

单词 去芜存菁

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,我要指出的是,不能用㆒種文化強 行取代另㆒種文化的做法,以求改變舊貌,而應以互相理解、溝通、滲透的方 去去 蕪存 菁。
Instead, this should be achieved through the promotion of mutual understanding and communication, and subtle influence in order to eliminate the bad customs while retaining the good ones.
[...] 使我們能夠藉此深切反省過往成功的原因,以及近年不景的底蘊,從 去蕪 存菁,再 次鞏固優勢所在,也可算是一次化危為機的契機。
Nevertheless, if we are thereby given a chance to question ourselves deeply about the
reasons for our success in the past and the causes of the
[...] downturn in recent years, for eliminating [...]
the impure and retaining
the pure and reconsolidating our advantages, we can also consider the occasion a turning point at which crisis is turned into opportunities.
访问行程包括在北京参加会议以及对通 州区、昌平区和山东省的济南和芜 地 区进行实地考察。
The mission included meetings in Beijing, as well as
field trips to the districts of Tongzhou and Changping, and to the areas
[...] of Jinan and Laiwu in the province [...]
of Shandong.
希望我們的社會能夠自我完善去蕪 存菁 , 自我揚棄有損專業精神而無助民智成長的不良活動。
Hopefully our society can seek self-improvement and get rid of those unhealthy activities which are detrimental to the professionalism and unhelpful to the growth of civic wisdom.
主席,事實上, 最近一 份 跟 中 央 政 府關係良 好 的 大眾化 報 章 所 做 的一項 民 意 調 查
顯 示 , 在四百七十多位受訪市民 中 , 六 成 六 認 為署理 行 政長官 曾蔭 權先生假 如在 7 月當選 行
[...] 政長官 , 應該對現時的管 治 班去 蕪 存 菁 , 其中三 成 更 認 為 政制事務局局長林瑞麟先生應該被 [...]
As a matter of fact, Madam Chairman, according to an opinion poll conducted by a popular newspaper which is on good terms with the Central Government, of the 470-odd respondents, 66% of them agree that if the Acting Chief Executive Mr Donald TSANG is really elected as
the Chief Executive in July, he should
[...] streamline the existing principal officials. [...]
30% of the respondents agree that Secretary
Stephen LAM should be removed from the post of the Secretary for Constitutional Affairs.
研讨会还是启动“巴比伦研究计划” (2007--2010 年)的重要环节,该计划旨在让伊拉克振兴其文化传统,并解决 去 二 十 年文 化和科学事业芜的问题。
The Seminar also represented a key phase in the launch of the “Babylon Research Programme” (2007-2010) which aims at
allowing Iraq to renew its links with its cultural past, and
[...] address the cultural and scientific collapse of the last 20 years.
这些神之一,是在暴风雨中闪电的古风暴神楼陀罗,破坏性,延长在雨中淋浴生活,过山和 芜 的 寂寞孤独清扫垃圾。
One of these gods was the ancient storm-god Rudra, destructive in tempest and lightning, renewing life in the showers of rain, sweeping in lonely solitude over mountain and barren waste.
這兩項研究所得的結果十分有用,我們可預期新的香港電台公司 將去蕪存菁,效率更高,並將給予員工更大自由,使他們能發揮創作能力,而不受 政府部門的掣肘。
These studies have a most useful input and we could expect the new RTHKC to be a much slimmer and more efficient organization, offering more latitude for its staff to exercise their creativity operating in an environment outside the strict confines of the Civil Service.
这一现 象已经到了致使科霍戈地区的地方政府行政官员企图禁止手工开采黄金的地步, 因为黄金开采已导致当地劳动力市场枯竭、农田 芜 和 环 境遭到破坏。
This phenomenon has reached such a level that local Government administrators in the Korhogo area have attempted to ban artisanal gold mining because of its drain on the local labour market and the detrimental environmental impact it is having owing to the neglect of agricultural land.
1952年10月22日出生于中国安徽芜湖 市,1996年于德国海德堡大学艺术史学院获得博士学位,现居德国杜塞尔多夫。
D at institute of Art History of University Heidelberg, Germany.
已鼓励私人企 业家和私营公司开垦芜地、处女地和湿地,以促进 农业生产。
Private entrepreneurs and companies had been encouraged to reclaim fallow lands, virgin lands and wetlands for agricultural production.
同時,我亦相信,很多業內㆟士,尤其是㆒些真正所謂「有 料」的、即接受傳統醫學訓練的㆟,亦相當同意如能通過註冊程序,當有助於㆗醫的 進步,去蕪存菁,真正令到有學術修養,以及能將這種傳統醫學發揮的㆟,可在醫 療衛生工作內扮演積極的角色。
Chinese medicine organizations to provide training for Chinese medicine Chinese medicine organizations to provide training for Chinese medicine Chinese medicine organizations to provide training for Chinese medicine practitioners and shopkeepers of Chinese herbal shops who play such a vital role in practitioners and shopkeepers of Chinese herbal shops who play such a vital role in practitioners and shopkeepers of Chinese herbal shops who play such a vital role in practitioners and shopkeepers of Chinese herbal shops who play such a vital role in the process of using Chinese medicine.
但我們必須明白,醫學是沒有境界的,現代醫學發達是因為能夠不斷 更新、不去蕪存菁、不 斷吸收各門各派及世界各㆞的醫學經驗及理論。
We are deeply saddened by the decline something that every Chinese can be proud of.
政府現時首要的工作,便是檢視本港現有的基建架構 去 蕪 存菁 , 向 外 推廣我們的好條件,例如先進的金融財經服務、優良的法制等,積極地建設 [...]
和協調不足之處,如物流服務中心的發展,現時缺乏適當的交通運輸網絡和 倉貯配套等;發掘和拓展新的服務項目,例如培訓香港可能已過剩的低技術
人員,利用幾乎已是乏人問津的工業用地,鼓勵商界提供具國際競爭力的數 據處理中心服務等。
In this connection, the Government could consider developing logistics management centres and
establishing some suitable matching
[...] transportation network and storage facilities which are [...]
now lacking in Hong Kong. Besides, it
should also explore and develop new services, including providing training for the apparently surplus lower-skilled technicians, making use of the almost idle industrial land, and encouraging the business sector to provide data processing centre services that are competitive internationally.
會 內 的 同 事 可 能 質 疑 完 善投訴 機制能 否 真 正“對症 下 藥 ” , 而 獨 立申訴 制 度 會 否“用 藥 過 重 ” ,
弄 巧 反 拙 , 危害醫 療 人員的專 業 自 主,主席,我 想 指 出 ,
[...] 設 立申訴 機 制 的 目 的是去蕪 存 菁 , 掃 除 醫 療 隊 伍 中 的 錯 [...]
誤 行為及文化 , 同時亦藉 此 找 出 問題所在, 以 改善現時的醫療
制 度 , 使 醫 療 制 度 能 健 康 發 展 , 重建市民對 醫 療 人員及制 度 的 信心。
At the same time, the opportunity will be taken to
identify the crux of the problem with a view
[...] to improving the existing health care system [...]
to promote the healthy development of
the system and help the public rebuild their confidence in medical personnel and the system.
我們要求的是政府立即好好檢討,找出流弊 去 蕪 存菁。
We only urge that a thorough review be conducted at once to identify problems so as to eliminate the bad elements and retain the good ones.
維 持 傳媒 的 專 業,較維持 任 何的專 業,都 來得重要, 希望政 府加強 傳媒辨 識 教育,以 及 協 助業界 制 訂 一 套 完 善 的 機 制 , 為本港傳媒去 蕪 存 菁 。
It is hoped that the Government can strengthen the education on media literacy and help the industry to formulate a comprehensive mechanism to weed out the improper elements within Hong Kong's media.
倫敦在單車租賃方面,或許能夠後發先至,既然世界各地已有不少單車租賃方案,其間也衍生出各種問題,倫敦本應能參考這些前車之鑑 去 蕪 存菁 、 汲取優點之後,就能發揮最高效果,避開其他城市遭遇的阻礙;然而倫敦制度卻幾乎是加拿大蒙特婁Bixi的翻版,連規劃團隊都是同一群人。
With a variety of bicycle hire schemes operating across the globe and many complications encountered in that time, London had the opportunity to learn from the experiences of these cities.
正如有人在提到拉马特什 洛莫时指出,“……我们所谈论的地区在和平进程伊始 [1993 年]只是一片芜的 土地(属于巴勒斯坦Shuafat村的一个无人居住的山丘),没有以色列人,主要属 于巴勒斯坦人,完全与巴勒斯坦地区毗连,任何人如划出一条合乎逻辑的边界, 都会将这片土地置于巴勒斯坦一侧”。
As has been noted with reference to Ramat Shlomo, “We are talking about an area that at the outset of the peace process [in 1993] was empty land (an uninhabited hill belonging to the Palestinian village of Shuafat) — devoid of Israelis, belonging mainly to Palestinians, and contiguous entirely with Palestinian areas — that anybody drawing a logical border would have placed on the Palestinian side”.56 The Ramat Shlomo area became Jewish and Israeli only as a result of expropriation in 1973, with the land being zoned for construction and a new settlement only in 1993, ironically coinciding with the start of the Oslo peace process.
[...] 法例作為運作指引,業內要執行自律工作 去 蕪 存菁 , 而市民就要以消費者的身份去 選擇良好的服務,避免自己受騙,大家合作來淘汰業內小部份的不良份子。
Since the majority of travel agencies are members of the Travel
[...] Industry Council (TIC), how to distinguish those [...]
which are properly managed and those which are not?
現在,我將國外所學的先進觀念與技 去 蕪 存菁 , 配 合自己對美學的研究與執著,期望提供給國內消費者一種不同於以往印像的服務品質,讓聰明的您花同樣的金錢,卻可以得到更好的手術服務與術後效果,這才是我最覺得有意義的地方。
Now, I have taken
[...] all the positive aspects of the advanced [...]
concepts and technology I learned about when I was abroad, along
with my own research of aesthetics and perseverance, I hope to provide to domestic consumers a different quality of service, allowing a smart you to spend the same amount of money, but have better surgery services and post-operation results, this is what I think is the most meaningful.
但是 現代醫學的好處就是能去蕪存菁, 將 這些沒有用的藥物及手術淘汰,把有用的藥物 適當運用,使副作用減至最少。
But the advantage of modern medical science is that through a process of selection the useless medicines and surgeries science is that through a process of selection the useless medicines and surgeries science is that through a process of selection the useless medicines and surgeries science is that through a process of selection the useless medicines and surgeries are eliminated such that the remaining useful medicines are used appropriately and are eliminated such that the remaining useful medicines are used appropriately and are eliminated such that the remaining useful medicines are used appropriately and are eliminated such that the remaining useful medicines are used appropriately and side effects reduced to a minimum.
正 如我剛才的發言 指 明去 蕪 存 菁 , 增 加 成 本效率 , 社 會 服 務提供者是 責 無 旁 貸 的,即 使 在 教育的開 支 方面, 也不是 全無空 間 的,所以剛才張文光議員發 言 時 [...]
亦 有 清楚說 明,我 不再重複。
Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong has already explained this very clearly, and I shall not make any repetition here.
台北,台灣- 2012年9月19日 -
[...] [...] 繼2012年台北國際電腦展首次亮相即引發全球消費者熱烈關注的全新一代曜越New Soprano中直立式機殼,將於今年9月正式登場和全球廣大的電腦DIY玩家們見面,無疑是同級機殼產品中的佼佼者!距離約五年前的Soprano,全新一代曜越New Soprano用去蕪存菁頂級設計,亦延續臻致完美流線時尚設計風範,保留設計中最純粹的部分,將實而不華的高品質機能和絕佳空間設計創新演繹,營造簡約卻不簡單的低調奢華,且充分展現出曜越簡約設計與精細做工的深厚功力。
Unlike any other recent PC chassis Thermaltake has introduced, the new Soprano is a simple and elegant mid-tower that seeks to blend into designers’ lavish furnishing with the aid on surpassing the intriguing modern lifestyle.
在教育方面, 港進聯 促 請 政 府 立 即 全 面 檢 討現行 的 教育制度、政
[...] 策 和目標 , 興 利 革 弊去 蕪 存 菁 , 重 訂 教育改 革 的 推 行進度, [...]
讓中產 階 層 重 拾 對本地 教育制度的 信心, 省 下 子女到
國 際 學 校 或 海 外升學 的 花費。
With respect to education reform, the HKPA
urges the Government to make an
[...] immediate review of the existing education system [...]
as well as the related policies and objectives.
在这方面,据指出,在法律冲突领域就一项建议达成一致是 特别重要的,因为,否则的话,法院地国的法律冲突规则不同,所适用的规则 也就不同,这样一种情况将使目前普遍存在的不确定性长 存 在 下 去 , 并 对信 贷成本和供应产生负面影响。
In that connection, it was stated that, in particular in the area of conflicts of laws, it was important to reach agreement on one recommendation, since otherwise a different rule would apply depending on the conflict-of-laws rule of the forum State, a situation that would perpetuate the currently prevailing uncertainty and have a negative impact on the cost and the availability of credit.
有资格的家庭包括:单亲家庭、拥有 4 个或以上子女且接受以下
[...] 福利之一的家庭:收入扶持金,赡养费,伤残、老年、 存 者 抚 恤金; 去 双亲 的儿童;《收入扶持法》定义的遭遗弃的儿童/孤儿;移民到以色列而没有一名 [...]
Entitled families are: single-parent families; families with 4 or more children who receive one of the following
benefits: Income Support,
[...] Alimony, Disability, Old-Age, Survivors’ Benefit; a child orphaned [...]
from both parents; an abandoned/orphaned
child as defined in the Income Support Law; a child who immigrated to Israel without an insured parent; and women residing in a shelter for battered women, under certain conditions.
提供的赔偿应尽量纠正,而非强化 去存 在 的 结构性不平等,因为这类不平等可 能是妇女在冲突前、冲突期间和冲突后遭受暴力的根源。
Reparations should aspire, to the extent possible, to subvert, instead of reinforce, preexisting structural inequality that may be at the root causes of the violence the women experience before, during and after the conflict.
同时,寄宿学校之所以常常被看成一种解决办法,是因为教育政策不能脱离 经济、社会和文化支配的更大范围来处理;也就是说,如果土著人民继续生活在
[...] 自己的传统生活方式被排斥或面对经济支配的社会里,那么,由此推断,他们需 要从主体社会内部产生的教育制度,才能 存 下 去。
At the same time, one reason why boarding schools often appear to be an answer is because educational policy cannot be addressed separately from the larger context of economic, social and cultural domination; that is, if indigenous peoples continue to live in societies in which their traditional ways of life are marginalized or in which they face economic domination,
then it follows that they will require educational systems that come from within the dominant
[...] society in order to survive.
眼下本案 与将某人送回可能遭酷刑之地的案例毫不相关。对于典型的案例,遣送发生之际
[...] 才有可能出现违约现象的属时原因是符合逻辑的思维,因为违约取决于当事人是 否被遣送去的情况下存在。
The current case does not have anything to do with possible cases of deportation to a place where a person might be tortured; in that type of case, it is logical to consider ratione temporis the possible violation at the moment that the ordered
deportation occurs, since the violation depends on the
[...] circumstances that exist in the country to [...]
which the person is sent.




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