单词 | 卵黄 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 卵黄 noun —embryo n卵黄 —egg yolkExamples:卵黄管—vitelline duct 总卵黄管—common vitelline duct 卵黄囊—yolk sac (ectodermal cells attaching fetus uterus before the development of the placenta) 卵黄腺—vitelline glands • vitellaria (in biology) See also:卵 n—egg n • uterus n • sperm n 卵—spawn • ovum 黄—pornographic • surname Huang or Hwang • fall through 卵 pl—ovaries pl
胸腺是中华鳖免疫系统发育的第一个淋巴器官,来 自 卵黄 囊 的 干细胞在此先分化成小淋巴细胞,然后再迁移至脾脏。 actazool.org | Within the thymus, stem [...] cells from the yolk sac differentiate [...]into small lymphocytes which subsequently migrate to the spleen. actazool.org |
此后,卵黄囊的 造血干细胞出现在胚体的血循环中,造血功能相继在胚胎胸腺、肝、脾、骨髓(可能还包括肾)中产生。 actazool.org | Later in development, hemopoietic [...] stem cells in the yolk sac migrate via [...]blood vessels and yolk sac hemopoietic activity [...]is succeeded by development of the fetal thymus, liver, spleen and bone marrow (possibly kidney). actazool.org |
发现胚胎期首先出现的造血器官是 卵黄 囊。 actazool.org | The first hemopoietic organ in [...] embryos was the yolk sac. actazool.org |
以后随着卵黄发生 的进一步发展,卵母细胞与卵泡细胞的交界面逐步形成一个网状的膜结构屏障,同时在卵巢中可见正在降解的卵母细胞。 actazool.org | With the oocyte development,a membrane like net protective screen structure of the oocyte formed,which indicated the maturity of oocyte. actazool.org |
新生犊牛的免疫力增强剂,富含天然 鸡 卵黄 粉 、 硒、维生素和益生菌。 delaval.cn | The paste has natural egg antibodies: during the first hours after birth antibodies can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream. delaval.com.tr |
通过电镜研究了锯缘青蟹二次卵巢发育过程 中 卵黄 发 生 期(分为初期和后期)卵母细胞表面的结构和胞质的变化。 actazool.org | Structural modulation of the [...] area between oocyte and follicular cells during vitellogenesis (divided [...]by primary and secondary [...]stages) in the mud crab (Scylla Serrata) was examined by electron microscopy in order to provide morphological evidence for active intro oocytic yolk and extro oocytic formation. actazool.org |
前者特征为:在卵母细胞中充满了内质网泡,在泡内有不同程度 的 卵黄 物 质合成,此时在卵母细胞的表面区域,可见很多卵泡细胞向卵母细胞表面迁移,并包围卵母细胞。 actazool.org | In the former stage,it was found the follicular cells showed significant streaming movement towards the surface of oocytes and gradually surrounded the oocyte membranes,there were little structural evidence of pinocytotic activity at the oolemma follicular cells interface,demonstrated vitellogenic autonomy. actazool.org |
扩张莫尼茨绦虫卵黄细胞发育的规律为:(1)细胞体积不断增大;(2)质、核比不断增加而核体积几乎不发生改变,核表面从规则变为不规则,再由不规则变为规则,核内出现染色质浓缩成小块再分散的发育变化过程;(3)线粒体逐渐增多,发育不断完善;(4)粗面内质网及高尔基复合体出现由少到多,发育不断完善,再由多到少不断退化的变化;(5)由高尔基复合体组装的电子致密的 小 卵黄 囊 不 断融合, 至 卵黄 细 胞 成熟时仅有 一 卵黄 囊 ,占据细胞大部分体积[动物学报 49(2):256~261,2003]。 actazool.org | The process of maturation is characterized by: (1) a gradual increase in cytoplasm/nucleus ratio and cell volume; (2) the presence of large numbers of mitochondria; (3) the appearance of granular endoplasmic reticulum and associated Golgi apparatus; (4) the production at the Golgi of small electron dense vitelline vesicles that fuse and eventually amalgamate into one large vitelline vesicle, filling most of the cell volume. actazool.org |
初生幼体的能量组成为:躯干占71.8%,脂肪体占19.4%,剩 余 卵黄 占 8. 8%。 actazool.org | Of all energy in the newly emerged hatchling, 71.8% was in the carcass, 19.4% in fat bodies [...] and 8.8% in the residual yolk. actazool.org |
此期也主要以外源性卵黄发生为主。 actazool.org | During this stage,the exta oocytic vitellogenic event took the most [...] important role in the yolk accumulation in oocytes. actazool.org |
胞质中靠近卵质周围有卵黄体的积极合成和大量的脂肪滴积累,在此阶段的后期,卵泡细胞质已基本吸收完毕,卵泡细胞膜和卵母细胞膜融合,某些界面已无膜结构。 actazool.org | Ooplasmic membrane was often completely fused with that of follicular cell or even was lost and almost materials were found in the follicular cell area in the final primary vitellogenesis. actazool.org |
外源性卵黄主要通过卵质膜的微吞饮活动从卵周隙或卵泡细胞中摄取外源物质来形成 [...] [动物学报 51(1): 133 -141,2005]。 actazool.org | Exogenous yolk formation was [...] carried out primarily by active microphagocytosis of the plasma membrane which uptook the exogenous [...]materials from the perivitelline space or follicular cells [Acta Zoologica Sinica 51(1): 133-141 , 2005]. actazool.org |
经过与其他动物卵黄发生 过程相比较,认为非哺乳脊椎动 物 卵黄 发 生 是卵母细胞在多种细胞器参与下整体活动的结果,不是经由单一的模式或途径形成,因此呈现发生上的多元化;不同物种 在 卵黄 发 生 中分别采取与各自相适应的模式或途径。 actazool.org | The development of oocytes in different species reveal different patterns, a result of differential expression of intracellular pathways during vitellogenesis. actazool.org |
卵黄发生后期在亲蟹孵出幼体后的第11 d至第27 d基本结束。 actazool.org | Secondary vitellogenic oocytes occurred on the [...] 11th day and finished on the 27th day after the gravious crab egg being hatched the first larvae. actazool.org |
用光镜和透射电镜观察了山溪鲵(Batrachuperus pinchonii)不同发育时期卵母细胞的显微与超微结构,特别注意了 与 卵黄 发 生 相关的细胞器变化。 actazool.org | The microstructure and ultrastructure of several different developmental stages of the oocytes of the salamander Batrachuperus pinchonii were observed. actazool.org |
结果表明,类核周体为线粒体、高尔基体、内质网等膜性细胞器聚集的场所;线粒体自身也可演变 成 卵黄 前 颗 粒,参与构 成 卵黄 小 板的成分;吞饮泡和髓样小体是卵母细胞利用外 源 卵黄 物 质 的中间媒介。 actazool.org | Vitellogenesis in nonmammalian verteberate species results from the harmonious activity of the ooplasm and the organelles. Vitellogenesis is the consequence of whole cell activity, therefore intracellular pathways involved in vitellogenesis are diverse rather than unitary. actazool.org |
24℃下胚胎从卵黄和卵壳吸收的总钙量小于其它温度条件下胚胎,与之相对应,24℃下孵出卵卵壳内残留较多的钙。 actazool.org | Embryos incorporated a lower [...] proportion of calcium from yolk and eggshell when [...]incubated at 24℃ than when incubated at other temperatures. actazool.org |
在卵黄发生 近结束以后,在卵母细胞的表面,逐步形成两层卵膜,这时的卵母细胞质中几乎充满 了 卵黄 体 和 脂肪滴。 actazool.org | In matured oocyte surface,two distinct layers were identified,the outer layer,which appears denser than inner layer,was formed by follicular cell,probably from the numerous fibrillar materials in the cytoplasm of the follicular cell of the final stage of secondary vitellogenesis;inner layer which was finer and more lucent was formed by oocyte itself. actazool.org |
由此可见,温和温度(27-30 ℃)可提高胚胎能量转化效率,促进胚胎 从 卵黄 和 卵 壳 吸 收较多的矿物质,有利于孵出发育良好的乌龟幼体 [动物学报52(1): [...] 21–27,2006]。 actazool.org | Therefore, in C. reevesii, moderate temperatures (27-30 ℃) may improve embryonic utilization of energy, promote [...] embryonic absorption of [...] minerals from the yolk and eggshell, and thus facilitate eggs to produce [...]well-developed hatchlings [...][Acta Zoologica Sinica 52(1): 21–27, 2006]. actazool.org |
其中数量众多的囊泡状粗面内质网是形成内源 性 卵黄 粒 的最主要的细胞器;部分线粒体参 与 卵黄 粒 的 合成并自身最终演变 为 卵黄 粒 ;丰富的游离核糖体合成了大量致密的蛋白质颗粒并在卵质中直接聚集融合成无膜 的 卵黄 粒 ; 溶酶体通过吞噬、消化内含物来形 成 卵黄 粒 和 脂滴,且方式多样;高尔基器不直接参与形 成 卵黄 粒。 actazool.org | Furthermore, large quantities of vesicular rough endoplasmic reticulum were the dominant organelles [...] which took part in the [...] endogenous yolk formation; some mitochondria participated in the endogenous yolk synthesizing and then developed into yolk granules directly; many free ribosomes synthesized numerous proteinous particles and formed yolk granules without membranes by aggregation and fusion of themselves; the lysosomes produced endogenous yolk granules by engulfing and digesting inclusions with various forms; the Golgi apparatus formed yolk granules indirectly. actazool.org |
采用常规孵化的中华鳖胚胎为材料,对不同发育时期造血和免疫器官进行了组织学研究, 描述了卵黄囊、 胸腺、肝、脾、肾以及骨髓的形态结构变化。 actazool.org | The ontogeny of hemopoietic and immune organs in the Chinese soft shelled turtle, Trionyx sinensis , was studied and the morphological characteristics of two to three embryos from each embryonic stage described with histological examination. actazool.org |
叶医生指出,新LSD1抑制剂的潜在临床应用包括以下项目:(1)它们可用作治疗恶性生殖细胞肿瘤,如畸胎瘤/(Teratoma/Teratocarcinomas)、胚胎癌、精原细胞瘤、绒毛膜癌 、 卵黄 囊 瘤。 hongkongstemcell.com | According to Dr Ye, the potential clinical applications of new LSD1 inhibitors include the following: (1) They can be used to treat malignant germ [...] cell tumors such as teratoma/teratocarcinomas, embryonic carcinomas, seminomas, [...] choriocarcinomas, and tumors of yolk sac. hongkongstemcell.com |
卵圆形雄球花腋生,黄,卵球形 的长圆形或椭圆形; 小孢子叶10-16,交互对生,其中每个3花粉囊。 flora.ac.cn | Pollen cones axillary, yellow, ovoid-oblong or [...] ellipsoid-ovoid; microsporophylls 10-16, decussate, each with 3 pollen sacs. flora.ac.cn |
雄花 正面的腺体,长卵形或倒卵形,1/2-2/3倍于苞片; 雄蕊2; [...] 花丝spacirca具短绒毛,约 * 倍于苞片; 花药黄,卵球形的长圆形。 flora.ac.cn | Male flower: gland adaxial, long ovate or obovate, [...] 1/2-2/3 as long as bract; stamens 2; filaments sparsely downy, ca. 3 × as long as [...] bracts; anthers yellow, ovoid-oblong. flora.ac.cn |
果黄色,椭圆形到卵球形 ,两端狭窄,表面通常粗糙且有柠檬味,通常先端有乳头状突起;果皮厚,难除去; [...] 瓢囊8-11果瓣,浅黄,酸。 flora.ac.cn | Fruit yellow, ellipsoid to ovoid, narrowed at [...] both ends, surface usually coarse and lemon scented, apex usually with a mammilla; [...]pericarp thick, difficult to remove; sarcocarp in 8-11 segments, pale yellow, acidic. flora.ac.cn |
叶对生(除数个叶在花序下面的互生之外),具短叶柄;叶片通常近直立,对银灰色,菱形卵形,或椭圆形到 倒 卵 状 披针 形 黄 带 绿色, 3-5 * 0.8-2.5 厘米,密被软鳞片在两面,基部渐狭,边缘全缘,先端钝或锐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves opposite (except several leaves beneath inflorescence alternate), [...] shortly petiolate; leaf blade [...] usually suberect, yellow-greenish to silver-gray, rhombic-ovate, or [...]elliptic to obovate-lanceolate, [...]3-5 × 0.8-2.5 cm, densely furfuraceous on both surfaces, base attenuate, margin entire, apex obtuse or acute. flora.ac.cn |
小穗椭圆形到卵形或近球形,2-3毫米 , 黄 , 棕 色,橙或紫色; 更低的颖片1/3-1/2倍于小穗; 关于倍于小穗的上面颖片,5-7(-9)脉,钝; 更低的外稃等于小穗,5-7脉; 狭窄的下部的内稃无的或,可达1/2的倍于外稃; 上面小花黄的或橙黄色,长圆形或卵 形 长 圆形,成熟时软骨质,落叶,好对平滑和发亮的具皱纹。 flora.ac.cn | Spikelets elliptic to ovate or subglobose, 2–3 mm, yellow, brown, orange or purple; lower glume 1/3–1/2 as long as spikelet; upper glume about as long as spikelet, 5–7(–9)-veined, obtuse; lower lemma equal to spikelet, 5–7-veined; lower palea absent or narrow, up to 1/2 as long as lemma; upper floret yellow or orange-yellow, oblong or ovate-oblong, cartilaginous, [...] deciduous at maturity, [...]finely rugose to smooth and shiny. flora.ac.cn |
小穗苍绿色,椭圆形到倒卵形,2.8-3毫米,无毛,锐尖; [...] 上面颖片和更低的外稃3脉的具laterals 边缘; 上面外稃黄绿色,卵形, 约2.5毫米,稍短于小穗,具微小点,钝。 flora.ac.cn | Spikelets pale green, elliptic to obovate, 2.8–3 mm, glabrous, acute; upper glume and lower [...] lemma 3-veined with laterals [...] marginal; upper lemma yellowish green, ovate, ca. 2.5 mm, [...]slightly shorter than spikelet, minutely punctate, obtuse. flora.ac.cn |
小穗4-6毫米,略带紫色的棕色或黄绿 色; 卵状披 针形,近等长的颖片,4-5毫米,下部颖片1脉,3脉,粗糙的上面颖片在上面背面和脉,先端渐尖上; [...] 胼胝体毛3/4-4/5段外稃; 外稃3-4(-5)毫米,顶具小齿; 芒生于更低的外稃的1/3,约3毫米,身体虚弱膝曲,稍微地扭曲; [...]内稃2/3的倍于外稃; 小穗轴1-1.5毫米,包括头发3-4毫米花药长约2毫米。 flora.ac.cn | Spikelets 4–6 mm, [...] purplish brown or yellowish green; glumes ovate-lanceolate, [...]subequal, 4–5 mm, lower glume 1-veined, upper [...]glume 3-veined, scabrid on upper back and veins, apex acuminate; callus hairs 3/4–4/5 length of lemma; lemma 3–4(–5) mm, apex denticulate; awn arising from lower 1/3 of lemma, ca. 3 mm, weakly geniculate, slightly twisted; palea 2/3 as long as lemma; rachilla 1–1.5 mm, including hairs 3–4 mm. flora.ac.cn |
叶子全部基生;托叶三角形; 叶柄5-19厘米,长硬毛状柔毛或疏生长柔毛; [...] 叶片正面在脉间或接近脉的角上通常 粉 黄 绿 到 白色, 斜 卵 形 或 近圆形, 5-20 * 4-13 厘米, 通常有角度地浅裂, [...] 背面的稀少或者适中多毛的在脉上,正面具柔毛,稀少被绒毛,或者非常稀少微糙,基部5或6脉,第三脉细,随机网状,基部深心形,边缘细齿或细圆齿,先端渐尖或锐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves all basal; stipules triangular; petiole 5-19 cm, hirsute-villous or sparsely villous; blade adaxially often pale [...] green to white on angles between [...] or near veins, obliquely ovate or suborbicular, 5-20 × [...]4-13 cm, often angularly shallowly [...]lobed, abaxially sparsely or moderately hirsute on veins, adaxially pilose, sparsely tomentose, or very sparsely scaberulous, basally 5- or 6-veined, tertiary veins fine, randomly reticulate, base deeply cordate, margin denticulate or crenulate, apex acuminate or acute. flora.ac.cn |