单词 | 厌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 厌—loatheExamples:讨厌adj—nastyadj 厌恶n—aversionn disgustn distasten 讨厌—dislike annoying loathe
在您清洁 时,Rainbow 将快速回圈并令整个区域的空气变得清新, 从而减轻家中众多令人讨厌的异味。 rainbowsystem.com | The Rainbow will quickly circulate and refresh the air in the entire area while you clean, alleviating many objectionable household odors. rainbowsystem.com |
如果你的手机已经是Android 4.1系统的话,就更能有效阻止烦厌的推送讯息。 hkcert.org | If your phone is already using Android 4.1 system, it is even more effective to block unwanted notification message. hkcert.org |
他是创造万物的-天,地,人-所有的事情由他的意志( vashna ) ;他认为,知道所有的事情,人必须服从他的戒律( framana ) ,并按照“好办法” ( [...] pathim拉斯塔姆) ;男子必须援引并赞扬他;他讨厌罪,特别是谎言是谴责首席催产素的罪孽,也服从和专制。 mb-soft.com | He is Creator of all things - heaven, earth, and man - all things happen by His will (vashna); He sees and knows all things, man must obey His precepts (framana), and follow the "good way" (pathim rastam); man must invoke and [...] praise Him; He hates sin, especially falsehood which is [...] denounced as the chief otsins,also insubordination [...]and despotism. mb-soft.com |
最高分数」是相对的,可以代表最喜欢或最不讨厌的选择。 hkupop.hku.hk | Highest" is defined on relative term, which may mean one's most favourite or least disliked choice. hkupop.hku.hk |
第 三 , 不 得 入 罪 〆 英 格 兰 法 律 多 个 世 纪 以 来 , 均 不 赞 同 向 某 人 施 以 压 力 而 导 致 该 人 入 罪 的 做 法 。 不 管 市 民 所 犯 何 罪 或 被 指 称 所 犯 何 罪 , 把 透 过 酷 [...] 刑 、 暴 力 、 恐 吓 、 利 诱 或 压 迫 所 取 得 的 证 据 , 作 为 一 种 将 市 民 定 罪 并 施 加 刑 罚 的 手 段 而 使 用 , 在 道 德 上 [...] 是 受 到 任 何 正 当 的 社 会所厌弃的。 hkreform.gov.hk | First, reliability: obviously, a confession proved to be voluntary is more likely to be true than an involuntary confession; second, disciplinary: that is, the discouragement of improper methods of obtaining confessions by the police; third, non-incrimination: English law has for centuries disapproved of the idea that a person should be put under pressure to incriminate himself; it is morally repugnant to any decent society that evidence obtained by torture, violence, threats or promises of advantage, or by [...] oppression, should be used as a means of convicting and imposing penalties on a citizen, whatever be [...] his crimes or alleged crimes. hkreform.gov.hk |
它们的范围从厌氧锁紧螺丝,接头,管道和垫圈关於超级胶和Expoxidharzklebstoffen的的技术喷雾剂和液体。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | They range from anaerobic locking screws, joints, pipes and gaskets about Super Glue and Expoxidharzklebstoffen to technical sprays and liquids. en.developmentscout.com |
9. 衣着 任何人如被公司的任何受雇人认为其衣着或衣服会弄污或破坏公司的任何船只或公司的 码头的座位或装置,或会弄污或破坏其他乘客的衣着或衣服的,又或任何人如被公司的 任何受雇人认为会因任何其他适当的理由令乘客感到厌恶的,均不得进入公司的任何码 头或乘搭公司的任何船只;而公司的受雇人可藉给予任何上述理由而阻止任何该等人士 进入公司的任何码头或乘搭公司的任何船只。 starferry.com.hk | No person whose dress or clothing may in the opinion of any servant of the Company soil or damage the seats or fittings of any of the Company's vessels or of the Company's piers or the dress or clothing of any other passenger, and no person who in the opinion of any servant of the Company may for any other appropriate reason be offensive to passengers shall enter upon any of the Company's piers or travel in any of the Company's vessels, and it shall be lawful for any servant of the Company to prevent any such person from so doing by giving any of the aforesaid reasons therefor. starferry.com.hk |
另一方面,一个令人厌恶的特点Avestic道德是美化,作为宗教立功行为,在Khvaetva - datha ,这是没有别的比最接近的近亲之间的亲属,甚至兄弟姐妹。 mb-soft.com | On the other hand, the one repulsive feature of Avestic morality is the glorification, as a religious meritorious act, of the Khvaetva-datha, which is nothing else than intermarriage between the nearest of kin, even brothers and sisters. mb-soft.com |
该公司之产品包括有机矽胶、丙 烯酸酯胶、厌氧胶、环氧树脂胶、聚氨酯胶。 cre8ir.com | The company’s products include organic silica gel, acrylic adhesive, anaerobic adhesive, epoxy glue, and polyurethane glue. cre8ir.com |
这种态度很可能使他们厌恶羊只和其他希伯来 人祭祀所献上的祭牲。 lordsgrace.ca | Such an attitude was likely intensified toward the sheep and other animals offered as sacrifices by the Hebrews. lordsgrace.ca |
美国洛杉矶里的对比与柏林同样鲜明,但类别完全不同,若提到洛杉矶,人们通常会想到两件事,一是不断扩散的郊区,二是无所不在的名人,都会区面积之广,超过香港、新加坡、巴林与巴勒斯坦的总额,且多数为大批郊区建筑,过着典型的郊区生活型态,少数既非郊区、亦非都会的区域,则是富人的游乐场,而四周当然也种满相当浪漫但受人厌恶的棕榈树。 thisbigcity.net | Los Angeles is just as much characterised by contrasts as Berlin is, but is an entirely different beast in itself. thisbigcity.net |
如何在不讨人厌之下,可以获得真诚的友谊呢? 4tern.com | How not be [...] being someone annoyingandbuild a [...]sincere friendship? 4tern.com |
酒精问题是指您认为有需要减少喝酒;您对一向的喝酒习惯感不安;或当别人批评您酗酒时,您会感到厌烦。 hsbc.com.hk | When you feel you should cut down on your drinking; if you feel bad about your drinking habit, or when you feel annoyed when people criticize the amount you are drinking; then you may be experiencing an alcohol problem. hsbc.com.hk |
你也不想做个令人厌的家伙吧!所以啊,我是个很好的租客,除了把厨房、房间打扫乾净,也尽量保持浴室的清洁。 4tern.com | I am a great tenant, I cleaned the kitchen, bedroom and up kept the bathroom. 4tern.com |
选举期间,市民的抉择可能并非因为喜欢某党,而是因为更加讨厌对手。 hkupop.hku.hk | During the election, people's choice might well have been based on whom they disliked less, rather than whom they liked more. hkupop.hku.hk |
奶牛到电力”项目中所使用的厌氧固 定膜反应器可净化来自屠宰场的水流,并将其中的有机废弃物转换成可用于发电或用作低价厨房用气的沼气。 tipschina.gov.cn | The anaerobic fixed film reactor used in the Cows to Kilowatts project decontaminates the waste stream from slaughterhouses and turns this organic waste into methane that can be used to generate electricity or as inexpensive cooking gas. http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/publications/africa _casestudies/kilowatts.pdf tipschina.gov.cn |
各位若曾经在街上步行,看着灰扑扑的墙面、无趣的企业宣传看板,而感到无聊,或是厌倦始终不断的政治争吵,就应该会喜爱街头艺术,不过各位脑中浮现的画面,可能是後巷墙壁上的潦草字迹,或是各种貌似阴茎及睾丸的图样。 thisbigcity.net | If you have ever found yourself growing bored of walking around the city and seeing grey walls, uninteresting propaganda and corporate billboards, or tired of the constant hum of political bickering, then you should love Street Art. thisbigcity.net |
附带扣,可以安装到手推车的不同地方之上,有大量玩意,宝宝不会厌。 combi.com.hk | Equipped with a belt-clip and can be clipped onto different parts of stroller. combi.com.hk |
一群小型生产者和采摘工人已厌倦了垄断市场的大橘子企业,因此聚集在一起并进行一系列的抗议行动,倡议公平和受尊重的生活。 sfgourmet.com | A group of small-scale growers and pickers, who are tired of the market monopoly by the giant-sized orange enterprises, came together in an act of protest, advocating for fair and respected life. sfgourmet.com |
传统东方发酵蔬菜制品的制法,是将蔬菜风乾并存放在环境温度 下让微生物繁殖,加盐、香料及调味料,然後密封在一个厌氧的环境中(以 产生乳酸)。 cfs.gov.hk | Traditional Oriental fermented vegetable products are prepared by air-drying vegetables and exposing them to ambient temperatures so as to allow the microorganisms to flourish; the vegetables are then sealed in an anaerobic environment and salt (to generate lactic acid), spices and seasonings are added. cfs.gov.hk |
请分项列出现时该区 所有已进行及计划进行的厌惡性工程项目名称和渉及的开支。 devb.gov.hk | Please provide the respective titles and [...] expenditures of all obnoxious projects carried [...]out or under planning at present in the district. devb.gov.hk |
厌战的热那亚人结束内战,使罗伯特得以维持名义上的统治,将官位平分给归尔甫和吉柏 林党员,并整合双方债务成为新债关系。 spinola.it | 1331Weary Genoese end the civil war, allow Robert to remain in nominal rule, divide governmental offices equally between Guelphs and Ghibellines, and consolidate the huge debts of both sides into a great new funded debt. spinola.it |
时光倒流七十年》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《真的恋爱了》、《铁达尼号》等,不论是轻松的、感人的,抑或是令人刻骨铭心的电影爱情故事,总是令人再三回味,百看不厌。 yp.mo | Whether light-hearted, touching or memorable, cinematic love stories are always a pleasure to watch. yp.mo |