单词 | 卷 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 卷—roll (up)less common: sweep up carry on Examples:卷帘门—roll-up door 煎蛋卷—omelet 卷心菜n—cabbagen
的第一天,一系列串珠环的金黄色,白色或红色,卷曲或不是钻石,单独佩戴或在数量上,已经成为一本畅销书的起跑点上。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The First Day, a series of beaded rings in yellow gold, white or red, crimped or not diamonds, to wear alone or in number, is already on the starting blocks to become a bestseller. en.horloger-paris.com |
例子包括白面包、裸麦面包、裸麦粗面包、提子乾面包、全麦面包、pain courant francais、麦芽面包、汉堡面包卷、全麦面包卷及牛奶面包卷。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include: white bread, rye bread, pumpernickel bread, raisin bread, whole wheat bread, pain courant francais, malt bread, hamburger rolls, whole wheat rolls, and milk rolls. cfs.gov.hk |
萤幕旁边的按钮可协助您向上和向下卷动可用的资讯。 seagate.com | Buttons beside the screen help you scroll up and down through the available information. seagate.com |
配戴时,勿将面罩滑下脸部,因为 这麽做可能导致软垫摺叠或卷起。 resmed.com | Do not slide mask down the face during fitting as this may lead [...] to folding orcurling of thecushion. resmed.com |
(2) 无论此等细则是否载有任何其他规定,董事可(倘适用法例允许)授权销 毁本细则(1)段(a)至(f)分段所载的文件及与股份登记有关并已被本公司或股份过户登记 处代其制成微型胶卷或电子储存方式的任何其他文件,惟本细则只适用於真诚销毁及本 公司及其股份过户登记处并未被明确通知所保存有关文件与索偿有关的文件。 mainland.com.hk | (2) Notwithstanding any provision contained in these Bye-laws, the Directors may, if permitted by applicable law, authorise the destruction of documents set out in sub-paragraphs (a) to (f) of paragraph (1) of this Bye-law and any other documents in relation to share registration which have been microfilmed or electronically stored by the Company or by the share registrar on its behalf provided always that this Bye-law shall apply only to the destruction of a document in good faith and without express notice to the Company and its share registrar that the preservation of such document was relevant to a claim. mainland.com.hk |
或使用遥控器上的向左和向右箭头卷动「设定」萤幕,找到 「系统」萤幕。 seagate.com | Use the left and right arrows on the remote to scroll through the Settings screens until you find the System screen. seagate.com |
所有卷入maul的球员,都必须被捉在其中或夹紮在其中,而且两脚 站立并朝向阵线移动。 irblaws.com | All the players involved must be caught in or bound to the maul and must be on their feet and moving towards a goal line. irblaws.com |
结合与仪器一起开发并拥 有专利之演算及数据处理技术结构,GMW 感应器将提供更完备之天气预测(对龙卷风、飓风及台风等恶劣天气之预测尤其出色)及用於建立气候模型的数据。 asiasat.com | Together with the proprietary algorithms and data processing architecture which have been developed with the instrument, the GMW Sensor will provide greatly improved weather forecasting (and in particular for severe weather such as tornadoes, hurricanes and typhoons) and data for climate modeling. asiasat.com |
85 读读取失败(锁闭阀或气动装置) 核查空气软管连接且确保空气管道未卷曲。 suntechmed.com | 85 Reading aborted (blocked valves or pneumatics) Check the air hose connections and make certain the air tubing is not crimped. cn.suntechmed.com |
我们开发的软体工具及模型,可帮助客户了解台风、龙卷风、地震、野火及恐怖攻击等对财产险、伤害险及农作物保险之保险人及再保险人的潜在风险。 aon.com | We develop software tools and models that help clients understand underlying risks from hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires and terrorist attacks on property, casualty and crop insurers and reinsurers. aon.com |
1848 年的自由主义叛变卒 之擦出了革命的火花﹐法国跟随之﹐而革命的浪潮亦席卷了整个欧洲。 hkahe.com | The spark of these revolutions was eventually suited by the liberal revolt in 1848 and it was followed by France and then the wave of revolution spread over the whole continent. hkahe.com |
於本公告日期,除提供 82.57 百万 美元担保外,买方未提供任何其他抵押或担保,亦未被卷入任何诉讼,且没有任何其他 或有负债。 wingtaiproperties.com | As of the date of this announcement, other than providing a guarantee of US$82.57 million, the Purchaser has not provided any other securities or guarantees, is not involved in any litigation and does not have any other contingent liabilities. wingtaiproperties.com |
台南更是各式闻名传统美食小吃的发源地,例如台南担仔面、牛肉汤、蚵卷等等。 shangri-la.com | Tainan is also home to many famous local small eateries, such as Dan-tsu Noodles, beef [...] soup, oyster rollandmany more! shangri-la.com |
此外,新型号强大的输入及输出效能、媒体防卷曲装置、TCRU (受训客户自行替换组件) 服务组件,以及所有单元上的超音速多馈纸检测感应器,都有助增加打印机的运行时间和支援长时间的打印服务。 ipress.com.hk | The generous input and output capacities, media decurler unit, TCRU (Trained Customer Replaceable Units) service components and ultrasonic multi-feed detection sensor on all units increase up-time and enable long runs. ipress.com.hk |
特别是品牌的机会,目前第一金表,但也提出新的协会,卷曲,使用宝石的表盘。 zh.horloger-paris.com | It was especially the brand the opportunity to present its first gold watches, but also to propose new associations ascrimps and the use of precious stones for the dials. en.horloger-paris.com |
Magic Trackpad 的整个表面本身就是一个大型按键,所以你可以点击一下或两下任何位置,Magic Trackpad 更支援所有手势,包括用两指卷动、两指开合缩放、用手指旋转、三指轻扫、启动 Exposé 或用四指转换使用中的应用程式。 mammals.org | Magic Trackpad also supports a full set of gestures, including two-finger scrolling, pinching to zoom, rotating with your fingertips, three-finger swiping, and activating Exposé or switching between applications with four fingers. mammals.org |
为庆祝111中队建立90周年纪念日,飓风号R4118与龙卷风号在飞行演习中一起表演。 oris.ch | To mark the 90th anniversary of the foundation of Royal Air Force "111 Squadron", Hurricane R4118 joined up with a Tornado at a recent air show. oris.ch |
3 1 1 9 9 8 年 谘 询 文 件 进 一 步 指 出 , 政 府 有 意 修 订 法 例 , 容 许 讼 案 的 胜 方 向 败 方 追 讨 额 外 收 费 ( 或 成 功 收 费 ) 及 保 险 费 ,64 理 由 是 败 方 令 胜方卷入诉讼 而 直 接 令 胜 方 招 致 这 些 费 用 , 所 以 这 些 费 用 应 该 一 如 其 他 费 用 , 可 以 向 败 方 追 讨 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The 1998 Consultation Paper further stated that the Government was minded to amend the law to allow the uplift or success fees and the insurance premium to be recoverable from the losing party.64 The reason given was that both types of costs were incurred directly because the loser had put the successful party to the cost of taking proceedings, and they should be recoverable in the same way as other costs. hkreform.gov.hk |
在通知设定部份,您可轻触电子邮件通知选项以开启或关闭电 子邮件通知,当您启动电子邮件通知後,在电子邮件通知右方的核取方块将 [...] 会显示勾选,之後当您有新的邮件进来时,您将会看到在状态列左上方出现” 您有新的邮件”图示,卷动开启通知面板,并轻触电子邮件通知选项即可 [...]直接进入该电子邮件画面。 camangi.com | Touch the Email notifications block to enable or disable this feature, the checkbox on the Email notification block displays whether you successfully turn on this feature or not. After you enable the Email notifications, [...] you will see the new Email arriving [...] notification displayed on the Notification [...]Panel when a new email is being received. camangi.com |
具备 36 颗单键快速键,只要几秒钟就能存取 Office、网际网路和媒体中心应用程式;4 向神奇滚轮可垂直/水平卷动,让您在浏览网站或文件时,享受无与伦比的操控乐趣。 geniusnetusa.com | With 36 one-touch hot keys, access to Office/Internet and Media Center applications is just seconds away; and its 4-way magic roller scrolls vertically and horizontally, providing you the experience of ultimate fun in browsing websites or documents. geniusnetusa.com |
下列物件可以使用卷动条:历史数据显 示、历史讯息显示、历史趋势图、操作记录显示器、警报显示器、配方表和次连线表。 maxthermo.com.tw | You can configure an alarm to display an (alarm) screen and the associated alarm of a screen is the alarm that displays the screen. maxthermo.com.tw |
例子包括薯片、爆谷、卷条脆饼(pretzels)、米饼(senbei)、调味(flavoured)薄 脆饼乾(例如乳酪味薄脆饼乾)、bhujia(namkeen,一种将面粉、粟米、马鈴 薯、盐、水果乾、花生、香料、色素、调味料(flavours)及抗氧化剂混合而 成的零食),以及papads(以浸过的大米面粉,或黑綠豆或豇豆面粉混合盐及 香料後搓成球狀或扁平饼狀而成)。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include potato chips, popcorn, pretzels, rice crackers (senbei), flavoured crackers (e.g. cheese-flavoured crackers), bhujia (namkeen; snack made of a mixture of flours, maize, potatoes, salt, dried fruit, peanuts, spices, colours, flavours, and antioxidants), and papads (prepared from soaked rice flour or from black gram or cow pea flour, mixed with salt and spices, and formed into balls or flat cakes). cfs.gov.hk |
很多时候,自然灾难往往突如其来:泥石流令房屋及村庄与外界失去联系,地震在瞬间摧毁整个地区,洪水威胁着无数人的家园,森林火灾危及城镇和村庄,海啸巨浪席卷整个地区,而龙卷风更会摧毁当地的基础设施。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Ever more frequently, nature strikes at lightning speed: mudslides cut houses and villages off from the outside world, earthquakes destroy entire regions within seconds, floods threaten people's livelihoods, forest [...] fires endanger towns and villages and tidal waves [...] devastate whole regions, tornadoes destroy a region's infrastructure. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
1.热卖宝贝一 88.00 ㊣梨花头假发 中长卷 蓬松 bobo 斜... 128.00 韩国帅哥㊣斜刘海男式短发男士假发男式假发... 98.00 买一送二真发发套短发女真人发丝... 79.00 买一送二送长辈妈妈礼物中老年假发女... 80.00 100%真发偏分斜刘海男式短发男士假发男... 138.00 ㊣真人发偏分斜刘海男式短发男士假发男式假... 99.00 [...] 中老年假发中年妈妈女士假发短发新款女... 69.00 [...] 专柜㊣全手工辫子马尾舞蹈团新疆舞演... 精品中老年假发妈妈哑光短卷发短发仿真假发大波浪卷反价格:¥89.00元wanghongxia2098质量很好,颜色也很正,卖家很有耐心,物流比说的要快,下次还会再来 。 tw.taobaowig.com | 1.Hot Baby a 88.00 ㊣ pear head wig scroll fluffy bobo oblique ... 128.00 Korean guy ㊣ oblique bangs men's short hair men's wigs men's wigs ... 98.00 Buy one get two real hair wig short hair Jurchen hair ... 79.00 Buy one get a wig female elders mom gift two get older ... 80.00 100% real hair parted on the side oblique bangs for men with short hair men wig male ... 138.00 ㊣ human hair parted on the side oblique bangs for men with short hair men wig for men fake ... 99.00 New female middle-aged wig middle-aged mother, Ms. wig short hair ... 69.00 Counter ㊣ hand-braids horsetail dance group in Xinjiang dancer [...] ... Boutique in elderly [...] wig short hair simulation Matte short curlyhair wig mother big waves roll Anti-Price: [...]¥ of 89.00 yuan for [...]wanghongxia2098 good quality, color is also very positive, very patient seller, logistics is faster than say, next will come . taobaowig.com |
即使本细则有任何规定,如果适用法律允许,董事会可授权销毁本条款提及 的任何文件或有关股份注册文件,若该等文件已拍摄在缩微胶卷上或用电子 存档或由股份注册处代办,但是本条款只适用于真诚地销毁文件和公司没有 收到任何明文提示保留该等文件会涉及任何索偿。 cifi.com.hk | Notwithstanding any provision contained in these Articles, the Directors may, if permitted by applicable law, authorise the destruction of any documents referred to in this Article or any other documents in relation to share registration which have been microfilmed or electronically stored by the Company or by the share registrar on its behalf provided always that this Article shall apply only to the destruction of a document in good faith and without express notice to the Company that the preservation of such document might be relevant to a claim. cifi.com.hk |