单词 | 压倒性 | ||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 压倒—overwhelming overpower 倒—however as a matter of fact fail actually topple place upside down move around move backwards profiteer go bankrupt throw out contrary expectation change (trains or buses) 倒(...)v—fallv collapsev pour sth.v invertv sellv
由於在南半球的冬季,沙漠热是不是压倒性的,强大的呼吸新鲜的空气和乾燥(3%水分)是令人振奋的思想所笼罩超过17小时。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Due to the winter season in the southern hemisphere, the desert heat was not overwhelming, a powerful breath of fresh air and dry (3% moisture) was exhilarating minds clouded by more than 17 hours. en.horloger-paris.com |
投 示 结 果 ﹐ 是以压 倒 性的大多 数 赞 成 皮 德 蒙 吞 并 中 意 大 利 各 邦 ﹐ 亦 赞 成 法 国 吞 并 尼 斯 和 加 富 尔 。 hkahe.com | They resulted in an overwhelming majority in favor of annexation by Piedmont of the central Italian states, and for annexation by France of Nice and Savoy. hkahe.com |
即使无任何一个国家在黄金进口拥有压倒性优势,黄金进口仍将是香港增长最快的行业,於未来5年的按年率预测增长将为15.19%。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | While noone country dominates imports of gold it is Hong Kong's fastest growing import sector with annualised forecast growth of 15.19% over the next five years. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
乐吉左卫门由此而特别用心制作出来的黑乐茶碗就被赋予了压倒性的肃静和存在感、使鉴赏者如身临其境静寂的世界。 est-ouest.co.jp | Due to this reason, there is an overwhelming silence and presence from the Black Tea Bowl crafted by Raku Kichizaemon, where the viewers may feel the world of silence from its specialty. est-ouest.co.jp |
二零一零年十二月三十一日,继五矿资源有限公司(「本公司」)於十二月九日召开之股东特别大会 (「股东特别大会」)上获得股东 压倒性支持之後,本公司已完成向五矿有色金属股份有限公司(「五 矿 有色」)收 购Minerals and Metals Group(「MMG」)业 务。 mmg.com | On 31 December 2010, following overwhelming support from shareholders at the Minmetals Resources Limited (the Company) extraordinary general meeting (EGM) on 9 December, the Company completed the acquisition of the Minerals and Metals Group (MMG) business from China Minmetals Non-Ferrous Metals Company Limited (CMN). mmg.com |
中学英语教材系列《Longman Target English》 及 《Longman Express》以卓越质素在市场上赢取压倒性的佳绩。 pearson.com.hk | The two secondary English coursebook series, Longman Target English and Longman Express, won landsliding victory in the market with their outstanding quality. pearson.com.hk |
美国的 学校一直都是压倒性的由州及地 方负责,并持续保持如此。 americancorner.org.tw | Schools in the United States have been, and remain, overwhelmingly a state and local responsibility. americancorner.org.tw |
画质方面,OLED采用独特的自发光结构,电流还没通过像素时便完全不会发光,因此其黑色暗位的表现是绝对压倒性的,最大的对比度能够达至一百万比一,令所有最细微的色彩变化都能够一一呈现出来,使影像的立体感更形突出;同时由於发光体是基於电流通过而作出的即时反应,所以在快速移动画面中可提供极高的应答速度,绝不会像LCD技术规限般引致残影。 think-silly.com | Pixels are lit by the stream of electricity, making an absolute display of every little part of an image with maximum megapixel and vividness. think-silly.com |
意 大 利 的 民 族 主 义 分 子 未 能 在 1848-49 年 使 意 大 利 独 立 和 统 一 ﹐主 要 是 由 於 他 们 未 能 获 得 外 国 的 援 助 ﹐ 以 打 败 奥 地利压 倒 性的军事 优 势 。 hkahe.com | Italian nationalists failed to bring about independence and unity to Italy in 1848-49, chiefly because they had obtained no foreign aid to overwhelm the Austrian militarysuperiority. hkahe.com |