

单词 去职



relieve from office

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 如果庭长或某个副庭长不再担任上诉法庭法官,或在正常任期结束之前去职务, 应进行一次选举,为其剩余任期任命一名继任者
(c) If a President or a Vice-President
should cease to be a judge of the Appeals
[...] Tribunal or should resign his or her office [...]
before the expiration of the normal term,
an election shall be held for the purpose of appointing a successor for the unexpired portion of the term
科尼 耶总理在上任仅 4 个月后就去职务当然令人备感关 切,因为这影响到国家机构的正常运作,也影响到重 [...]
The resignation of Prime Minister [...]
Conille a mere four months after his appointment is naturally cause for increased concern,
since it affects the normal functioning of national institutions and the accomplishment of critical and urgent tasks.
工作人员可向秘书长递交任用条款中规定的通知, 去职 务。
Staff members may resign from service upon giving the Secretary-General the notice required under the terms of their appointment.
我 们会晤的一些难民显然是巴博的忠实支持者,他们 表示,在瓦塔拉总去职之前 ,他们无论如何都不 会返回。
Some refugees we met were clearly Gbagbo loyalists who said that they would not return until President Ouattara was gone, if at all.
此外,回答问题时,应牢记你去职 位 中 最重要的部分是你真正能够取得业绩的。
Additionally, when you are giving answers, keep in mind the most important part
[...] of each of your past roles is what you [...]
were able to achieve.
一些服务不 满五年的高级顾问可因个人原因或其他原因 去职 务 , 而服务届满五年的高级顾 问将是变化的重点所在。
While some senior advisers with
[...] fewer than five years of service may relinquish their positions for personal and [...]
other reasons, those
at the five-year mark will be the focus of the change.
第 16-17 条 描述了各种必须被颁布的具体信息类型,包括法律、有关当
[...] 前决策和官方活动的信息、公共机构的年报、公共机构负责人的 职 和 去职 信 息、国家和地 方预算的通过、价格和税率的改变、和公共财产管理相关的法律行为、外国人所拥有的土地 [...]
Articles 16-17 describe various specific types of information that must be promulgated including laws, information about current decisions and official events, annual
reports of public bodies, the
[...] assumption of office or resignation of heads of public [...]
bodies, adoption of the national and
local budgets, changes in rates or taxes, legal acts relating to management of public property, allocation of land or buildings owned by foreigners, signing international treaties and measures to address disasters.
在三月份的全国人民代表大会之后(见第二日的内容),一份简单的政府公告宣佈重庆市委书记薄熙 去职。
Following the annual National People's Congress meeting in
March, a brief official statement announced that Chongqing Communist Party chief Bo Xilai had
[...] been removed from his post.
2012 年 4
[...] 月初,恩塔甘达越来越担心很快会被逮捕,几个前全国保卫人民大 会指挥官则担心去职务和 部署带来的特权,为此,前全国保卫人民大会和前刚 果爱国抵抗联盟军官在刚果(金)武装部队内发动兵变,开小差或在南北基伍省一 [...]
Ntaganda’s mounting fears of an imminent arrest and several
ex-CNDP commanders’
[...] concerns about losing privileges attached to their functions and deployments, [...]
at the beginning of April
2012, ex-CNDP and ex-PARECO officers launched a mutiny within FARDC, deserting from army units or regrouping their troops in specific assembly points in North Kivu and South Kivu.
总干事的意见 这些程序所依据的是现行的《教科文组织工作人员管理条例和规定》的条文和国际劳工组织行政 法庭判决原则在这些问题上所制定的标准,对所有因预算原因或部门局室结构调整而 去职 位的 工作人员一律采取一视同仁的原则。
These procedures are based on the provisions of the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules of UNESCO in force and on the standards emerging from the ILO Administrative Tribunal rulings in these cases.
在智利,一项类似措施禁 止私营部门雇用去公职不足 六个月、负有审计职能的退职公务员,例如那些 [...]
In Chile, a similar measure prohibits the employment in
the private sector of former civil servants
[...] with auditing functions, such as those [...]
in the Comptroller General’s office, the
customs authorities or the superintendent of social security services, during the six months immediately following their resignation from public office.
但是,当Camila发现自己需要花费太多时间筹募款项,却没有足够时间陪伴这些儿童时,便 去 这 一 职 务 ,并于1996年成立Kid’s Company(儿童公司)。
But when Camila realized she was doing too much fundraising and not enough working with the children themselves, she stepped down and in 1996 established Kids Company.
此外在 12 月 14
[...] 日,前国民议会议长维塔尔·卡 梅雷宣布去议会职务, 打算以一个新的反对派政党即刚果民族联盟成员的身份 [...]
In addition, on 14 December, the former Speaker
of the National Assembly, Vital Kamerhe,
[...] announced his resignation from parliament [...]
and his intention to run for the presidency
under a new opposition political party, the Union pour la nation congolaise (UNC).
在 2011 年 2 月 22 日第 2
[...] 次会议上,委员会选举木村彻也(日本)担任副主 席,接替已去副主席职位的 足木孝(日本)。
At the 2nd meeting, on 22 February 2011, the Commission elected Tetsuya Kimura (Japan) to replace Takashi
[...] Ashiki (Japan), who had resigned as Vice-Chair.
在职培训——根据这一计划,劳动局委派 没有和雇主缔结雇佣合约的去接受 在 职培 训
On the job training - Based on this program, the Labour Office may delegate the person to the training without concluding an employment contract with the employer.
(b) 确保在工作契约化或非正规化的情况下,劳动者不会 去 按 照现 有职 业健康法律和政策享有的保护。
(b) Ensure that in cases where work is
contractualized or informalized that workers do not lose
[...] protections under existing occupational health laws and [...]
在第 2 次会议上,委员会认可了对 Efraim
[...] Gomez(瑞典)的任命,以接替去工作组成职位的 Nicolas Burniat(比利时)。
At its 2nd meeting, the Commission confirmed the
appointment of Efraim Gomez (Sweden) to replace Nicolas
[...] Burniat (Belgium), who had resigned as member of the Working Group.
随着时日一天一天的过去,他越来越肯定神呼召他离开高薪 职去 作 宣 教士。
But with each passing day, he grew
in his spiritual life and was more certain that God was calling him to leave his
[...] commission and go out as a missionary.
纪律法庭判处上诉人严重警告处分,降职一级两年,解除当 职 务 , 派 去一 家不同的政府医院,且三年内不得从事护士培训工作。
The Disciplinary Court sentenced the appellant to severe reprimand, a rank
reduction of one level
[...] for a period of two years, removal to a different [...]
governmental hospital and disqualification from service in the training of
nurses for a period of three years.
行为守则,大会应要求进一步研究这个问题,并要求提供更多信息,说明调查程 序应如何架构;秘书长的报告提出的不同的步骤应如何在实践中落实;受调查的
[...] 法官的权利如何予以保证;以及当大会考虑 去 一 位法 官 职 务 时,如何才能随时 了解诉讼情况或掌握情况。
Considering that such a mechanism should be developed as a matter of priority in order to complement the code of conduct for judges and to allow for its implementation, delegations were of the opinion that the General Assembly should request further study of this issue and call for more information on how the investigation procedure should be structured, how the different steps indicated in the Secretary-General’s report would play out in practice, how the rights of the judge under investigation were to be guaranteed, and how the General
Assembly would be kept informed of the
[...] proceedings or seized when a removal from office by the [...]
Assembly was being contemplated.
在 2012 年 1 月 25 日举行的第二次闭会期间特别会议上,筹备委员会以鼓掌
[...] 方式选出穆纳瓦尔·赛义德·巴提(巴基斯坦),接替已 去 主 席 团 职 务 的 阿萨 德·马吉德汗(巴基斯坦)。
At its second special intersessional meeting, held on 25 January 2012, the Preparatory Committee elected,
by acclamation, Munawar Saeed Bhatti (Pakistan) to replace Asad Majeed Khan
[...] (Pakistan) who had resigned from the Bureau.
去六年里,职人数 偏低会员国国民人数减 少,这说明需要大幅度改进,包括:加强中央人力资 源管理权威机构,以实现商定目标;在人力资源行动 计划和高级管理人员契约中规定数字指标;加强管理 [...]
业绩委员会;强制规定人力资源管理厅参加面试小 组;每个部执行办公室集中掌握征聘权力;中央审查
The decrease in numbers of
[...] nationals of underrepresented Member States over the past six years signalled [...]
the need for significant
improvement, including strengthening the central authority of human resources management in order to achieve agreed goals; setting numerical targets in the human resources action plan and senior managers’ compacts; strengthening the Management Performance Board; making participation by the Office of Human Resources Management in interview panels mandatory; centralizing recruitment authority in each department’s executive office; and giving central review bodies input in candidate selection.
在法例及该等细则的限制下,任何董事或建议委任或候任董事不应因职位而失去与本 公司订立有关其兼任有酬劳职位或职务任期的合约或以卖方、买 方或任何其他身份与本公司订立合约的资格;该等合约或董事于其中有利益关系的 其他合约或安排亦不得被撤销;参加订约或有此利益关系的董事毋须因其董事职务 或由此而建立的受托关系向本公司或股东交代其由任何此等合约或安排所获得的酬 金、溢利或其他利益,惟董事须按照细则第 102 条披露其于有利害关系的合约或安 排中的利益性质。
Subject to the Law and to these Articles, no Director or proposed or intending Director shall be disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company, either with regard to his tenure of any office or place of profit or as vendor, purchaser or in any other manner whatever, nor shall any such contract or any other contract or arrangement in which any Director is in any way interested be liable to be avoided, nor shall any Director so contracting or being so interested be liable to account to the Company or the Members for any remuneration, profit or other benefits realised by any such contract or arrangement by reason of such Director holding that office or of the fiduciary relationship thereby established provided that such Director shall disclose the nature of his interest in any contract or arrangement in which he is interested in accordance with Article 102 herein.
对因为不履职务,失去信用 或非礼行为, 由雇主提出而脱离先前工作或服务的失业人员,失业津贴支付期最长 210 天。
Unemployment allowance is paid for a period of up to 210 days to unemployed persons who left their previous work or service on the initiative of the employer for a breach of duties, loss of confidence or indecent act.
上诉机构可在下列情况下,在《议定书》/ 《公约》缔约方会议审议此事之 前,暂停一成员职务:成员去能 力或行为不端,包括违反以下第三章所列利 益冲突规定,违反以下第四章所列信息保密的规定,或无故连续两次不出席会 议。
The appeals body may suspend a member in the event of incapacity or misconduct, including breach of the provisions related to conflict of interest as set out in chapter III below, breach of the provisions related to confidentiality of information as set out in chapter IV below or a failure to attend two consecutive meetings without proper justification, pending consideration of the matter by the CMP.
预算文 件第 29C.35 段列出这一构成部分下将交付的产出,其中包括:提供范围广泛的 旨在建立和维持本组织领导及管理能力的培训方案;增进方案管理人员和负有行 政管职责的工作人员的人力和财政资源管理专门知识;提高秘书处工作人员的 信息技术技能;建立和强化语文能力;支 职 业 发 展和提高实务技能。
The outputs to be delivered under this component are set out in paragraph 29C.35 of the budget document, and include the provision of a wide array of training programmes designed to build and sustain the Organization’s leadership and managerial capacity; improve the human and financial resources management expertise of
programme managers and
[...] staff with administrative responsibilities; upgrade the information technology skills of Secretariat staff; build and strengthen linguistic capabilities; and support career development and upgrade [...]
substantive skills.
[...] 育课程的系统改革,以及各国加强普通中等教育 职 业 教 育联系的政策,尤其是注重生活能 力的培养,提高就业能力和切实的公民意识。
Focus will be placed on promoting systemic reform of secondary education curriculum as well as national
policies for enhancing linkages between
[...] general secondary and vocational programmes, the [...]
emphasis being on life skills development
for employability and effective citizenship.
教科文组织办事处中缺乏具有专业知识的国际工作人员,在 去 的 计 划实施中 落下缺乏连续性的名声,在众多的教科文组织小规模经常方案活动中吸收一小部分教科文组 [...]
The lack of professional international staff in the UNESCO
office, its spotty reputation for programme
[...] delivery in the past, the absorption [...]
of its small number of staff in numerous
small UNESCO regular programme activities, did not make the country office a likely partner for larger-scale collaboration.
咨询委员会获悉,职者将 负责与包 括以下各方的各办公室和实体进行协调和联络:信息和通信技术厅,以解决与系 统托管有关的问题;供应商,涉及技术事项和设备升级;安全和安保部,涉及周 边安全进出管制;“团结”项目工作队,涉及人力资源数据和资产管理;国际刑 事警察组织(国际刑警组织),涉及丢失或被盗的旅行证件数据库;以及国际民用 航空组织。
The Advisory Committee was informed that the incumbent would be responsible for coordinating and liaising with various offices and entities, including with the Office of Information and Communications Technology to address issues related to the hosting of the system; the vendor in relation to the technical matters and upgrading of equipment; the Department of Safety and Security for perimeter security access control; the Umoja project team for human resources data and asset management; the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) for a lost or stolen travel document database; and the International Civil Aviation Organization.




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