单词 | 去年 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 去年 adverb —last year adv去年 noun —previous year n • prior year n • overall investment n
若不包括這些因素,營業支出比去年同 期 輕微上升,反映主要與落實集團策略有關的額外支出。 hsbc.com.tw | Excluding these factors, operating costs were mar ginally higher than in 3Q11, reflecting additional expenses primarily associat ed with the execution of our strategy. hsbc.com.tw |
在 2010 年內處理個案之進度情況,全部 7 [...] 宗(100%)的個案皆能於法定處理 時限內(45 天)完成及歸檔,較去年提升了 7.2%。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | For the progress of handling cases in 2010, all 7 cases (100%) [...] were completed and filed within the statutory time limit (45 days), recorded an [...] increase of 7.2% compared with last year. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
銀行保險業務佔我們於中國總銷售額近一半,自監管規則 於 去年 收 緊後,各銀行分行的生產力均有所下 降。 prudential.co.uk | Bancassurance, which accounts for nearly half of our total sales in China, [...] has seen lower productivity from bank branches following the tightening of [...] regulations that came into effect last year. prudential.co.uk |
台灣的實際 GDP 增長將預計比去年下跌 2.3%至 2008 年的 3.4%,導致其經濟放緩的 [...] 主要原因為缺乏能刺激投資及消費的重要動力。 mastercard.com | Real GDP growth is expected to [...] moderate through 2008 to 3.4%, down 2.3% [...] from the previous year, with the absence [...]of major drivers stimulating investment [...]and consumption being the key reasons underlying the economic slowdown. mastercard.com |
較去年下跌 1.5%,主要原因為物價上升和個人 消費增長的減低。 mastercard.com | This 1.5% decrease against [...] the previous year can be largely [...]attributed to higher consumer prices growth and lower private consumption growth. mastercard.com |
即使 您去年有資 格獲得免費膳食,如果您今年不填寫新的申請表,校區不會接受向 [...] 您的孩子提供的補償。 sfhsa.org | Even if you qualified last year for a free [...] meal, the District will not receive reimbursements for your child if you do not [...]fill out a new application this year. sfhsa.org |
積金局在檢討中會考慮強積金制度過 去 10年的運 作經驗及所收集的意見,並參考海外不同地區的提取方式 [...] 和經驗,研究不同的提取方式,包括現行的一筆過提取、定時或分期 提取、以年金方式提取,或結合上述方案的安排等。 legco.gov.hk | In the review, the MPFA will consider [...] the operational experience of the MPF [...] System in the past 10 years and the views [...]gathered; make reference to the withdrawal [...]options and experiences of overseas jurisdictions; and study various withdrawal options, including the present lump-sum payments arrangement, programmed or phased withdrawals, annuities as well as combination of any of these options, and so on. legco.gov.hk |
由於去年在吐 露港展開的鋪設天然 氣管道工程可能曾翻起海床沉積的有毒重金屬,而且漁農自然護理署(“漁 護署”)去年的化驗結果顯示,該區的貝類樣本的重金屬鎘濃度超出《食物 攙雜(金屬雜質含量)規例》(香港法例第 132 章附屬法例 V)就食物所訂 的有關准許濃度一倍以上,養魚戶因此要求環境保護署(“環保署")抽取 工程附近海床下面 2 至 3 米的泥土樣本作化驗,但該署以資源不足和缺乏有 關的鑽挖設備及技術人員為理由而予以拒絕。 legco.gov.hk | As the laying of natural gas pipelines in [...] Tolo Harbour last year might have stirred up the toxic heavy metals deposited in the seabed, and the test results of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) last year indicated [...]that the concentration [...]of cadmium, a heavy metal, in shell fish samples collected from such area was more than twice the permitted concentration specified for food in the Food Adulteration (Metallic Contamination) Regulations (Cap. 132 sub. leg. V), the fish farmers requested the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) to take soil samples for testing from two to three metres beneath the seabed near the works site. legco.gov.hk |
僱員薪酬政策較去 年並無重大變動。 sis.com.hk | There are no significant changes in staff [...] remuneration policies from last year. sis.com.hk |
4.3 倘若因計算或評估錯誤而導致你獲多發資助,你必須退還多付之款額(包括在 過 去年 度已 獲發給的資助);及如有需要,你其後可獲的資助亦可被撤銷。 sfaa.gov.hk | 4.3 Please note that in the event that there is overpayment due to error of calculation or assessment, you are required to refund the amount overpaid (including [...] amounts that may have been overpaid in [...] previous academic year(s)) and, if necessary, [...]forfeit the amount that may be payable. sfaa.gov.hk |
在 2008 [...] 年內所處理的個案之進度上,80%的個案皆能於法定處理時限內(45 天)完成及歸檔,較去年下降了 20%;而 20%的個案現正處理中(未過 [...]45 天的期限)。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | For the progress of handling cases in 2008, 80% of the cases [...] can be completed and filed within the statutory time limit (45 days), recorded a [...] decrease of 20% compared with last year. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
本集團之僱員薪酬政策較去年並無 重大變動。 sisinternational.com.hk | There are no significant changes in staff [...] remuneration policies from last year. sisinternational.com.hk |
集團主席陳俊豪先生指出:「貫徹我們 努力控制及減低成本的營運方針,營運開支 比 去年 同 期減少25.4%。 ir.playmatestoys.com | Group chairman, Mr. Thomas Chan, remarked: “Consistent with our stated operating priority to continue with the [...] efforts to control and reduce costs, operating expenses were lower by 25.4% when [...] compared to the same period last year. ir.playmatestoys.com |
儘管去年同期 金融危機導致特殊資金流入 M&G 旗 下債券基金,致使本期數字較去年同 期 有所減少,惟在 M&G 旗下零售基金有資金持續強勁流入帶動下此項目 仍保持領先表現。 prudential.co.uk | Although this is down against the same period last year, which saw exceptional inflows into M&G’s bond funds as a result of the financial crisis, this remains a leading performance driven by continuing strong inflows into M&G’s retail funds. prudential.co.uk |
除上述披露者外,Fainé 博士在過去 3 年並無於其他上市公眾公司擔任任何董 [...] 事職務。 hkbea.com | Save as disclosed, Dr. Fainé did not hold any directorships in other listed [...] public companies in the last three years. hkbea.com |
其他經營費用為港幣 116,000,000 元,去年同期則為港幣 112,000,000 元。 vitasoy.com | Other operating expenses were HK$116 million, versus HK$112 [...] million for the same period last year. vitasoy.com |
汲取了去年的經 驗, 中心計劃在二零零九年再次邀請食物業界簽署“食物安全「誠」諾",希望與他們攜手 向其員工、會員及顧客推廣“食物安全五要點"。 cfs.gov.hk | Building on the experience of the Charter in 2008, it was planned to invite members of the food trade to sign up to the Charter again in 2009 to solicit their support to undertake joint efforts with the CFS to promote the 5 Keys to their staff, members and customers. cfs.gov.hk |
於去年簽訂 之有關收購青海省投資集 團有限公司20%股本權益的協議,收購之完成,尚待有關先決條件的落實。 mmg.com | Regarding an [...] agreement signed last year for the purchase [...]of a 20% equity interest in Qinghai Province Investment Group Limited, [...]completion of the acquisition is conditional upon fulfillment of conditions precedent. mmg.com |
Ÿ 於 2011 年上半年,項目合約銷售平均價格相 比 去年 同 期 錄得介乎 26%至 78%的升幅 (上海太平橋增長 26%、上海瑞虹新城增長 26%、重慶天地及武漢天地分別增長 36% 及 78%)。 shuion.com | z During the first half of 2011, the contracted sales average selling price (“ASP”) rose in the range of 26% to 78% year on year (26% in Shanghai Taipingqiao, 26% Shanghai Rui Hong Xin Cheng, 36% Chongqing Tiandi and 78% Wuhan Tiandi respectively). shuion.com |
而事實上,若扣除可換股債 [...] 劵的公允值變動之非經常損失 182,000,000 港元,集團二零零七年之利潤實際較 去年 增加 19%。 mmg.com | In fact, if excluding the non-recurring loss of HK$182.0 million in [...] relation to the fair value changes of convertible bonds, the Group’s profit for [...] 2007 indeed increased by 19% over last year. mmg.com |
友邦保險集團在香港重現動力,隨著營運效率改善和新業務銷售增加,香港業務 於 去年年底 錄得快速的復甦(與第三季比較,2010 年第四季新業務價值按季上升 56%)。 aia.com | AIA built renewed momentum in Hong Kong, which experienced a rapid recovery towards the end of the year (VONB up 56% from Q3 to Q4 2010) supported by a combination of improved operational efficiency and higher new business sales. aia.com |
去 年雨季 出現山泥傾瀉而令大嶼山交通大受影響,當局在該項改善工程研究中,會否 考慮將上述問題納入研究範圍? devb.gov.hk | Will the Administration consider including the above issue in this study on the improvement works? devb.gov.hk |
(c) 除樓宇更新大行動外,去年度房 協及市建局的各項舊樓復修計劃,總共協助 了多少舊樓業主進行維修? devb.gov.hk | (c) the total number of owners of old buildings assisted by various old building rehabilitation schemes undertaken by the Hong Kong Housing Society and the Urban Renewal Authority last year in carrying out repair works in addition to the Operation. devb.gov.hk |
踏入二零零八年,本集團業務的增長動力依然強勁,加上受惠於農曆新年期間之寒冷天 氣,二零零八年首兩個月中國大陸的銷售額急升百分之四十三點二,本集團整體營業額亦 錄得百分之十七點一的較去年同期 增長。 giordano.com.hk | Growth momentum remained strong going into 2008 and, with the help of a cold Chinese New Year, sales in Mainland China surged by 43.2 percent and overall Group turnover increased by 17.1 percent year-on-year in the first two months of 2008. giordano.com.hk |
此外,股票市場的波動、中國個別行業的產能過盛, 以及部分國家政府將需控制公共開支及解 決 去年 的 壞 帳問題,均可能進一步為全球經濟帶 來更多不穩定因素。 coface.com.cn | Stock market fluctuations, overcapacities in China and upcoming need for economies to reign in spending and pay bad debts may create further uncertainties for the global economy. coface.com.hk |
業績顯 著改善乃由於去年新獲授項目之利潤率較高,且並未 如 去年 度 一 般出現須分攤之 合營企業項目虧損以及撇銷商譽及無形資產之情況。 hsinchong.com | The significant improvement in results was attributable to better margins achieved in newly awarded projects secured last year, together with the absence of share of loss of joint venture project and write-off of goodwill and intangible assets as last year. hsinchong.com |
截至二○一○年九月三十日止九個月,本集團的收入及除稅後盈利分別為四億四千 [...] 五百萬新加坡元及二億零八百萬新加坡元, 較 去年 同 期 分別增加 50%及 124%。 wheelockcompany.com | Group revenue and profit after tax for the 9-month ended 30 September 2010 was $445 [...] million and $208 million respectively, an increase of 50% and 124% respectively when [...] compared to the same period last year. wheelockcompany.com |
展望未來,我們的挑戰更勝去年,面 對日益激烈的市場競爭及沉重的新廠折舊壓力, 我們唯有專注核心技術的提昇,加速既有技術移轉與次世代技術開發,持續降低成本, 積極開拓新市場,提昇產能利用率,邁向經濟規模,才能充分發揮12吋晶圓技術之競爭 優勢,提供客戶更穩定的產能及高品質產品。 macronix.com | Facing greater challenges from fierce market competition and high depreciation of newly operating 12” Fab, we can only give full play to 12” Fab and provide quality products of more reliable capacity by enhancing core technology, accelerating the shift of current technology and development of next-generation technology, reducing cost, developing new markets, increasing utilization rate and achieving economies of scale. macronix.com |
與此同時, 本集團於本年度取得極佳的開始,一月及二月的營業額對 比 去年 同 期 增長百分之十三點 六,本集團將專注優化營運工作,為未來增長奠下根基。 giordano.com.hk | In the meantime the year started strongly for us, with turnover in January and February rising by 13.6 percent year-on-year, and we will focus on optimizing operations to prepare for future growth. giordano.com.hk |
聯營公司方面,由於本集團聯營公司黃龍食品工業有限公司(「黃龍 [...] 玉米」)的原材料採購成本顯著上漲,導致本集團錄得應佔聯營公司虧損,而 去年同期 本集團則錄得應佔聯營公司溢利。 gdguangnan.com | For the associates, as a result of the substantial increase in the raw materials purchase cost of Yellow Dragon Food Industry Company Limited (“Yellow Dragon”), an associate of the Group, a share of [...] loss of associates was recorded as compared with a share of profits of associates in [...] the corresponding period last year. gdguangnan.com |