

单词 原居


原居民 pl

natives pl

原居民 n

indigenous inhabitant n

See also:

surname Ju
(archaic) sentence-final particle expressing a doubting attitude
be at a standstill
be (in a certain position)
store up

External sources (not reviewed)

这个项目的目的是,实现那些基于自愿,重原 居住地或在其他适宜地点定居的家庭。
The project aims at settling the families wishing to return on a voluntary basis to their former places of residence or to other places suitable for settlement.
该原则针对的是被殖民统治领土的人口,而非占领国损 原居 民 利 益而 强加的居者,而原居民的 权利受联合国的保护。
Spain supported the principle of selfdetermination where applicable, but, in the speaker’s view, it did not apply to Gibraltar as it was intended for populations of
colonized Territories and not for settlers imposed by an occupying
[...] Power to the detriment of the original inhabitants, whose rights were defended [...]
by the United Nations.
新界條例」剝削了原居民婦女的物業繼承權益,我們認為因這不 合理的條例所引起的男女不平等的現象,及新市鎮可能出現的繼承權混亂這方面的問題必 須糾正。
We think that the inequality between men and women which this unreasonable Ordinance has given rise to and the confusion over succession that may arise in the new towns must be rectified.
原居民的 定義已經超越鄉村範圍,而鄉郊地區亦已變得更加複雜和多元化。
Yet, the
[...] definition of indigenous residents has already exceeded [...]
the limit of the village, while the countryside has become complex and diversified.
(b) 解釋針對酷刑聲請人逾期逗留的檢控政策; 及 (c) 提供有關已裁定個案中針對酷刑聲請人作出 檢控的詳細資料,包括被檢控酷刑聲請人的
[...] 數目及提起檢控的情況;未被檢控酷刑聲請 人的數目及該等酷刑聲請人是否已被遣原居地。
(b) to explain the prosecution policy against torture claimants for overstaying; and (c) to provide detailed information on prosecution against torture claimants among the determined cases, including the number of torture claimants who were prosecuted and the circumstances under which the prosecution was
initiated, number of torture claimants who were not prosecuted and whether they were repatriated
[...] to their place of origin.
如果您是这种情况,您必须在您的 H&C 申请中包括有关医疗状况的资料,以及 原居 住 国专家的医疗资料,确认如果被迫 返回您原居住国,您或您的家庭成员所面临的风险。
If this is your situation, you must include information about the medical condition in your H&C application, as well as medical
information from
[...] experts in your home country confirming the danger you or your family member faces if forced to return to your home country.
答:最新調查顯示,過半市民對涉及住所僭建的官員及議員表示「憤怒」,對新 原居 民 的憤怒相對較少,比率為四成半。
A: Our latest survey shows that, over half of the
respondents are angry with those government officials and legislative councillors with
[...] illegal structures in their residences.
根据互联网一个讯息网站:“300 名原居住赤道几内亚 的喀麦隆人已返回他们的祖国。
According to an information site on the Internet: “Approximately 300 Cameroonians living in Equatorial Guinea returned to their native country, having been compelled to do so.
移徙原居地造成影响,出现的问题包括:家庭瓦解或因采纳目的地的 新文化标准而出现文化上的改变,从而重新界定土著人民和土著社区的 [...]
The impact of migration
[...] in the areas of origin, including issues [...]
such as the break-up of families or changes in behaviour
brought about by “new” cultural patterns at host destinations, resulting in a reassessment of the sense of belonging to the indigenous peoples and communities, reassessment which always results in a greater sense of alienation.
原居民將 由於高昂的租金和新開發的需要而遷出重新安置。
Some of the older residents will be displaced [...]
due to the rising rents and demand for new developments.
在这方面,有必要采取进一步措施,放宽该地区的 过境程序,使个人不仅能保持相互接触,跟 原居 地 社 区的情况发展,而且也能 够自由、自愿地选择返乡或融入流离失所地区或其他地方。
In this context further steps are needed to ease the crossing procedures in the area to allow individuals not only to maintain contact and follow developments in their home communities but also to make a free and informed choice whether to return or to integrate in areas of displacement or elsewhere.
请注意:如果您已经在加拿大安顿立足,不能返回您 原居 住 国 ,因为您在那里不 被承认是一名公民,或那里没有政府负责,您则应该申请 H&C。
Please note: If you are already established in Canada and can’t return to your home country because you are not recognized as a citizen there or there is no government in charge, you should apply for H&C.
我们还认为,最为重要的是,必须照顾 到大约 29.6
[...] 万境内流离失所者的需要,使它们有机 会在一种和解和充分尊重其基本人权的氛围中返原居地。
We also believe that it is of primary importance to address the needs of the roughly 296,000 internally displaced persons and that
they be given the opportunity to return to
[...] their places of origin in an atmosphere [...]
of reconciliation and full respect for
their fundamental human rights.
於 2012 年 7 月﹐NAPCA 和 DEC 會員主持一個國會
[...] 會議﹐研討報告內提及的可行方案﹐以及政策制定者怎樣可以更好地去支持不斷增長的黑裔﹐西班牙裔﹐亞裔和太平洋島民﹐印第安人和阿拉斯 原居 民及 LGBT 的人口。
In July 2012, NAPCA and the members of the DEC hosted a Congressional briefing to discuss the implications noted in the report and what policy makers can do to better support the
growing demographic of elders who are Black, Hispanic, Asian & Pacific Islander,
[...] American Indian & Alaska Native and LGBT.
在香港原居住地 沒有不良紀錄,並符合一般入境及保安所需遵守的規定。
have no adverse immigration record and meets normal immigration and security requirements both in Hong Kong and country/region of residence
[...] 社区提供支助,采取的办法有恢复有生产能力的土 地,原居民重 返土地,重建公共服务网络以及旨 在为受害者全面社会经济融入提供便利的身体和心 [...]
It also supports the affected communities through
the recovery of productive lands, the
[...] return of their inhabitants, the reconstruction [...]
of the public services network, and
physical and psychological rehabilitation aimed at facilitating the full social and economic reintegration of the victims.
(4) 倘本公司並原居駐百 慕達的董事法定人數,則本公司須按照公司法委 任及設立一般居駐百慕達的居駐代表,而該居駐代表須於百慕達設立辦事處及遵 [...]
(4) Where the Company does not have a quorum of
[...] Directors ordinarily resident in Bermuda, the [...]
Company shall in accordance with the Act
appoint and maintain a resident representative ordinarily resident in Bermuda and the resident representative shall maintain an office in Bermuda and comply with the provisions of the Act.
[...] 到阿富汗部分地区的条件仍然不利于他们安全和可持续地返回某 原居地
Welcomes the continuous return of refugees and internally displaced persons, in a voluntary and sustainable manner, while noting with
concern that conditions in parts of Afghanistan are not yet conducive to safe and sustainable return
[...] to some places of origin
应该指出,由于联合国的多文化环境,由于联合国工作人员工作地点 原居 住 地 点往往具有安全敏感性,对于某些工作人员而言,不一定总能做到全面公开披露,或者,全面公开披露未必是明智之举。
Please note that given the multi-cultural environment of the UN and the often security sensitive locations where UN staff are either working or come from, full public disclosure may not always be a viable or sensible option for certain staff members.
[...] 天工工具須負責完成相關土地交易前錄得之所有費用及開支, 包括收購有關土地之代價及應付 原居 民 之 補償。
Allocation of liabilities: TG Tools shall be responsible for all costs and expenses, including consideration it
paid for the acquisition and
[...] compensation payable for original occupants, incurred prior [...]
to the Completion in respect of the land.
根據“ 標準僱傭合 約”第13 條,若僱主與外傭同意續約,傭工可於新合約生效前,返 原居 地 放 取不 少於七天的休假,旅費由僱主支付。
Under Clause 13 of the Contract, where the employer and the FDH agree to renew the contract, the FDH is entitled to, before the new contract commences, return to his home country at the expenses of the employer for not less than seven days.
表盘显示目原居地的 时间,只需以一小时为单位,向前或向后进行调整,便能显示全新 原居 地 时 间,即使横跨国际日期变更线亦不成问题。
The dial shows current local time and can be advanced or turned back in one-hour steps to show the new local time, even when crossing the International Date Line.
19.25 为善用珍贵的公营房屋资源,房委会于2007年5 月实施一系列措施,把 居住人数严重不足的住户迁往面积较小的单位,有残疾成员的住户则准予留原 居单位
19.25 To safeguard valuable public housing resources, the Housing Authority initiates measures to transfer seriously under-occupied households to smaller flats since May 2007.
原居住國 尚未達到經理級的代理商,必須要在他 / 她所有簽入 的海外國家各保有活躍(Active)資格才可領取海外國家的差額獎金。
6) A Sales Leader who has not yet reached the Manager Sales Level in their Home Country will have to achieve Active status in each country where they are sponsored internationally in order to receive a bonus from that country.
如果一個代理商原居住國 沒有達到經理級位﹐但是在其他海外國 家達到了經理級位﹐那么代理商必須在在海外國家升上經理的那一個 月份﹐同時在自己的本居住國也達到至少25個個人和非經理線箱積分 和4個活躍箱積分﹐才能夠成為合格經理。
8) If a Distributor who has not yet achieved Manager in his Home Country is moved up to Manager level in a foreign country, they must be Active during the move up period and have at least 25 Personal and Non-Manager Case Credits either in their Home Country or in their country of move up during the final Month of move up in order to be a Recognized Manager.
2010 年 5 月 18
[...] 日,乍得总理埃马纽埃尔·纳丁加尔鼓励境内流离失所者返原居地, 同时指出,政府能现在更有能力确保,包括通过乍得和苏丹政府建立 [...]
On 18 May 2010, the Prime Minister of Chad, Emmanuel Nadingar, encouraged
internally displaced persons to return to
[...] their areas of origin and, in doing so, stated that [...]
the Government was in a better position
to ensure their security through, inter alia, the Joint Border Force established by the Governments of Chad and the Sudan.
個 別 傭 工 能 否 獲 發
簽 證 , 須 視 乎 他 / 她 是 否 符 合 一 般 的 入 境 規 定
[...] ( 例 如 持 有 用 以 返原 居 國 或 所 屬 國 的 有 效 旅 [...]
行 證 件 ; 沒 有 刑 事 紀 錄 , 且 其 入 境 不 會 對 香 港
特 區 構 成 保 安 或 刑 事 問 題 ; 以 及 不 可 能 成 為 香 港 的 負 擔 等 ) 。
The issuance of a visa to individual Helper is subject to the normal immigration requirements being met (such as holding a valid travel
document with adequate returnability to
[...] his/her country of residence or citizenship; [...]
be of clear criminal record and raises
no security or criminal concerns to the HKSAR, has no likelihood of becoming a burden on the HKSAR; etc).
城市圈刻有全球23個地方名稱,各代表一個時區,錶盤顯 原居 地 時間,並可以小時為單位向前或向後調校,即使跨過國際換日線時依然運作如常。
The city ring features the names of 23 locations around the world, each of which represents a time zone. The dial shows local time, which can be adjusted forwards or backwards in one-hour steps and remains correct even after crossing the International Date Line.




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