

单词 历尽沧桑

See also:


have been through
have experienced a lot of

沧桑 n

vicissitude n


great changes

External sources (not reviewed)

创建于 1666 年的纽瓦克如今是 新泽西州重要的城市中心,拥有反映其数百 沧桑 变 化 的地标 历 史 遗 址。
Founded in 1666, Newark is today the state of
New Jersey’s major urban centre,
[...] home to landmarks and historical sites that helped to [...]
chart its transformation over the centuries.
坎儿井被证实具有超常的价值和可持续传统技术, 历历 史 沧桑 , 从 发源 地古波斯流传到世界上无数个国家,尤其是干旱和半干旱气候的国家。
Qanats have proved to be an extraordinarily valuable and
sustainable traditional technology, which
[...] throughout the historical ages has been transferred [...]
from ancient Persia where it originated
to numerous countries all over the world, particularly those with arid and semi-arid climates.
印度指出尽管经历了数 十年的冲突和动荡,阿富汗近年来仍然实现了巨 大的政策变革。
India noted that, despite decades of conflict [...]
and turmoil, Afghanistan had achieved a remarkable transformation in its policy in recent years.
继父母或收养家庭在收 养儿童时也必然要历这一过程尽 管 儿 童和收养父母可能已经共同生活了一段 时间。
Such a process is also necessary when step-parents or foster families adopt a child, although the child and the adopting parents may have already been living together for some time.
在将近一个世纪的岁月里,Tank表历经 沧桑 , 并 为同一主题下的多款差异产品带来了启迪。
Almost a century later, the Tank has lived through other devastating conflicts and inspired multiple variations on a theme.
在过去的岁月 里,Biltmore 饱沧桑,包 括在二战后期成为 VA 医院,但如今它再一次代表了优雅、美丽和 [...]
Over the years, the Biltmore has passed
[...] through many incarnations, including a [...]
post-World War II stint as a VA hospital,
but today it is again a place of elegance, beauty and calm.
17 著作权保护机制的基本原理与专利权大同小异 尽 管 从 历 史 上 来说,与激励作用相比,人 们更重视具有创造性的艺术家的创作应获取公平报酬的固有权利。
17 The rationale for copyright
protection is not dissimilar to that of
[...] patents, although historically greater weight [...]
has been given to the inherent rights
of creative artists to receive fair remuneration for their works than to the incentive effects.
历史长河中,20 年看似短暂,但对当代人而言,这沧桑巨变 的 20 年,这一期间,一个独立的国家得以 建立,人们对它在世界上的作用和地位有了新的认 识。
In the realm of history, 20 years may seem like a short time, but for the current generation it [...]
has served as a time of
great change, with the building of independent statehood and a renewed perception of its role and place in the world.
我国的历尽 管是 痛苦的,但为我们留下了更好的能力、良好做法 以及经验教训,为我们在这一领域的国际行动中进行 合作奠定了基础。
Although painful, my country’s experience has left us with a better capacity, good practices and lessons learned that serve as a basis for our cooperation in international actions in this area.
坐落在北京老城里国子监向南一条安静的胡同里,美国哥伦比亚大学建筑中心所在大院的前 历 经 沧桑 , 曾 经是抗战时期兵器工厂、解放后的机床厂,而后一度被废弃,直至最近的两年间彻底地变身成为了创意产业的一个聚居区。
Once an arsenal factory during the Sino-Japan war, then a machinery factory after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, followed by abandonment until two years ago, the compound has now been completely transformed into a compound for creative industries.
发言者在总结时指出,虽然桑尼 亚愿 意 尽 全力履行《哥本哈根宣言和行动纲领》中做出的承诺,但 [...]
In conclusion, she affirmed that her country
[...] was ready to do its utmost to honour the commitments [...]
set out in the Copenhagen Declaration
and Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development.
我们同意通过支持尽可能加强桑戈 委员会和核供应国集团的有关导则进 一步加强国家核出口控制政策。
We agree to further improve national nuclear export control policies
by supporting and, where possible, strengthening
[...] the guidelines of the Zangger Committee and the Nuclear [...]
Suppliers Group.
提供配音予电视剧「我和殭尸有个约会」、「影城大亨」、「大宅门」、「纪晓岚」、「朱元璋」、「张文祥刺马」及「柯南电影版 I及II」;电视电影「U-571风暴」、「聊斋」及「英雄神话」;纪录片「中国茶文化」、「中国国宝」、「中国文明之光」、「香 沧桑 」 及 「走近大自然」,以及动画「仙巴歷险记」、「五战士」、「三国英雄」及「街头霸王」。
Dubbing for TV series "Jixiaolan", "My Date with a Vampire", "Movie King", "Dazhaimen", "Zhang Wenxiang Stabs the Horse", "Zhu Yuanzhang" and "Ke-na movie versions I & II"; tele-features "Ghost Story", "U-571" and "Hero Story"; documentaries "Chinese Tea Culture", "Chinese Treasure", "Hong Kong History", "Chinese Civilisation" and "Come Close to the Nature"; and animations "Five Warriors", "Sinbad’s Adventure", "Three Countries’ Hero" and "Street Fighter".
总参谋长被逮捕近 2 个月后尽管桑哈总 统向我的特别代表保证:总参谋长很快将依法起诉,但检察 长尚未采取任何行动。
Almost two months after the Chief of General Staff was
[...] arrested, and despite assurances by President Sanha to my Special [...]
Representative that the
Chief of General Staff would soon be legally prosecuted, no action has yet been taken by the Prosecutor General.
马尔维纳斯群岛、南乔治亚岛和桑 威 奇 群岛 尽 管 被 英国非法占领,但是 构成阿根廷国家领土的一部分,当地居民与阿根廷其他人民享有进入阿根廷公共 教育系统的平等机会,包括免费的小学、中学和高等/大学教育,以及阿根廷共 [...]
Despite the illegal British occupation, the Malvinas Islands, South Georgia and the [...]
South Sandwich Islands are part of the Argentine
national territory, and their inhabitants therefore have equality of access with the rest of the Argentine population to the Argentine public education system.
(q) 第十一次委员会间会议重申了其先前的建议,即,秘书处应继续促进民
[...] 间社会参与条约机构的工作,包括制订一份方便用户使用的总 历 , 事 先 尽 早提 供资料说明各条约机构的时间表,且说明民间社会就报告周期各个阶段,包括议 [...]
(q) The eleventh inter-committee meeting reiterated its previous recommendation that the Secretariat should continue to facilitate the participation of civil society in the work of the treaty
bodies, including by establishing a
[...] userfriendly master calendar that would provide [...]
information well in advance on the timetable
for all the treaty bodies and on deadlines for civil society contributions relating to all stages of the reporting cycle, including lists of issues, lists of issues prior to reporting, country reviews and follow-up procedures.
一成员指出,关于向索马里提供与安全相关的资金 的建议不同寻常,因为执行委员会已近二十年没有核准过与安全相关的资金了 尽 管 在历史时 段内很多国家经历了战争、内乱和其他内部纷争。
One member remarked that the proposal to provide security-related funding for Somalia was unusual as the Executive Committee had not approved security-related funding for almost 20 years, although many countries had experienced wars, civil unrest, and other internal strife during that historical time frame.
中国州际酒店与度假村管理有限公司是锦江集团和美国公司Thayer Lodging共同成立的一家酒店管理合资企业,而 沧 文 华 酒店是上海 历 史 最 悠久的一家五星级酒店之一,但随着越来越多国际大牌酒店进驻上海,该酒店近来年一直在走下坡路。
In the latest of those announcements, Interstate China, a joint venture hotel management company between Jin Jiang and US firm Thayer Lodging, has announced it will take over operation of the JC Mandarin hotel in Shanghai, one of the city’s oldest 5-star hotels whose image has faded somewhat in recent years as many of the bigger brands have opened newer and better-run properties.
莫桑比克指出,在经济自由化、透明和善政方面, 桑 比 克履 职 尽 责 , 取得 进展。
Mozambique noted that it has achieved progress in its compliance with its obligations in the fields of economic freedom, transparency and good governance.
当然,以上示范历并未穷尽所有 标题,您或您的组织也 可以添加其它标题。
Naturally, the headings in the example CV above are not necessarily exhaustive, and you or your organisation may have others to add.
尽 管桑人可能只拿到最终销售额的非常小的一部分,但鉴于市场的潜在规模,桑人拿到的 [...]
Although the San are likely [...]
to receive only a very small percentage of eventual sales, the potential size of the market
means that the sum involved could Another source more succinctly classified these and other possible reasons for protecting traditional knowledge as
桑尼亚将继尽其全 力,保障我国水域的安 全。
Tanzania will continue to do all it can [...]
to ensure the safety of our waters.
沧海横流,方显英雄本色”,二十年来,在公司董事长的带领下, 历 了 从 小到大、从弱到强的发展过程;从起步时的简单生产到现在拥有世界领先的核心技术。
sea cross-flow, the hero character". Over the past two dacades, under the leading of chairman Li Weide, LVD experienced the process of from small to large, from weak to strong and from the start of simple production to owning the world‘s leading core technology.
由Gillies博士所领导的历桑纳癌 症中心及摩非特癌症中心(Moffitt [...]
Cancer Center)的研究团队目前已经证实了,藉由崭新的核磁共振造影技术,以非侵入性的方式监控乳癌模式动物中癌细胞的生长。
Scientists at the
[...] University of Arizona Cancer Center [...]
and the Moffitt Cancer Center, led by Dr. Robert Gillies, have demonstrated
that an advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method can non-invasively evaluate the cellular proliferation of tumor models of breast cancer.
到 那时,我们期望已经克服了现时广泛存在于人们意识中的负面形象,建立起一个 民主制度,在这个制度下,人民自由地推选自己的政府,不 历尽 麻 烦 就能得到 政府的服务,过上免于恐惧和不容忍、有尊严的生活;每个公民都能获得社会公 正、环境保护、人权和平等机会;法治和良政蓬勃发展。
By that time, overcoming the prevailing negative images, we envision a democratic system where people choose their government freely and get services from it without hassle, enjoy freedom from fear and intolerance, live with dignity; where every citizen is assured of social justice, environmental protection, human rights and equal opportunities; and where the rule of law and good governance flourish.
在中国,2008-2009 双年度的项目资金为 140 000 美元,其中 2008 年投入的资金为 87 000
美元(实际上,截至 2009 年 1 月 7 日,已支出 53 259 美
[...] 元),该笔资金主要用于三个项目:与绵阳市(四川省)体育教育协会签订一份合同,与沧(云 南省)市艾滋病预防管理办公室签订一份合同,与北京大学儿童与青少年健康研究院 [...]
Of the $140,000 available for the biennium in China, $87,000 were committed in 2008 ($53,259 actually spent as at 7 January 2009), primarily to finance a contract with the municipal physical education association of the town of Mianyang (Sichuan), another with the office
responsible for anti-AIDS efforts in the
[...] municipality of Lincang (Yunan) and [...]
a third with the Beijing University Institute
of Child and Adolescent Health.
哥伦比亚、埃及 、印度、马来西 亚、泰国和桑尼亚代表尽管同 意插入脚注且不反对通过标准,但是对于4.1 [...]
节的害 虫、腐烂和内部损坏容许限量的规定内容表达了保留意见。
The delegations of Colombia, Egypt, India,
[...] Malaysia, Thailand and Tanzania, while agreeing with the [...]
insertion of the footnote and not
opposing to the adoption of the Standard, expressed their reservation on the provision of quality of tolerances for pests, rotting and internal breakdown in Section 4.1.
[...] [...] Spahl女士,德国莱茵TÜV大中华区总裁兼首席执行官薛勒先生,德国莱茵TÜV中国西部地区总经理蒋明红女士,苗圃行动董事局主席何毅良先生,OBC公司销售部经理罗红波女士, 沧 市 人 民政府副秘书长杨青先生和 沧 市 委书记白玲女士等多位地方政府代表以及全体学生出席了开幕仪式。
The ceremonies were attended by Claudia Spahl, Deputy German Consul of the Chengdu German Consulate, Ralf Scheller, TÜV Rheinland Greater China President and CEO, Linda Jiang, General Manager of TÜV Rheinland Western China, Albert Ho, Chairman of the Board at Sowers Action, Luo Hongbo, Sales Manager of OBC Express, a team of local government representatives
led by Yang Qing,
[...] Vice-Secretary of Lincang Municipality, and Bai Ling, Party Secretary of Lincang Municipality, [...]
and students from
grades 1-9 at the two schools.




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