

单词 参拜

See also:


visit v


worship n

pay respect

External sources (not reviewed)

日本历届政府官员,包括其首相都继参拜供奉在战争中,尤其是在第二次世界大战期间阵 亡士兵的靖国神社,无一例外。
Officials of successive Japanese Governments,
including its Prime Ministers,
[...] continue, without exception, to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, dedicated [...]
to soldiers who died in
wartime, particularly those killed in the Second World War.
整座山整个领域,笼罩着神气能量,成为山岳信仰的对象,一走进杉木林立的林道,就成 参拜 自 然 与山之格式。
As the whole mountain area is considered Shinto
[...] shrine precinct for worship, proceeding along [...]
a long entrance path is already a part
of paying a visit to the Shrine.
像“赤脚在里约”号(达戈斯蒂诺尼龙弦吉他上的一个罕见的外观),“牛郎通心粉” 参拜 掌 握 国家选择器杰里里德)和“雷鬼RAGU”通过音乐世界各地的斑点旅行他认为文体灵感融入了自己的国际根源,而“1982年旧金山”,重温他第一次休假,一年后不久返回到他家走访城市的魅力。
Numbers like “Barefoot in Rio” (on which D’Agostino makes a rare appearance on nylon string guitar), “Cowboy Minestrone” (an homage to master country picker Jerry Reed) and “Reggae Ragu” travel through spots on the musical globe where he finds stylistic inspiration to blend with his own international roots, while “San Francisco 1982″ revisits the allure of the city he first visited on vacation that year and soon after returned to and made his home.
[...] 性――这在有些情况下阻止了他们同别人用同一口公共井或自来水龙头、在茶摊 用同样的杯子、参拜高等 种性或高贵氏族的同一所庙宇;职业隔离――这损害 [...]
Common denominators among victims of this kind of discrimination in the forthcoming examples include, inter alia, untouchability, which in some cases prevents them from using the same public wells or
water taps, drinking from the same cups in
[...] tea stalls, or visiting the same temples [...]
as members of higher castes or of noble
clans; occupational segregation, which impairs their access to employment, restricting them to traditionally assigned jobs (generally sweeping and manual scavenging); enforced endogamy, thus limiting intermarriage; severe restrictions on commensality; and social ostracism, including social boycotts and blockades.
特别是横跨盐原、内堀、粟田的多饭辻山(海拔1040m)的大仙社,也就是盐原的多饭山医王寺的镇守社,作为伯耆大山寺的直辖特 参拜 地 , 成为了周边地区人们大山信仰的中心。
Oigatsujiyama (1040m), which covers the Shiohara, Utsubori, and Awata areas, is the tutelary shrine of Tahanzan Ioji Shrine of Shiohara and has been the core of faith in Daisen among people in the surrounding area for its dignity as the direct gomenhaisho of Daisen Shrine in Hoki.
人们还预期,联 合国教科文组参与阿塞拜疆和 白俄罗斯的联发援框架筹备进程,将会加强教科文组织在联 合国大家庭中的地位。
It is also expected
[...] that UNESCO’s involvement in the UNDAF preparation process in Azerbaijan and Belarus [...]
will increase UNESCO’s
position within the United Nations family.
个人可自行决定其本人对待宗教的态度;不论是单独,还是与他人一 起皈依或不皈依任何宗教;并有参 与 宗教 朝 拜 、 仪式和庆典等活动。
Individuals are entitled to determine for themselves their attitude to religion, to practise any religion either alone or in association with
others or to refrain from doing so, and
[...] have the right to participate in religious worship, rituals and ceremonies, etc.
为“国际言论自由交流网”提供资金,使得过渡转型中的国家以及发展中国家都参 与在阿塞拜疆举 行的年会,并举办了多期信息传播技术与言论自由培训班。
Financial support was provided to IFEX to enable its members from countries in
transition and
[...] developing countries to participate in its annual congress in Azerbaijan and to hold [...]
training workshops on
ICTs and freedom of expression.
斯洛伐克认为,该建议没有明确确定所要求的灵活性的性质、信徒 较少的宗教团体的定参数和应加以避免的歧视形式。
It considered that the recommendation did not identify clearly the
nature of the requested flexibility, the
[...] quantitative parameters of a small number [...]
of believers and the form of discrimination to be avoided.
这一行动既没有纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫地区原有阿 拜 疆 民众 的 参 与 , 也未经 阿拜疆共和国主管机构的必要批准,严重违反了《阿塞拜疆共和国宪法》的相 关规定以及国际法的规范和原则,因此,绝无任何法律效力。
Such action, in the absence of the original Azerbaijani population of the Nagorno-Karabakh region and without the necessary authorization of respective structures of the Republic of Azerbaijan, gravely violates the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the norms and principles of international law, and, therefore, shall have no legal effect whatsoever.
我们并不怀疑基督徒受逼迫事件的真实性或 其严重性,然而值得注意的是每天有多少基督徒活动在进行,而这些活动在技术上来说应该是不被允许的,但是却没有受到检查......在每一个礼拜里,在中
[...] [...] 国的某地,都市的信徒在租来的办公室建筑内聚会,数以百计的非官方圣经学校提供课程,儿童上主日学和少年聚会,内含各种基督教内容的书籍在全国各地的书店 公开贩售,企业为员工举行教堂拜 , 学 生 参 加 校园里的研经班,基督徒经营的地方性非政府组织为具有多样化需要的个人和家庭提供大量的服务──参与这些活动 [...]
Without discounting either the reality of incidences of Christian persecution or their seriousness, it is remarkable how much Christian activity takes place on a daily basis that is technically not allowed yet goes unchecked... In any given week, somewhere in China, urban believers hold services in rented office buildings, hundreds of unofficial Bible schools offer classes, children attend Sunday schools and youth meetings, books containing all kinds of Christian content are sold openly in bookstores across the
country, businesses conduct chapel services
[...] for their employees, students meet for campus [...]
Bible studies, local Christian-run
NGOs offer a host of services to individuals and families with various needs - and those involved in these activities suffer no repercussions at the hands of authorities.
此外,执行支助股 股长还在与欧安组织常驻代表们的会议上为主席提供支持, 拜 访 了 奥地利外交 部主管裁军事务的领导。
In addition, the ISU Director supported the President at meetings with OSCE Permanent Representatives and called upon the head of disarmament of the Austrian Foreign Ministry.
拜疆共 和国一再指出,虽然各方不断作出政治努力,促进在普遍接受 的国际法准则和原则基础上尽早解决冲突,但占领国亚美尼亚共和国通过在被 占领阿拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地 证明,其意图是吞并这些领土(例如,见阿 拜 疆 最 近散发的文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。
The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing political efforts towards the earliest resolution of the conflict on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law, the policy and practice of the Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to its intention to secure the annexation of these territories (see, for example, the most recent document circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).
阿富汗、阿尔巴尼亚、安哥拉、亚美尼亚、阿 拜 疆 、 白俄罗斯、不丹、波 斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、博茨瓦纳、文莱达鲁萨兰国、布基纳法索、布隆迪、中非 [...]
共和国、乍得、捷克共和国、多米尼加共和国、加蓬、冈比亚、格鲁吉亚、危地 马拉、几内亚比绍、海地、洪都拉斯、印度尼西亚、伊拉克、哈萨克斯坦、科威
特、拉脱维亚、利比里亚、列支敦士登、马拉维、马来西亚、马里、毛里塔尼 亚、摩纳哥、缅甸、尼泊尔、尼日尔、阿曼、巴拿马、秘鲁、卡塔尔、卢旺达、 沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、塞拉利昂、新加坡、斯洛伐克、斯里兰卡、阿拉伯叙利 亚共和国、乌克兰、乌拉圭和津巴布韦。
Afghanistan, Albania,
[...] Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, [...]
Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam,
Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Monaco, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Oman, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Sri Lanka, Syrian Arab Republic, Ukraine, Uruguay, and Zimbabwe.
2011 年,教科文组织通过了第 36 C/59 决议,该决议的提案国是波兰,共同提案国是
[...] 阿尔及利亚、澳大利亚、奥地利、阿 拜 疆 、 巴巴多斯、白俄罗斯、比利时、巴西、布基纳 [...]
亚、埃塞俄比亚、法国、德国、危地马拉、匈牙利、印度、以色列、科威特、拉脱维亚、黎 巴嫩、立陶宛、马达加斯加、马来西亚、墨西哥、摩洛哥、尼泊尔、尼日利亚、巴基斯坦、 葡萄牙、大韩民国、罗马尼亚、沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、 苏丹、瑞典、泰国、突尼斯、土耳其、阿拉伯联合酋长国、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、 坦桑尼亚联合共和国、乌拉圭、越南和津巴布韦。
In 2011, UNESCO's General Conference adopted 36 C/Resolution 59 which had been submitted by
Poland and co-sponsored by Algeria,
[...] Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Barbados, [...]
Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Burkina Faso, China,
Colombia, Congo, Croatia, Czech Republic, Djibouti, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Israel, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Republic of Tanzania, Uruguay, Viet Nam and Zimbabwe.
此外,亚美尼亚方面所谓历史说的一个生动例子是,亚美尼亚总统把占领阿拜疆的 Daghlyq Garabagh 说成是占领者的“祖祖辈辈的故土”或“祖国”,这 些说法都是荒谬虚假的,唯一目的是误导国际社会并使暴力扩张领土政策合理 化。
Moreover, the Republic of Azerbaijan considers historical assertions of the Armenian side, a vivid example of which is the reference by the President of Armenia to the occupied Daghlyq Garabagh region of Azerbaijan as allegedly the occupiers’ “historical land” or “fatherland”, as false and having the sole purpose of misleading the international community and justifying the policy of violent territorial expansionism.
4 个一般临时人员职位中的 2 个,即 1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-3 培训干事,以及 1 个 P-4 续设员额,目前由支助账户供资,负责设计、提供、升级、统一和评价 目前三个贯穿各领域的领导方案:
高级特派团领导方案为期 2 个星期的课程,
[...] 每年由一个会员国主办两次,每次有来自会员国、秘书处以及联合国机构、方案 和基金的 26 名候选参加; 高级领导方案是特派团所有 D-2 及以上级别的人员 必参加的 概况介绍课程,每年在纽约举行两次;高级行政管理和资源培训方案 为两组 40 [...]
名候选人提供的持续一年的强化方案,包含远程教学和为期三个星期 的讲习班。
Two of the 4 general temporary assistance positions, 1 P-4 and 1 P-3 Training Officers, and 1 P-4 continuing post, currently funded from the support account, design, deliver, upgrade, harmonize and evaluate three ongoing cross-cutting leadership programmes: the senior mission leaders’ programme, a two-week course,
conducted twice
[...] annually at a host Member State, for 26 candidates from Member States, the Secretariat, the United Nations agencies, [...]
programmes and funds);
the senior leaders’ programme, a compulsory orientation course for all mission personnel at the D-2 level and above, conducted twice annually in New York; and SMART, an intensive year-long programme involving distance learning and three week-long workshops for two groups of 40 candidates.
工作组建议的一些具体措施,包括通过关于不歧视的具体立法;开展全国促 进多文化和尊重非裔厄瓜多尔人尊严的运动;采取各项措施缩小非裔厄瓜多尔人
[...] 瓜多尔人的民间社会;采取措施消除传媒中的种族主义和种族歧视现象;进一步 鼓励非裔参与公 共行政事务;建立一个非裔厄瓜多尔人研究中心;深入开展免 [...]
The concrete measures recommended by the Working Group include the adoption of specific legislation on non-discrimination; the development of a national campaign to promote multiculturalism and respect for the dignity of the Afro-Ecuadorian people; the adoption of measures to reduce the educational gap that exists between Afro-Ecuadorians and the wider population; the introduction of ethno-education for people of African descent; the strengthening of Afro-Ecuadorian civil society; measures to eliminate racism and
discrimination in the media; further
[...] efforts to encourage participation of persons of African [...]
descent in public administration;
the establishment of a centre for Afro-Ecuadorian studies; the further development of free legal aid services; the creation within the office of the Ombudsman of a sub-unit dedicated to issues related to people of African descent and the creation of special programmes to promote the education of women of African descent.
一大批具体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建立大学的对话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任参 与 对 话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
在 2010/11
[...] 年度期间,稳定团与海地政府、国家机构、非政府组织以及联合 国一道,致力于:(a) 提升民间社会团体通参与重 建工作倡导社会和经济权利的 能力;(b) 协助政府报告、预防和应对侵犯人权,特别是侵犯儿童和妇女权利的行 [...]
确保在向受地震影响的脆弱人群提供人道主义援助时采用保护的原则和标 准,并在提供援助过程中与地方当局密切协调;以及(d) 向国家警察提供临时的后 勤和技术专家支持,以便向暴力行为和虐待行为的受害者,包括主要发生在流离失 所者营地的性暴力和性别暴力的儿童和妇女受害者提供援助。
During the 2010/11 period, the Mission worked with the Government of Haiti, State institutions, NGOs and the United Nations country team to: (a) promote the capacity of civil society
groups to advocate social and
[...] economic rights through participation in the reconstruction [...]
process; (b) assist the Government
to report, prevent and respond to human rights violations, with particular regard to the rights of children and women; (c) ensure that humanitarian assistance to vulnerable persons affected by the earthquake incorporated the principles and standards on protection and was provided in close coordination with local authorities; and (d) provide temporary logistical and technical expert support to the national police to assist children and women victims of abuse and violence, including sexual and genderbased violence mainly in camps of displaced persons.




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