单词 | 历次 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 历次 —each (item in sequence)See also:历 adj—all adj • each adj 历 n—calendar n • history n 历—experience • pass through • undergo
这一规则如此显而易见,以致委员 [...] 会前几任特别报告员均以全体一致制度为不二之选,甚至没有 在 历次 报 告 中提出 这项规则。 daccess-ods.un.org | This rule was considered so self-evident that the [...] Commission’s first special rapporteurs, who held to the system of unanimity, did not even [...] formulate it in any of their reports. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于提交委员会历次会议 审查的索赔数量巨大,委员会根据细则和条例第 12 [...] 条,在审查中采用了抽样的办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | In view of the number of claims presented to the Board at [...] each of its meetings, in accordance [...]with article 12 of its Rules and Regulations [...]the Board employed sampling in conducting its review. daccess-ods.un.org |
在本报告所述期间,双方举行了三轮非正式会谈、两次关于自然资源和建立 信任措施的会议,我的个人特使与它们举行了多次双边磋商,这些活动证实,有 关各方继续拥有举行会谈的政治意愿,但尚无意进行实质性谈判以实 现 历次 安理会决议所提出的目标,即“达成公正、持久和彼此均接受的政治解决,规定西撒 哈拉人民……使西撒哈拉人民实行自决”。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the reporting period, the three rounds of informal talks between the parties, their two meetings on natural resources and confidence-building measures, and the numerous bilateral consultations that my Personal Envoy held with them, confirmed that the parties [...] continue to have the [...] political will to meet, but not as yet to engage in substantive negotiations towards the objective set forth by the Security Council in successive resolutions, [...]namely, “a just, lasting, [...]and mutually acceptable political solution, which will provide for the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara”. daccess-ods.un.org |
咨询委员会在举行了第六次会议之后,将 按 历次 调 研 的惯例,请各利益攸 关方在调查问卷中就本报告发表评论意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | After its sixth session, the Advisory Committee invited stakeholders to comment on the present report in a questionnaire, as is the custom in all study projects. daccess-ods.un.org |
18A.1 本方案的总目标是,协助非洲国家制定和执行政策和方案,以求实现可持续的经济增长和社会 发展,同时特别强调《非洲发展新伙伴关系》(新伙伴关系)中的减贫构想,以及各项国际商定 发展目标、包括《联合国千年宣言》和其 他 历次 联 合 国主要会议成果和国际协定所载目标中的 减贫构想。 daccess-ods.un.org | 18A.1 The overall objective of the programme is to assist African countries in formulating and implementing the policies and programmes that will lead to sustainable economic growth and social development, with particular emphasis on poverty reduction, as envisaged in the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and in the internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the United Nations Millennium Declaration, and in the outcomes of other major United Nations conferences and international agreements. daccess-ods.un.org |
非洲部还与对外关系与 [...] 合作部门与全国委员会及新合作伙伴关系处合作,与非洲各国全国委员会建立了密切联系, 还参加了它们的历次地区 磋商会议(32C/5,地区战略,2002-2007)以及第十届四年一度法 [...]定会议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The African Department also maintained, in liaison with ERC/NCP, close cooperation with African [...] National Commissions and participated in regional [...] consultation meetings (32 C/5, regional [...]strategy – 2002-2007 – and the 10th [...]statutory quadrennial conference). unesdoc.unesco.org |
自此,秘书处在历次执行 委员会会议后都对 范本进行了更新。 multilateralfund.org | Since then, it has updated the [...] model after each meeting of the Executive [...]Committee. multilateralfund.org |
历次探讨世界较穷国家发展筹资问题的会议— —从 2002 年在墨西哥蒙特雷举行的发展筹资问题国 际会议到 2009 年在联合国总部举行的世界金融和经 济危机及其对发展的影响会议——所通过的国际商 定成果文件都明确指出,必须建立一种富有活力的机 制,在多边金融机构与联合国之间建立伙伴关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | The internationally agreed outcomes of all the conferences that have addressed financing for the development of the world’s poorer countries — from the 2002 International Conference on Financing for Development held in Monterrey, Mexico, to the 2009 Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development at United Nations Headquarters — enshrined the need for a vigorous mechanism to create partnerships between multilateral financial institutions and the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
这 一情况已在 2006 年 8 月 21 日提请安全理事会注意(见 S/2006/675)。我在关于第 1701(2006)号决议执行情况的历次报告及 2010 年 2 月 12 日给安全理事会主席的 信(S/2010/86)中指出,双方有责任利用联黎部队的存在所提供的机遇,因为联 黎部队的存在有力地遏制了敌对行动的再次发生,而且为根据第 1701(2006)号决 议的设想,建立一个实现永久停火和长期解决办法的进程奠定了基础。 daccess-ods.un.org | As I have noted in my successive reports on the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006), and in my letter dated 12 February 2010 to the President of the Security Council (S/2010/86), it is the responsibility of the parties to take advantage of the opportunity provided by the presence of UNIFIL, which has provided a strong deterrent to the resumption of hostilities and has laid the foundation for building a process that can achieve a permanent ceasefire and long-term solution, as envisaged in resolution 1701 (2006). daccess-ods.un.org |
作为不结盟运动成员的《不扩散条约》缔约国呼吁核 武器国家如不扩散条约历次审议 大会重申那样履行 其义务和承诺。 daccess-ods.un.org | The NAM States parties to the NPT call on the nuclear-weapon States to implement their obligations and undertakings, as reaffirmed by successive NPT Review Conferences. daccess-ods.un.org |
同样,经 2002 年在贝鲁特举行的阿拉伯国家联 盟理事会首脑会议通过,而且经随后 历次 阿 拉伯首脑 会议、包括今年 3 月苏尔特首脑会议重申,并得到伊 斯兰会议组织首脑会议和部长级会议认可的阿拉伯 和平倡议,反映了伊斯兰和阿拉伯国家对实现不偏不 倚、全面、持久和公正和平的深刻承诺。 daccess-ods.un.org | Similarly, the Arab Peace Initiative — adopted in 2002 by the Council of the League of Arab States at the Beirut Summit and reaffirmed in all subsequent Arab summits, most recent of which was the Sirte summit, held last March, and also endorsed by the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) at the summit level and the ministerial level — reflects the depth of the Islamic and Arab commitment to an even-handed, comprehensive, permanent and just peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,秘书处编写一份背景文件,总结了联合专家 组 历次 会 议 的报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | A background document summarizing the reports [...] of previous meetings of the Joint [...]Expert Group had been prepared by the secretariat in this regard. daccess-ods.un.org |
本组织的代表参加了历次会议 ,游说代表们保护所有发展阶段的无辜人的生命。 daccess-ods.un.org | Representatives of the organization [...] have attended meetings to lobby delegates [...]to protect innocent human life at all its stages of development. daccess-ods.un.org |
大会第 65/97 号决议第 34 [...] 段请委员会继续作为优先事项审议维持外层空间用于 和平目的的方式和方法,并就此向大会第六十六届会议提出报告,同意委员会 [...] 在审议此事项时,可继续考虑如何根 据 历次 美 洲 空间会议和空间科学和技术促 进可持续发展问题非洲领导人会议得出的经验促进区域内和区域间合作,以及 [...] 在执行可持续发展问题世界首脑会议提出的各项建议一事上空间技术可发挥的 作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | In paragraph 34 of its resolution 65/97, the General Assembly requested the Committee to continue to consider, as a matter of priority, ways and means of maintaining outer space for peaceful purposes and to report thereon to [...] the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session, [...] and agreed that during its consideration [...]of the matter, the Committee could continue [...]to consider ways to promote regional and interregional cooperation based on experiences stemming from the Space Conferences of the Americas and the African Leadership Conferences on Space Science and Technology for Sustainable Development and the role that space technology could play in the implementation of recommendations of the World Summit on Sustainable Development. daccess-ods.un.org |
与以前历次事件 一样,巴博阵 营并没有采取具体措施调查并追究犯罪者的责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | As with previous incidents, no concrete steps were taken by the Gbagbo camp to identify and hold the perpetrators accountable. daccess-ods.un.org |
向协调委员会历次会议 提供了最新情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Updates were [...] provided at each meeting of the Coordinating [...]Committee. daccess-ods.un.org |
上述国家依照《蒙特利尔议定书》第 7 条的规定所报告的 1995 年度 氟氯化碳消费量(为历次所报 告的氟氯化碳最大消费量)超过 170,000 ODP 吨;而且这些 国家经过计算后的基准是 149,734 ODP 吨。 multilateralfund.org | The 1995 CFC reported consumption by these countries under Article 7 (representing the maximum consumption of CFCs that has been ever reported) was over 170,000 ODP tonnes; and their calculated baseline is 149,734 ODP tonnes. multilateralfund.org |
因此,走向绿色经济的技术革命与以往 的 历次 革 命有根本的不同, 特别在三个方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | Consequently, the technological revolution for a green economy will be fundamentally different from previous revolutions — in three ways. daccess-ods.un.org |
2012年5月25日,对上海宏源来说,是一个值得永载史册的日子,在这一天,宏源在江苏盐城立德生产基地的码头处, 将 历次 在 打 假活动中收缴的假冒伪劣产品、采购的不合格材料以及生产过程中产生的不合格产品集中碾压销毁,盐城经济技术开发区领导以及盐城主流电视台和报纸,上海宏源总监团队出席并见证此次活动。 cn.lvd.cc | Leaders of Yancheng Economic and Technical Development Zone and mainstream TV and newspapers and Shanghai Hongyuan chief inspection team witnessed the campaign, in which the destroyed products is accumulatively reached 7,450,000 million RMB. en.lvd.cc |
自2003年以来,土耳其大国民议会参加了由欧盟成员国和候选国的欧盟事务委员会成员与欧洲议会代表参加、以加强信息共享和探讨共同威胁、增进议会间合作为宗旨的欧盟议会联盟和欧洲事务委员会大会(COSAC) 的 历次 会 议。 global.tbmm.gov.tr | The committee is also responsible for carrying out relations with the EU institutions and parliaments of other member states and candidate countries, and the EU committees. global.tbmm.gov.tr |
本标准所代替标准的历次版本 发布情况为: 本标准规定了低污染型轻型汽车类环境标志产品基本要求、技术内容及其检验方法。 greencouncil.org | This standard specifies the basic requirements, technical contents and determination method for light-duty vehicles with low pollution. greencouncil.org |
这些纠纷的产生可归咎于很多因素:对于绝大多数布隆迪人的生存至关重要 的土地稀缺;在目前只适用于主要位于城市地区的少量土地的土地证书制度下, [...] 土地权安全性差;自 70 年代初期以来的历次冲突 及随之而来的大批难民和境内 流离失所者,这些人重返社会时出现了获得土地(用于居住和耕作)问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | These disputes are attributable to many factors: scarcity of the land which holds the key to survival for the vast majority of Burundians; poor security of land rights under the current land certification system, which applies only to a [...] small amount of land, located essentially [...] in urban areas; successive conflicts since [...]the early 1970s and their accompanying [...]cohorts of refugees and internally displaced persons, for whom the issue of access to land (for housing and farming) arises upon their reintegration. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010 年核心工作计划捐款,并在历次协调 委员会会议上 都提出了执行支助股的财务问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The President of the Second Review Conference wrote twice to all [...] States Parties to encourage them to contribute to the ISU’s [...]core work plan in 2010 and raised the matter of the ISU’s finances at every meeting of the Coordinating Committee. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些会议的影响是累积性的,历次会 议 的原则和建议不断充实扩大, 并指明了未来的方向。 daccess-ods.un.org | Their impacts were cumulative, and they each built on the principles and recommendations of their predecessors and pointed the way to the future. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 历次会议 上, 全国理事会的代表积极拉近政府代表团同与会的青年小组(或类似团体)之间的 [...] 关系,并推动二者开展对话。 daccess-ods.un.org | In these meetings, representatives [...] of the National Council have been actively contributing to the relationship and dialogue [...]between Government delegations and the present youth caucus (or equivalent). daccess-ods.un.org |
附录1 )的规定向基金信托基金认缴的实际 累积资金和基金信托基金历次增资资金,向全球环境信托基金认缴的资金,以及在基金 信托基金生效日期之前在试点项目下提供的或与受托人做出的相当于赠款的共同融资和 平行融资。 thegef.org | (iii) For the purpose of voting power, total contributions shall consist of the actual cumulative contributions made to the GEF Trust Fund as specified in Annex C (Attachment 1) and in subsequent replenishments of the GEF Trust Fund, contributions made to the GET, and the grant equivalent of co-financing and parallel financing made under the GEF pilot program, or agreed with the Trustee, until the effective date of the GEF Trust Fund. thegef.org |
其作品的命名总是和欧洲历次战争 以及当代政治形势等相关,于是他总是引起争议,而他的追随者却视他为一个坚持意识形态而不妥协的艺术家。 swatch.com | His pieces are often titled with reference to the legacy of European wars and to contemporary political situations, and as such he frequently provokes controversy, while his admirers see him as an ideological and creatively uncompromising artist. swatch.com |
北约成员国通过这样做来维持使用核武器的理 由,这不仅是核裁军和不扩散核武器努力的明显倒 退,而且也违反了这些国家依照《不扩散条约》所承 [...] 担的法律义务以及拥有核武器的《不扩散条约》缔约 国在 1995 年以来历次审议 大会上一致作出的承诺。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite Iran’s claims of meeting its absolute minimum requirements under its safeguards [...] agreement, the IAEA has been clear in saying [...] that Iran is not meeting these obligations [...]and is in a state of non-compliance. daccess-ods.un.org |
铭记不结盟国家历次国家 元首和政府首脑会议的最后文件及非洲联盟国家 元首和政府首脑会议、太平洋岛屿论坛和加勒比共同体所通过的决议的各项有关 规定,意识到有必要促进第 1514(XV)号决议所载《给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣 daccess-ods.un.org | Bearing in mind the relevant provisions of the final documents of the successive Conferences of Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries and of the resolutions adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union, the Pacific Islands Forum and the Caribbean Community daccess-ods.un.org |