

单词 参赛

参赛 noun

entry n

参赛 verb ()

compete v

参赛 ()

take part in a competition


参赛者 n

contestant n

参赛者 pl

contestants pl



See also:


competition n
match n

better than
superior to

External sources (not reviewed)

希望各参赛者能充分运用自己掌握的经营管理知识与业务实践知识完成企业案例研 究报告。
All of the contestants are expected to fully utilize their operational management and practical knowledge to complete the enterprise case study reports.
与通常玩的游戏不同的是参赛者必 须利用对机器人进行编程,给机器人设计智能来自动指挥它,而不是由键盘、鼠标简单地直接控制。
And usually play
[...] the game is different: Participants must be programmed [...]
to use the robot to robot design intelligence to
automatically direct it , rather than by keyboard , mouse, simply direct control .
在9月9日至13日的五天时间里,45位调酒师将角逐本届鸡尾酒世界杯冠军头衔,挑战2007年获得此项殊荣的美 参赛 队 Te am Vegas。
Over the five days between the 9th - 13th September 45 contestants will
battle it out to become the Cocktail World Champions, taking over the throne from
[...] the 2007 winning team from Team Vegas, USA.
旗帜上显示了一个统一的国家形象,而 且他们仅作为“朝鲜参赛。
Their flag featured an image of a united country, and they competed as simply ‘Korea’.
11.1 参赛者或与个人信息有关的当事人有权从反兴奋剂组织获得:(a) [...]
反兴奋剂组织是否处理 关于他们的个人信息的确认情况,(b) 第 7.1 条规定的信息,以及 (c) 一份有关个人信息的 副本,其中时限合理、内容清晰明了且无额外费用,除非在特殊情况下反兴奋剂组织无法
11.1 Participants or person to whom [...]
the Personal Information relates shall have the right to obtain from Anti-Doping Organizations:
(a) confirmation of whether or not Anti-Doping Organizations Process Personal Information relating to them, (b) the information as per Article 7.1, and (c) a copy of the relevant Personal Information within a reasonable timeframe, in a readily intelligible format, and without excessive cost, unless to do so in a particular case plainly conflicts with the Anti-Doping Organization’s ability to plan or conduct No Advance Notice Testing or to investigate and establish anti-doping rule violations.
7.3 反兴奋剂组织应以书面、口头或其他方式及形式提供上述信息,从而 使 参赛 者 或 与个人信 息有关的当事人便于理解,同时要考虑到关于处理个人信息的当地做法、习俗和特殊情 况。
7.3 Anti-Doping Organizations shall provide the above information in a manner
and format, whether written, oral or
[...] otherwise, that Participants or person [...]
to whom the Personal Information relates can
easily comprehend, taking into account local practices, customs and the particular circumstances surrounding the Processing of the Personal Information.
发明和全球创新专家们表示,今年 参赛 作 品 反映了人们对学术问题、环境问题以及实际问题的认识,同时也反映了人们对那些处在不同环境的人的深刻理解和同情,如面对战争和冲突的老人。
This year's entries reflect an awareness of academic, environmental and practical issues, and also show a deep understanding and empathy for those in different circumstances, such as the elderly and people facing war and conflict, say experts in inventions and global innovation.
5.吁请非洲足联及其理事机构本着同情和团结一致的非洲精神,重新考虑 暂停多参赛权的 决定,以维护旨在团结人民的足球精神。
CALLS ON CAF and its governing body to reconsider its decision to suspend Togo, in order to maintain the spirit of football aimed at bringing people together in the African spirit of unity, compassion and solidarity.
作 为获得赛事总冠军奖杯 Tattersall 杯的诸多国参赛者中 的第一艘,Illingworth 和 Rani 从此之后成为了这项赛事最显赫的两个名字。
As the first of a series of
[...] international entrants to claim the prestigious tattersall’s Cup – awarded to the race’s overall winner [...]
– illingworth and
Rani have become two of the event’s most illustrious names.
[...] [...] 名字、声音或形象出现在用户内容的任何人,以书面方式无条件许可其名字、声音或形象出现在用户内容中,并且以书面方式无条件授 参赛 者 提交用户内容的权利(如果主办方要求,用户应向主办方提交该许可和授予);(y)如果任何未成年人的名字、声音或形象出现在用户内容中,用户是未成年人的家长或法定监护人,或者用户得到该未成年人的家长或法定监护人的明确书面许可;以及(z) [...] [...]
By submitting User Content, each user represents and warrants that: (w) he/she has the unrestricted right to submit the User Content; (x) any person whose name, voice or likeness appears in the User Content has unconditionally consented in writing to his/her
appearance in such User Content and
[...] unconditionally granted the entrant in writing the [...]
right to submit the User Content (a copy
of which consent and grant will be furnished to Sponsor upon Sponsor’s request); (y) he/she is (or has the express written permission of) the parent/legal guardian of any minor child whose name, voice or likeness appears in the User Content; and (z) the User Content does not infringe on any third party’s proprietary or other right.
在用英文、法文和西班牙文录制的邀 参赛 视 频 录像中,秘书长、联合国儿 童基金亲善大使成龙、安热莉克·基乔、优素·恩杜尔和莱昂内尔·梅西、联合 国和平使者 Stevie Wonder 和 Haya Bint Al Hussein 公主问 YouTube 观众如何 让我们的世界成为一个“更好、更安全的地方”,在活动过程中,有超过 [...]
56 000 人次观看这一视频。
Call-for-entry videos in English, French and Spanish featuring the SecretaryGeneral, United Nations Children’s Fund Goodwill Ambassadors Jackie Chan, Angélique [...]
Kidjo, Youssou
N’Dour and Lionel Messi and United Nations Messengers of Peace Stevie Wonder and Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein asked YouTube viewers how to make our world a “better, safer place” and were viewed over 56,000 times during the campaign.
在欧洲举办四年后,Super Trofeo
[...] 超级挑战赛如今走进亚洲,为业余赛车手们提供了一个专门的平台,他们可以单独或两人一 参赛 , 驾驶定制的兰博基尼 Super Trofeo [...]
Already in its fourth year in Europe, the Super Trofeo Championship in Asia will now provide an exclusive platform for Gentlemen drivers, entering individually or in teams of two,
to compete at the wheel of the bespoke
[...] Lamborghini Super Trofeo race car in one of [...]
the world’s fastest one-make Series.
因支持者在街边排队喝彩而在国际上享有“友好马拉松”美名的都柏林马拉松(Dublin Marathon)始于历史悠久的乔治亚街道(Georgian streets),每年吸引上万名选手前 参赛。
Internationally known as the “friendly marathon” because of the enthusiasm of the supporters lining the streets, the Dublin Marathon takes runners through the historic Georgian streets of the Republic’s capital and attracts over 10,000 competitors.
在 1872 年,加利福尼亚州州长 Leland Stanford
[...] 因一场赌博而雇佣了他,赌博的内容是让 其证明在赛马比赛中有的时候所 参赛的 4 匹马都是四蹄腾空。
In 1872, California Governor Leland Stanford hired Muybridge to
help him win a bet by proving that there are
[...] times in a horse race when all four [...]
of the animal's feet are off the ground.
仲裁/法律选择:若无法律禁止参赛 者 同意以下事项: [a ]任何由本促销及其奖金、获奖者评定引发或与之相关的争议、索赔与诉讼均应个别解决 参赛 者 保 证不为此提出任何形式的集体诉讼;一切争议均按照美国仲裁委员会仲裁条款进行仲裁,结果在美国明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市(Minneapolis)生效; [b]一切索赔、裁断及判决均以已产生的实际费用为准,其中包括 参赛 有 关 的费用,但决不包括律师费;以及 [c] 在任何情况下参赛者不 会就任何惩罚性、偶然性或间接损失以及其它进行索赔,且放弃索赔权利,有实际支出的情况除外, 参赛 者 放 弃一切增加伤害赔偿的权利。
ARBITRATION/CHOICE OF LAW: Except where prohibited, Players agree that (a) any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Promotion, or any prize awarded, or the determination of the winners, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by arbitration pursuant to the Rules of the American Arbitration Association, then effective, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (b) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this Promotion but in no event attorneys’ fees; and (c) under no circumstances will Player will be permitted to [...]
obtain awards for and Player hereby waives
all rights to claim punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased.
2014 年冬季奥运会和残疾人奥运会,并强调利用这 些活动作为一种机会,据以促进提高观众 参赛 者 对《世界人权宣言》的认识, 并促进他们进一步认识到《奥林匹克宪章》旨在不歧视、平等、包容、尊重和相 互谅解等原则与《世界人权宣言》相关并可纳入社会的各个方面, 因此认识到必须思考《奥林匹克宪章》所载相关原则的价值并思考体育运动 的范例在实现普遍尊重和落实所有人权方面的价值
Welcoming the hosting of the 2012 and 2016 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games in the cities of London and Rio de Janeiro, respectively, the hosting of the 2014 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi, and stressing the opportunity to make use of these events to promote awareness of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights among those watching and participating and of how the principles of the Olympic Charter, aimed at, inter alia, non-discrimination, equality, inclusion, respect and mutual understanding, relate to the Declaration and can translate into all aspects of society, Recognizing therefore the need to reflect on the value of relevant principles enshrined in the Olympic Charter and on the value of good sporting example, in achieving the universal respect for and realization of all human rights
参赛的十 支队伍分别来自(按比赛程序),德国、中国台湾、韩国、泰国、葡萄牙、澳洲、美国、日本、法国、中国,每队各具特色。
The contest this year features [...]
ten teams from Germany, Chinese Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Portugal, Australia, United States
of America, Japan, France and China; each will show off their pyrotechnic wizardry to the spectators both from Macau and overseas.
我们收到诸多来自国际各界参赛申 请 (共 46 份,依所属大学划分:20 份来自美洲,9 份来自亚太地区,17 份来自欧洲/非洲;依国籍划分:7 份来自美洲,24份来自亚太地区,15份来自欧洲/非洲);更值得骄傲的是,我们收到论文的质量不断提升。
The number of international entries received was very encouraging (46 in total / by university: 20 from the Americas, 9 from Asia Pacific, 17 from Europe/Africa; by nationality: 7 from the Americas, 24 from Asia Pacific, 15 from Europe/Africa).
在 400 多参赛者中 ,来自尼日利亚、沙特阿拉伯、 澳大利亚、俄罗斯联邦、墨西哥和美国的 6 名参赛者胜出。
From more than 400 entries, six winners were selected, from Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Australia, the Russian Federation, Mexico and the United States.
兰博基尼宝珀 Super Trofeo 超级挑战赛经过在本赛季创参赛人 数 纪录,成功举办精彩纷呈的比赛,并赢得媒体覆盖率的不断增长、逾四百万追随者的广泛社会媒体参与以及全新亚洲赛的迅速发展后,即将于本周末在纳瓦拉赛道迎来扣人心弦的总决赛。
As a season of record grids,
[...] compelling racing, growing media coverage, extensive social media engagement of over 4 [...]
million followers and
a burgeoning new series in Asia, the Lamborghini Blancpain Super Trofeo Series heads to a dramatic finale at the Circuito de Navarra this weekend.
世界技能大赛至1950年第一次比赛以来每两年举办一次,旨在提 参赛 国 家 和地区的技能水平以及促进职业训练和年轻工程师之间的国际友好交流。
The WorldSkills competition has been held once every two years since the first competition in 1950 with
objectives to improve levels of
[...] technical skill in the participating countries and regions, [...]
and promote vocational training
and friendly international exchange among young engineers.
参赛者允 许AM使用感想内容(可能经过修改,但是会保 参赛 者 的 本质意思)以及照片作为市场推广的目的,包括在比赛网站www.forexball.com、Admiral Markets的网站www.admiralmarkets.com和其他社交网络上发布获奖者的个人信息。 [...] [...]
The contestant permits AM to use both the statements from the interview (as an actual interview [...]
as well as in altered versions that still
preserve the essence of the statements) and the photo for marketing and PR purposes, including announcement of the winner and publication of a profile of the winner on the contest website www.forexball.com, Admiral Markets’ website www.admiralmarkets.com, local versions of the website and through social media channels.
参赛团队 在了解关于“知识资本经营企业 案例竞赛”的详细内容后,请提交下面参 赛申请书。
Please submit the following Participation Form after you have fully understood the detailed rules and contents of the ICM Enterprise Case Study Contest.
尽 管我们收到并审查大量令人印象深刻 参赛 产 品 ,但 Medidata Designer 最终能 脱颖而出,主要在于它通过消除不一致性错误和提高临床方案的整体质量为临床 研究人员带来显著的价值。
While we received and reviewed a number of impressive submissions, Medidata Designer stood out from the rest due to its ability to bring significant value to clinical researchers by eliminating inconsistency errors and improving the overall quality of clinical protocols.
在青岛举办的本站大奖赛,是今年世界柔联举办的大奖赛的最后一站,也是水平最高,奖金最高 参赛 队 伍 和运动员最多的一站大奖赛。
The Qingdao event, the last stop of the World Judo Grand Prix represents the highest level of the event with the largest number of teams and athletes competing.
艾默生杯主要评审专家组专家、中国建筑学会暖通空调分会理事长、中国建筑科学研究院副总工程师、建筑环境与节能研究所所长徐伟先生表示:“作为艾默生杯大赛的老朋友,很高兴看到该项赛事今年 参赛 组 别、奖项设置以 参赛 要 求 等方面的革新,以及由此带来的更为广泛的影响力。
Mr. Xu Wei is a key member of the Emerson Cup Expert Review Panel, as well as Chairman of the HVAC Branch of China Architecture Association, deputy chief engineer at China Academy of Building Research, and director of Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation.
欢迎访问MIX网站 查参赛征文的完整清单,并了解大赛第三阶段(“长期资本主义挑战”)相关信息。
Visit the MIX site to see the complete list of entries and to learn about the third phase of the competition: the Long-Term Capitalism Challenge.
我们坚信,Emerson Cup 的参赛者们 将会把他们的专业知识和经验运用到设计项目中,以展现数码涡旋技术的众多优势,如高效节能、应用简便、可靠性高、无电磁干扰、易于维护及提升用户舒适度等。
We believe the
[...] Emerson Cup contestants will apply [...]
their knowledge and expertise to design projects to showcase the great
many advantages of the Digital Scroll Technology, such as high energy efficiency, easy application, increased reliability, non-electromagnetic interference, simple maintenance and improved human comforts.
参赛阶段,2011 年 7 月 13 日至 9 月 14 日参赛作品 应在美国东部标准时间 2011 年 9 月 14 日下午 5 点之前提交,而且在此阶段中,任何人都可 参 与 参赛 者 之间的在线讨论。
Entry Stage, July 13 – September 14, 2011: Entries can be submitted until 5PM EST on September 14, 2011, and throughout this stage anyone can participate in an online review discussion with the entrants.
参赛单位没有按照竞赛文件要求提交全部资料,或 参赛 文 件没有对竞赛文件 在各方面都做出实质性响应有可能导 参赛 文 件 为不合格文件,其风险 参赛 单 位 自行承 担。
Participants who fail to submit all materials according to requirements of competition document or fail to make a substantive response in all aspects may render the competition document unqualified and the participants should bear all risks.




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