

单词 参考值

See also:



参考 v

consult v

External sources (not reviewed)

马来西亚代表团不反对通过“营养 参考值 ” 的 新定义,但对增加“或者能够减 少膳食相关的非传染性疾病风险”这一句子表达了保留意见。
The Delegation of Malaysia, while not
opposing the adoption of the new
[...] definition on “nutrient reference values”, entered a reservation [...]
on the inclusion of the sentence
“or with the reduction in the risk of diet-related non-communicable diseases”.
戴尔采购订单编号是一参考值(字母或数字),用来确定您采购产品的订单;它也可用作付款的参考或对照帐单验证 [...]
Dell Purchase
[...] Order Number is a reference value (alphanumeric or [...]
numeric) to identify your order to acquire products; it
is also used as reference for a payment or to verify Quote vs.
灰卡曝光过度或者曝光不足的档数,就 可以作为胶转磁和印片时配光参考 值。
The amount the card is over or underexposed provides
[...] a grading reference for transferring [...]
or printing.
事实上,基准剂量 可信限下限不能被视为 一个安参考值,在膳食摄入量低于这个下限并不意味着不存在健康风 险。
In fact, the BMDL can not be regarded as a
[...] safety reference value, in which exposure [...]
level below this point does not mean there is no health risk.
极端贫穷参考值见家 庭津贴方案。
A reference value for extreme poverty is given in the family [...]
grant programme.
食典委同意在步骤5通过拟议的营养 参考值 草 案 ,由营养与特殊膳食用食品法 典委员会根据世卫组织关于钠和饱和脂肪酸的研究结果进一步审议。
The Commission agreed to adopt the Proposed Draft NRVs at Step 5
[...] for further consideration by the CCNFSDU [...]
in the light of the outcome of the WHO
work on sodium and saturated fatty acids.
根 据 使 用 者 输 入 的 资 料 , 计 算 器 会 以 列 表 形 式 拟 备 营 养 标 签 , 并 且 (i) 以 每 100 克 或 每 100 毫 升 食 物 所 含 的 绝 对 量 ; (ii) 以 每 个 包 装 食 物 所 含 的 绝 对 量 ( 克 或 毫 升 ) ( 如 包 装 内 只 含 一 个 食 用 分 量 ), 或 以 每 一 食 用 分 量 食 物 所 含 的 绝 对 量 ( 克 或 毫 升 ) ( 如 包 装 内 含 多
个 食 用 分 量 ); (iii) 综 合 上 述 两 项 格 式 ; 以 及
[...] (iv) 综 合 上 述 格 式 及 相 对 《 修 订 条 例 》 附 表 7 内 营 养参 考 值 ( 如 有 提 供 有 关 数 值 ) 之 含 量 百 分 比 (即 "中 国 营 养参 考 值 百 分 比 "), 去 标 示 各 营 养 素 含 量 。
Basing on contents provided by the user, the NLC can prepare a nutrition label in tabular format showing nutrient contents in (i) absolute amount per 100 gram (g) or per 100 millilitre (ml) of food; (ii) absolute amount per package (in g or in ml) of food for food products with a single serving, or per serving (in g or in ml) of food for food products with more than one serving; (iii) a combination of the above; or (iv) a
combination of the above with relative amount
[...] expression as a percentage of nutrient reference value stipulated in Schedule 7 of the Amendment Regulation (if such value is available).
一些代表团忆及,这 份文件着眼于营参 考值的通用原则,而 非具体的营养成 分,因此支持文件通过。
Some delegations recalled that this document addressed general principles for NRVs, not specific nutrients and supported its adoption.
防腐剂的规管途径是透过制订在各类指明食物中的最高使用量,以确保人们从所有含防腐剂的食物摄取到的防腐剂总量不会超出相关安 参考值 ( 即人在一生中摄入防腐剂而不致对健康带来可见风险的估计分量)。
Preservatives are regulated by maximum use levels which are specific for various food groups to ensure that the intake of preservatives from all
their uses does not exceed their
[...] respective safety reference values (estimated amounts [...]
of preservatives that can be ingested
over a lifetime without appreciable risk).
参考值 – 做 任何更改之前您的更新将重置他们已有 参考值。
Reset to referent values – Your updates will be reset to the referent values they had before making any changes
186. 作为营养与特殊膳食用食品委员会主席发言时,德国代表团强调了这项全球战略 对解决与非传染性疾病有关的公共健康问题的重要性,指出该委员会已同意考虑修订维 生素和矿物质营养参考值,并请食品标签委员会就修订和扩充食品标签准则中营养参考值名单,以包括引起非传染性疾病的危险性增加或下降的其他营养素提出其建议。
The Delegation of Germany, speaking as Chair of the CCNFSDU, stressed the importance of the Global Strategy to address public health issues related to non communicable diseases and indicated that the Committee had agreed to proceed with the
consideration of the revision of
[...] the Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) for vitamins and minerals and to ask the advice of the Committee on Food Labelling concerning the revision and extension of the list of NRVs in the Guidelines [...]
for Nutrition
Labelling to other nutrients associated with increased and decreased risk of non communicable diseases.
将测量值与提前设置好参考值或范 围进行比较, 显示判断结果并输出。
The comparator function compares measured values to a previously set reference value or range and [...]
then displays and outputs the judgment result.
[...] 中心触点在所有电位计行程上为标准状态,提供50%的电源电压迫使传感器电压达到 这个已参考值。
A center tap is standard on all
potentiometer tracks, where 50% of the supply voltage can be supplied to force the sensor
[...] voltage to this known reference.
本新闻稿中有关测试流量、流量、初始测试或生产流量和/或早期生产流量 参考值 对 证 实油气存在是有用的;不过,上述流量不一定代表最终回收率的长期表现。
Any references in this press release to test rates, flow rates, initial test or production rates, and/or early production rates are useful in confirming the presence of hydrocarbons; however, such rates are not necessarily indicative of long-term performance or of ultimate recovery.
所以,以此计算出来的数值,只是一 参考值 , 但 是,按照 120dB 声压对应的需求 功率和大动态电压峰峰值,和大动态电流需求来选择耳放,基本上可以达到一个很好的音质效果。
To sum up, in accordance with corresponding power and high dynamic peak voltage required by 120dB sound pressure and the current demanded by high dynamic, the chosen amplifier would basically meet some kind of high level of sound effect.
5 通过了《确定普通人群维生素 和矿物质营参考值的通用原则》,并鼓励各有关成员和观察员向委员会重新提交技术 [...]
After a short discussion, the Commission adopted
the General Principles for
[...] Establishing Nutrient Reference Values of Vitamins and Minerals [...]
for General Population at Step
5 and encouraged all interested members and observers to resubmit their technical comments to the Committee.
南非代表团表示,拟议营参考值水 平 过低,特别是对于预防慢性疾病和营养不 良而言,由此更多的食品将会被称作营养食品,但并不会给消费者带来益处;因此,应 由各国主管部门根据营养状况分析来确定适当的营 参考值。
The Delegation of South Africa expressed
the view that proposed
[...] levels of NRVs were too low, especially having regard to the prevention of chronic diseases and malnutrition and that as a result nutrient content claims would be made for a wider range of foods but would not benefit consumers, and therefore the determination of suitable levels of NRVs should be left for national authorities to decide on the basis of nutrient [...]
如果共享文件被添加或从系统移开,那么在注册表中文件 参考值 将 相 应地被更新。
If a shared file is added or removed from the system, the file's reference count in the registry will be updated accordingly.
批准了 批准了
[...] 批准了为产生膳食相关非传染性疾病风险的营养成分确定普通人群营参考值的新工作,马来西亚代表团表达了保留意见。
The Commission noted that the Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses and the CCEXEC had recommended to initiate work in this area and, after a short discussion,
approved new work on the Establishment
[...] of Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) for Nutrients [...]
Associated with Risk of DietRelated
Non-communicable Diseases for the General Population, with the reservation expressed by the Delegation of Malaysia.
基板厚度(AG)以及预孔的深度(AJ)是指基板材质 为S50C时参考值。
The base thickness (AG) and remaining depth after boring
[...] (AJ)    are reference values when the base material [...]
is S50C.
[...] 典委注意一个事实,即只有若干国家在标签中使用现有的营 参考值 , 多 数国家立法在 营养标签方面采用的都是其各自的RDA或RDI [...]
The Delegation also drew the attention of the Commission to the fact that
only a few countries were making use of the
[...] existing set of NRVs for labelling purposes [...]
and that most national legislations
were using their own RDA or RDI for nutrition labelling purposes, and therefore strongly opposed the proposed new work in this area.
根据美国食物及药物管理局的标准,「三聚氰胺」的安 参考值 ( 即 每日可容忍摄入量)为每日每公斤体重0.63毫克。
According to the standards of the US Food and Drug
[...] Administration, the safety reference value (i.e. tolerable daily [...]
intake - TDI) for melamine is 0.63mg
per kg of body weight per day.
再生盐用量参考值) 千万不要将洗涤剂注入盐盒中
Approximate consumption of regeneration salt Never fill the salt reservoir with detergent!
因此,列出的截留分子量仅作 参考值 , 而 不应作 为绝对值。
Therefore, the
[...] listed MWCO values should be used merely as typical and not absolute values.
因柱塞的伸缩阻力及弹簧特性等因素的影响会有些波动,故仅作为与工件接触力 参考值。
It will differ according to the sliding
resistance of the plunger and the characteristics of the spring,
[...] so use it as a reference value for the workpiece contact force.
人们往往会把法例所订的法定上限与各项相关的安 参考值 ( 例如由联合国粮食及农业组织/世界卫生组织联合食物添加剂专家委员会制定的暂定每周可容忍摄入量)混为一谈。
Legal limits stipulated in law are often confused with the
[...] respective safety reference values such as the Provisional [...]
Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI)
established by the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) / World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA).
借助 TRNSYS 软件的动态气候模拟计算对典型参照房间进行模块计算,从而得 出有关的参数参考值。
By having done some model calculations for a typical reference room, the energy need was established with the help of a dynamic thermal and energetically building simulation done by a calculation programme – TRNSYS –, of the Solar Energy Laboratory of the University of Wisconsin-Madison to find out the heating and cooling capacity as well as the air temperatures.
输出配置用于为故障检测环路提供信号,并且中心触点可根 据把手释放位置或双级供电电压零点位置,提供精确的电 参考值。
The output is configured to provide signals for fault detection circuits and a center tap provides an accurate voltage reference for the lever in its released position, or a zero point for a bipolar supply voltage.
不 论 营 养 标 签 是 以 每 100 克 ( 或 毫 升 )、 每 个 包 装 食 物 、 每 一 食 用
[...] 分 量 食 物 或 中 国 营 养参 考 值 百 分 比 标 示 , 如 每 100 克 [...]
( 或 毫 升 ) 食 物 含 极 微 量 ( 即 符 合 《 技 术 指 引 》 表 2 内 列 出
“ 0 ” 的 定 义 ) 之 能 量 或 营 养 素 , 计 算 器 将 自 动 调 整 有 关 数 值 为 0 。
Energy or
[...] nutrients with very small values per 100g (or ml) that [...]
meet the definition of “0” as stipulated in Table 2 of the Technical Guidance Notes
will be set to 0, regardless whether the label is presented as per 100g (or ml), per package, per serving, or %Chinese NRV .
马来西亚代表团不支持在步骤5/8通过该草案,因为需要在《针对普通人群膳食相 关非传染性疾病风险所涉营养素设定营养 参考值 的 通用原则》这一拟议草案中进行审 议的几个问题目前尚未得到解决。
The Delegation of Malaysia did not support the adoption at Step 5/8 because several major issues that would be considered in the Proposed
Draft General Principles for
[...] Establishing Nutrient Reference Values for Nutrients Associated [...]
with the Risk of Diet-Related
Non-communicable Diseases for General Population, currently at Step 3, were not solved.




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