

单词 参股

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 指出,两个申请方都在申请中表示,它们打算接受条 例所规定的备选方案,即,商业开采一开始,就立参股与企业部进行联合运营。
I wish to note, however, that both applicants have expressed in their applications the intention to take up the
option provided for in the
[...] regulations, namely, equity participation in a joint-venture [...]
operation with the Enterprise once
commercial exploitation begins.
因此,股市的初学者的提示是投参股 Bove spa指数(IBOVESPA)这有很大的交易量。
So the tip for the beginner in the stock market is
[...] to invest in shares of Bovespa Index [...]
(Ibovespa)That have large trading volumes.
而且,控股公司必须通过替代资产或 收入测试,即公司三分之二的资产必须由大量股份构成,或公司 总收入的三分之二必须是这股份的 参股 收 入(红利或资本利得 收入)。
Furthermore, the company must pass an alternative asset or income test, whereby either two-thirds of the company’s assets must consist of substantial shareholdings or participations or two-thirds of total income
of the company must
[...] consist of participation income (dividend income or capital gains) from such shareholdings and participations.
2000年8月2日,韩国的浦项钢铁有限公司(浦项钢铁)和日本的NSC(日立钢铁公司)打造了一个互 参股 的 跨 国联盟。
On 2 August, 2000, Korea-based Pohang Iron & Steel
Co. Ltd ("POSCO") and Japan-based Nippon Steel Corporation ("NSC") crafted a
[...] cross-border, cross-shareholding alliance.
(c) 关于土地标准价和土地购置的第1308号法律(1997年7月25日通过)是适 用于下列情况的主要法律文书:(a)土地购置包括私有化建筑占用的土地或正在
[...] 人)的决定以及与土地所有权人签订的协议中规定的未完工建筑占用的公共土地 以其法定资本价参股房屋 建设项目;(c)占用耕地或林地、农用土地流转以及 将耕地和林地转为其他类土地;(d)强迫转让土地;(e)租赁关系。
(c) The law on the normative price and the purchase of land, No. 1308 from 25.07.1997 is the main legal document which is applied to cases of (a) purchase of land, including lands of privatised buildings or which are in the process of privatisation, of the lands of private enterprises, as well as the lands of unfinished constructions; (b) inclusion of the value of the public property lands of unfinished buildings and constructions specified at letter a) in their statutory capital, following the decision of the share holders
(founders) and with the agreement of
[...] the land owner, as a participation share in the building [...]
or construction; (c) exclusion of
the lands from the category of agricultural lands and forest lands, as well as from the agricultural circulation, and their transferral to other categories of land; (d) forced alienation of lands; (e) lease relations.
海外扩展已经使用了不涉及股本的安排,原因诸如地方阻 参股 、 对外国投资 经营加以管制的程度和这些类型的安排在成本上的相对优势。
Arrangements not involving equity have been used for foreign
expansion because of, for example, local
[...] obstacles to equity participation, the level of regulation [...]
imposed upon foreign investment
operations and the relative cost advantages of those types of arrangement.
安道尔金融机构开设驻外代表处或子公司,或者在其他外国机构中持参 股,也 必须依照 2010 年 5 月 13 日关于银行机构法律制度和金融系统业务机构基 [...]
本行政制度的第 14/2010 号法律第 46 条,事先经过安道尔金融系统监督机关即
The opening of representative offices or subsidiaries of Andorran
financial institutions abroad and the
[...] acquisition of long-term shareholdings in other foreign [...]
entities are also subject to monitoring
and prior authorization by the Andorran financial system monitoring authority, the Andorran National Institute of Finance, in accordance with article 46 of Act No. 14/2010 of 13 May on the Legal Regime for Banking Institutions and the Basic Administrative Regime for Operators in the Financial System.
我们的企业活跃在能源技术领域,由莱茵豪森机械制造厂(Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH,简称MR)和20多个子公司参股 公 司 组成。
Our company is active in power engineering and consists of Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH (MR) and over 20 subsidiaries and affiliated companies globally.
根据欧盟和瑞士于 2004 年 10 月
26 日所签订的协议(《储蓄协议》)(其中规定《与欧盟储蓄指 令》中所载列的同等措施)第 15
[...] 条,欧盟成员国必须按《欧盟利息和特许权使用费指令》所载同等 条件(然而参股权益必须连续持有至少 2 年),豁免向瑞士居民公司所支付利息的预扣税。
Under art. 15 of the agreement (Savings Agreement) of 26 October 2004 between the European Union and Switzerland providing for measures equivalent to those set forth in the EU Savings Directive, the EU Member States must exempt interest payments to companies resident in Switzerland under essentially the same conditions as those set forth in
the EU Interest and Royalties Directive
[...] (however, the participations must be held for [...]
an uninterrupted period of at least 2 years).
在清华控股公司所投资企业中,控股公司 29 家,其中直接和 间接控股的上市公司 6 家参股企业 55 家,经营领域涉及信息技术产业、生命科技产业、 能源化工环保产业、科技服务等产业,是清华大学科技成果的重要转化平台。
The business they run covers a wide range of industries involving information technology, life science and technology, technological service, as well as energy, chemical and environment protection, etc., and have been serving as platform for the transference of research results of the university.
一 除了红利和资本利得收入参股税务豁免、按税法要求进行的调 整以及既有损失的结转(结转期为7年),法定利润和应税利润 [...]
Apart from the participation exemption for dividend [...]
and capital gains income, various adjustments required by tax law and
the use of existing loss carryforwards (the loss carryforward period is seven years), there are very few differences between statutory profit and taxable profit.
政府救助处于困境中的太阳能行业已经又向前迈出一步,江西赛维(NYSE: LDK)刚刚将其一大块股权出售给一个国 参股 企 业 ,资金可能将支撑其运营一个月或两个月。
The nascent state-led bailout of China’s struggling solar industry has taken another step forward with word that LDK (NYSE: LDK) has just sold a big chunk of itself to a partly state-owned consortium for enough cash to perhaps fund its operations for another month or 2.
三井物产自2007年开始对Multigrain公司投 参股 , 在 巴西开展粮食收购和销售、以及大豆、棉花等农业生产事业。
In 2007,
[...] Mitsui took an equity position in Multigrain [...]
AG, thereby embarking on the distribution and sale of grain as well
as agricultural production business involving soybeans and cotton in Brazil.
加上现有的八个 站,由 E.ON 巴伐利亚股份公司持有的参股的九 个生物质发热站年产量 将达到 35 Gwh/a。
In the total of then nine biomass heating plants which E.ON Bayern AG owns or has a share in, there will be a thermal energy generation from biomass in the magnitude of approx. 35 GWh/a.
FIPC的创立者应明确,‘基金’是‘第一个用于融资的国际机制 [……]根据不同的情
[...] 况可以有很多种介入方式,如文化银行,技术和知识援助机构,推广活动组织者或储 备基金管理者,管理方式有投资、贷款、补助 参股 ’。
The founders of IFPC specified that the Fund, as the first international mechanism … for the financing of cultural development, has a broad range of possibilities by virtue of which it can act, depending on circumstances, as a ‘cultural bank’, a source of technical and intellectual assistance, an organizer of promotional
activities or an administrator of funds-in-trust, through investments, loans, subsidies
[...] and various types of participation.
适用于奥钢联集团直接或者间参股5 0 % 以上的隶属 于奥钢联集团的,或者由其他方式受奥钢联集团管理的公司。
voestalpine Group comprises any and all companies in which voestalpine AG directly or indirectly holds at least 50% of the share capital or over which it exerts control in another manner.
因此,巴伐利亚受污染老工商设 施治理责任有限公司 GAB mbH 的参股者愿意接受巴伐利亚州乡联合大 会和巴伐利亚州市联合大会为新 参股 方 , 以便联合推广此项成功的 合作模式。
The shareholders of the GAB mbH agree to an expansion of the tried and tested cooperation model of the GAB mbH to include the Bavarian top-level local government organisations (Bayerischer Gemeindetag and Bayerischer Städtetag); in this case the financing will have to be renegotiated.
三十多年来,彩虹集团累计实现销售收入逾千亿元,实 现利税逾百亿元,现拥有二级全资、控股公司11家 参股 公 司 9家,拥有2家上市公司:彩虹股份(600707.SH)和彩虹电子(0438.HK);员工约2 万人,总资产170多亿元,为中国电子信息产业的蓬勃发展做出了卓越贡献。
For more than 30 years, the rainbow group realized total sales income of more than one hundred billion yuan, now more than ten billion yuan of real profits, now have a secondary wholly owned and holding company 11, share company nine, with two listed companies: rainbow shares (600707. SH) and rainbow electronic (0438, HK); About 20000 employees, with total assets of more than 170 yuan, is China's electronic information industry's vigorous development made outstanding contributions.
同时,执行支股参与或 领导了对四个非缔约国的访 问,以协助这些非缔约国克服其在批准或加入《公约》方面的障碍。
As well, the ISU participated in or led missions [...]
to four States not parties with the aim of assisting these States Parties
in overcoming remaining barriers to ratification or accession.
执行支股参加了日内瓦论坛(一次) 和日内瓦排雷中心(两次) 为驻日内瓦的 [...]
The ISU participated in seminars for [...]
Geneva-based diplomats which were organized by the Geneva Forum (once) and the GICHD (twice).
执行支助股对援助受害者工作的支持也包括执行支 股参 与 维也纳、萨拉 热窝和伦敦的专题会议、讲习班和研讨会。
ISU support concerning victim assistance also
[...] involved ISU participation in thematic [...]
conferences, workshops and seminars in Vienna, Sarajevo and London.
[...] 全部队、“新生力量”、布隆迪和中非共和国代表以及联科行动和维和部安全部门 改股参与了研讨会。
Participants included the members of the Ivorian defence and security forces and the Forces nouvelles and representatives from
Burundi, the Central African Republic, UNOCI and the Security
[...] Sector Reform Unit of the Department [...]
of Peacekeeping Operations.
净利润-优先股股息)/(所有的已发行股票+所有的约当普 股 ) ( 参 见 右 图)。
Earnings per Share can be calculated by subtracting the dividends on preferred stock from net income, and dividing the result by the (weighted
average of the) combination of all
[...] outstanding common shares and all common stock equivalents (see figure [...]
on the right).
强调需要会员国和独立评股参与拟 提交 2011 年委员会续会的毒品和犯罪 [...]
问题办公室 2012-2015 年中期战略的编写工作。
The need to involve Member States [...]
and the Independent Evaluation Unit in the development of a medium-term strategy for the
Office for the period 2012-2015, to be presented to the Commission at its reconvened session in 2011, was highlighted.
为确保该部参与有关其责任领域的全秘书处 举措,股参与有 关的秘书处政策和规范性机构,包括由首席信息技术干事主持的信息和通信 [...]
In order to ensure the Department’s involvement in Secretariat-wide
initiatives related to its areas of
[...] responsibility, the Unit participates in relevant Secretariat [...]
policy and normative bodies,
including the Information and Communications Management Committee, chaired by the Chief Information Technology Officer, the Publications Board, the Working Group on Electronic Publications and the Task Force on Knowledge Management.
这不仅使人们对该问题有了更明确的了解,而且还得以制定了 一份指导文件,供新建的隶属内政和司法部的土著人民事 股参 考 , 以确保在土 著乌瓦族人土地上进行任何活动之前,与之进行充分和有效的磋商。
This resulted in a clearer understanding of the issue and the preparation of a guiding document which serves as a reference tool within the newly established unit on indigenous peoples under the Ministry of Interior and Justice to ensure full and effective consultation of the U’wa indigenous peoples prior to any activities on their lands.
[...] 益和气候变化股的电子邮件在其答复中建议,应接着举行一次由欧洲复兴开发银行的能源 效益和气候变化股和官方共同融 股参 加 的 讨论。
An email reply from the Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Unit of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) suggested a
follow-on 3 discussion involving both the Energy Efficiency and Climate Change and
[...] Official Co-financing units of the EBRD.
世界粮食计划署(粮食署)性别平 股参 加 了一个项目审查委员会,该 委员会就方案、项目、活动和业务的政策、设计、战略和执行向区域局和国家办 事处提出建议。
The Gender Unit of the World Food Programme (WFP) participated in a project review [...]
committee that made recommendations to
regional bureaux and country offices on the policy, design, strategy and implementation of programmes, projects, activities and operations.
(f) 确保与有关国际和区域组织秘书处进行必要协调,酌情代表执行支股 参加这些组织的会议和活动
(f) Ensure the necessary coordination with the secretariats of relevant international and regional organizations and represent the Implementation Support Unit in meetings and activities of such organizations, as applicable
(i) 本公司可按董事會認為合適之有關條款向本公司、其 任何附屬公司、本公司任何股公司 或任何有關股 公 司之 任 何 附 屬 公 司 之 董 事 及 真 誠 僱 員 提 供 財 務 援 助,以令彼等可買入或認購或以其他方式收購本公司 或本公司任何股公司股份( 全部或部份繳足),而 有關條款可包括一項提述,倘董事不再擔任董事,或 僱員不再受僱於本公司或有關其他公司,則以有關財 務援助買入或認購或以其他方式收購 股 份 須 或可按 董事會認為合適之有關條款售予本公司或有關其他公 司。
(i) The Company may give financial assistance on such terms as the Board thinks fit to directors and bona fide employees of the Company, any
of its subsidiaries, any holding company of the Company
[...] or any subsidiary of any such holding company in order that they may purchase or subscribe or otherwise acquire shares (fully or partly paid) in the Company or any holding company of the Company and such terms may include a reference that, when a director ceases to be a director of, or an employee ceases to be employed by, the Company or such other company, shares purchased or subscribed or otherwise acquired with such financial assistance shall or may be sold to the Company or [...]
such other company on such terms as the Board thinks fit.




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