

单词 及后



too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless repent after the event.

External sources (not reviewed)

特使还告知安全理事会,鉴于 局势的脆弱性,仍需密切监察,因此,特使在内罗毕的办公室不仅在一
[...] 段有限时间内需要一些能力以继续监察进一步进展,而且需要有某种机 制来继续开展其后的监及后续工作。
The Special Envoy also informed the Security Council that owing to its fragility, the situation would continue to require close monitoring and that his office in Nairobi would therefore require not only some capacity to continue monitoring further
progress for a limited period, but also some form of mechanism to carry forward the
[...] monitoring and follow-up thereafter.
本报告借鉴 2008 年对中期战略计划所作中期审查(E/ICEF/2008/1 8) 以及 后来对中期战略计划所作深入审查(E/ICEF/2010/9)的结果,力求:(a) 总结影 响儿童的全球格局变化,包括新出现的问题;(b) 在 2010 年 9 月关于千年发展 目标的大会高级别全体会议(“千年发展目标首脑会议”)所作讨论的基础上,审 查实现千年发展目标和《千年宣言》各项承诺的进展情况;(c) 确定和阐述中期 战略计划的重大战略调整;(d) 在吸取经验教训、分析进展情况和最新事态发展 以及审查管理问题的基础上,阐述每一个重点领域的成果。
Building on the outcome of the 2008 mid-term review (E/ICEF/2008/18) and the in-depth review (E/ICEF/2010/9) of the MTSP, the report aims to (a) take stock of changes in the global context affecting children, including emerging issues; (b) review progress made towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals and commitments of the Millennium Declaration building on the discussions that took place at the General Assembly High-level Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals (“Millennium Development Goals Summit”), in September 2010; (c) identify and elaborate on key strategic shifts in the MTSP; and (d) present results in each focus area, based on lessons learned, analysis of progress and recent developments, and a review of management issues.
也在同一次会议上,食物权问题特别报告员奥利维尔·德舒特介绍了人 人有权享
[...] 有最佳身心 健 康 问题特别报告员、与负责儿童与 武 装冲突 问题的秘书长 特别代表、暴力侵害妇女、 其原及后果问题特别报告员、负责国内流离失所者 人权问题的秘书长代表、关于适足生 活水准权所含适足住房问题及在此 [...]
方 面 不 受 歧视问题特别报告员、食 物 权问题特别报告员、法
外处决、即 决处决或 任意处决 问题特别报告员、教育权问题特别报告员以及人权与赤 贫 问题独立专 家 应 理事会 S-9/1 号决议的要求编写的联合报告(A/HRC/10/22)。
Also at the same meeting, the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter, introduced the combined report of the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, the Special Representative of the
Secretary-General for children and
[...] armed conflict, the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, the Representative [...]
of the SecretaryGeneral
on the human rights of internally displaced persons, the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to nondiscrimination in this context, the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, arbitrary or summary executions, the Special Rapporteur on the right to education, and the Independent Expert on the question of human rights and extreme poverty, as requested by Council resolution S-9/1 (A/HRC/10/22).
关于议程草案项目 13(联合国经济、社会及有关领域各次主要会议和首脑会 议成果的统筹协调执及后续行 动),秘书长回顾第 57/270 B 号决议,其中大会 决定在该项目下审议经济及社会理事会年度报告中与联合国各次主要会议和首 脑会议成果的统筹协调执及后续行 动相关的各章,包括通过理事会主席参加讨 论的方式。
With regard toitem 13 of the draft agenda (Integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields), the SecretaryGeneral wishes to recall resolution 57/270 B, in which the General Assembly decided to consider under the
item the chapters
[...] of the annual report of the Economic and Social Council relevant to the integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits, including through the participation in its discussions [...]
of the President of the Council.
经济及社会理事会在其 2011 年实质性会议上决定请秘书长编写一份说明, 内载关于经济及社会理事会根据大会第 61/16 号决议等各项相关决议在联合国各 次主要会议和首脑会议成果的统筹协调执 及后 续 行 动方面所起作用的未来报 告的周期性和范围的建议,供其 2012 年实质性会议审议(经济及社会理事会第 2011/216 号决定)。
At its substantive session of 2011, the Economic and Social Council decided to request the Secretary-General to prepare a note containing recommendations on the periodicity and scope of future reports on the role of the Council in the integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of major United Nations conferences and summits, in the light of relevant General Assembly resolutions, including resolution 61/16, for consideration at its substantive session of 2012 (Economic and Social Council decision 2011/216).
可持续性通过充分考虑环境方面 及后 代 的 权利和需求,使增长 和发展进程长久持续。
Sustainability gives the growth and development
process long-term durability incorporating fully the environmental dimension and the
[...] rights and needs of future generations.
在五个国家(贝宁、布基纳法索、马里、尼日尔和塞内加尔)成立了一些国家思 及后 续 行 动 委员会,使得在减贫战略框架内更加重视“基于人权的消除贫困”方式。
Operational national follow-up and reflection committees were set up in five countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Senegal), thereby ensuring better integration of the “poverty as a human rights issue” approach into the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs).
因此,這些未敷設 污水收集設施地區所排出的污水,已被認為是鄰近梧桐 及后 海 灣受 納水體的一個水污染源頭。
Sewage from these unsewered areas has therefore been identified as a source of water pollution to the nearby Ng Tung River as well as the receiving waters of Deep Bay.
[...] 以及我们自己在处理武装冲突期 及后 续 冲 突后时 期难民和境内流离失所者情况方面汲取的经验教训, [...]
Finally, drawing on Croatia’s first-hand experience working with UNHCR and on lessons learned in dealing with our own
refugee and IDP situation during an armed
[...] conflict and in the ensuing post-conflict [...]
years, we would like to reaffirm Croatia’s
full support for the High Commissioner’s mandate.
[...] 认为,国际贸易和金融系统没有为解决这些问题提供有利的环境,但对于当前正 在进行的多边谈判和改革工作的意 及后 果 ,各方意见不一。
The experts were in broad agreement that the international trading and financial system was not providing a supportive environment to address these challenges,
although opinions differed as to the
[...] value and likely consequences of the current [...]
negotiations and ongoing reform efforts at the multilateral level.
请联合国秘书长确保全面动员和协调联合国系统的所有方面,促进本《行 动纲领》在国家、次区域、区域和全球各级的协调执行 及后 续 行 动和监测工作 的连贯一致。
The Secretary-General of the United Nations is requested to ensure the full mobilization and coordination of all parts of the United Nations system to facilitate coordinated implementation and coherence in the follow-up and monitoring of the Programme of Action at the national, subregional, regional and global levels.
最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家高级代表办事处(最 不发达等国家高代办)应继续履行职能,协助秘书长对《行动纲领》的执行开展 有效的后续行动和监测工作,协助秘书长在联合国系统所有部门进行全面动员和 协调,以期在国家、区域和全球各级促进《支援最不发达国家行动纲领》的协调 执及后续行 动和监测工作的一致性;协助为该行动纲领的执行调动国际支持和 资源。
The Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States should continue to fulfil its functions to assist the Secretary-General for the effective follow-up and monitoring of the implementation of the Programme of Action and the full mobilization and coordination of all parts of the United Nations system, with a view to facilitating the coordinated implementation of and coherence in the follow-up and monitoring of the Programme of Action for the least developed countries at the country, regional and global levels, and to assist in mobilizing international support and resources for the implementation of the Programme of Action for least developed countries.
[...] 野,以在提高生活水平、促进繁荣与减少或消除对 地及后代福 祉之潜在影响之间作出平衡。
Our global reach affords us a broad environmental perspective that allows us to
raise living standards of people while reducing negative impact on the planet and the
[...] well-being of future generations.
通过智能测量和分析系统进行精确机组监控,包括测量设备的预处理值的分析评估 - 例如,提供频率选择性观测结果的频率分析 - 以及后续水力特性的计算。
Precise machine monitoring through intelligent measuring and analysis systems covering analytical evaluation of pre-processed values from the measurement device – as for example frequency analysis providing frequency selective observation results – and the calculation of further hydro specific characteristic values.
数据还将包括详细阐述公务员和安全 部队的参与情况、报告和审判案例数量, 及后续 定罪情况的统计数据。
The data would also include statistics detailing the
involvement of public servants and security forces, the number of cases reported and
[...] brought to trial, and subsequent convictions.
教育部长们于 2002 年
[...] 11 月在 哈瓦那一致通过了该项及后续模 型,使之作为将全民教育计划纳入本国国情的一种手段, [...]
In November 2002, in Havana, the
Ministers of Education unanimously adopted
[...] the project and the follow-up model as [...]
a means to allow the insertion of the EFA
plans in national settings, with the full commitment of experts and technicians of the Ministries of Education, in partnership with civil society organizations.
继续开展行动以支持“有效骑士行动”,为此,驻科部队与科索沃机构和其 他国际民事团体开展合作,维持安全和有保障的环境及行动自由,方法是在整个 科索沃境内开展以情报为主要目的的行动,利用形势宣传,快速、有力地部署机 动部及后备役部队,以期遏制暴力并处理危机局势。
Operations in support of Operation Effective Knight continue with the Kosovo Force maintaining a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement in cooperation with the institutions in Kosovo and other international civil groups, by conducting intelligence-driven operations across Kosovo, and using situational awareness, and through the rapid and determined deployment of manoeuvre forces and reserves to deter violence and deal with crisis situations.
缔约国注意到,不可能完全排除他被遣返回 及后 受 到 类似待 遇的可能性。
The State party notes that it is not possible to fully exclude that he would be exposed to similar treatment if returned to Egypt.
关于该决议草案第 18、22 和 49
[...] 段,应该注意大 会第 45/248 B 号决议第六节及后来一些决议的规 定,最近的便是第 62/236 [...]
号决议,其中大会重申第 五委员会是负责行政和预算问题的委员会,并且重申 了行政和预算问题咨询委员会的职责。
With regard also to paragraphs 18, 22 and 49 of the draft resolution, attention was drawn to the provisions of
section VI of General Assembly
[...] resolution 45/248 B and subsequent resolutions, the [...]
most recent of which was resolution 62/236,
in which the Assembly had reaffirmed that the Fifth Committee was the appropriate Main Committee entrusted with responsibilities for administrative and budgetary matters and had reaffirmed the role of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions.
CWM7系列环绕声道扬声器应位于聆听位置的左 右两及后方。
Surround channel CWM7 Series speakers should
[...] be located just behind and either side [...]
of the listening position.
因此该代表团建议推迟通过食品添加剂通用标准中的“人造黄油及同类产品”的 食品添加剂规定和“婴儿配方及“ 后 续 配 方”的食品添加剂规定。
The Delegation therefore proposed that the adoption of food additive provisions for “margarine
and similar products” and food additive provisions for “Infant
[...] formulae” and “Follow-up formulae” in [...]
the GSFA be deferred.
[...] 济和贸易部将编制并公布有关贫困和相关政策影响的年度报告,公布该报告的目 的在于向公众传递分析性信息,使其了解贫困评 及后 续 政 策制定情况。
At the same time, in accordance with this system, the Ministry of Economy and Trade develops and publishes the annual Report on poverty and impact of
policies, the aim of which is to deliver analytical information on
[...] poverty evaluation and subsequent development of policies.
因此,无法完全排除他被遣返回 及后 也 会 受到相同待遇的可能性。
Consequently, it was not possible to fully exclude that he would be exposed to similar treatment if returned to Egypt.
[...] 和举措,应当倡导采取通盘做法,要考虑到这一现象的原 及后 果 , 同时应充分 尊重移徙者的人权和基本自由
Bearing in mind that policies and initiatives on the issue of migration, including those that refer to the orderly management of migration, should promote
holistic approaches that take into account the
[...] causes and consequences of the phenomenon, [...]
as well as full respect for the human
rights and fundamental freedoms of migrants
各间巴士公司亦在其辖下大部分巴士上装设其他设施,方便 残疾乘客,如附设靠背及安全带的轮椅停放处、降低车身功能,并设有阔门、车
[...] 铃、残疾乘客优先座位、车头设有大字体终点站及路线编号的电子显示、车身侧及后面设 有大字体路线编号的电子显示、巴士出口设有车门关闭蜂鸣器及提示 [...]
Ancillary facilities such as wheelchair space with back rest and restraint lap belt, front kneeling capability with wide entrance, high colour contrast and textured handrail system inside compartment, super low floor covered with non-slippery floor material, easily reached bell; priority seats for passengers with disabilities, large electronic destination and route number display on the
front, large electronic route number display
[...] on the side and rear, closing door [...]
buzzer and warning lamp at exit and Braille
registration number plate and customer service hotline inside compartment are equipped in most buses to facilitate persons with disabilities in using bus services.
又回顾其 2003 年 6 月 23
[...] 日关于联合国经济和社会领域各次主要会议和首脑 会议结果的统筹协调执及后续行 动的第 57/270 B 号决议,其中大会强调,所 [...]
有国家都应当促进实施与联合国各次重大会议和首脑会议的承诺相一致和协调 的政策,强调联合国系统担负着协助各国政府继续充分参与落实和执行联合国各
次重大会议和首脑会议达成的协定和承诺的重要职责,并请其政府间机构进一步 促进执行联合国各次重大会议和首脑会议的结果
Recalling also its resolution 57/270 B of 23 June 2003,
on the integrated and coordinated
[...] implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes [...]
of the major United Nations conferences
and summits in the economic and social fields, in which it stressed that all countries should promote policies consistent and coherent with the commitments of the major United Nations conferences and summits, emphasized that the United Nations system had an important responsibility to assist Governments to stay fully engaged in the follow-up to and implementation of agreements and commitments reached at the major United Nations conferences and summits and invited its intergovernmental bodies to further promote the implementation of the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits
其他令人不安的事态发展 包括联合王国的“三叉戟计划”和法国的核武库中
[...] 又增加了一艘配备核武器的弹道导弹潜艇, 及后 者缄口不谈以色列的秘密核计划。
Other distressing developments included the United Kingdom’s Trident programme and France’s addition of a nuclear-armed ballistic
missile submarine to its nuclear arsenals,
[...] as well as the latter country’s silence [...]
on the underground Israeli nuclear programme.
黃宏發議員維 持他曾 在交通事務委員會及工務 小組委員會會議席上表達 的意見 ,認為由於東行 連接路 引 起 廣 泛 的 爭 議 ,因此 深港西部 通道工程計劃(759TH) 及 后海灣幹線工程計劃(736TH)應 分開表決。
Mr Andrew WONG maintained his view expressed at the Transport Panel meetings and PWSC meeting that the SWC project (759TH) and the DBL project (736TH) should be voted on separately in view of the strong controversy about the ELR.
例如,2008 年 9 月在阿克拉举 办了第三次援助实效问题高级别论坛,其间经合组织发援会成员国要求“不仅关 注援助管理问题,还要审查安全、建设和平和国家能力等实质性政策问题”,为 响应这一要求及后续建 设和平与国家建设国际对话、G7+集团和帝力宣言的要 求,2008 年 12 月成立了一个重要的新论坛,即冲突和脆弱性问题国际网络。
One such example is an important new forum, the International Network on Conflict and Fragility, created in December 2008 as a response to the demand by countries of the OECD-DAC at the third High-level Forum on aid effectiveness, held in Accra, in September 2008, to “move beyond aid management concerns to examine the substantive policy issues of security, peacebuilding and State capacity”, the followup International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and State-building, the G7+ and the Dili Declaration.




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