单词 | 原生 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 原生adjective—nativeadj原生—primaryless common: way of life ecology 原生noun—virginn protozoan Examples:原生生物—protist primitive organism 原核生物—prokaryote 原生质—protoplasm
34 即使人们已知材料的直接来源,这也未必是它的原始来源,特别是在普通情况下,材料的 获取是从多年积累的非原生境收藏中得到的。 iprcommission.org | 34 Even if the immediate source of material is known, this may not be the original source, [...] especially where material is obtained, as is very [...] common, from ex situcollections that have been built [...]up over many years. iprcommission.org |
那些“原生数字”资源,除了数字形式外,别无其他形式。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Where resources are “born digital”, there is no other format but the digital object. unesdoc.unesco.org |
您可以看到 Windows [...] 识别和配置的磁碟空间 - 该空间在精灵中称为 Windows原生容量。 seagate.com | You can see, which disc space is recognized and allocated by Windows this space is [...] calledWindows Native Capacityin the wizard. seagate.com |
在经过许多谈判后,签署了一项促进重大计划管理方面的协定,题为为促进西非生物 圈有效管理和可持续利用旱地生物多样性培养科技能力,该计划旨在主要由热带草 原生态系 统构成的西非地区保护和可持续利用六个保护地的生物多样性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | After considerable negotiations, an agreement was concluded for the management of a major programme entitled Building Scientific and Technical Capacity for Effective Management and Sustainable Use of Dryland Biodiversity in West African Biosphere. unesdoc.unesco.org |
开采面积现已扩大,矿工的工作重点是从 原生矿藏而不是冲积矿藏提取钻 石。 daccess-ods.un.org | The mining area is now larger and miners focus their efforts on extracting diamonds from primary, rather than alluvial, deposits. daccess-ods.un.org |
新发布的Nutanix OS 3.0包含原生的存储优化灾难恢复功能,支持传统存储阵列从未有过的多路主-主复制功能。 tipschina.gov.cn | The newly announced Nutanix OS 3.0 includes native storage-optimized disaster recovery that enables multi-way, master-master replication never seen before in traditional storage arrays. tipschina.gov.cn |
与采矿活动有关的环境影响,因地区而有差异,视采矿和处理的技术以及当 地的特征而定;其中包括:矿石/矿物的性质;矿床的深度;掘出物质及其周围 岩石的化学成分;原生物质 ;地形;气候和修复方法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The environmental impacts associated with mining activities, which vary from region to region depending on mining and disposal technologies and local features, include the nature of the ore/mineral; the depth of the deposit; the chemical composition of the extracted matter and the surrounding rocks; naturallyoccurring substances; topography; climate; and reclamation practices. daccess-ods.un.org |
同TAD 相比,ATMOS 技术能够在生产高级卫生纸时降低投资成本 [...] 40%,降低能耗60%,纤维使用减少,回收或 原生纤维使用也可以100% 降低,”Berardi [...]总结说。 voith.com | Compared with TAD, the ATMOS technology enables premium tissue to be produced [...] at a 40% lower investment cost, using 60% less energy and also up to [...] 100% recycled or virginfibers,” summarizes [...]Berardi. voith.com |
由于冲积矿床开采与目前正在 Séguéla 开采的原生矿床相比产量 较低,专家组认为,这些预估数字可能偏于保守,而且使用冲突前的数据来估计 Séguéla 的生产已再精确。 daccess-ods.un.org | Because alluvial mines produce a lower yield than the primary deposits that are now being mined in Séguéla, the Group maintains that these estimates are likely to be conservative and it is no longer accurate to use pre-conflict data to estimate Séguéla’s production. daccess-ods.un.org |
原生控制器会连 接主机 PCIe 汇流排,然後直接控制多个快闪记忆体汇流排。 seagate.com | The native controller attaches to the host PCIe bus and then controls [...] multiple flash memory buses directly. seagate.com |
柔和的起伏的群山和古代的葡萄园在塞浦路斯逐渐消失,当你开车向岛的北西海角,野生无人居住的和 原生态美丽的Akamas半岛, 是神话忒修斯的儿子命名。 maispa.estatecy.com | The gentle rolling hills and ancient vineyards of central Cyprus fade away, as you drive towards the island’s [...] North Westerly promontory, to the wild [...] uninhabited and dramatic virgin beauty of [...]the Akamas Peninsula, named after the mythical son of Theseus. maispa.estatecy.com |
例如,我们在以前的折衷分析 [5 ]中提到,四核处理器的频 率比双核处理器降低约 27%,软件必须有 70%的代码实现并行化,才能使四核处理器的性能优 于双核处理器,这是一个很大的比例,几乎没有应用软件能够达到这个水平,当然不是通过原 生并行,因为取得如此高的平行化,需要特殊的专门的并行化工作。 stericsson.com | In a previous analysis of this tradeoff [5] we have shown that for example for a ~27% frequency penalty of a quad-processor versus a dual-processor, software needs to expose a parallel portion of at least 70% in order for the quad-processor to win, which is a huge proportion that very few applications can reach - certainly not throughnatural concurrency, as specific dedicated parallelization work needs to be done to obtain such high levels of parallelism. stericsson.com |
许多年轻人皆为数位原生代,但他们是否为数位创意人? thisbigcity.net | DigitalNatives After school club: Young people are often digital natives, but are they digital creatives? thisbigcity.net |
由于采用模块化设计,因而可以使用灵活的配置(2个、4个、8个和16个以上模块)来创建 原生PCI e固态硬盘,在成本、容量和性能上逐步升级,满足从入门级产品到高端产品的各个市场领域需求。 marvell.com.cn | Modular design allows [...] the creationof nativePCIe SSDs in [...]flexible configurations (eg. 2, 4, 8, 16+ modules) that incrementally [...]scale in cost, capacity and performance for entry-level to high-end market segments. marvell.com |
自然地互动体验能让您构建出一个使用户非常满意的 原生态用户界面。 evget.com | Interaction feels natural, letting you build a native user interface to delight your users. evget.com |
作为首款实现模块化扩展的原生PCIe至NAND闪存的控制器,88NV9145支持一个PCIe [...] 2.0 x1接口、基于ARM的处理器、外部双倍数据速率(DDR)和4个NAND闪存通道,而且每个通道提供多达4个片选端。 marvell.com.cn | As the first native PCIe-to-NAND flash [...] controller to enable modular scalability, the 88NV9145 supports a PCIe 2.0 x1 interface, [...]ARM-based processor, external Double Data Rate (DDR) interface and four NAND flash channels with up to 4 Chips Selects per channel. marvell.com |
典型的主要铜硫化矿物为斑铜矿、黄铜矿、辉铜矿及偶尔是 原生铜矿,而钴则以硫铜钴矿形式存在。 glencore.com | Typical primary copper sulphide minerals are bornite, chalcopyrite, chalcocite and occasional native copper while cobalt is in the form of carrolite. glencore.com |
2013年,你将看到New Relic为原生移动 应用提供分析功能,填补这项缺口,并与我们现有的web应用管理工具整合在一起,创造出最全面的应用解决方案。 tipschina.gov.cn | In 2013, you'll see New Relic offer analytics [...] capabilitiesfornative mobileapps that [...]elegantly fill this gap and combine with [...]our proven web app management tool to create the most comprehensive application solution out there. tipschina.gov.cn |
Khanong 南(8.2 米厚矿体含 1.17%铜及 0.40 克/吨金)在原生铜-金方面亦传来令人鼓舞之结果。 mmg.com | Encouraging results in primary copper-gold were also returned from Khanong South (8.2m @ 1.17% copper and 0.40 g/t gold). mmg.com |
在复原生境和 资源增殖后,建立淡水保护区是 第三种最普遍的保护淡水鱼类种群的干预措施1 。规定休渔期和休渔 [...] 区,以及防止在产卵场、未开发的和河流风景指定区以及当地鱼类 养护区捕捞,在一定程度上都可视为建设淡水保护区。 fao.org | Following habitat rehabilitation and stock enhancement, [...] the use of FPAs is the third-most common intervention to protect [...]freshwater fish populations.1 Closed fishing seasons and areas, prevention of fishing on spawning grounds, wild and scenic river designations, and native fish conservation areas can all be considered FPAs to one extent or another. fao.org |
猫咪手术后,如需要送原生活区域放归,也需要提前联系区域内的喂养人,告知将 要送回的猫咪的大概数量,让喂养人提前做好必要的安排。 animalsasia.org | If cats are to be [...] releasedto the originalliving area after [...]surgery, feeders in the region should be contacted and informed [...]of the estimated number of cats to be released, so that they can make relevant arrangements. animalsasia.org |
通过在抗原生产中使用瓦克分泌技术让我们能够启动一些特殊的开发计划, 在这些计划中, 生产与疾病有关的目标细胞具有高度的挑战 性。 wacker.com | The use of WACKER’s secretion [...] technology for antigen production allows us [...]to approach development programs where the production [...]of the disease-relevant target molecule represents a major challenge. wacker.com |
根据厂址不同,原材料可选用原生纤维或回收纤维。 voith.com | Depending on the location, useof virgin or recycled fibers is prefered as a raw material. voith.com |
提供遗传资源的国家”是指供应遗传资源的国家,此种遗传资源可能取自 原生境来源,包括野生物种和驯化物种的种群,或取自非 原生境来源,不论是否原产于该国。 wipo.int | Country providing genetic resources” is the country supplying [...] genetic resources [...] collected fromin-situ sources, including populations of both wild and domesticated species, or taken from ex-situ sources, [...]which may or may not [...]have originated in that country. wipo.int |
硫化物研究」已展开,以评估 Kinsevere原生矿石的潜力及冶金性能。 mmg.com | A ‘sulphide study’ has commenced to assess the potential and metallurgical [...] properties of the Kinsevere primaryore. mmg.com |
但是,“进化实验室”,是由於大规模的城市化,过度捕捞和进口剥夺了他们的天然资源的 原生种动物受到威胁。 zh.horloger-paris.com | But the "laboratory of evolution" is under threat due to massive urbanization, overfishing and the importation of animals depriving native species of their natural resources. en.horloger-paris.com |
与 QNX Neutrino [...] 实时操作系统一起提供的合成管理器,允许开发人员将多个窗口和进程(Fla sh、 原生码程 序、浏览器)的输出内容合并到单独的显示画面中,即使用了不支持硬件分层的低成本图形管理器也能完成。 qnx.co.kr | The Composition manager provided with the QNX Neutrino RTOS allows developers to [...] merge the output of multiple windows and [...] processes (Flash, nativecode applications, [...]browsers) on to a single display — even [...]with lower cost graphics controllers that don’t support hardware layering. qnx.co.kr |
其不但对Visual Studio的诸如代码编译之类的原生功能进行了扩展和改进,还可以使得用户通过使用大量的代码模板快速生成代码,在编辑器中查看类型和他们的成员的文 档,使用称为“上下文动作”(context actions)执行代码转换,还有其他更多的。 evget.com | It not only extends and improves native Visual Studio features such as code completion, but also enables you to quickly generate code using various code templates, view documentation for types and their members right in the editor, perform code transformations using the so-called "context actions", and a lot more. evget.com |
因为多任务操作系统和某些应用软件的设计方法的原因,例如,用于处理用户界面 等异步事件的事件驱动型代码,某些并行处理功能是 原生的,但是,这些 原生并行线程的均衡 性通常很差,通常相互关联,只有少数线程可并行使用现有多核处理器,然而最终只能发挥双 核以下处理器的能力。 stericsson.com | However these natural concurrent [...] threadsaretypically veryunbalanced - most often they are dependent on each other, and only a few of them make significant [...]parallel use of the available [...]processors, ending up in benefitting from no more than two processors. stericsson.com |