

单词 厚谊



deep friendship


profound love, generous friendship [idiom.]

See also:


thick adj
thicker adj
generous adj

deep or profound
rich or strong in flavor


favorAE n
thickness n

External sources (not reviewed)

我们高度重视与阿富汗的深厚谊, 我 认为 3 月 11 日在伊斯兰堡签署的联合宣言表明了这一点。
We attach high priority to our close friendship with Afghanistan, and I think that the joint declaration signed in Islamabad on 11 March signifies that.
对澳大利亚而言,中国学生与学者的流动,能够加强我们对中国语言和文化的理解,有助于两国之间建立长期可持续的 厚 友 谊。
For Australia, the flow of students and academics from China improves our
understanding of Chinese language and culture, and helps build a
[...] long-term, sustainable friendship between our countries.
学生们可自由加入格里菲斯商学院学生会,学生会开展各种户外活动、社交活动和专业发展课程,帮助留学生融入本地学生群体,建立 厚 友 谊。
The Griffith Business School’s student association is free to join and offers
opportunities for international and local
[...] students to mix and make friends through a variety of outdoor [...]
activities, social events and
professional development courses.
虽然非政府组织往往着重于对有关它们各自活动领域的问题作出答复,但它们一般都 表示了对本组织的厚友谊,并 强调本组织的任务和主管领域与目前面临的挑战有重大关 系,特别是必须注重使全球化更具人性化方面。
While NGOs tend to focus their responses on their respective fields of activity, they generally express their profound attachment to the Organization and underline the relevance of its mandate and of its fields of competence to present challenges, in particular the necessity to humanize globalization.
荣誉守则和厚的友谊会阻 碍这两个运动之间任 何明确的断绝。
Codes of
[...] honour and deep friendships will impede any [...]
clear break between the two movements.
多年来,我们与一些全球令人称奇的个人与机构发展出 厚 的 情 谊。
Over the years we’ve developed friendships with some of the world’s amazing people and organizations.
她这样形容在北京耀中的学习生活:“在过去的四年里,我结交了许多好朋友,收获了 厚 的 友 谊 , 我 永远都不会忘记他们。
I gained
[...] a lot of friends over the past four years [...]
and I will never forget them.
中国人民同南苏丹人民有着厚的 传统 友 谊。
The Chinese people and the people of South Sudan share a deep traditional friendship and a common
[...] desire to strengthen friendly exchanges.
访问结束,王怀忠院长为记者们赠送礼品一份,如同孟加拉记者团访问初衷,衷心祝愿中孟两国医疗协作更进一步, 谊 更 加 深 厚 而 坚 固!
At the end of the visit, President Wang gave the media delegation a gift which
presents the best wish to further medical cooperation between Chinese and
[...] Bangladesh, and more deep and rugged friendship.
这些数字,只不过是新中交流的一个小小缩影,它凸显的是,在长期的合作中,两国政府与民间已经奠下 厚 的 友 谊 和 信 任。
While these figures are but a small fraction against the backdrop of Singapore’s exchange with China, they represent the deep friendship and trust that has been fostered between the public and private sectors of Singapore and China over the long term.
无论是在辛亥革命、抗日时期为中国提供财力及物力的支援,还是在七十年代联手打破西方船运的垄断等方面,总商会都与中国结下了 厚 而 牢 固的 谊。
Centering on the opportunities generated by China’s burgeoning economic development, Business China aims to establish a widespread acceptance and appreciation of the Chinese language and culture among young Singaporeans.
We will continue to work together towards promoting regional cooperation, common prosperity and friendship.
举行会议和起草政策文件,特别是利用与 联合国人权事务高级专员办事处合作项 目待雇用的国际咨询人的服务,向国民议 会委员会 A 提供有关宪法事务、司法、行 政、地方权力和政府立法的咨询意见,并
促进按照真相、接纳与和解委员会的建议 及秘书长关于声张正义与和解问题的报
[...] 告(S/2006/580)制订赔偿计划,包括设立 一个团结基金 是 敲定真相、接纳与和解委员会/真相与谊委员会的概念文件;建立后续工作小 组,其中包括一名国际咨询人。
Provision of advice, through meetings and draft policy papers and particularly through the services of an international consultant to be hired through a project with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, to the National Parliament’s Committee A on constitutional affairs, justice, administration, local power and Government legislation and promotion of the establishment of a reparation scheme for the human rights victims in line with recommendations of the Truth, Reception and Reconciliation Commission and the report of the Secretary-General on justice and reconciliation (S/2006/580), including the establishment of a solidarity fund Yes A concept paper on
the Truth, Reception
[...] and Reconciliation Commission/Commission of Truth and Friendship was finalized; [...]
a follow-up working group
was formed, which included an international consultant.
越南再次重申它与古巴人民的谊、 合 作和团结,并决心与世界上其他爱好 和平、自由和正义的人民一道,尽力帮助古巴人民克服不道德的非法封锁和禁运 [...]
Once again, Viet Nam confirms its
[...] friendship, cooperation and solidarity [...]
with the Cuban people and resolves to do its utmost
with other peace-, freedom- and justice-loving peoples in the world to help the Cuban people overcome the consequences of the immoral and illegal blockade and embargo policy.
正如 2 月 10 日法国总统在巴格达指出,在我们 同它一道努力,使它完全重返国际社会之时,伊拉克 可以信赖法国的谊。
As was indicated by the French President in Baghdad on 10 February, Iraq can count on the friendship of France as we work with it towards its full reintegration into the community of nations.
宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的权利有利于他们居住国的政治和社会稳定”, 以及“在基于法治的民主范围内,作为整个社会发展的必不可少的部分,不断促
[...] 进和实现在民族或族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的权利,必然会有助于 增强各国人民间和各国家间的谊与 合 作”。
It is notable that the Declaration states in its preambular paragraphs that “the promotion and protection of the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities contribute to the political and social stability of States in which they live” and that “the constant promotion and realization of the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, as an integral part of the development of society as a whole and within a democratic framework
based on the rule of law, would contribute to the strengthening
[...] of friendship and cooperation among [...]
peoples and States”.
他们再次呼吁和平解决索马里冲突,这是 取得持久和平和真正和解的唯一办法,吁请所有尚未加入该政治进程的各方加 入进程,并敦促索马里利益攸关方迅速采取行动,并显示在完成过渡期剩余任 务方面取得的进展,包括起草和批准《宪法》以及扩大国家权力、促进和解进 程,并通过提供必要的服务提高人民的生活水平。
They reiterated their call for the peaceful resolution of the Somali conflict as the only way to a durable peace and genuine reconciliation and called upon all parties that had not yet joined the political process to do so, and urged the Somali stakeholders to take expeditious action and show progress in the accomplishment of the remaining tasks of the transitional period including the drafting and approval of the Constitution as well as expanding the authority of the state, promoting the reconciliation process and improving the livelihood of the population by providing essential services.
它还呼吁政府考虑加强努力,打击暴力侵害妇女,包 括家庭暴力和人口贩运,特别是贩运妇女和儿童现象,特别是要确保充分执行有 关的法律和规定,并继续提供充足的资金,建立一套监督机制。
It also called on the Government to consider strengthening efforts to combat violence against women, including domestic violence and trafficking in persons, especially women and children by, inter alia, ensuring the full implementation of related laws and legislation, and also through the continued provision of adequate funding and the creation of a monitoring mechanism.
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这种财政困 难的情况下也坚定地致力于实现一个无杀伤人员地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 到尊重,男女老幼都能有尊严地过着幸福生活。
The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel mines, where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.
它还呼吁采取保护妇女的 措施,例如消除侵害妇女的暴力的切实办法,审查教科书以宣传妇女权利,提高 公众对反对家庭暴力的行动的意识。
It also called for measures to protect women, such as practical solutions to eradicate violence against women, a review of text-books in schools for the purpose of disseminating information on women’s rights, and increased public awareness on action against domestic violence.
阿尔 巴 尼亚指 出,在黑 山 的阿尔 巴 尼亚少数民族是 两 国谊的 桥梁,他们 享 有民主社会的所有自由。
It noted that the Albanian minority in Montenegro was a bridge of friendship between them and enjoyed all the freedoms of a democratic society.
报告着重专家组会议的结论和建议,其中除其它外,呼吁:联合国系统、会 员国和土著人民组织承认土著妇女和女孩的权利和特殊需要;会员国采取措施, 与土著人民一道,确保土著妇女和女孩享有充分的保护和保障,免受一切形式的 暴力和歧视;联合国系统支持旨在帮助和保护土著妇女和女孩的努力和倡议;土 著社区认真考虑消除社区内的暴力侵害土著妇女和女孩行为,可采取的措施包 括,查明和剔除现有的重男轻女的社会关系,取消歧视性政策,并在所有土著机 构和各级继续致力于维护土著妇女的权利。
It focuses on the conclusions and recommendations of the expert group meeting which, among other things, called upon: the United Nations system, Member States and indigenous peoples’ organizations to recognize the rights and special needs of indigenous women and girls; Member States to adopt measures, in conjunction with indigenous peoples, to ensure that indigenous women and girls enjoy the full protection and guarantees against all forms of violence and discrimination; the United Nations system to support efforts and initiatives that provide support and protection to indigenous women and girls; and indigenous communities to consider seriously the problem of violence against indigenous women and girls in their communities through ways that include the recognition and dismantling of existing patriarchal social relations, the elimination of discriminatory policies and a continuous commitment to indigenous women’s rights in all indigenous institutions and at all levels.
独立、和平和谊是朝 鲜民主主义人民共和国外交政策的基本目标和对外活 [...]
Independence, peace
[...] and friendship are the basic ideals [...]
of the foreign policy and the principles of external activities
of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
社会重返厅单独或与其它组织合作举办未成年人休闲活动,如参观博 物馆展览、夏令营和野外郊游等,从而加强有份参与的青少年之间的 谊 , 扩大 他们的兴趣。
The DSR organizes, individually or in co-operation with other associations, leisure initiatives for the minors, such as visits to museums and exhibitions, summer camps and field trips, among other activities.
[...] 话,对世界上不同文化和民族的个人和人民之间的和平、谅解和 谊 至 关重要, 而对属于不同文化、宗教和信仰的人表现出的文化偏见、不容忍和仇外心理则导 [...]
Convinced that respect for cultural, ethnic, religious and linguistic diversity, as well as dialogue among and within
civilizations, is essential for peace, understanding
[...] and friendship among individuals and [...]
people of the different cultures and nations
of the world, while manifestations of cultural prejudice, intolerance and xenophobia towards people belonging to different cultures, religions and beliefs give rise to polarization and disturb social cohesion, generating hatred and violence among peoples and nations throughout the world
在本报 告涉及的这一时期,应巴黎市长和世界 谊 城 联 合会(FMCU )和国际地方当局联盟 (IULA)主席的邀请,教科文组织参加了创建“当地城市与政府联盟”(CGLU)这一新的 世界组织的大会;该联盟系由“国际地方当局联盟(IUCA)”、“世界 谊 城 联合会” (FMCU)和“世界大都市协会”(Metzopolis)这三个现有的大组织合并而成。
During the period under review and at the invitation of the Mayor of Paris and the presidents of the World Federation of United Cities (FMCU-UTO) and the International Union of Local Authorities (IULA), UNESCO participated in the congress establishing the new world organization “United Cities [...]
and Local Governments” (UCLG), formed by
the merger of the three major existing organizations, namely IULA, UTO (United Towns Organization) and Metropolis.
执行秘书在演讲中首先提请经社会回顾第二次世界大战结束后出现的 重大过渡时期,并指出在这一过渡时期内具有远见卓识的亚太领导人和决策 者汇聚一堂,努力在彼此之间建立起团结、合作和 谊 的 新 纽带。
The Executive Secretary commenced her statement by reminding the Commission that, in the period of great transition following the Second World War, Asia-Pacific leaders and policymakers of vision and foresight had come together to forge new ties of solidarity, cooperation and friendship.
联合国区域间犯罪和司法研究所(代表 联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法方案网各研究所)、马耳他主权军事教团、阿拉伯国 家联盟和谊会世界协商委员会的观察员也作了发言。
Statements were also made by the observers for the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (on behalf of the institutes of the United Nations crime prevention and criminal justice programme network), the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, the League of Arab States and the Friends World Committee for Consultation.
[...] 程,在这一过程中促进了对其他国家和民族的不同文化和传统的了解,并培养了 国际和平、容忍、平等和谊精神
At primary and secondary schools children are taught on subjects like world geography, world history and ethics and law, in the course of which understanding of different cultures and traditions of other
countries and nations are promoted and the spirit of international peace, tolerance, equality
[...] and friendship is cultivated.




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