

单词 原作品

See also:

作品 n

work n
pieces pl
piece n
artwork n


work (of art)

External sources (not reviewed)

新訂的條例第118(2AA)(c)及 118(8C)(c)條經修訂後將能回應網 民的意見,即戲仿作品一般不會替 原作品 , 因 此絕不會原 作品的合法市場造成負面影響。
The revised new sections 118(2AA)(c) and 118(8C)(c) will address netizens' view that a parody in
general will not
[...] substitute the original work and therefore will in no way hamper the legitimate markets of the original work.
政府當局認為,由於戲仿作品的市場大多 原作品 的市 場不同,因此應該不會取原作品的 合 法市場。
The Administration considers that as parodies in general target
different markets from those of the
[...] underlying works, they should not displace the legitimate market of the underlying works.
我們 不 須具備 甚麼專 業
[...] 技 術 , 便 可 做 出原 作 品 一 模 一 樣 的 複 製 品 。
There would not be any need of professional skills to
[...] make an exact copy of an original work.
第四,侵權者的整體行為可能削弱了 原作 品的需 求,導致該版權作品的合法市場萎縮。
Fourthly, the infringer's overall
conduct has the potential in displacing the
[...] demand for the original work thereby shrinking [...]
the legitimate market for the copyright work.
第二,侵權作為差不多把整原作品 複 製,而複製品可替原 作品。
Secondly, the infringement involves more or less a complete
[...] reproduction of the original work which can be used as a substitute for the original work.
[...] 过程中制作、构想、创建、发现、发明或付诸实践的所有报告 原作品 和 这 类 原作品 的 衍 生作 品,以及安装脚本和其他可交付物和研发成果中的所有知识产权是并且将一直是 [...]
CITRIX 的独 有和绝对财产,仅向您授予全球非独占性许可供内部使用。
With respect to consulting services, all intellectual
[...] property rights in all reports, pre-existing works and derivative [...]
works of such pre-existing works,
as well as installation scripts and other deliverables and developments made, conceived, created, discovered, invented, or reduced to practice in the performance of the assessment are and shall remain the sole and absolute property of CITRIX, subject to a worldwide, non-exclusive License to you for internal use.
另一名成員建議政府在 擬定版權政策時,考慮創作共用特許及其他開放使用權特 許,以推動知識原創作品的流 通和共享。
To facilitate sharing of information and creative works, another member suggested the Government consider the Creative Commons License and other open-access licenses in formulating its copyright policy.
至於載有放大或縮小原版作品影像的侵犯版權頁, 則會以版作品原來的 尺寸來計算侵權頁的數目。
For any infringing pages embodying an image of an infringing copy that has been reduced or enlarged in size, the
number of those infringing pages shall be
[...] calculated on the basis of the original size of the original image of the copyright work.
(i) 廣播節 目、有線傳播節 目、聲 音 紀 錄為衍作品,原 創 音 樂 作品及歌 詞 則為基 本 作品。
(i) broadcasts, cable programmes and sound recordings are
[...] derivative works whereas original musical works and lyrics [...]
are primary works.
格罗茨-贝克特的特 定生产服务和品原型制作令其 独特的产品组合更加完 美–这一切都是为了大圆机针织生产的最大受益而设计。
The unique portfolio offered by Groz-Beckert is rounded off
by bespoke production services and
[...] the construction of prototypes – all designed [...]
to guarantee maximum benefits in the production of circular knit goods.
肖邦原作已进入公有领域,作品近期的录音仍可能受相关权 保护。
Can you identify the four works that are not yet in the public domain?
实际上,虽有争议但我们可以说,发展中 国家的许多贫困人口只能通过使用比正版 品原 价 价 格低很多的非法复制品来使用某些受作权保护的著作。
Indeed, it is arguably the case that many poor people in developing countries have only been
able to access certain
[...] copyrighted works through using unauthorised copies available at a fraction of the price of the [...]
genuine original product.
无障碍格式版为受益人专用,必须尊 原作 的 完整性,适当考虑作品制成替代性无障碍格式所需要的修改和受益人的无障碍需求。
The accessible format copy is used exclusively by beneficiary persons and it
must respect the
[...] integrity of the original work, taking due consideration of the changes needed to make the work accessible [...]
in the alternative format
and of the accessibility needs of the beneficiary persons.
版權作品擁有人則繼續要求擴大 最終使用者刑責的適用範圍,使其涵蓋印刷版 作品 , 原 因 是作品可 輕易被複製和廣為分發,而這種複製和分發作為在業務 活動中頗為普遍。
Copyright owners, on the other hand, continued to demand the widening of the scope of end-user criminal liability to include printed copyright works on the ground that such works might be copied easily and distributed widely and that such copying and distribution existed quite commonly in the business context.
[...] 、流程和服务,包括但不限于:用户列表、文件列表、文件提供人名单、贸易秘密、发明、技术、设计、方法、技术诀窍、技术示范、系统、软件程序 原作 者 作品 、 财 务记录和信息,包括定价方法、客户名单和信息、计划、建议、预测、营销计划和策略。
Confidential Information means certain information, concepts, data and know-how, whether orally, visually or in electronic or tangible form or otherwise, relating to the Services, the business and prospective business of Depositphotos, and to Depositphotos’ existing or potential products, processes and services, including without limitation, User lists, File lists, Contributor lists, trade secrets, inventions, technology, designs, methods,
know-how, show-how, systems, software
[...] programs, works of authorship, financial records [...]
and information including pricing
methods, customer lists and information, plans, proposals, projections, and marketing plans and strategies.
由於鴯鶓油無作用, 且滲透性強及不阻塞毛孔,所以,使其成為最理想和最完美的護 品原 料。
Emu oil do not have side effect and will not block the pores and therefore considered as the best skin doctor.
我們整體的作非常 實質,我們 很希望香港的業界能夠從原設備生產(OEM)轉移到原設計生產(ODM), 繼而推原品牌生產(OBM)。
The general efforts made by us are substantive and we very much hope that the
industry in
[...] Hong Kong can shift from original equipment manufacturing (OEM) to original design manufacturing (ODM) and then go on to promote original brand manufacturing (OBM).
因此它泛指所有无需授权可由任何人使用的著 作或受相关权利保护的其作品,原 因 包 括未受国家法律或国际法的保护,保护期已 [...]
It thus refers to the realm of all works or objects of related rights, which can
be exploited by everybody without any
[...] authorization, for instance because protection [...]
is not granted under national or international
law, or because of the expiration of the term of protection, or due to the lack of an international instrument ensuring protection in the case of foreign works or objects of related rights
我们正在远离作为生命——生命本身——源头的 自然,走作为商品、原材料 、自然资源的自然。
We are moving away from nature as the source of life — and life itself — to
[...] nature as a commodity, as a raw material, as a natural [...]
它涉及四氯化碳的年度生产总量、进口总量 和出口总量,及作原料和 非原料四氯化碳生产量的详细情况,并包括核对和确认记录, 例如生产日志、品和其 原料的生产比率、名称、进口配额和数量、货物税记录和其他相 关文件。
It covers the total annual CTC production and imports, exports, and the
breakdown of CTC
[...] production for feedstock and non-feedstock applications, and includes, the checking and validation of records such as production logs, production ratios between product and its feedstock, [...]
names, quotas
and quantity of imports, excise records and other related documents.
这一开放式获取政策设想教科文组织作为权利持有人授予全世界人民不可撤销的权利, 使其能够在正确注原作者的 情况下,为任何合法活动复制、使用、发行、传播和制作任何 格式的衍作品。
This OA policy envisages that UNESCO as the rights holder grants worldwide irrevocable right of
access to copy,
[...] use, distribute, transmit, and make derivative works in any format for any lawful activities with proper attribution to the original author.
范围应当考虑到其他国际组织,特别是世界动 物卫生组织正在开展的工作,并应当遵照 品 法 典 框架中危险分析的 作原 则。
The scope should take into account ongoing work in other international
organisations, in particular OIE and
[...] should adhere to the Working Principles for Risk Analysis in the [...]
Framework of the Codex Alimentarius.
(c) 如任何侵犯版權頁載有的侵權複製品的影像經縮小
[...] 或放大,則該等侵犯版權頁的數目須根據該縮小或放 大影像與該版作品原影像所相差的尺寸,按比例依 個別情況向上或下調。
(c) if any of the infringing pages embody an image of an infringing copy that has been reduced or enlarged in size, the number of those infringing pages shall be adjusted upward or downward, as
the case may be, in proportion to the difference in size between
[...] that image and the original image of the copyright work.
教科文组织代用券计划是根据 1947 年大会第二届会议通过的第 2 C/ 号决议设立 的,目的是帮助教育人员、研究人员及学生利用代用券购买适于教育、科学及文化目的的出 版物、影片及各种器材,其中包括学校的教科书、讲义、艺 作品 和 乐 谱的复 品 、 原 胶片 及冲洗器材、收音机及电视机、磁带录音机、录相带及录相机、乐器,以及科学设备、化工 产品、机床和测量仪器、计算机、软件及有关物品。
The UNESCO Coupons Programme was created further to 2 C/Resolution adopted by the General Conference at its 2nd session in 1947 in order to permit educators, research workers and students to purchase publications, films and materials intended for educational, scientific and cultural purposes. This includes school textbooks, copies of courses, reproduction of art and sheet music, raw film, developing material, radio and television sets, tape recorders, videotapes and video recorders, and musical instruments, as well as scientific equipment, chemical products, machine tools and measuring instruments, computers, software related items.
爱丽芙·乌拉斯的陶瓷雕塑作“珍 妮特”(全名珍妮特·米赫里马赫·苏丹)是一件实物大小的复制艺 品 , 原 物 是18世纪奥斯曼帝国皇宫从法国进口的一把椅子。
Elif Uras’ wonderful ceramic sculpture Janet (Mihrisah Sultan)is a life-size replica of an 18th century chair imported by the Ottoman palaces from France, around the time that Turks were moving from low seating cushions (“sedir”) into the more Western chair.
(a) 成立并启动了阿拉伯工业发展和采矿组织,该组织通过开展具体研究, 了解阿拉伯工业对阿拉伯国家富含的矿 品原 料 的 需求,制定战略和执行机制, 鼓励和刺激当地和外国投资勘探和开采阿拉伯地区富含的矿产品,在加强阿拉伯 一体化方面发挥了关键作用。
(a) The establishment and activation of the Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization, which plays a pivotal role in enhancing Arab integration by preparing detailed studies on the needs of Arab industry for the raw minerals that are available in Arab countries, and devising a strategy and implementation mechanism to encourage and motivate local and foreign investment in exploring and exploiting the minerals available in the Arab region.
鼓励私人和公共合作伙伴翻译和出版世界名著和杰作,尤其通过继续出版教科文 组织主要代表作品丛书,作品原有 国 之外的文化区域传播这些文学巨著。
encourage private and public partners to undertake the translation and publication of great universal works and classics, among others by extending the
UNESCO Collection of Representative Works in order to make major literary works known
[...] outside their cultural area of origin.
本會促請政府全 面 檢討西九龍文娛藝術區發展計劃,在規 劃文化設施 之 前 , 應 先 考慮有關‘軟 件 ’的 內容, 延 長提交發展建議的期 限 ,並公開 及 詳 細 地 諮詢文化界 、 專 業 團 體 、地產 界 、立法會、公眾 及相關組織 , 以 貫徹文化委員會就西九龍發展計劃提出‘以 人 為本’、 ‘建立伙 伴 關 係 ’ 和 ‘民間主導’原則 , 制 訂 公 開 、公平 和 適切合 宜 的發展及作方案, 而 在發展過程中,政府應 促成發展商與 文化界 的 伙 伴 關 係,讓 文化界參 與 區 內 設施的策 劃及將來的運作。
That this Council urges the Government to comprehensively review the West Kowloon Cultural District development project, consider the ‘software’ contents before planning the cultural facilities, extend the deadline for submission of development proposals, openly and thoroughly consult the cultural sector, professional bodies, the real estate sector, the Legislative Council, the public and relevant organizations, and uphold the ‘people-oriented’, ‘partnership’ and ‘community-driven’ principles put forward by the Culture and Heritage Commission for the West Kowloon development in formulating a development and operation plan that is open, fair and proper; and in the process of development, the Government should also facilitate a partnership between developers and the cultural sector, so as to allow the latter to participate in the planning and future operation of the facilities in the district.
阿塞拜疆共和国一再指出,虽然各方不 作 出 政 治努力,促进在普遍接受 的国际法准则原则基础上尽早解决冲突,但占领国亚美尼亚共和国通过在被 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地 [...]
The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing political efforts towards the earliest resolution of
the conflict on the
[...] basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law, the policy and practice [...]
of the Republic
of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to its intention to secure the annexation of these territories (see, for example, the most recent document circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).




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