单词 | 原告人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 原告人 noun —plaintiff nSee also:原告—plaintiff • complainant 原告 n—defendant n • plaintiffs pl • appellant n 原人—prehistoric man • primitive man 告人 n—defendant n
(b) 第 二 階段應 只 在 原 告人不接納被告人的繳 款 建議時才 適 用,而在此情況下,被告人將須 提 供 [...] 其 經濟能力的資料 , 而法庭會根據該等資料 就被告人須如何繳款 作出裁 決。 legco.gov.hk | (b) the second stage should [...] only apply if the plaintiff does not accept the defendant's [...]proposal for payment, in which case, [...]the defendant would be required to provide information on his financial means, on the basis of which the Court would decide how the payment should be made. legco.gov.hk |
因 應委員提出的意見,督導委員會建議修訂第13A號 命令第10 條 規則及表 格 16和 16C內的附註,列明若 原 告人不接受 被告人提出的付 款 建議,法庭可考慮被告人在已 送 交 登 記 處 存 檔的承認列出的資料 、 原 告人不接受 被告人付款建議的原因,以及其他相關 因 素 , 再 決定被 告人應如 何 付款(經 修 改的第 13A號 命令第10(4)條 規則及經 修 改的表 格 16和 16C)。 legco.gov.hk | In view of the comment of members, the Steering Committee proposes to amend O.13A, r.10 and the Explanatory Notes in Forms [...] No.16 and 16C to set out [...] that, if the plaintiff does not accept the defendant's proposal for payment, the Court will decide how the payment should be made, taking into account the information set out in the defendant's admission [...]filed in the Registry, [...]the reasons why the plaintiff does not accept the defendant's proposal for payment, and any other relevant factors (revised O.13A, r.10(4), and revised Forms No. 16 and 16C). legco.gov.hk |
被告人是一名的士司機,並曾對半身不遂 的 原告人作 出一連串行為,包括拒載、拒絕幫助 原告人 登 上 的士及把 她的輪椅放在車尾箱,以及當原告人 在 的 士內的時候,向 她講出一些關於其殘疾的無禮及冒犯說話。 legco.gov.hk | These conducts included unwillingness to [...] accept the Plaintiff’s patronage, refusal to assist the Plaintiff in getting into the taxi and putting her wheelchair into the boot of his taxi, as well as rude and offensive remarks towards the Plaintiff concerning her disability while the Plaintiff was in the taxi. legco.gov.hk |
另 一方面, 若 被告人作出附帶條款和解提議或 附 帶條款付款但不獲 接 受 ,而原 告 人 未 能 取 得 比 該提議或付款更 佳 / 更有利 的 判 決,則原 告人可能須 面 對有關後果 。 legco.gov.hk | On the other hand, if the defendant has made a sanctioned offer or sanctioned [...] payment which is not [...] accepted, and the plaintiff fails to obtain a judgment which is better/more advantageous than the offer or payment, the plaintiff may have to face [...]the consequences. legco.gov.hk |
督導委員會亦建議修訂第25號 命令第1C條 規則,以澄清如原 告人及/或提出反 申 索 的被告人沒 有出席案件管理會議或 [...] 審 訊前的 覆 檢,其申索 及 /或反 申 索 須 暫 時 剔 除,但可在3個月的期限內申請恢復 (經 修 改的第 25號 命令第1C條 規則)。 legco.gov.hk | The Steering Committee has also proposed [...] to amend O.25, r.1C to clarify [...] that, if the plaintiff and/or counterclaiming defendant [...]has not appeared at the case management [...]conference or pre-trial review, the claim and/or counterclaim shall be provisionally struck out, subject to a period of 3 months for restoration (revised O.25, r. 1C). legco.gov.hk |
經研究法案委員會的建議後, 政府當局會提出修正案,明確地表示在民事法律程序中,法庭 [...] 在考慮判給額外損害賠償時須考慮被告人行為的性質所指的是 那些不合理的行為,例如被告人獲 原告人告 知 該 項侵犯活動 後,毀滅、隱藏或掩飾該項侵犯的證據的行為。 legco.gov.hk | Having considered the Bills Committee's suggestion, the Administration will propose CSAs to put it beyond doubt that the nature of the defendant's conduct that should be taken into account by the court in deciding whether to award additional damages in civil proceedings refers to any unreasonable conduct including acts such as [...] destroying, concealing or disguising evidence of the [...] infringement after having been informed of the infringement [...]by the plaintiff. legco.gov.hk |
委員要求司法機構政務 處 澄清, 如 被告人是以共同形式被 起 訴,原 告人可否 向一名或多於一名 (但 非所有 )被告人作出附帶條款和解 提議。 legco.gov.hk | Members have requested JA to clarify [...] whether a plaintiff can make a sanctioned offer to one or more, but not all, defendants where the defendants are sued [...]jointly. legco.gov.hk |
(d) 構成該項侵犯的作為發生後,被告人的任何不合 理行為,包括在原告人將該項侵犯告知被告人 後,被告人作出的(或企圖作出的)毀滅、隱藏或 掩飾該項侵犯的證據的行為;及”。 legco.gov.hk | (d) any unreasonable [...] conduct of the defendant after the act constituting the infringement occurred, including any act done or attempt made by the defendant to [...]destroy, conceal or [...]disguise evidence of the infringement after having been informed of the infringement by the plaintiff; and”. legco.gov.hk |
索償作出抗辯。 雅典原訟法庭已宣判此案件,駁回上述起訴書中對本公司及對比雷埃夫斯碼頭的所有索償,並裁定 原告人 (ADK ) 須支付本公司及比雷埃夫斯碼頭部份法律費用共 30,000 歐元 (折合約 40,000 美 元)。 coscopac.com.hk | The Court of First Instance of Athens has issued and pronounced judgment on the case and has dismissed the aforementioned statement of claim in its entirety both as regards the Company and as regards Piraeus Terminal, and has awarded to the Company and Piraeus Terminal part of the legal expenses in the amount of Euro 30,000 (equivalent to approximately US$40,000) against the plaintiff (ADK). coscopac.com.hk |
(5) 凡 有 命 令 根據第(3)(b)或 (4)(c)款 作出,而 原 告人就其申 索 獲 判 勝 訴,則除 非 原 訟 法 庭 或 原 訟 法 庭 法 官 於任何 時 間另有 命 令,否 則 該 判 決 須 擱 置 執行,直 至 移 交 原 訟 法 庭 的法律程序 完結 為止。 legco.gov.hk | (5) Where an order is made under subsection (3)(b) or subsection (4)(c) and judgment on the claim is given for the plaintiff, execution thereon shall, unless the Court of First Instance or a judge thereof at any time otherwise orders, be stayed until the proceedings transferred to the Court of First Instance have been concluded. legco.gov.hk |
該規則的目 [...] 的,是將用於決定在區域法院出庭代 表 原告人 的 大 律師能否准予收取 訟費的150,000港元限額,應用於大律師出庭代表反申索,第三方法律 [...] 程序或其他相類的法律程序的一方的情況。 legco.gov.hk | The object of these Rules is to apply the threshold of HK $150,000 for determining whether [...] costs can be allowed in respect of counsel [...] appearing for a plaintiff in the District [...]Court to cases in which counsel appears [...]for a party to a counterclaim, third party proceedings or other similar proceedings. legco.gov.hk |
(ii) 該侵權行為引致及繼續引致原告人利 益 授損,而有關之賠償款須由法院裁定 以及原告人將繼 續承受不可彌補之損失及傷害。 cre8ir.com | (ii) as a consequence [...] of their infringement complained of herein, the plaintiff had been damaged and will continue to sustain damages [...]by such acts in [...]an amount to be determined at trial and will continue to suffer irreparable loss and injury. cre8ir.com |
督導委員會回 應委員的意見時建議作出若干修訂, 使原 告人 人會與被告人一樣 , 如 未 能 取 得 比 附 帶條款和解提議/付款更 [...] 佳 的 判 決,便須就 判 給 的 損害賠 償 支付利息( 經 修 改的第 22號 命令第23條 規 則 )。 legco.gov.hk | In response to members' comments, the Steering Committee [...] proposes to introduce [...] amendments so that a plaintiff would, as in the case of a defendant, [...]be subject to interest sanction on [...]damages awarded for failing to do better than a sanctioned offer/payment (revised O.22, r.23). legco.gov.hk |
(ii) 該侵權行為引致及繼續引致原告人利 益 受損,直至法院裁 定 原告人 獲 得 賠償,包括此次 申索而合理付出之律師費用、訴訟費用及其他支出作出賠償。 cre8ir.com | (ii) as a [...] consequence of the infringement, the plaintiff has been damaged and will continue [...]to sustain damages unless the [...]court grants an award of damages to it covering reasonably attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses that incurred by it for pursuing this action. cre8ir.com |
(c) 將 該項反申 索 的法律程序 [...] 移 交 原 訟 法 庭 , 而關乎原 告人的申索 ( 對 反 申 索 的 整 [...]個標的事項或其部分提 出 抵 銷 的 抗 辯 除外)的法 律程序 ,則由區域法 院 聆 訊 和 裁 定 。 legco.gov.hk | (c) that the proceedings on the counterclaim be transferred to [...] the Court of First Instance; and the [...] proceedings on the plaintiff's claim, except [...]for a defence of set-off as to the whole [...]or a part of the subject matter of the counterclaim, be heard and determined by the Court. legco.gov.hk |
當局沒有就初步 聆訊作出規定的原因 是:香港現時並無規定 必須舉行初步聆訊,才 可裁定原告人是否有理 由提起衍生訴訟(請參閱 CB(1)849/03-04(01)號文 件註4 所載有關上訴法 庭法官Godfrey 的評 論 ) ;以及正如公司法改 革常務委員會( 下稱“ 常 委會”)指出,當局不應為 裁定原告人提起法律程 序的理由而“在審訊內加 審訊”。 legco.gov.hk | The reasons for not requiring a preliminary hearing were that currently, there was no requirement in Hong Kong for a preliminary [...] hearing to be held [...] to determine the standing of the plaintiff in a derivative action (referring to comments of Godfrey JA as set out in footnote 4 in CB(1)849/03-04(01)), and that there should not be "a trial within a trial" to determine the standing of the plaintiff, as pointed out by the Standing [...]Committee on Company Law Reform (SCCLR). legco.gov.hk |
訴 訟 失 敗 的 原 告 人 仍 有 法 律 責 任 支 付 勝 方 的 訟 費 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The unsuccessful pursuer remains liable for the costs of his successful opponent. hkreform.gov.hk |
換言之,如某人被裁定違規,而受屈的人士擬根 據現行第45G條對該人提出法律程序,該條文所具的法律效力是 否令原告人無需 在民事訴訟中證明被告人有法律責任,可交由 法院就有關的損害賠償作出評估。 legco.gov.hk | In this connection, he has enquired about the policy intent of the existing section 45G of the MPFSO; in other words, if a person has been found guilty of misconduct and an aggrieved person wishes to bring legal proceedings against the person under the existing section 45G, whether that provision would have the effect of obviating the need for the plaintiff to prove liability in the civil proceedings leaving damages to be assessed. legco.gov.hk |
(d) 於二零零五年九月,一原告人於美 國控告本集團之一間聯營公司與其他第三者公 司侵犯原告人有關 伸縮調整式監視器之專利(「專利IV」),並要求賠償。 cre8ir.com | This action claimed damages related to alleged infringement of certain patents in respect of ergonomically adjustable flat panel displays (“Patent IV”). cre8ir.com |
應以 CPR 16.5(3)為藍本制訂一 項例外規定。按照一般規則,被 告人如果沒有就申索陳述書內的 某項事實指稱予以否認,就會被 當作已經承認,但根據例外規 [...] 定,若被告人已就有關事實詳述 自己的案情,便會被當作拒絕承 認該指稱,原告人必須提供證據 證明指稱屬實。 legco.gov.hk | An exception to the general rule deeming the defendant to have admitted any untraversed allegation of fact in the statement of claim should be created along the lines of CPR 16.5(3) so that a defendant who has adequately set out the nature of his case in relation to [...] which the untraversed allegation is relevant, is deemed not to admit [...] and to put the plaintiff to proof of such [...]allegation. legco.gov.hk |
但 他 認 為 這 些 指 控 是 不 合 邏 輯 的 〆 理 由 之 一 , 除 [...] 非 律 師 相 信 有 成 功 機 會 , 否 則 他 不 會 用 按 判 決 金 額 收 費 的 方 式 接 [...] 辦 案 件 々 理 由 之 二 , 原 告 人 仍 有 風 險 , 他 訴 訟 失 [...]敗 時 頇 支 付 被 告 人 的 費 用 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Mr Gawler believed that these allegations were not logical because: first, lawyers would not be prepared to take on cases on a contingency fee basis unless [...] they thought they could [...] win; and, second, plaintiffs would still face [...]the risk of paying the defendant‟s costs if they lost. hkreform.gov.hk |
因 此 , 當 某 一 方 能 夠 為 案 件 確 定 審 判 日 [...] 期 , 該 方 ( 通 常 是 原 告 人 ) 的 法 律 代 表 便 安 [...]排 回 復 指 令 傳 票 中 的 這 一 段 文 字 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Subsequently, once a party is in a position to set the case down for [...] trial, the legal representative for that [...] party (usually the plaintiff) will arrange [...]to restore this paragraph of the summons for directions. hkreform.gov.hk |
(i) 彼 等 於 美 國 製 造、使 用、入 口、試 圖 銷 售、延 攬 他 人 銷 售、促 致 或 協 助 他 人 銷 售 及 ╱ 或 銷 售 包 含 但 不 限 於 艾 德 蒙 品 牌 的ATSC電 視,因 而 直 接 侵 犯、助 成 及 ╱ 或 積 極 促 成 並 繼 續 直 接 侵 犯、助 成 及 ╱ 或 積 極 [...] 促 成 侵 犯 專 利I ,而 此 已 包 含 於 有 關 專 利I之 一 項 [...] 或 多 項 申 索 中; 及 (ii) 該 侵 權 行 為 引 致 及 繼 續 引 致 原 告 人 利 益 受 損,而 有 關 之 損 失 數 額 為 法 院 裁 定 以 及 原 告 人 繼 續 承 受 不 可 彌 補 之 損 失 及 傷 害 之 金 額。 cre8ir.com | (i) they have directly infringed, contributed to and/or actively induced infringement of the Patent I and are continuing to directly infringe, contribute to and/or actively induce infringement by making, using, importing, offering for sale, soliciting sales by others of, enabling or assisting with sales by others of, and/or selling in the United States of America, including, without limitation, ATSC TVs under the AOC brand name, which are covered by one or more claims of the [...] Patent I; and (ii) as a [...] consequence of their infringement complained of herein, the plaintiff had been damaged and will continue to sustain damages by such [...]acts in an amount [...]to be determined at trial and will continue to suffer irreparable loss and injury. cre8ir.com |
於二零零六年四月十九日,Chan Kar Kui、Wong Calvin Ting Chi、Chan Wai Phan、Chan Man Wan及Kwok King Chuen(「原告人」) 針對本公司展開高等法 院訴訟(二 零零六年第858號),關於指定履行一項 由 原告人 與 本 公司前董事杜 祖基(代表本公司)於二零零零年五月/六月前後訂立的協議。 equitynet.com.hk | On 19th April 2006, a High Court Action No. 858 of 2006 was commenced by Chan Kar Kui, Wong Calvin Ting Chi, Chan Wai [...] Phan, Chan Man Wan and [...] Kwok King Chuen (the “Plaintiffs”) against the Company for specific performance of the agreement entered into between the Plaintiffs and the Company’s former [...]Director, To Cho [...]Kei, on behalf of the Company, in around May/June 2000 to purchase from the Plaintiffs all their shareholdings in Epplication. equitynet.com.hk |
(ii) 原 告 人 請 求 法 院 下 令 禁 止 所 有 答 辯 人 涉 [...] 及 專 利I之 數 位 電 視 之 入 口 電 視 及 產 品 入 口 美 國; 以 及 停 止 及 終 止 在 美 國 入 口、試 圖 銷 售、市 場 推 廣、刊 [...]登 廣 告、示 範、倉 儲、分 銷、出 售 及 ╱ 或 使 用 該 等 答 辯 人 的 入 口 產 品。 cre8ir.com | (ii) the complainant requested for issuance [...] of limited exclusion order prohibiting the entry into the United States of America [...]all of respondents’ imported televisions and products containing digital television covered by Patent I; and cease and desist order stopping importing, offering for sale, marketing, advertising, demonstrating, warehousing, distributing, selling and/or using such imported products of respondents in the United States of America. cre8ir.com |
結 果 , 按 條 件 收 費 協 議 被 法 庭 裁 定 無 效 , 換 句 話 [...] 說 , 被 告 人 避 過 支 付 訟 費 的 責 任 , 而 原 告 人 的 事 務 律 師 又 不 能 向 他 的 當 事 人 討 回 [...]訟 費 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The effect was that the fee arrangement was void, [...] meaning the defendant escaped paying costs and the plaintiff‟s solicitor [...]was unable to recover costs from his client. hkreform.gov.hk |