

单词 原产地

See also:


original production
native (of species)

原地 adj

local adj
indigenous adj

产地 n

origin n
source n
habitat n


place of origin
the source (of a product)
manufacturing location

External sources (not reviewed)

哈瓦那俱乐部是一个标明古原产地 的 驰 名品牌,允许百加得经营这一品牌 的朗姆酒,是鼓励在国际贸易中最不公平的做法。
To allow Bacardi to sell rum under the Havana Club trademark, which is a well-know brand identified as being of Cuban origin, is to encourage the most unfair international trading practices.
任何内部控制系统的作用和有效性,取决于其跟踪和验证钻 原产地 的开 采地点、并核实钻石所附文件的真实性的能力。
The strength and validity of any system of internal
controls rests on its ability to trace
[...] and validate the origin of a diamond to [...]
the place of mining and to verify the authenticity
of documents accompanying a stone.
地 理指标不允许非授权方把受保护的地理指标应用到 原产地 或 者让公众误认为 原产地 的 产 品。
The GI prevents unauthorized parties from using a
[...] protected GI for products not from that region or from misleading the public as to the true origin of the product.
[...] 各种共同框架,用于充实各项区域贸易协定并使之合理化,其中包括使原产地规则取得协调划一。
In particular, it invited the secretariat to continue its work in designing
common frameworks for the consolidation and rationalization of RTAs, including the
[...] harmonization of the rules of origin.
与贸易有关的知识产权 协定》应确保强制性要求披露生物资源及相关传统 知识的来源原产地。
The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights should ensure mandatory disclosure of
[...] the source and origin of biological resources [...]
and associated traditional knowledge.
而且就它们正规出口的黄金而言,依然很难确 原产地 , 因 为卖给它们的 黄金通常没有矿业当局应在矿山或附近地方发放的运输许可。
As for the gold they do officially export, it remains difficult
[...] to determine the origin because it is generally [...]
sold to them without transport authorizations
that should be delivered by mining authorities at or near the mine sites.
一些国家作出了相当大的努力,对最不发 达国家产品实行简单和透明原产地 规 则,但其他严重的贸易障碍依然存在,包 括有悖世界贸易组织规则和义务的非关税壁垒,还有就是供应方面的制约因素, [...]
Some countries have or made considerable efforts to
implement simple and
[...] transparent rules of origin for least developed country products, but other serious [...]
obstacles to trade remain,
including non-tariff barriers that are inconsistent with World Trade Organization rules and obligations and supply-side constraints, in particular lack of infrastructure and modern technologies and energy deficiency.
此外,许多代表团认为,由于持续存在限制 原产地 规则 和非关税贸易壁垒,例如标准和技术措施,加上严格的供应限制和有关贸易的基 [...]
In addition, many delegations expressed the view that the persistence of
[...] restrictive rules of origin and non-tariff [...]
trade barriers, such as standards and technical
measures, as well as severe supply constraints and a trade-related infrastructure deficit, had prevented least developed countries from fully harnessing the gains associated with greater market access.
原产 地规则 、与投资相关的政策和关税高峰等被视为影响发展中国家和最不发达国家 [...]
Rules of origin, investment-related [...]
policies and tariff picks were cited as key challenges affecting developing countries
and least developed countries.
[...] 我们对秘书长报告(S/2009/149)中指出的少数族裔 回返人数下降的情况感到关切,也对塞尔维亚拒绝允 许带有科索沃原产地证书”印章的产品进入或过境 塞尔维亚感到关切。
In that connection, we are concerned about the decrease, as noted in the Secretary-General’s report (S/2009/149), in voluntary returns of minorities
and about Serbia’s
[...] refusal to allow products carrying a Kosovo “certificate of origin” stamp to enter [...]
or transit through Serbia.
目前,关于服装产品、加工食品和鱼产品等具 有特别出口利益的产品原产地优惠 规则错综复杂,可以变得更加简单、现实和 透明,以便区域和可能的全球性累积,并适合受益者的生产能力。
Presently, complex and intricate
[...] preferential rules of origin on products of particular export interest such as apparel products, processed food and fish products, could be [...]
made simpler, more realistic
and transparent, allow regional and possibly global cumulation and be tailored to the productive capacities of beneficiaries.
另外,还要考虑不断增加的发展中国家和最不发达国家对技术援助的请求,以 建立保护他们地理标志原产地名称 的相应体系。
Moreover, there is a need to take into account the increasing number of requests from developing countries and LDCs for technical assistance for
the establishment of appropriate systems for the protection of their geographical
[...] indications and appellations of origin.
根据这些数据,CIVC同国原产地和质 量研究所(INAO)会商后,还可以 确定每年有权利使用“香槟”命名的每公顷葡萄产量,以及要求的酒精 度数。
The findings also serve to determine the quantity of grapes per hectare that will be approved for AOC production (as per INAO regulations); and the minimum required alcohol content by volume.
扩大和深化自由化,结合加强 原产地规 则 ,并把合作和自由化的范围扩及非关税壁垒、贸易便利化、贸易融资,并最 [...]
Broadening and deepening liberalization, with
[...] enhanced rules of origin, and extending [...]
cooperation and liberalization to non-tariff
barriers, trade facilitation, trade finance and eventually services trade could significantly enhance its potential.
委员会请秘书处努力通过亚洲及太平洋贸易研究和培训网络填补 在订立不同领域的区贸易协定和评估此类协定的影响(其中特别包括
[...] 服务方面的贸易、减少关税自由化敏感清单 原产地 规 则 问题、以及 非关税壁垒和标准等)方面的空白。
The Committee requests that the secretariat address the gaps in the formulation of regional trade agreements (RTAs) and the evaluation of the impact of RTAs in diverse areas (including trade in services, the
reduction of sensitive lists for tariff
[...] liberalization, rules of origin issues, and non-tariff [...]
barriers and standards) through the
Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade (ARTNeT).
(ii) 如果在一个进口国,声称符合一项通用标准的一个产品发现不符合该项标
[...] 准,无论是就产品所附的标签而言还是表现为其它方式,该进口国应向出口国主管 部门通告所有有关事实,特别是有争论产 原产地 的 详 细情况(出口商的名称和地 址),如果认为出口国某个人对此负有责任的话。
(ii) Where, in an importing country, a product claimed to be in compliance with a general standard is found not to be in compliance with that standard, whether in respect of the label accompanying the product or otherwise, the importing country should inform the competent authorities in the exporting country of all the
relevant facts and in particular
[...] the details of the origin of the product in question [...]
(name and address of the exporter),
if it is thought that a person in the exporting country is responsible for such non-compliance.
地理标志权:地理标志权确认的是产品的特 原产地 、 相 关质量、名誉或其它特征,主 要由产原产地的名称组成。
Geographical Indications: Geographical Indications (GIs) identify the specific geographical origin of a product, and the associated qualities, reputation or other characteristics.
法院也驳回了这一说法,理由是,这与诉讼程序无关,因为证明货物原产地时就 存在颜色瑕疵的举证责任在于买方,买方本能够(且本应该)在 [...]
收到货物时检查,而不是到了目的地才检查货物,因为买方完全了解,或者说 至少不可能不了解时间和运输对果汁颜色的影响。
The Court rejected that claim also, on
[...] the grounds that it was not relevant [...]
to the proceedings as the burden of proof that
the colour of the goods was defective at their point of origin was on the buyer, which could (and ought to) have checked the goods on collection rather than at their destination, given that the buyer was perfectly aware of, or at least could not be unaware of, the effect of time and transportation on the colour of the must.
根据第 1857(2008)号决议第 15 段,经济国务秘书处建议在购买、交易或加 工来自刚果民主共和国的矿产时,对矿产供应商 原产地 倍 加 留意。
In accordance with paragraph 15 of resolution 1857 (2008), the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) recommends, regarding the purchase of, trade in and processing of mineral products originating in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo, that due care
[...] be taken with regard to the suppliers and the origin of these products.
这些活动涉及音像表演、印 刷材料阅读障碍者对于出版作品的获取、广播组织的权利、传统文化表现形式、传统
[...] 知识和遗传资源、外观设计注册程序,以 原产地 名 称 国际注册里斯本协定的修改。
These include audiovisual performances, access to published works on the part of the print disabled, broadcasters’ rights, traditional cultural expressions, traditional knowledge and genetic
resources, design formalities and the reform of the Lisbon Agreement on the International
[...] Registration of Appellations of Origin.
重申在世界贸易组织第四次部长会议7 和第三次联合国最不发达国家问 题会议15 上所作的承诺,在这方面吁请尚未长期给予所有源自最不发达国家的产
品可预测、免税和免配额市场准入的发达国家立即这么做,吁请有能力给予上述 国家出口产品免税、免配额市场准入的发展中国家给予这种准入,在这方面又重 申有必要考虑采取更多措施逐步改善最不发达国家的市场准入,还重申世界贸易
[...] 组织成员有必要采取更多措施,在边界和其他地方给予切实的市场准入,包括制 定简化和透明原产地规则,便利最不发达国家的出口
Reaffirms the commitments made at the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization7 and at the Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries,15 in this regard calls upon developed countries that have not already done so to provide immediate predictable, duty-free and quota-free market access on a lasting basis to all products originating from all least developed countries, calls upon developing countries that are in a position to do so to extend duty-free and quota-free market access to exports of these countries, in this context reaffirms also the need to consider additional measures for progressive improvement in market access for least developed countries, and reaffirms further the need for members of the World Trade Organization to take additional measures to provide
effective market access, both at the border and otherwise, including simplified and
[...] transparent rules of origin so as to facilitate [...]
exports from least developed countries
岛145-148,SV学院),所以在这里需要强调只有在这些事件奠定在两所学校和教师是在 原产地 和 两 个Talmudim最后节录连接尤其值得注意的历史。
The chief data regarding the academies of Palestine and Babylon, whose activity resulted in the Talmud, have been set forth elsewhere (see Jew. Encyc. i. 145-148, sv Academies), so that here stress need be laid only on those events in the history of the two schools and of their teachers which are especially noteworthy in connection with the origin and the final redaction of the two Talmudim.
2003 年《大陆与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》(CEPA) 是中国大陆与香港共同努力,加强
[...] 经济联系的重要推动因素;加强合作的领域包括 原产地 为 香 港的货物实行免关税贸易、向在中国大陆各个 [...]
CEPA, the "Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement" of 2003 is a central pillar of the combined effort of mainland China and Hong Kong to strengthen economic
ties, including tariff-free trade in
[...] goods of Hong Kong origin, preferential treatment [...]
of Hong Kong-based service providers
in mainland China for various industries as well as trade and investment facilitation.
根据香港法例第132AK章《进口野味、肉类及家禽规例》,凡任何人携带野味、肉类或家禽入境而没 原产地 食 物当局签发的官方证明书及/或没有食物环境卫生署的事先书面批准,均属违法。
In accordance with the Imported Game, Meat and Poultry Regulations (Chapter 132AK, Laws of Hong Kong), it is an offence to bring any game, meat or
poultry into Hong Kong without official
[...] certificate issued by the food authority of [...]
the place of origin and / or without prior
written permission granted by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.
自2002年以来,根据MIPAF法令,保护社团受委托对产品进行保护、促销和制定价格,并告知消费者有关P DO ( 原产地 命 名 保护)的信息,包括监督和捍卫PDO标记,反对滥用、不公平竞争、不正当使用和法律在所有生产、加工和营销阶段禁止的一切行为。
Since 2002, by MIPAF decree, the Consortium has been entrusted with
protecting, promoting, and
[...] valorising the product and informing consumers about PDO (Protected Denomination of Origin), including [...]
monitoring and safeguarding
the PDO mark against abuse, unfair competition, improper use and any behaviour forbidden by the law during all stages of production, processing and marketing.
贸发会议继续在发展中国家宣传如何通过专门网站定期提供信息 原产地 证书行政支助、收集数据资料、出版关于各种普惠制方案的手册和新闻稿,通过 技术合作和能力建设的服务,更好地利用普惠制的各种优惠及其他优惠计划。
UNCTAD continued to enhance awareness among developing countries on ways to better utilize the GSP preferences and other preferential schemes through regular provision of information on a dedicated website, administrative support on certificate of origin, collection of data, publication of handbooks on the GSP schemes and newsletters, and technical cooperation and capacity building services.
当 前 的 种 子 移 植 指 导 原 则 是 广 泛 的 ( B C 省 林 业 厅 19 9 5 ) , 而 且 来原 产 地 测 试 的 早 期信息显示将来会有更随意的种子移 动 (Russell 未出版的数据)。
Current seed transfer guidelines are broad (BC Ministry of Forests 1995) and early information from provenance tests indicate more relaxed seed movement in the future (Russell unpubl. data).
一个在前面的有关事宜没有办法tannait i c 原产地 一 句 话:“一个站在谁祈祷必须持有他的脚直”,并在此之间利维和西蒙(三维美分),一个补充,像天使“主体的争议“和其他”之类的祭司“;评论这两个比较(2C,20-31)。
A sentence of tannaitic origin in no way related [...]
to the preceding matters: "One who prays standing must hold his feet straight,"
and the controversy on this subject between Levi and Simon (3d cent.), the one adding, "like the angels," and the other, "like the priests"; comments on these two comparisons (2c, 20-31).
拥有欧盟31个成员国或者EFTA(瑞士是后者的成员 国)成员国颁发原产地证明 的货物可以自由流通,没有配额限 制,也没有关税壁垒。
Goods with a certificate of origin from one of the 31 member states of the EU and EFTA (Switzerland belongs to the latter, along with Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) can circulate freely without quotas and customs barriers.
曼恰不仅是世界上最大的葡萄 种植地,大约有30万公顷的葡萄园在其生产区域,其中只有约 16.5万公顷能够生产具有原产地标志 “的葡萄酒,同时也是欧洲 最欢迎的葡萄园之一。
La Mancha is also the largest wine region in the world with around
300,000 hectares of
[...] vineyards within its area of production, of which only about 165,000 are able to produce wines with "designation of origin”, it is one [...]
of the most welcomed vineyards across Europe with DO.




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