

单词 卷铺盖走人

See also:


spread evenly over

走人 v

leave v


let sb. leave

External sources (not reviewed)

(a) 試場主任或監考員在點算答卷數目或記錄出席考人 數時可能出錯,或者沒有留意到有提早離開試場的考 生把卷也帶
(a) examination centre supervisors or invigilators may have made a mistake in counting the scripts or recording [...]
the attendance.
基于人格障碍的研究,TD-12探查的12个人格维度是标 人 格 问 卷所 未涵盖的。
Based on research of personality disorders, the TD-12 investigates personality
[...] covered by standard personality questionnaires.
最糟糕的是,他们走了盖嘎先 生妻子和她一周大的婴儿 — 以及贝尔朵和哈鲁纳。
Worst of
[...] all, they took Mr. Garga’s wife and her [...]
one-week-old baby – as well as Beldo and Harouna.
因此,任 何路過或某些意圖不軌人都可 以隨手把 卷 拿 走。
They can thus be removed by any passer-by or someone with malicious intent.
朝向主入口的广场在现有购物中心及新建商业中心之间建立起了很好的 人 连 接 关系,同时主街廊建筑 盖 了 店 铺 、 精 品店、美食店、美食广场以及电影院。
The piazza fronting the building’s main entrance creates a strong pedestrian connection between the existing shopping centre and the new one while the main gallery building contains shops, boutiques, food store, food court and the cinema.
全球钟表界自从在智利阿塔卡马沙漠天文台的第一次演说之后一直为之雀跃,并且在众多的电子杂志,论坛和博客 铺 天 盖 地 的 报道这款Sidérale。
The global watch community is in total excitement since the first presentation at an observatory in the chilean Atacama desert and covered the Sidérale in numerous e-magazines, forums and blogs.
黑色压花PVC软板:产品规格:210mm 产品特点:耐腐蚀、易焊接
[...] 、无刺鼻气味产品 能:防滑、耐酸、耐碱、耐油、绝缘等;压花PVC软板可用于宾馆、体育场所、会议厅、机场、港口、船舶、车辆等台面、地面 走 道 的 铺 设 、 装潢等;产品色泽:白色、蓝色、棕色、灰色、黑色;包装方式:编织袋 5 0 k g 卷 、 10 0 k g 卷 或 按 用户要求长度包装专业生产各种颜色环保型: pvc透明水晶软板 Pvc软板卷材,防静电台垫,PVC板,pvc硬质板。
Black Embossed PVC soft board: product specifications: 210mm features: corrosion resistance, easy welding, no pungent odor products: anti-skid, acid and alkali resistance, oil resistance, insulation and so on; embossed PVC soft board can be used in hotel, sports venues, conference halls, airports,
ports, ships, vehicles and
[...] other table, floor, corridor construction, decoration and other products; color: white, blue, brown, gray, black; packaging bags, 100kg 50kg volume: volume or by user request [...]
length packaging
specializing in the production of various colors and environmental protection type: PVC transparent crystal soft plate Pvc soft plate coiled material, anti-static Taiwan pad, PVC board, PVC hard board.
朝鲜民主主人 民共 和国将尽最大的努力,为改善南北朝鲜的关 铺 平 道 路,争取实现民族和解 与统一。
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea would do its best to pave the way for improved inter-Korean relations and to achieve national reconciliation and unity.
鉴于此,在“时尚中心”,互相弥补的 铺 涵 盖 了 鞋 店、男女服装 店、儿童店,和装饰品店。
In a “fashion center,” complementary stores would include shoe stores, men’s and women’s apparel stores, children’s stores, and accessory stores.
根据巴拿马刑法规定,凡接收、储存、交易、转换或转让资金、证券、财产 或其他财政资源,且明知它们源自与贩毒、诈骗、非法武器贩运、贩 人 口、 绑架、勒索、贪污、腐蚀公人员、 恐怖主义行为、盗窃或国际贩运车辆有 关的活动,而且其目的是隐藏或盖 其 非法来源或协助逃避此种犯罪的法律 后果的,应处以 5 至 12 年监禁和 100 至 200 天的罚款。
Anyone who receives, deposits, trades in, converts or transfers money, securities, property or other financial resources in the knowledge that they are derived from activities related to drug trafficking, fraud, illicit arms trafficking, trafficking in persons, kidnapping,
[...] embezzlement, corruption of public servants, terrorist acts, theft or international trafficking in vehicles, as provided for under Panamanian criminal law, with the aim of hiding or concealing their [...]
illicit origin or
of helping to evade the legal consequences of such crimes shall be sentenced to 5 to 12 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 100 to 200 days.
八.13 咨询委员会在之前关于企业资源规划系统执行进展情况报告(A/65/576、 A/64/7/Add.9 和 A/63/487)中提出了一些评论意见并对若干问题表示关切,其中 包括项目组人员未及时到位,征聘主题专家过程冗长,项目组和信息和通信技术 厅在编目和废弃即将由企业资源规划系统替代系统方面需加强合作,项目组有必 要和信息和通信技术厅及外勤支助部在开展技术活动 铺 设 基础设施方面加强 合作,以及企业资源规划系统人力 资 源管理系统 Inspira 之间需开发界面的复 杂性和界面数。
VIII.13 In its previous reports on progress made in the implementation of the enterprise resource planning system (A/65/576, A/64/7/Add.9 and A/63/487), the Advisory Committee made observations and expressed some concerns on a number of issues, including the delays in staffing the project team; the lengthy process of recruiting subject-matter experts; the need for closer cooperation between the project team and the Office of Information and Communications Technology in cataloguing and decommissioning the systems to be replaced by the enterprise resource planning system; the need for closer cooperation between the project team and the Office of Information and Communications Technology and the Department of Field Support in implementing technical activities and infrastructure; and the complexity and number of the interfaces to be developed between the enterprise resource planning system and the human resources management system, Inspira.
通过出版卷本的《走出贫 困》以及在非洲实施的几个研究项目(项目重点是为 编制消除贫困国家战略文件制定注 人 权 的 政策制定工具),促进了消除贫困方 面的政策承诺。
Stimulated the commitment to policies for poverty eradication, through the publication of the Freedom from Poverty collection in four volumes, and through the implementation of several research projects in Africa, which focused on the elaboration of human rightsbased decision-making tools for national poverty reduction strategy papers.
人还称,后来调人员将证实这 一情况的官方记录从她儿子的刑卷 宗 中 移 走。
The author also claimed that an official record confirming this was subsequently removed from her son’s criminal [...]
file by the investigators.
[...] 道,由金鐘和 添馬艦經過現有的高架人走廊, 連 接至將 會 闢 建大型休憩用地的海旁。
The design concept is to provide uninterrupted
connection from Admiralty and Tamar through the
[...] existing elevated walkway to the waterfront [...]
where large open space is created.
露天采矿设备、地下开采设备、输送装置、隧道掘进机、陆上和海上石油设备、钻机设备 铺 管 船上 的 卷 筒 、 破碎机、磨机、振动筛、回转窑、烧结设备。
Open pit mining equipment, underground mining equipment, conveying plants, tunnel boring
machines, onshore and offshore equipment,
[...] drilling rigs units, reels on pipe-laying vessels, [...]
crushers, mills, vibrating screens,
rotary kilns, sintering plants.
如采用压实料(铺地砖或鹅卵石)作为保护层,防 卷 材 必须由土工织物 盖 住 , 土工织物的重度不低于800克/平方 米,或者由废旧回卷材作为覆盖层。
If ballast (such as pavers or rounded gravel) will be placed as a cover or protective layer, the waterproofing membrane must be covered with a geotextile weighing at least 800 g/m2 or a suitable protective [...] [...]
membrane made of recycled material.
还应确定档案方面的法律框架是否要 盖 所 有 构成 卷 而 不 问何种形式的文件。
It should also establish whether legal frameworks for archives could cover all documents which constitute a record regardless of its format.
气势恢宏铺天盖地, 宏伟的罗马斗兽场,梵蒂冈,圣彼得大教堂和西斯廷教堂(Sistine Chapel)而闻名,因为你不能错过在您的旅行。
Magnificent and overwhelming, famous for the imposing Colosseum, Vatican City, St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel, as you can not miss during your trip.
在有些国家,广铺天覆盖地出 现在公众场合、报纸、 电台及电视等,没有任何的约束措施,针对这一点我们该 [...]
IIut what can be said about the
[...] profusion of advertising with no control in some [...]
countries - in public places, in newspapers
and much more seriously in radio programs and on television?
但是,不同国家之间存在巨大的差距,妇女、 人 和 农村地区居民面临电 子鸿沟,特别是在宽带铺设方面。
However, there are substantial disparities between countries and digital divides affecting women, the poor and those living in rural areas, particularly concerning broadband deployment.
成卷后线卷通过托盘运输系统输送, 然后冷却,压紧,打包,最后把线卷 运走。
After formation, coils are moved further for cooling, pressing, tying and transfer by means of a pallet-based handling system.
报告谈到 2006 年完 成了波兰国家地名录第卷,其中只 盖 流 动和停滞水体的名称;这是根据波兰 国家地名登记册的系列出版物的第一卷,按照大地和制图总办公室的 1:10 000 比例尺地图建立。
The report discussed the
[...] 2006 completion of volume 1 of the National Gazetteer of Poland, which consisted solely of hydronyms, or names of both flowing and [...]
standing bodies of water,
and was the first in a series of volumes based on the Polish State Register of Geographical Names established from 1:10,000 scale maps by the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography.
我们还希望,它将为尽早大大放宽对进入加沙地带的 物资人员的限制铺平道路,从而处理那里可怕的人 道主义局势。
We also hope it will pave the way for an early and significant easing of restrictions on movement of goods and people into the Gaza Strip, thereby addressing the dire humanitarian situation there.
共向 1 418 个利益攸关的人发出 11 种调查卷(涵盖经社部的所有 10 个次级方案以及行政 领导和管理),399 人作了答复,总回复率为 28%。
The 11 surveys were sent to a total of 1,418 individual stakeholders (encompassing all 10 subprogrammes of the Department and its executive direction and management); 399 responded, yielding a 28 percent overall response rate.
[...] 军之间的持续冲突,苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和政府军之间仍然有零星 的冲突,而在西达尔富尔扎盖走廊 还 有部落冲突。
The situation in the past several months has deteriorated significantly, in particular with the outbreak of sustained clashes between JEM and Government troops, continued
sporadic clashes between SLA-Abdul Wahid and Government troops, and tribal
[...] clashes in the Zalingei corridor in Western Darfur.
因为采用了代表权限表格,实施了 盖人 力 资源管理、安全管理、财政、公务旅行、货物和 服务的采购和承包的问责机制,并培训了内部控制进程或财政管理方面的工作人员,管理能 力和问责机制得到了加强。
Managerial capacity and accountability reinforced through the adoption of tables of delegated authority and accountability covering human resources management, security management, finance, official travel, procurement and contracting of goods and services, and through the training of staff involved in internal control processes or financial management.
翻译工作需要如此长的时间,特别是自我辩护上 人 的 情 况下,对此本应作 出更多解释,然而本报告限于篇幅而不能做此解释,但可以说的是,正在作出努 力,以更有效地与会议和语文支助事务科主管不断联系,以评估进展情况并确定 是否需要对具体的翻译要求分轻重缓急,并重新探讨会议和语文支助事务科的内 部要求,即判决书翻译的审校工作必须整体一起完成,而不是 卷 完 成 (这样做 可以逐步公布翻译好的部分)。
The inordinate length of translation times, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants, calls for greater explanation than suitable for a report of this size, but it can be said that efforts are
under way to more effectively liaise
[...] with the supervisors in the Conference and Language Services Section on a continual basis in order to assess progress and determine the need for requesting prioritization of specific translations, and to readdress the internal requirement of the Conference and Language Services Section that the revision process for translation of a judgement must be accomplished as a whole, rather than volume by volume (which would allow for gradual release of translated portions).




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