所有单位。 wingtaiproperties.com | (1) The property comprises the whole of Regent Centre except Unit G02 on Ground Floor, all units on 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 6th Floors, Units 1001 to 1003, 1005 to 1010, 1013 and 1015 to 1020 on 10th Floor, Units 1201 to 1203, 1205 to 1213, 1215 to 1217 on 12th Floor, all units on 13th Floor, Units 1511, 1512 and 1518 on 15th Floor, all units on 16th Floor, Units 1701 to 1703, 1705 to 1710, 1713, 1715, 1716 and 1720 on 17th Floor, Units 1817 to 1819 on 18th Floor, Units 2105 to 2113 and 2115 to 2117 on 21st Floor and Units 2501 to 2503, 2505 and 2518 to 2520 on 25th Floor of Tower A together with Units LG01 and LG02 on Lower Ground Floor, Units 301 to 303, 305 to 309 and Unit 320 on 3rd Floor and all units on 6th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th and 15th Floors of Tower B which have been sold. wingtaiproperties.com |
就上述而言,「有关期间」指自上文第(iii)段所指刊登广告日期前十二年 开始及至该段所述期间届满止期间。 mmg.com | For the purpose of the foregoing, “relevant period” means the period commencing twelve years before the date of publication of the advertisement referred to in paragraph (iii) above and ending at the expiry of the period referred to in that paragraph. mmg.com |
1.2 成员须为非执行董事,其中大部分成员须为独立非执行董事(「独立非执行董事」)及至少一位须具备适当专业资格,或具备适当的会计或相关财务管理专长。 ckh.com.hk | 1.2 Membership shall be confined to non-executive Directors, the majority of which must [...] be independent non-executive Directors [...] (“INEDs”) andat least oneINED with appropriate [...]professional qualifications or accounting [...]or related financial management expertise. ckh.com.hk |
9月下旬的最新调查显示,当问及市民期望特首曾荫权於本星期三发表第三份施政报告中的重点时,在没有提示及只选一项的情况下,33%被访者认为重点应放在经济问题上,15%则期望报告重点放在劳工及就业问题;期望报告重点放在社会福利问题的,有14%;而选择教育问题、政制发展、医疗政策及环境问题者,则分别有7%、5%、5%及4%;至於回答「唔知/难讲」者,则占13%。 hkupop.hku.hk | According to our survey conducted in late September, when asked to name unaided one issue that CE Donald Tsang should focus on in his third Policy Address to be announced this Wednesday, 33% of the respondents wished he would take "economic development" as his first priority, while 15% chose "labour and employment" and 14% opted for "social welfare". hkupop.hku.hk |
现时,纳米技术没有国际公认的 定义,通常指在原子级和分子级上控制材料大小和形狀的过程中应用的技术,一般涉及 至少在其中一面尺寸约介乎1至100纳米的结构。 cfs.gov.hk | Generally, nanotechnology deals with structures sized between approximately 1 and 100 nanometer (nm) in at least one dimension. cfs.gov.hk |