

单词 参与率

See also:

参与 v

participate in v
join v
engage v
hook v

参与 n

engagement n
participatory n

External sources (not reviewed)

(d) 设法增加证人参与该委员会的“约见证人计划”,以及关于证 参与 率的统计。
(d) Efforts made to increase witness
participation in the Interviewing Witnesses Scheme of the IPCC, as well as the
[...] statistics on witness participation rates.
劳动人 口参与率失衡 ,不仅有造成社会分裂的危险,而且也表明私营部门内部可能存 在的歧视有可能升级。
An imbalance in their participation in the labour force [...]
not only risks societal division but also indicates probable discrimination
within the private sector that might escalate.
移民浪潮和/ 或参与率提高 - 特别是女性 - 也可能在劳动力市场紧张时发挥补偿效应。
Immigration flows and/or
[...] the increase of participation rates, especially in the [...]
female segment, could also play a compensation
effect when labor markets are very tight.
考虑到在提交的建议中有些地 参与率 很 低 ,妇女代表也较少,秘书处鼓励各地区所 有各会员国在进行下一次工作时,提出更多符合上述标准的建议,包括女性杰出人士,以确 [...]
Given the poor representation of some regions and of women [...]
among the proposals submitted, the Secretariat encourages Member
States from all regions to make more proposals which include eminent women, with a view to ensuring an improved geographical distribution and gender balance, within the framework of the above-mentioned criteria.
鼓励妇女积极参与该计划的执行工作,教科文组织讲习班中妇女 参与率 至 少 为 50%,上述举措旨在强调妇女可通过传播和信息进程在实现可持续发展中发挥关 [...]
The active participation of women in the implementation of
the Programme was encouraged and at
[...] least 50% female participation undertaken for [...]
UNESCO workshops in order to underline
the crucial role that women can play in achieving sustainable development through communication and information processes.
就这些原为移徙者、且包括族裔和种族的群体来 说,低政参与率并不 是因为其自己的选择,而是因为另外一些环境,其中一些 可受到公共政策的影响。
For these groups of migrant origin which also
consist of ethnic and
[...] racial minorities, low rates of political participation do not result from [...]
their own choices but are
due to other circumstances, some of which can be influenced by public policy.
[...] 代表团感到欣慰的是,为增加国际部署中的妇女人 数做出了努力,而且新加坡代表团要求截至 2014 年 在警察部门中实现 20%的参与率。
His delegation was encouraged by efforts to increase the number of women
in international deployment and called for
[...] a 20 per cent participation rate to be attained [...]
in police components by 2014.
[...] 举办联合国有关事项的庆祝活动,其中一些学校参加活动的积极性更高,但大多数学校都有 很高的学参与率。
The activities undertaken ranged from twinning of schools, to the celebration of events in the United Nations calendar, with some
schools being involved more actively than others, but with the majority reporting a very high
[...] level of student participation.
正如秘书长在其报告(S/2011/43)中指出的那 样,科索沃塞族参与率是 2001 年以来最高的。
As the Secretary-General noted in his report
[...] (S/2011/43), the level of participation by Kosovar Serbs [...]
in those elections was the highest since 2001.
[...] 住在一起,是穷人中的最贫困者;他们在政治和体制决策过程中 参与率 和 代 表 率都很低;他们在获得教育机会,完成教育以及所受教育质量方面都面临格外的 [...]
Racism and structural discrimination against people of African descent, rooted in the infamous regime of slavery, are evident in the situations of inequality affecting them and reflected, inter alia, in the following domains: their grouping, together with indigenous
peoples, among the poorest of the
[...] poor; their low rate of participation and representation [...]
in political and institutional
decision-making processes; additional difficulties they face in access to and completion and quality of education, which results in the transmission of poverty from generation to generation; inequality in access to the labour market; limited social recognition and valuation of their ethnic and cultural diversity; and a disproportionate presence in prison populations.
平均而言,在现代 部门,男性劳动参与率仍然 高于女性。
On average,
[...] the labour force participation rates of males in the [...]
modern sector have remained higher than those of females.
围绕选举过程所表现出 的自主权问题,参与率较低 或发生冲突,如果不加以解决,这种问题就会继续 [...]
Ownership issues that manifest around the electoral
[...] process, such as low participation or conflict, [...]
will continue if not addressed, threatening
democratic advances and their sustainability.
许多影响到非洲人后裔的问题,例如,在 政治和决策进程参与率和代 表性低的问题,以及在获得高质量教育、就业和正 [...]
Many of the issues affecting people of African
[...] descent, such as low participation and representation [...]
in political and institutional decision-making
processes and barriers in access to quality education, employment and justice, result in the intergenerational transmission of poverty.
其中农村人口的劳参与率 (62%)要高于城市人口的劳参与率(61.8 %),而男性的劳 参与率 ( 7 5 .9 %)要高于 女性的劳参与率(48.3%)。
This percentage is higher in rural areas (62 per cent) than in urban areas (61.8 per cent) and higher for males (75.9 per cent) than for females (48.3 per cent).
尽管截至 2006 年 12 月 31 日教育部门的全球开支率仅为 64.1%,但
[...] 这没有准确地反映该计划的实际执行情况,阿富汗是唯一一个仍然有大量资金没有支出但其 计参与率达到近 40%的国家。
Although the global expenditure rate for the Education Sector is only 64.1% as at 31 December 2006, this does not accurately reflect the real state of the programme execution, where
Afghanistan is the only country with a significant amount of funds still to be
[...] spent but whose participation on the programme [...]
is almost 40%.
(d) 做出特别努力,提高妇女以及长期失业者和残疾人等处境不利群体参 与率,借 此减少他们在晚年被排除在社会之外或依赖他人的风险
(d) Make special
[...] efforts to raise the participation rate of women and disadvantaged [...]
groups, such as the long-term unemployed
and persons with disabilities, thereby reducing the risk of their exclusion or dependency in later life
上次报告期间,涉及总干事关于 C/4 和 C/5
[...] 草案的磋商数字,仅考虑到了对六年期报告 的调查表作了答复的非政府组织,因此,给人一 参与率 很 高 的印象。
In the previous report, the figures concerning the Director-General’s consultations on the C/4 and C/5 documents took into consideration only those NGOs
which had replied to the questionnaire on the sexennial report, which explains the
[...] impression of a high participation level.
这明显低于欧盟里斯本战略所定目标,即到 2010 年达到 终身学参与率 12.5%。
This is significantly lower than the aim set by the EU Lisbon strategy
[...] to achieve 12.5% participation rate in lifelong learning [...]
by 2010.
在发展中国家,一般来说,55 至 64 岁年龄组 的男子劳动参与率自 1980 年以来只有轻微下降趋势,但 65 岁及以上年龄组参与率在许多国家则大幅下降。
In developing countries, on average there has been only a
[...] small downward trend since 1980 in men’s labour force participation at ages 55 to 64, but in many cases a significant decline [...]
at ages 65 or over.
劳动力可分解成就业率(1 - 失率)、参与率、工 龄人口比例和人口总数。
The labor could be decomposed into the employment rate (one minus the
[...] unemployment rate), the participation rate, the share [...]
of working age population and total population.
一些更令人瞩目的新法律包括第 5767-2007
[...] 号《增加劳动者人数和缩小社会差距(负所得税)法》(《增加劳动者人数和缩小社 会差距(负所得税)法》”),本法力求减少贫困和提高劳 参与率 , 向 低收入者提 供劳动报酬。
Some of the more prominent new laws include the Increasing Participation in the Work force and Reducing Social Gaps (Negative Income Tax) Law 5767-2007, (the “Increasing Participation in the Work force and Reducing Social Gaps (Negative Income Tax) Law”) which
endeavours to reduce poverty and
[...] increase work force participation rates, providing remuneration [...]
for labor to low income-earners.
自 1960 和 1970 年代以来,造成罗马尼亚人口减少的因素恰恰也正是引发欧
[...] 洲几乎所有在经济和社会方面持续发展的发达国家生育率大幅下降的原因所在: 妇女解放,其在家庭外经济活动中 参与率 日 益 上升;受教育时间更长,水平更 高;文化、特别是宗教规范的影响力减弱;社会流动性增强;养育子女的费用较 [...]
高;儿童的经济功用、特别是他们在老龄人口经济保障方面发挥的作用下降;现 代避孕方法的出现。
The decline factors are the very same factors that, ever since the 1960s and 1970s, have triggered the massive fertility decline in almost all developed European countries 6 under constant economic and social
progress: emancipation of women and
[...] their increasing participation in economic activities [...]
outside the household; longer
duration and level of education; weakening influence of cultural and, especially, religious norms; growing social mobility; high cost of raising children; reduction of the children’s economic function, particularly of their role in the economic security of elderly people; appearance of modern contraceptive methods.
在欧洲社会基金的框架内,支持社会性别主流化和各项措施,以改善就业机 遇,增加妇女经参与和就业率,减 轻劳动力市场上的两性差异(特别是处理源 [...]
In the framework of the European Social Fund, support is provided to gender mainstreaming and various measures
to improve access to employment and
[...] increase constant participation and share of women [...]
in employment, reduce gender differentiation
on the labour market (inter alia, dealing with gender-based pay differences arising from direct or indirect causes).
(d) 从根本上消除影响儿童,特别是失学儿童的各种不平等、差距和不同形
[...] 对性的、积极的战略、政策和方案(包括跨部门办法),提高儿童的入学率、在率、参与程度 和学业成绩,从而增强教育的可获性和包容性;在这方面,应作出 [...]
(d) Addressing the root causes of the inequalities, disparities and diverse forms of exclusion and discrimination affecting children, particularly out-of-school
children, including by enhancing
[...] enrolment, retention, participation and achievement [...]
of children, by developing and operationalizing
an inclusive education and defining targeted, proactive strategies, policies and programmes, including cross-sectoral approaches, to promote accessibility and inclusion.
率与大部 分用于离职后健康保险负债精算估值的方法要素一样,是由 联合国代表所参加相 同健康保险计划并且其估值工作由联合国协调的实体选 定的。
Like most of the methodological elements used for the actuarial valuation of the after-service health insurance liability, the
discount rate
[...] was selected by the United Nations on behalf of all entities participating in the same health insurance plans for which the United Nations [...]
coordinated the valuation exercise.
展望未来,中非经共体在这个领域努力的重点将 是:敲定一项法律文书并由成员国予以通过;促进各 国的国家小武器和轻武器问题委员会积 参与 ; 执行 边境方案,特别是在跨界安全领域;建立和执行警务 合作机制,以便解决六个无法治地区的问题;通过与 西非国家经济共同体,当然还有我们的国际伙伴协 调,使《几内亚湾安全战略》付诸实施;执行安全部 门改革政策,以便确保各国的军备可以被追查;提供 各种形式的支持,以确保解除武装、复员和重返社会 进程取得成功,到 2015 年达到约 90%的率;以及在 信息、提高意识和社会网络方面加强民间社会组织。
Looking to the future, the community’s efforts in this area will be focused on finalizing the legal instrument and its
adoption by member States;
[...] boosting the active participation of national commissions on small arms and light weapons; implementing the border programme, especially in the area of cross-border security; drawing up and implementing a police cooperation mechanism to address the issue of the six lawless zones; operationalizing the Gulf of Guinea securitization strategy in coordination with the Economic Community of West African States and, of course, with our international partners; implementing the policy of security sector reform in order to ensure that State armaments are traceable; providing support of all types to ensure the success of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes at rates of around 90 per [...]
cent by 2015; and strengthening
civil society organizations with regard to information, awareness-raising and social networking.
(a) 高中的辍学和留率,与男童相比,女童更容易辍学,主要是因为早 婚和强迫婚姻以及女参与家务劳动; (b) 学校课程设置的质量低下,相关性不足
(a) High school
[...] dropout and repetition rates, with girls being much more likely to drop out of school than boys, due notably to early and forced marriages and the participation of girls in family work
设立该数据中心就是为了相互保存关于商业卫星飞行 轨道、机动飞行和有效载荷率的信 息,鼓 参与 该 中 心的成员进行协调与交 流,从而努力提高空间行动的安全。
The data centre was established to serve as an interactive repository for commercial satellite orbit,
manoeuvre and payload frequency information to promote the safety of space operations by
[...] encouraging coordination and communication among its participating [...]
[...] 进展,尽管缔约国承认,在受害者援助的每个领域当然都存在重大挑战,以确保 地雷幸存者和遇难者或受伤者家属充分和有 率参与 其 社 区的社会、文化、经济 和社会生活。
This demonstrates that progress has been made even though the States Parties recognise that significant challenges in each area of victim
assistance of course remain to ensure the
[...] full and effective participation of mine survivors [...]
and the families of those killed and
injured in the social, cultural, economic and political life of their communities.
Yamazaki 先生(主计长)在介绍秘书的
2008-2009 两年期拟议方案预算第二次执行情况报告(A/64/545)
[...] 时说,该报告提供了预期在 2008-2009 两年期方案预 算下最后支出的估计数,在估计这项数额时考虑与 核准 第一次执行情况报告(A/63/573)时所用的通货 膨胀和率参数及 生活费用调整数最新数据相比这 些参数和调整数的变化。
(Controller), introducing the Secretary-General’s second performance report on the programme budget for the biennium 2008-2009 (A/64/545), said that the report provided an estimate of the anticipated final level of expenditure under the programme budget for the
biennium 2008-2009,
[...] taking into account changes in parameters for inflation and exchange rates and cost-of-living adjustments compared with [...]
the previous
update of parameters at the time of approval of the first performance report (A/63/573).




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