

单词 原产国

See also:


original production
native (of species)

国产 adj

homemade adj


made in China
made in one's own country

External sources (not reviewed)

食典委注意到,食品标签委员会同意 原产国 标 签 方面不再开展新的工作,停 止审议这一议题。
The Commission noted that the Committee on Food
Labelling had agreed not to undertake new
[...] work on country of origin labelling and that [...]
consideration of this Agenda Item should be discontinued.
如果产品符原产国 的标 准,那么也将符合目的地成员国的标准。
It is the
[...] rule that products complying with the standards set in the Member State of origin shall also comply [...]
with the standards
of the Member States of destination.
[...] 2009 年之前直接进入科特迪瓦,它 们有时还得原产国有关当局的批准。
According to the Group’s information, weapons and related
materiel entered Côte d’Ivoire directly until 2009, sometimes with the approval of the
[...] authorities of the country of origin.
原产国的国 内法规定获取遗传资源或相关传统知识必须取得事先同意,申请必须说明 [...]
If the national law in
[...] the country of origin requires that [...]
access to genetic resources or associated traditional knowledge
shall be subject to prior consent, the application shall state whether such consent has been obtained.
(a) 申请人应当声明具体遗传资源 原产国 , 原产国 不 详 的,声明发明人曾获得实物并且仍为 其所知的来源。
(a) The applicant should
[...] declare the country of origin, or if not known, the [...]
source of the specific genetic resource to
which the inventor has had physical access and which is still known to him.
自 2005 年以来,该地区的成功事例涉及在将该地区多达十个成员国的反应堆高浓 铀燃料安全地返原产国方面 提供援助。
Success stories, since 2005, in the region relate to assistance provided in the safe repatriation of high
enriched uranium (HEU) fuel to the
[...] countries of origin from research reactors in as many as ten Member States in the region.
来自北美洲的克氏原螯虾以及来自南亚和东南 亚的罗氏沼虾也是这些物种原产国 淡 水养殖的重要物种。
Red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) from North America and giant river prawn (Macrobrachium
rosenbergii) from South and Southeast Asia have also become important for
[...] freshwater culture in countries foreign to these [...]
即使 付出合理努力原产国也无法确认的,采用根据遗传资源提供国国内法颁发的证明。
In case the country of origin is not identifiable [...]
even after making reasonable efforts, certificate of evidence issued in
accordance with the domestic law of country providing the genetic resources.
苏丹代表团支原产国声明 及表明动物品种以免误导消费者。
The Delegation of Sudan supported the
[...] declaration of country of origin and the indication [...]
of the animal species to avoid misleading the consumer.
贵方每一包装上均必须标记必要的装运和发运信息,且必须遵 原产国 标 记规定以满足目的地国海关的要求。
You must mark each package with any required handling and
shipping information, and you must comply with
[...] any country-of-origin markings to satisfy [...]
the customs authorities of the destination country.
一些代表团认为,所有各项标准均应在步骤 8 通过,但是第 7.2 节例外,该节应
[...] 返回食品标识委员会进一步讨论,而其它代表团支持通过奶及奶制品法典委员会提出 的标准全文,认原产国标识 对于避免误导消费者很有必要。
Some delegations expressed the view that all the individual standards should be adopted at Step 8 with the exception of Section 7.2, which should be referred back to the CCFL for further discussion, while other delegations supported the adoption of the standards in their entirety as
proposed by the CCMMP and were of the opinion
[...] that country of origin labelling was essential [...]
to avoid misleading the consumer.
美国 国际贸易数据系统将促进收集有 原产国 、 捕捞渔船所获许可和用于海鲜商品的 鱼产捕捞海域的信息。
Its international trade data system would facilitate the collection of
information pertaining to
[...] country of origin, harvesting vessel authorizations and ocean area of catch [...]
for seafood commodities.
文化财产进口的管制措施,如禁止进口盗自另一个《公约》缔约国的博物馆或宗 教遗址或世俗公共遗址或其它类似机构的已被登记入册,而且是在《公约》生效 后非法出口的文化财产,(第 7 b (i)条);和为最终禁止进口来 原产国 非 法 出 口的文化财产所做出的更加宏观的安排;及
controls over the import of cultural property, such as prohibiting the import of inventoried cultural property stolen from a museum or a religious or secular public monument or similar institution in another State Party to the Convention, that was illicitly exported after the entry into force of the Convention (Art. 7(b)(i)); and more generally, arrangements eventually made for an import ban on cultural property illegally exported from its country of origin; and
这种知识可 以促进创新应用,任何关于获取和惠益分享的国际 制度,都必须包括知识的应用以及资源本身的利用, 以避免生物海盗行为;促进对这些资产的保护、多
[...] 样性、公平和可持续开发利用;促进对它们的研究 和开发利用,维护这种资源和知 原产国 的 主 权权 利。
Such knowledge could facilitate innovative applications, and its use, along with the use of the resources themselves, must be covered by any international regime on access and benefit-sharing in order to avoid biopiracy; promote the preservation, diversity, equitable and sustainable exploitation of those assets; and their use in
research and development and safeguard the sovereign entitlement of
[...] the countries of origin to such resources [...]
and knowledge.
150 种欧洲药用植物物种至少在一原 产国面临威胁。
In at least one of
[...] their countries of origin, 150 of these [...]
European medicinal plant species are under threat.
但是海矿资源公司充分尊重任何(对 原产国 和 整个人类)具有考古 或社会意义的发现物的遗产属性。
Moreover, the company will fully respect the heritage aspects of any finds it may make of archaeological or social significance (to the originating nation and mankind in general).
4)一家单板进口商没有正确识别其进口产品所使 用材料原产国。
A veneer importer does not identify the correct country (or potential countries)
[...] of harvest origin for the species [...]
used in his importation.
食典委注意到,提交食品标识委员会的所有标识规定均得到通过,但是第 7.2 节原产国”例外。
The Commission noted that all labelling
provisions referred to the Committee on Food Labelling had been endorsed, with the exception
[...] of Section 7.2 “Country of Origin”.
[...] 酪标准保持在步骤8,食品标签委员会第三十五届会议后来批准了奶和乳制品委员会原先 建议的第7.2节原产国”中所有规定28 。食典委还忆及食品添加剂和污染物委员会第三 十八届会议没有赞同胭脂树橙提取物(INS [...]
160b)和葡萄酸(INS 574)的食品添加剂规 定29。
The Commission recalled that its 29th Session had agreed to hold 16 individual cheese standards at Step 8 due to non-endorsement of their labelling provisions27 and that the 35th Session of the Committee on Food Labelling had subsequently endorsed all
provisions in section 7.2 “Country of
[...] Origin” as originally proposed by the Committee on Milk and Milk Products.28 The Commission [...]
further recalled that
the 38th Session of the Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants had not endorsed the food additive provisions for annatto extracts (INS 160b) and gluconic acids (INS 574).29 74.
专家组推原产国的依 据是样品上公司标记与国际上众所周知的相关国家制造商所用的公 [...]
The Panel’s
[...] presumption as to origin is based on the [...]
consistency of the company markings with company markings internationally
known to be applied by manufacturers in the States referred to.
最后,关于《生 物多样性公约》,印度特别重视当前关于相关国际制 度的谈判,其中应包括强制披露遗传资 原产国、 知 识产权申请的事先知情同意和公平分享惠益。
Lastly, on the question of the Convention on Biological Diversity, India attached special importance to the ongoing negotiations on a related international regime, which should include
mandatory disclosure of
[...] country of origin of genetic resources; prior informed consent to intellectual [...]
property rights applications;
and equitable sharing of benefits.
在评估准许或拒绝武器出口的决定时需要出口国考虑的其他标准包括:接受 国遵守国际承诺和义务,特别是涉及恐怖主义、跨国有组织犯罪和不使用武力的 承诺和义务;考虑对区域安全和稳定带来不良后果的重大风险,包括对国家间和
[...] 国家内部现有或潜在冲突的影响;考虑转给未作计划和未经批准的最终用户或转 入非法市场的重大风险,包括未 原产国 批 准再出口的风险;以及考虑对接受国 社会经济可持续发展的影响。
Other criteria to be taken into account by an exporting State when assessing a decision to authorize or deny an arms export should include: compliance of the recipient State with international commitments and obligations, in particular with regard to terrorism, organized transnational crime and the non-use of force; consideration of a substantial risk of adverse effect on regional security and stability, including the impact on existing or potential inter-State and intra-State conflicts; consideration of a substantial risk of diversion to unintended
and unauthorized end users or to the illicit market, including risk
[...] of re-export unauthorized by the country of origin; and consideration [...]
of the impact on the sustainable socioeconomic
development of the receiving State.
美国代表团指出,食典委已决定关于预包装食品标识通用标准中 原产国 标识 规定的修订方面不开展新的工作,并指 原产国 标 识并非由食品安全关注推动,根据 预包装食品标识通用标准第 4.5.1 节,消费者信息问题是国家立法问题。
The Delegation of the United States of America, supported by other delegations, noted that the Commission had decided not to undertake new work on
the revision of the country of origin labelling provisions
[...] in the General Standard for Labelling of Prepackaged Food and pointed out that country of origin labelling was not motivated [...]
by food safety
concerns and that consumer information issues were matters for national legislation, as provided for in section 4.5.1 of the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods.
联合国大多数实体目前都 无法根据货原产国或根 据实际支出报告数据。
Most United Nations entities are currently unable to report data based on
[...] the country of origin of goods, or on [...]
actual expenditures.
酌情并在可公开获取的情况下,公 原产国 并 公 布和公开与新发明有关的技术信 息,提高透明度,促进信息传播,丰富公众可用的技术知识整体。
Promoting transparency and dissemination
[...] of information by disclosing country of origin and publishing [...]
and disclosing technical information
related to new inventions, where appropriate and where publicly available, so as to enrich the total body of technical knowledge accessible to the public.
瑞士代表团提及他们在CAC/30 LIM/7号文件中提出的书面意见,指出他们始终反 对制定一项Emmental(瑞士多孔干酪)标准,认为单项奶酪标准中 原产国 ” 的 有关规 定,尤其是就Emmental而言,可能误导或欺骗消费者,因为大多数奶酪名称与特定的历 史起源有关。
The Delegation stressed that the omission of the reference to Switzerland as the historical country of origin would mislead or deceive the consumers especially since Switzerland had been recognised as the historical country of origin in the current Codex Emmental Standard since 1967.
植 物、微生物和海洋大型生物的搜集将在NCI和NCI承包商(“承包商”)签订的搜集 合同框架内进行,后者将与[原产国政 府 或 原产国 机 构 ]的适当代理机构进行合 作。
The collection of plants, microbes, and marine macro-organisms will be within the framework of the collection contract
between the NCI and the NCI Contractor ("Contractor") which will
[...] collaborate with the appropriate agency in the [SCG or SCO].
涉及使用遗传资源和/或相关传统知识的[知识产权][专利]申请人,有[诚信和说明]义务在其申 请中公开与遗传资源[、其衍生物]和相关传统知识有关的[所有背景信息]所有有关[已知]信 息,其中包括[来国或]原产国。
Persons applying for [intellectual property rights] [patents] involving the use of genetic resources and/or associated traditional knowledge have a duty [of good faith and candor] to disclose in their applications [all background information] all relevant [known] information
relating to the genetic
[...] resources [, their derivatives] and associated traditional knowledge, including the country of [source or] origin.
经长时间讨论该项规定之后,食典委同意在步骤 5
通过这些拟议标准草案,将 它们推进到步骤 8,省略步骤 6 和 7,在步骤 8
[...] 保留所有标准直到食品标识委员会下届 会议进一步讨论第 7.2 节原产国”时 为止,条件是食典委第三十届会议重新审议这一事 [...]
项,同时考虑到食品标识委员会关于第 7.2 节的意见。
After lengthy discussion on this provision, the Commission agreed to adopt the proposed draft standards at Step 5, move them to Step 8 with the omission of Steps 6 and 7 and to retain all standards at Step
8 pending further discussion of Section
[...] 7.2 “Country of Origin” by the next session [...]
of the Committee on Food Labelling,
with the understanding that the 30th Session of the Commission revisit the matter, taking into account the view of the CCFL on Section 7.2.
食典委还指出,食品标识委员会在讨论第 7.2
[...] 节时,将考虑到预包装食品标识通 用标准中已有提及产国的原产国规 定 ,而在许多单项干酪标准中具体提及区域通用 [...]
The Commission further noted that in its deliberations on Section 7.2, the CCFL would take into consideration the fact that the General Standard for
Labelling of Prepackaged Foods had
[...] provisions for Country of Origin which referred to the [...]
country of manufacture while in many
of the individual cheese standards, generic regional names were specified.




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