

单词 历年

年历 ()



日历年 n

calendar year n


Chinese New Year
Lunar New Year


lunar New Year

See also:


calendar n
history n


each adj
all adj

pass through

External sources (not reviewed)

理事会应定期举行例会,至少每一 历年 举 行 一次;根据理事会主席本人倡议或在教 [...]
The Governing Board shall meet in
ordinary session at regular intervals, at
[...] least once every calendar year; it shall [...]
meet in extraordinary session if summoned
by the Chairperson, either on his/her own initiative or at the request of the Director-General of UNESCO.
理事会的周期将与历年一致,并遵守大会决定的任何必要的过渡安 排。
Council cycles will be
[...] aligned with the calendar year and be subject [...]
to any necessary transitional arrangements decided on by the General Assembly.
[...] 界范围内的收入征收——个人在波兰有个人 经济中心或重大利益或是在一个 历年 内在 波兰停留超过183天。
The first of these refers to the worldwide income of a resident – an individual
who has his centre of economic or vital interest in Poland or stays in Poland for longer
[...] than 183 days in a calendar year.
(b) 在预算期间第一个历年年末, 任何未支配批款余额均应按照管理事务 司司长的批准,结转并用于支付下一年的费用。
(b) At the
[...] end of the first calendar year of a budget [...]
period any unencumbered balance of appropriations shall be carried
over and remain available for expenses in the following year, as authorized by the Director, Division of Management and Administration.
(c) 国家已按照附录 4-A 规定的形式提交了涵盖上一个历年 的 年 度 执 行情况报 告(“年度执行情况报告和计划格式”),该国完成了之前已核准付款中规 定的大部分执行行动,并且之前已核准付款可提供的资金发放率超过 20%; 以及 (d) 国家按照附录 4-A 规定的形式提交了涵盖每个历年的 付 款执行计划,其中 包括供资日程表预计在完成所有预期活动之前提交下一次付款或者最后一次 付款的年份。
(c) That the Country had submitted annual implementation reports in the form of Appendix 4-A (“Format of Implementation Reports
and Plans”) covering
[...] each previous calendar year; that it had achieved a significant level of implementation of activities initiated with previously approved tranches; and that the rate of disbursement of funding available from the previously approved tranche was more than 20 per cent; and (d) That the Country has submitted an annual implementation plan in the form of Appendix 4-A covering each calendar year until [...]
and including the year
for which the funding schedule foresees the submission of the next tranche or, in case of the final tranche, until completion of all activities foreseen.
大会第四十七届会议请秘书长向大会第四十九届会议提交行政协调委员会的下 一份统计报告,并且此后每两年提交一次,并在所列材料中增列关于会员国和非 会员国在前两个历年度中分别缴付的分摊会费和自愿捐款的资料(第 47/449 号 决定)。
At its forty-seventh session, the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit the next statistical report by the Administrative Committee on Coordination to the Assembly at its forty-ninth session and thereafter every second year, and to add to the material covered therein information on assessed and voluntary contributions paid by Member States and non-Member States in each of the two prior calendar years (decision 47/449).
2011 历年,该 公司已经向联合王国国际发展部申 请资助。
The company has applied for funding from the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) for the calendar year 2011.
(d) 在下一次定期报告中详细说明强行驱逐的情况,并提供按性别、年龄 和住户分列历年统计数据。
(d) To provide detailed information on forced evictions with data disaggregated on an annual basis by gender, age and households in its next periodic report.
重度或极重度残疾儿童的法律代理人或《社会福利法》第 252(1)节定制照
[...] 顾者,有资格得到国家供资的儿童照料服务,直到儿童到达 18 岁历年年底, 条件是在儿童康复计划中讲明儿童需要儿童照料服务,照料儿童不保障与其 [...]
The legal representative of a child with severe or profound disability or the caregiver specified in § 252 (1) of the Social Welfare Act is entitled to
state-funded child-minding service
[...] until the end of the calendar year during which [...]
the child attains 18 years of age, provided
that the need for child-minding services for a child is set out in the child’s rehabilitation plan, caring for the child is not guaranteed simultaneously with other social services (except for foster care), and the child is not staying at an educational institution at the same time.
成员任期应始于当选后的历年内技 术执行委员会第一次会议,止于任期结 束的历年内技 术执行委员会第一次会议前夕,根据具体情况为两年或三年。
The term of office of a member shall start at
the first meeting of the
[...] TEC in the calendar year following his or her election and shall end immediately before the first meeting of the TEC in the calendar year in which [...]
the term ends, as applicable
two or three years thereafter.
执行支助股将提交数据库运行情况年度报告,详列整个 历年 内 表 明的援 助意愿、提出的援助请求和完成的配对。
The ISU will submit an annual report on the operation of the database detailing the offers made, requests sought and
[...] matches made during a calendar year.
The accounting period lasts 12 months, and is usually the
[...] same as a full calendar year.
我们在中国的律师被告知,从中国国家工商总局那里无法获得任何公司在 历 2 01 0 年 的 财务报表,只能获得我们在我们的2011年9月2日的新闻稿附件A中显示的那些概要性数据,因为中国国家工商总局尚未完成或还没有将此类材料进行归档。
Our lawyers in China were
[...] informed that the calendar 2010 financial [...]
statements are not available for ANY company from SAIC
other than those summary data as we have shown in the Attachment A of our September 2, 2011 news release, as the SAIC has not completed or archived such material yet.
财政周期为由两个连续的历年构成 的两年度。
The financial period is a biennium consisting
[...] of two consecutive calendar years.
在 选 举 中 , 未 能 当 选 第 一历 年 空 缺 席 位 的 候 选 人 , 除 非 他 们 自 动 退 出,应包括在第二历年空缺席位选举的候选人之列。
Candidates who are unsuccessful in the election to fill the
vacancy or vacancies
[...] occurring in the first calendar year shall be included among the candidates for election to the vacancy or vacancies occurring at the end of the second calendar year, except where [...]
they voluntarily withdraw.
印度洋的黄鳍金枪鱼种群在历 2000 年代初畸高的捕捞量之后陷入过度开 发。
The stock of yellowfin tuna in the Indian Ocean became overexploited following extraordinarily high catches in the early 2000s.
我们敬业的教学队伍致力于为学生提供非同寻常的学习 历 , 2 0 1 0 年 荣 获 了澳大利亚教学理事会(ALTC)颁发的极具竞争力的国家级教学奖项,充分肯定了我们的成绩。
Our dedicated teaching team is committed to delivering an exceptional learning experience to all students, which was acknowledged in 2010 with three highly competitive Australian national teaching awards from the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC).
多年/ 滚动工作计划也能为实现成果制定更现实的时间框架,协助继续逐年执行方案, 避免每个历年都制定新的工作计划。
Multi-year/rolling workplans also allow for the development of more realistic time frames for the achievement of results, and facilitate the
continuous implementation of programmes from year to year by avoiding the need to prepare new
[...] workplans for each calendar year.
截至每历年的 4 月 1 日,国家养恤金都与一个指数挂勾,指数的值是消费品价格指数年度增加额 [...]
By 1 April of each calendar year, state pensions [...]
are indexed by an index the value of which is the arithmetic mean of the
yearly increase of the consumer price index and the yearly increase in receipts of the pension insurance component of social tax.
2013 年起,人权理事会成员资格的年周期从 1 月 1 日开始,而且作为过渡措施,人权理事会成员任期在 2012 年 6 月、2013 年 6 月 和
[...] 2014 年 6 月届满的,均分别例外延长至 历年年 底 (第 65/281 号决议)。
At the same session, the General Assembly decided that from 2013, the Human Rights Council would start its yearly membership cycle on 1 January, and that, as a transitional measure, the period of office of members of the Human Rights Council ending in June 2012,
June 2013 and June 2014 would exceptionally be extended until the end
[...] of the respective calendar year (resolution [...]
每个历年的最后一次委员会会议上,主席和副主席应提议下一个 历年 的拟 议会议时间表,供技术执行委员会批准。
At the last Committee
[...] meeting of each calendar year, the Chair and the Vice-Chair shall propose, for the approval of the TEC, a provisional schedule of meetings for the coming calendar year.
同过历年一样 ,自 2006 以来,加拿大牵头的 核心小组每年都推动协商一致通过一项决议,其目的是促使该国恢复履行《不扩 散条约》规定的义务,包括实施条约的《全面保障监督协定》。
As in past years, since 2006 the Canadian-led core group has annually facilitated the adoption by consensus of a resolution to promote the resumption of that country’s obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, including the implementation of its comprehensive safeguards agreement.
(g) 如工作人员延迟至应有回籍假历年 以 后 才使用回籍假,延迟并不改变 以后各次回籍假权利的时间,但在工作人员结束延迟的回籍假后,从返任之日至 [...]
(g) If a staff member delays taking his or her home
[...] leave beyond the calendar year in which it [...]
falls due, such delayed leave may be taken
without altering the time of his or her next and succeeding home leave entitlements, provided that normally not less than twelve months of qualifying service elapse between the date of the staff member’s return from the delayed home leave and the date of his or her next home leave departure.
联合政治和安全机制下一会计(公 历)年 的 预算 将不迟于会计年度开始前 6 个月作为联合政治和安全机制的议程项目商定,并由 [...]
The JPSM budget for the
[...] coming accounting (calendar) year will be agreed [...]
as a JPSM agenda item no later than 6 months before
the beginning of the accounting year and ratified by the two sending governments no later than 3 months before the start of the accounting year.
根据财 务条例
[...] 4.2(b),财政期终了时未支配的经费结余应在该财政期结束后的第一个 历年 终 了 时经从中扣除 成员国尚未缴纳的该财政期的会费后交还各成员国,并根据财务条例 [...]
4.2(c)和 5.2(d)的规定按照成员国 分摊会费的比额贷记给各成员国。
In accordance with financial regulation 4.2(b), the unencumbered balance of the appropriations at the end of a fiscal period
shall be surrendered to the Members at the
[...] end of the first calendar year following [...]
the fiscal period after deducting therefrom
any contributions from Members relating to that fiscal period which remain unpaid, and shall be credited to the Members in proportion to their assessed contributions in accordance with the provisions of the financial regulations 4.2(c) and 5.2(d).
历 1994 年的扩 张阶段后,公司开始进入汽车车轮和轮胎组装业务,将其在中国无锡的工厂面积扩大了三倍,并充分利用其全球制造和服务架构,从而为其他机械和机器提供商提供全球合同制造。
Following an expansion phase since 1994, the company has entered the automotive wheel and tyre assembly business, tripled its manufacturing space in Wuxi, China, and has leveraged it’s global manufacturing and service infrastructure to offer global contract manufacturing to other machinery and mechanism providers.
食典委同意就每两年度规划的食典会议次数确定一个示意性上限(40 次),并 为 每 个历年规划 的食典会议次数确定一个示意性上限(20 次),以便在一个两年度内取得 一个平衡的会议时间安排,当然这些上限是以目前排得很满的食典会议时间安排为基础, 但它们应被视为示意性目标,以便具备一些灵活性。
The Commission agreed to set an indicative upper limit on the number of Codex sessions planned per biennium (forty) and an indicative upper limit on the number of Codex sessions planned in one calendar year (twenty), in order to achieve a balanced session schedule within a biennium, with the understanding that these upper limits were based on the current, quite full Codex meeting schedule, but that they should be considered as indicative targets to allow for some flexibility.
[...] Keeland表示:“2012年的亚太地区年会是我 们 1 0 年历 史 上最富成效的年会。
Founder and CEO Craig Keeland comments, "Our 2012 Asia Pacific conference was the most productive
[...] conference in our 10 year history.
除了小时、分钟与置于6点位置的小秒针外,1136 QP型号机芯还具备计时功能 –
[...] 跳秒针、置于3点位置的30分钟计时器和置于9点位置的12小时计时器;以及 年历 功 能 ,可以显示星期、日期、48个月带月份和闰年显示的副表盘,以及月相盈亏显示副表盘。
In addition to the hours, minutes and small seconds at 6 o’clock, Calibre 1136 QP powers the chronograph functions – sweep seconds-hand, 30 minute counter at 3 o’clock and 12 hour
counter at 9 o’clock – as well as those
[...] of the perpetual calendar – day of the [...]
week, date, 48month counter with leap years
as well as a moon-phase display.
瑞士官方天文台精密计时器认证(COSC),带有著名的“日内瓦优质标记”,L.U.C Calibre
[...] 4TQE通过陀飞轮显示小时、分钟和小三针,并提供24小时指示的 年历 , 星 期,日期(透过一个视窗),月份,闰年,动力储备,24小时指示,时差,日出日落时间与月相。
Chronometer-certified by the COSC and bearing the prestigious Poinçon de Genève quality hallmark, the L.U.C Calibre 4TQE shows the
hours, minutes, small seconds on the
[...] tourbillon, perpetual calendar with 24-hour indication, [...]
day of the week, date (through
an aperture), month, leap year, power reserve, 24-hour indication, equation of time, sunrise and sunset times and moon phases.




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