

单词 厚报

See also:


thick adj
generous adj
thicker adj

rich or strong in flavor
deep or profound


favorAE n
thickness n

External sources (not reviewed)

举措包括在线会费门户网站,消除 了每月就此事提出厚厚的报告; “人力资源洞察” 在线监控工具,向各代表团提供关于秘书处工作人员 [...]
构成的信息;根据大会第 64/259 号决议设计问责制 度。
They had included the online contributions
portal that had eliminated the voluminous
[...] monthly printed report on that matter; [...]
the “HR Insight” online monitoring tool
which gave delegations demographic information on staffing of the Secretariat; and the design of an accountability system pursuant to General Assembly resolution 64/259.
同 时,特报告员 呼吁缅甸政府与国际组织合作,为必要的签证提供便利,并允许 [...]
At the same time,
[...] the Special Rapporteur calls upon the [...]
Government of Myanmar to cooperate with international organizations
by facilitating necessary visas and allowing access for effective delivery of aid.
通过True3D技术获得的优秀读写可靠性使系统集成商和增值转售商可获得 厚 的 投资 回 报 并 通 过射频识别产品扩展业务。
The superior read and write reliability enabled by True3D technology allow system integrators and value-added resellers to demonstrate meaningful returns on investment and derive more business from their RFID offerings.
全民教育高级小组首次会议的报呼 吁 利用各国的有关数据拟定一个有权威、有分析 的年度全民教育监报告, 评估各国和国际社会履行其在达喀尔所作承诺的情况,并呼吁制 定一个在 2002 年 3 月之前开始实施“达喀尔行动纲领”的战略。
The Communiqué of the first meeting the High-level Group on Education for All called for an authoritative and analytical annual EFA monitoring report drawing upon national [...]
data and assessing
the extent to which countries and the international community are meeting their Dakar commitments, as well as for the development of a strategy to operationalize the Dakar Framework for Action by March 2002.
人权理事会第十二届会议请特报告 员就与其任务有关的活动向理事会和 大会提交年报告; 呼吁各国充分配合和协助特 报 告 员执行任务,提供他索取 的一切必要资料,并积极考虑他提出的访问和执行其建议的要求;请秘书长向特报告员 提供必要协助,以便他有效执行任务,特别是向他提供足够的人力和物 力资源(人权理事会第 12/16 号决议)。
At its twelfth session, the Human
Rights Council requested
[...] the Special Rapporteur to submit an annual report to the Council and the General Assembly on the activities relating to his mandate; appealed to all States to fully cooperate with and assist the Special Rapporteur in the performance of his tasks, to provide all necessary information requested by him and to consider favourably his requests for visits and for implementing his recommendations; and requested the Secretary-General to provide the assistance necessary to the Special Rapporteur to fulfil his [...]
mandate effectively,
in particular by placing adequate human and material resources at his disposal (Human Rights Council resolution 12/16).
报告又 呼吁增加在研究和发展方面的投资,这既关 乎可再生资源本身,也涉及障碍、网络和效率等相 [...]
The report also called for [...]
increased investment in research and development, both regarding renewable energy itself and
for related fields such as batteries, grids and efficiency.
报 告呼吁行政首长定期向成员国报旅 费情况以及为使旅费合理化所采取的步骤, 同时指出企业资源规划系统的实施将改变目前的旅行安排工作流程,需要进行政 [...]
The report calls for Member States to be informed regularly by [...]
executive heads on travel expenditures and steps taken to
rationalize travel costs, while noting that the implementation of enterprise resource planning systems would alter the current travel arrangements workflow, requiring changes in policies and procedures.
报告着 重专家组会议的结论和建议,其中除其它外,呼吁:联合国系统、会 [...]
员国和土著人民组织承认土著妇女和女孩的权利和特殊需要;会员国采取措施, 与土著人民一道,确保土著妇女和女孩享有充分的保护和保障,免受一切形式的 暴力和歧视;联合国系统支持旨在帮助和保护土著妇女和女孩的努力和倡议;土
著社区认真考虑消除社区内的暴力侵害土著妇女和女孩行为,可采取的措施包 括,查明和剔除现有的重男轻女的社会关系,取消歧视性政策,并在所有土著机 构和各级继续致力于维护土著妇女的权利。
It focuses on the conclusions and recommendations of the
[...] expert group meeting which, among [...]
other things, called upon: the United Nations
system, Member States and indigenous peoples’ organizations to recognize the rights and special needs of indigenous women and girls; Member States to adopt measures, in conjunction with indigenous peoples, to ensure that indigenous women and girls enjoy the full protection and guarantees against all forms of violence and discrimination; the United Nations system to support efforts and initiatives that provide support and protection to indigenous women and girls; and indigenous communities to consider seriously the problem of violence against indigenous women and girls in their communities through ways that include the recognition and dismantling of existing patriarchal social relations, the elimination of discriminatory policies and a continuous commitment to indigenous women’s rights in all indigenous institutions and at all levels.
除了联合国已 发出的号召和捐资者警告之外,决议紧急呼吁各会员国、联合国系统及国际组织和非政府组 织与阿富汗临时政府和民间社会密切合作,向阿富汗居民,尤其是向受干旱影响最甚的地区 的居民提供一切可能的人道主义、财政、技术和物资方面的援助,以慷慨地对捐资者的报、联合呼吁及恢复和重建工作的长期需要做出反应。
In addition to the special appeals and donor alerts already issued by the United Nations, the resolution urgently appeals to all States, the United Nations system and international and non-governmental organizations to provide, in close collaboration with the interim authority and Afghan civil society, all possible humanitarian, financial, technical and material assistance for the Afghan populations especially in the areas most affected by drought, and to respond generously to the donors alert, Consolidated Appeals as well as long-term needs for rehabilitation and reconstruction.
关于特报告员 呼吁各国在审前拘 留中废除单独监禁的做法并在审前阶段采用有效措 施提高调查效率、采用替代性管制措施,以便对相关 个人进行隔离,保护正在进行的调查以及避免被拘留 者串通一气,她想知道特报告员是否可以提供一些 有效替代方案的实例。
With regard to the Special Rapporteur’s call for States to abolish the practice of solitary confinement in pretrial detention and adopt effective measures at the pretrial stage to improve the efficiency of investigation and introduce alternative control measures in order to segregate individuals, protect [...]
ongoing investigations,
and avoid detainee collusion, she wondered whether he might provide examples of effective alternatives.
希族塞人领导人不应集中精力挑起对土族塞人的进一步敌对行动,而必须重 视秘书长在其最报告(S /2010/603)中的呼吁,“改善举行谈判的公众氛围,包 [...]
括注重向公众传播关于共同点和今后道路的信息,发表更有建设性与和谐的言 论”。
Instead of focusing its energy on generating further hostility against our people, the Greek Cypriot
leadership must heed the call of the
[...] Secretary-General in his report (S/2010/603), [...]
and “improve the public atmosphere in which
the negotiations are proceeding”, including by “focus[ing] messages on convergences and the way ahead”, and “deliver[ing] more constructive and harmonized messages”.
副高级专员最后阐述了秘书长关于议程项目 68 的报告(A /64/360),呼吁大家关注贝特哈农高级别实 况调查团在报告(A/HRC/9/26)中做出的结论和提 出的建议,并重视人权理事会主张采取的后续措施, 还提及了人权委员会以及经济、社会和文化权利委 员会提出的结论意见。
Turning to the report of the Secretary-General (A/64/360) under agenda item 68, she drew attention to the conclusions and recommendations included in the report of the high-level [...]
fact-finding mission
to Beit Hanoun (A/HRC/9/26) and to the follow-up action requested by the Human Rights Council.
秘书长关于推广新能源和可再生能源 报告 ( A/64/277)呼吁加大对可再生能源的投资,实现三个 [...]
目标:增加可再生能源在能源组合中的所占份额, 加强贫困国家和贫困家庭对现代一般性能源服务尤 其是可再生能源的获得,实现可再生能源成本的快 速降低,这将成为解决气候变化的自然和缺省之道。
The Secretary-General’s report on the promotion [...]
of new and renewable sources of energy (A/64/277) called for a major surge
in investment in renewable energy, in pursuit of three goals: to increase the share of renewable energy in the total energy mix, to increase the access of poor countries and poor households to modern energy services in general and renewable energy in particular, and to achieve a rapid reduction in the cost of renewable energy, such that it would become the natural and default solution to climate change.
表示注意到当代形式种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为问题 特报告员 向人权理事会第四、六、九和十二届会议提交 报 告 ,9 其中特报告 员 强调指出了诽谤任何宗教的严重性质以及强化法律战略的必要性;再次申明特报告员 呼吁所有国家开展有系统的运动,打击煽动种族和宗教仇恨行为,在维 护世俗主义与尊重宗教自由之间维持一种谨慎的平衡,并承认和尊重包括《公民 及政治权利国际公约》在内各项国际商定人权文书所列一切自由的互补性
Taking note of the
[...] reports of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance submitted to the Human Rights Council at its fourth, sixth, ninth and twelfth sessions,9 in which the Special Rapporteur highlighted the serious nature of the defamation of all religions and the need to complement legal strategies, and reiterating the call of the Special Rapporteur to all States [...]
to wage a systematic campaign
against incitement to racial and religious hatred by maintaining a careful balance between the defence of secularism and respect for freedom of religion and by acknowledging and respecting the complementarity of all the freedoms embodied in internationally agreed human rights instruments, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
我国代表团要感谢秘书长提交其关于本组织工 作报告(A/64/1)以报告明 确呼吁会员国恢复希 望和团结互助精神,以使大会第六十四届会议成为本 [...]
My delegation wishes to thank the
[...] SecretaryGeneral for his report on the work of the organization [...]
(A/64/1) and its clear call
for the membership to restore hope and solidarity so that the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly becomes a point of renewal for this Organization.
报告呼 吁订立新的协议,以期所有 利益攸关者在今后几年中努力加快实现千年发展目标,致力于为全人类实现公平 [...]
The report calls for a new [...]
pact to accelerate progress in achieving the Goals in the coming years among all stakeholders,
in a commitment towards equitable and sustainable development for all.
最后,我认为应当在此指出,欧洲议会在最近关于2011年3月9 日土耳其 的进报告的 决议中呼吁土耳其及其下属地方行政当局“避免在岛上建立新的土 [...]
耳其人定居点,因为此举会改变该岛的人口平衡,减少土耳其人对以共同的历史 为基础的未来共同国家的效忠”,并应“依照《日内瓦公约》和国际法原则解决
In closing, I consider it pertinent to note that, among others, the European
Parliament, in its recent resolution on
[...] Turkey’s 2010 progress report of 9 March 2011, [...]
called on Turkey and its subordinate local
administration “to refrain from any new settlements of Turkish citizens on the island, as this would continue to change its demographic balance and reduce the allegiance of its citizens to a future common State based on its common past” and to “address the issue of the settlement of Turkish citizens on the island, in accordance with the Geneva Convention and the principles of international law”.
报告员 呼吁国际社会提供财政和技术支助,在反对酷刑和虐待的斗争 中,帮助突尼斯。
The Special Rapporteur calls upon the [...]
international community to assist Tunisia in its fight against torture and ill-treatment
by providing financial and technical support.
然而,根据指控的详细程度,专家们认为,可以相信在泰国存在中央 报局 黑 点,并呼吁泰国当局对此事进行独立调查。
In the light of the detailed nature of the allegations, however, the experts believe it credible that a CIA black site existed in Thailand, and calls on the domestic authorities to launch an independent investigation into the matter.
[...] “全球金融危机及其对非洲的影响部长级会议(突尼斯,2008 年 11 月)导致通过 了一项报,呼 吁非洲国家采取减轻金融危机负面影响的行动。
Along that line, the Ministerial Conference on the Global Financial Crisis and the Implications for Africa, organized by ECA
(Tunis, November 2008), resulted in
[...] the adoption of a communiqué regarding actions [...]
to be taken by African countries to
mitigate the negative impacts of the financial crisis.
如《德班行动纲领》所 述,特报告员 呼吁各国认识到互联网使用和获得方面的差距,考虑鼓励所有人 [...]
上网,并使用互联网作为一个国际性的公平论坛;并研究可以如何通过推广打击 种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍现象的良好做法,加强互联网等新 的信息和通信技术的积极贡献。
As stated in the Durban Programme of
[...] Action, the Special Rapporteur calls upon States [...]
to consider encouraging access and use
of the Internet by all as an international and equal forum, aware that there are disparities in use of and access to the Internet; and examining ways in which the positive contribution made by the new information and communications technologies, such as the Internet, can be enhanced through replication of good practices in combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.
会议达成的联合报 呼吁 两国利用“现有双边机制和现任东盟主席国的 适当介入”来解决争端。
The written communiqué from the session [...]
called on both countries to solve the dispute by using “their existing bilateral
mechanism with the appropriate engagement of the current Chair of ASEAN”.
我们支持秘书长在报告(S/2010/401)中呼吁 欧洲联盟与联合国携手努力,在促进贝尔格莱德与普 [...]
里什蒂纳对话方面与本组织协调,从而和平解决未决 问题。
We support the
[...] Secretary-General’s call in his report (S/2010/401) on [...]
the European Union to join efforts with the United
Nations and to coordinate with the Organization in facilitating dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina aimed at peacefully resolving the outstanding issues.
下午 2 时许,再次响起紧急报,呼 吁米特罗维 察北部居民集会,追悼 Mesud Dzeković 医生。
At around 2 p.m., the emergency siren sounded again, calling on residents of northern Mitrovica to gather to mourn the loss of Dr. Dzeković.
为加强联合国的预警能力报告呼 吁改 善“联合国分析信息和对信息做出反应的能力”以及改善联合国系统内的信息流 [...]
通和对安全理事会的信息流通,包括在人权问题上(见 S/1999/1257)。
To strengthen the United Nations early warning
[...] capacity, the report called for improvements [...]
in “its capacity to analyse and
react to information” and in the flow of information within the United Nations system and to the Security Council, including on human rights issues (see S/1999/1257).
最近,秘书长 2010 年报告(E/2010/55)中再次呼吁为执行《公约》提供机 [...]
构间支持,并建议将这一执行工作纳入联合国发展援助框架内,作为国家一级的 联合国单一战略。
More recently, the 2010 report of the Secretary-General [...]
(E/2010/55) called again for inter-agency support for the implementation
of the Convention and recommended that the implementation should be integrated under the United Nations Development Assistance Framework as a single United Nations strategy at the country level.
在这方面,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国回顾 2009 年 7 月 11 日至 16 日在沙姆沙伊 赫举行的不结盟国家国家元首和政府首脑会议的 报 , 首 脑们在 报 中 呼吁美国 终止对古巴的封锁,指出这种封锁不仅是单方面的,违反了《联合国宪章》、国 际法和睦邻原则,而且正在给古巴人民造成巨大的物质损失和经济损害。
In this regard, the Syrian Arab Republic recalls the communiqué of the Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries at their Conference, held in Sharm el Sheikh from 11 to 16 July 2009, in which they called upon the United States to put an end to the embargo against Cuba, which, in addition to being unilateral and contrary to the Charter of the United Nations, international law and the principle of neighbourliness, is causing huge material losses and economic damage to the people of Cuba.
[...] 面一致的方法,是秘书长在其关于保护平民的第六报告(S /2007/643)中,呼吁建立一个安全理事会专家 [...]
Helping to facilitate a comprehensive and consistent approach to the protection of civilians in all circumstances was the intention behind the SecretaryGeneral’s call
for the establishment of a Security Council expert group
[...] in his sixth report on the protection [...]
of civilians (S/2007/643).
在此之前,政府间发展管理局于 2011
[...] 年 6 月 28 日和 7 月 4 日发表了两份报,呼吁非洲联盟和安全理事会充分落实对厄立特里 [...]
In the lead up to those events, the
Intergovernmental Authority on
[...] Development issued two communiqués, on 28 June and [...]
4 July 2011, calling on the African Union
and the Security Council to fully implement existing sanctions on Eritrea and to impose additional measures targeting the diaspora tax and the mining sector.




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