单词 | 参议员 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 参议—consultant adviser 议员n—Membern membern deputyn 议—suggest discuss comment on 参—attend join ginseng counsel varied uneven irregular take part in one of the 28 constellations three (banker's anti-fraud numeral) not uniform unequal
四年後,竞选连任的共和党人布什总 统和民主党候选人克里参议员(JohnKerry)及 迪安州长(Howard Dean)在初选角逐中均选择不 拿公共资金。 americancorner.org.tw | Four years later, President Bush, a Republican, and Democratic candidates SenatorJohn Kerry and Governor Howard Dean opted out of public funding for the primary races. americancorner.org.tw |
2007年9月争取获得总统候选人提名的民主党参议员奥巴马和克林顿在佛罗里达州的科勒 尔盖布尔斯参加民主党预选辩论会。 americancorner.org.tw | Democratic presidential hopefuls SenatorsBarack Obama and Hillary Clinton at the Democratic primary debate in Coral Gables, Florida, in September 2007. americancorner.org.tw |
8 哪种权利允许公民写给他们的参议员,去要求一条新的法律来纠正他们认为是 错误的事情? nysedregents.org | 8 Which freedom allows citizens to write their senatorsasking for a law to correct something they think is wrong? nysedregents.org |
居於海外法国公民代表参议员Christian Cointat先生的招待晚会已於11月4日假在法国总领事官邸举行。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | A reception has been held at the [...] residence of France, on the 4th of November, [...] in honourof Mr theSenator Christian Cointat, [...]Senator representing French citizens [...]living abroad, which gathered representatives of the French community in Hong Kong and Macau. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
紧接在他後面的是後来成为他竞选对手的 克里参议员─初选筹款2.35亿美元,获得大选 公共资金7500万美元。 americancorner.org.tw | Senator Kerry, his eventual opponent, was close behind, raising $235 million for the primaries and receiving the same $75 million for the general election. americancorner.org.tw |
人与人的会合、思想的碰撞、能量的交融构成了汇流街区的特色,对所有居民来说,“汇流”体现的是和谐的希望和高品质生活的前景,象征着里昂古城的新生,欧洲大都市的日新月异”,大里昂地区主席、里昂市长、参议员吉拉尔•格隆博(Gérard Colomb)这样强调。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | The meeting between people, energy and ideas that characterises the Confluence embodies a promise of harmony and quality of life for everyone, and symbolises the renewal of the Lyon conurbation, a European [...] metropolis undergoing constant change,” according to [...] Gérard Colomb, senator andmayor of Lyon [...]and president of Greater Lyon. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
因此,布什总统发现,当他把伊拉克战 争同反恐怖主义之战联系起来时,伊拉克战争 便於他无损─大多数选民认为他打击恐怖主义 [...] 的能力比民主党竞选对手克里(John Kerry)参 议员要强。 americancorner.org.tw | Thus, President Bush found that the war did not hurt him as he linked it to the war on [...] terrorism — something that most voters saw him as better able to handle than his [...] Democratic opponent, Senator John Kerry. americancorner.org.tw |
身为 PBWC 创办人,同时也是美国国会参议员的Jackie Speier,将在第 16 届 PBWC 年度大会盛大午宴中颁发 2005 年顶尖先驱奖。 seagate.com | State Senator Jackie Speier, founder of PBWC, will present the 2005 Pacesetter Awards during the keynote luncheon at the 16th Annual PBWC Conference on Tuesday, May 3, 2004 at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. seagate.com |
当时,在佛吉尼亚参议员艾伦(George Allen)竞选连任的活动中,经常有一个名叫西 达思(S.R. Sidarth)的年轻人跟随。 americancorner.org.tw | While campaigning for reelection, Virginia Senator George Allen was regularly followed by a young man named S.R. Sidarth, who was working for the campaign of his challenger, Jim Webb. americancorner.org.tw |
共和党今年选出联邦参议员MarcoRubio回应奥巴马总统的国情咨文,他在发言途中突然停下拿起水樽喝水,这一举动顿时令他成为网络红人,由此而起的笑话蜂拥而出。 ktsf.com | Marco Rubio’s Republican response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address included an impromptu water break to quench his thirst. ktsf.com |
时报讯】继推动中国空港失利之後,圣路易仍然视亚洲为今後国际贸易的重点,一月中旬,圣路易世贸中心与前联邦参议员KitBond策略顾问共同组团访问印度,并於1月15日在雅加达与印尼两大贸易组织AmCHAM和Kikas签署合作备忘录。 scanews.com | Jakarta, Indonesia, January 20, 2012 - World Trade Center St. Louis and [...] Kit Bond Strategies formally entered into a [...] Memorandumof Agreement (MOU)with two [...]Indonesian trade groups: AmCHAM and Kikas. scanews.com |
我很荣幸担任各位的参议员,并以我 制定的1,000 项规定为荣,其中包括 改善退伍军人的医疗保健以及第一个 主要的联邦课後计划。 easyvoterguide.org | I’m proud to be your Senatorand of my 1,000 enacted provisions, including better veterans’ health care and the first major federal afterschool program. easyvoterguide.org |
圣他克拉县高等法院日前公开一份文件,当中披露了加州参议员余胤良早前接获死亡恐吓的更多细节,涉嫌发出死亡恐吓的男子,形容自己是一名”受训海军陆战队狙击手”,在”阿富汗证实曾杀害39人”。 ktsf.com | A newly unsealed document in Santa Clara County Superior Court has revealed that the person who sent an email death threat to a state senator in January called himself “a trained Marine sniper” with “39 confirmed kills in Afghanistan. ktsf.com |
参议员Jean-Pierre Cantegrit先生致词时提及中国对CFE的重要性(中国是CFE会员人数第三多的国家),过去数月特别在港都有显注升幅。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | The Senator Cantegrit,talked about the importance of China for the CFE (China being the third country in the world with the most people members of the CFE) and the significant growth of new members in the last few months, particularly in Hong Kong. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
於2010年10月15日,总领事官邸设酒会欢迎参议员(居於海外法国公民代表)兼CFE (居於海外法国公民社会保障基金)主席Jean-Pierre Cantegrit先生及组职成员访港。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | A reception was held at the residence of France, on the 15th of October 2010, in honour ofMr Jean-Pierre Cantegrit, Senator representing French citizens living abroad, and the bureau of the CFE whose president is Mr Cantegrit. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
虽然参议院与众议院的 权力相等,但参议员席位一 般被认为更有威望,因为参 议员代表的选民范围更广, 数量更多(七个最小州例外) ,任期更长;而且由於参议 员人数较少,他们在全国受 到更大的注意。 americancorner.org.tw | Though the Senate and the House have equal powers, a Senate seat is generally thought to be more prestigious than a House seat: The constituency is larger (except in the case of the seven smallest states, where it is the same), the term length is longer, and senatorsreceive more national attention because there are fewer of them. americancorner.org.tw |
另外,众议员、参议员在竞选连任时并不 依附党内领袖,这种独立倾向经常体现在,他 们在立法表决中采取符合其本地区选民愿望的 [...] 立场,即使这种立场会与党的立场相左。 americancorner.org.tw | Moreover, members of Congress and senators are [...] not dependent on party leaders for reelection and often express that independence [...]by voting for the interests of their constituents even when they differ from party positions. americancorner.org.tw |
在罗恩的职业生涯早期,他曾担任美国众议院议员Claude Pepper的立法助理、前佛州州长Bob [...] Graham的公共卫生政策顾问以及参议员BobKerrey在1992年民主党总统提名竞选活动的全国财务总监。 zh.vitas.com | Early in Ron’s career, he served on Capitol Hill as Legislative Assistant to U.S. Representative Claude Pepper, public health policy advisor to former [...] Florida Governor Bob Graham and National [...] Finance Director for Senator BobKerrey’s [...]1992 campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. vitas.com |
亦受到布殊总统﹐美国卫生与人类服务部部长 Mike Leavit 以及全国参议员和国会议员的认同。 napca.org | The Helpline has received awards from the American Society on Aging (ASA) and the U.S. Administration on Aging (AOA), as well as recognition from President George W. Bush, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Mike Leavitt, and senators and congressmen from across the country. napca.org |
驻堪萨斯办事处杨处长巨中夫妇於本(102)年4月13日设宴款待前来堪萨斯市度假之内布拉斯加州州议会议长Greg Adams夫妇、政府、军事与退伍军人事务委员会主席州参议员Bill Avery夫妇、以及银行、商业与保险委员会主席州参议员Mike Gloor等一行6人。 roc-taiwan.org | Director General and Mrs. Jack J. C. Yang of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in [...] Kansas City hosted a [...] luncheon with Hon. andMrs. Greg Adams, Senator and Speaker of Nebraska Legislature,Hon.and Mrs. Bill Avery, Senator and Chairperson of Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee, and Hon. roc-taiwan.org |