



车厢 n

wagon n
wagons pl

车厢 pl

carriages pl



External sources (not reviewed)

[...] Euro-4 清洁空气标准,而且由于对厢内部 进行了重新设计,扩大了乘客运载能力。
The buses will exceed Euro-4 clean air standards and have increased passenger capacity due
[...] to a redesign of the interiors.
关于以非正式语文发言的口译问题,包括 非联合国口译员如何进入大会堂口 厢 的 问 题,必须事先通过会议管理科(电话: 212-963-8114;传真:212-963-7405;电子邮件:emeetsm@un.org)作出详细安 排。
Detailed arrangements for interpretation from non-official languages, including access by non-United Nations interpreters to the interpreter booths in the General Assembly Hall, must be made in advance through the Meetings Management Section (telephone 212 963 8114; fax 212 963 7405; e-mail: emeetsm@un.org).
黒色的机身及蓝色 LED 显示灯完全匹配您的厢。
The black color body of TUNEMAX and blue LED light perfectly matches your car’s interior.
阿塞拜疆共和国确信,亚美尼亚企图给其在阿塞拜疆被占领土上建立的同族 裔人组成的附庸分裂实体披上合法、独立和民主的外衣的做法是 厢 情 愿,是注 定要失败的,国际社会也一致明确肯定了这一点。
The Republic of Azerbaijan has no doubt, and the clearly expressed unanimity of the international community affirms this confidence, that the attempts of Armenia to give the ethnically constructed subordinate separatist regime set up by it in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan the appearance of legitimacy, independence and democracy are, a priori, doomed to failure.
在长1.6 公里、宽180 米的工厂里,世界最先进的机器人在装配由气垫悬停升降机升起的 厢 , 这 就无需使用屋顶悬挂吊架,同时还能节约工厂空间。
Inside a factory 180m wide and 1.6km long, world-best robotics assemble train carriages elevated on air-cushioned hover lifts, reducing the need for roof-hanging cranes and freeing up workshop space.
典型的应用实例是高速火车的门、 手指保护和墙壁用型材, 火车和铰接式公共汽车的厢连接处的折棚以及飞机、 火车和轮船上的防火隔音层等。
Typical applications include door, finger-guard and wall profiles for high-speed trains, bellows for connecting carriages in trains and articulated buses, and fire-proof, acoustic insulation mats for planes, trains and ships.
最后,在ASX 上市的悉尼铁路公司将厢制造项目交给中铁,这家实力有目共睹并拥有同行业最先进设施的公司。
Consequently, the ASX-listed firm tasked the manufacture of the carriage shells to China Railways – a company with proven capacity and top-of-the-line facilities.
在屏幕前方的2楼阳台上,观众只要拉住把手(跟大家在上海地铁 厢 里 所使用的把手一样),那一组八个人就全部跌倒。
On the 2nd floor balcony in front of that screen, a visitor may take hold of a handle (one that is identical to those they might use in a Shanghai subway train) that will cause that group of figures all to fall down.
各间巴士公司亦在其辖下大部分巴士上装设其他设施,方便 残疾乘客,如附设靠背及安全带的轮椅停放处、降低车身功能,并设有阔门、厢内设 有颜色分明及有纹理的扶手、特低地台并铺有防滑地板、伸手可及的按 铃、残疾乘客优先座位、车头设有大字体终点站及路线编号的电子显示、车身侧 面及后面设有大字体路线编号的电子显示、巴士出口设有车门关闭蜂鸣器及提示 灯及厢内设 有显示车牌号码及顾客服务专线的点字板。
Ancillary facilities such as wheelchair space with back rest and restraint lap belt, front kneeling capability with wide entrance, high colour
contrast and textured
[...] handrail system inside compartment, super low floor covered with non-slippery floor material, easily reached bell; priority seats for passengers with disabilities, large electronic destination and route number display on the front, large electronic route number display on the side and rear, closing door buzzer and warning lamp at exit and Braille registration number plate and customer [...]
service hotline
inside compartment are equipped in most buses to facilitate persons with disabilities in using bus services.
More and more WACKER cars (including 30 new rail tankers rented from the national railroad operator) have composite brake blocks (“K-blocks”), which function much more quietly, whatever the speed.
七月23日发生了中国自2008年以来最严重的火车意外事故,一辆高速列车在温州市附近撞上一辆静止的火车,随後四节 厢 掉 到 叁十公尺高的陆桥下。
In China's worst rail accident since 2008, a high-speed train rammed into the back of a stalled train near the eastern city of Wenzhou on July 23rd.
关于非正式语文的口译问题,包括 非联合国口译员如何进入大会堂口 厢 的 问 题,必须事先通过会议管理科(电话: 212 963 8114;电邮:emeetsm@un.org)作出详细安排。该口译员或提示员应在 发言前提前 30 分钟由代表团带到大会堂前的会议干事办公处。
Detailed arrangements for interpretation from non-official languages, including access by non-United Nations interpreters to the interpreter booths in the General Assembly Hall, must be made in advance through the Meetings Management Section (telephone: 212 963 8114; e-mail: emeetsm@un.org). The interpreter or the guide provided by the delegation should be brought in by the delegation to the Conference Officer’s desk in front of the General Assembly Hall 30 minutes prior to the speech.
在对车辆 进行搜查时发现,汽车后厢内携 带五个重约 500 公斤、装满炸药的金属大圆筒。
When the vehicle was
[...] searched, it was found to be carrying [...]
in its boot five large metal cylinders, weighing some 500 kg and filled with explosives.
空调设备的改装工作将在列车厢改 造 的背景下实 施,自 2009 年以来,这些厢已不 再投入运行,该项目应当在 2012 年底之前完成。
The retrofit of the air-conditioning units will be carried out in the context of the renovation of the carriages, which have not been in operation since 2009, and should be completed by the end of 2012.
对于那些希望尽享头等厢体验 的人,我们推荐英国只有火车上才有的美食餐厅铂尔曼餐厅(Pullman Dining),铂尔曼餐厅仅在特定行程供应,如在普利茅斯和伦敦之间的旅行提供午餐,在伦敦和彭赞斯之间的旅行提供晚餐。
And for those looking for the complete First Class experience, we suggest the UK''s only on-train fine dining restaurant, Pullman Dining, which is available on select departures for lunch between Plymouth and London and dinner between London and Penzance.
主席台左侧是为总统府、外交使团、军事和行政首脑所设的 厢 , 主席台正对面是供新闻媒体、前议员及其家属和普通民众所设的 厢。
Left to the Speaker’s Rostrum are the balconies allocated to the President of the Republic of Turkey and military and civilian bureucrats.
如果您在夜间搭乘火车,请务必坐在第一节 厢 离 紧 急报警按钮最近 的位置;如果是电车或巴士,则坐在离驾驶员最近的位置。
If you travel at night on a train, sit in the first carriage and sit by the emergency call button; on trams and buses sit close to the driver.
厢和转向架及厢与车 厢之间的气动连接
Body to bogie and interbody pneumatic connections
Multis的独家绝技包括前伏吊臂和带有水平油缸的前端属具支架,为驾驶员提供了宽阔的视野;其吊钩和叉架均可以深入货箱和卡车的 厢 ; 由 于有了前桥的双马达驱动和后桥的特殊转向方式,可以像3桥吊重行驶起重机那样,以前桥为支撑,后转向轮垂直于纵向轴线方式转向。
Multis before thanks to exclusive stunts including a the former the volts crane and front-end with a horizontal cylinder attachment bracket, and provides a wide field of vision for the driver;
hook and fork deep compartment containers
[...] and trucks; a special steering mode [...]
of the dual motor drive of the bridge and
the rear axle, like 3 crane heavy traveling crane, before the bridge is supported after the steering wheel is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis by steering.
一些工业化国家和一些发展中 国家,包括中国和印度,实施了铁轨、机车和 厢 的 重 大现代化方案,包括扩大 或引入高速铁路系统。
Several industrialized countries, as well as a number of developing countries, including China and India, have launched major programmes to modernize their railway tracks, locomotives and rolling stock; such programmes may involve the expansion or introduction of high-speed rail systems.
二十六、“集装箱”是指任何型号的集装箱、运输罐柜或板架、交换式 厢、 或 拼装货物的任何类似货载单元及其附加设备。
Container” means any type of container, transportable tank or flat, swapbody, or any similar unit load used to consolidate goods, and any equipment ancillary to such unit load.
埃及国家铁路公司与工发组织已于 2011 年 6 月签订合同,依照该合同,125 节列 车厢的空调设备将改用 HFC-134a 作为制冷剂。
The National Egyptian Railway and UNIDO signed a contract in June 2011 to retrofit A/C units in 125 carriages with HFC-134a as the refrigerant.
在“电梯开关”部分,你会看到在井道、 轿 厢 和 机房中广泛应用的各种电梯开关:平层和精确定位开关,肯定断开门触点,位置开关,磁簧开关,遥控报警系统以及USP超声波电梯定位系统。
In the "Lift Switchgears" section, you will find lift switchgears for various applications in the shaft pit, the lift car and the machine room: floor and fine-adjustment switches, positive-break door contacts, position switches, magnetic reed switches, remote alarm systems as well as the USP ultrasonic elevator positioning system.
一查证”是指要求运载危险化学物品的车辆做到持证驶入,没有通行证的不得驶入;“二提醒”是提醒司乘人员系好安全带,不系安全带不发卡、不放行,还有提醒驾驶人不要疲劳驾驶,做好交通安全宣传资料发放;“防三超”是指一旦发现车辆涉嫌超限运输(超长、超宽、超高)、超员(包括营运客车、旅游客车及非营运客车超员、货车驾驶室超员、货车 厢 违 法 载人等)、灯光不全等违法行为,禁止其通行,并及时向高速交警报告。
Verify " refers to the requirement that the carrying dangerous chemicals into the vehicle to the holder, without a permit shall not enter; " two " remind remind passengers to fasten the safety belt is not fastened safety belt, not issuing, does not release, and to remind the driver not driver fatigue, make traffic safety propaganda material issue; " three super " refers to the once suspected of transfinite transport vehicles ( long, wide, ultra-high), overcrowding ( including operating passenger cars, sightseeing buses and non operating bus overcrowding overcrowding, truck cab, car illegal manned etc.), light is not congruent illegal, prohibited its passage, and promptly to the high-speed traffic police report.
04 时,一个武装恐怖团伙引爆了安放在 Bishmarun 和 Mahmabil 两个车站之 间铁轨上的爆炸装置,使得 2411
[...] 号列车出轨;翻掉一油罐车和一辆运载粮食的厢;毁坏 75 米长的铁路。
At 0400 hours, an explosive device that had been placed by an armed terrorist group on the railway line between the two stations of Bishmarun and Mahmabil was
detonated, derailing the engine, No. 2411; overturning a tanker and
[...] a rail car carrying grain; and [...]
damaging 75 metres of track.
另外,旅客可选择乘坐头等厢或 标准 车 厢 , 从 米兰至罗马的Frecciarossa直达列车甚至有五种服务方案可供选择,包括:二等标准 厢 、 二 等高级 厢 、 一 等商务 厢 、 一 等商务安静 厢 或 一 等商务休息 厢。
Plus there's the
[...] option to travel in first or standard class, or even five service options to choose from on non-stop Milan to Rome Frecciarossa trains including: 2nd Standard Class, 2nd Premium Class, 1st Business Class, 1st Business Quiet Class or 1st Business Lounge Class.
依维柯始终是创新领域的领导者,无论是关于发动机(依维柯是第一家在整个柴油车型系列中采用涡轮增压技术的生产商,首先采用共轨式发动机,首先推出Euro V车辆)还是整车(在1992、1993和2003年获得年度最佳卡车头衔,在2000年获得年度最 厢 式 车 头衔)。
Iveco has always been a leader in the field of innovation, both where engines are concerned (it was the first company to introduce the turbo throughout its diesel range, the first to adopt Common Rail engines and the first to launch EuroV vehicles), and where its vehicles are concerned (winning the Truck of the Year title in 1992, 1993 and 2003, and Van of the Year in 2000).




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