单词 | 卵母细胞 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 卵母细胞 —egg cellSee also:细胞 n—cytoplasm n 细胞—cell (biology)
蛋白磷酸酶抑制剂冈田酸可以克服CHX+A23187对小 鼠 卵母细胞 活 化 作用,并且部分阻止MAPK去磷酸化。 actazool.org | Egg activation induced by CHX+A23187 was suppressed by okadaic acid, and MAP kinase dephosphorylation was partially reversed as well. actazool.org |
低剂量hCG单独或与FSH共同存在,对CEO 卵母细胞 成 熟 及卵丘扩展均无明显影响;高剂量hCG可以部分抑制F SH 对 卵母细胞 成 熟 的促进作用。 actazool.org | Low doses of hCG failed to [...] affect the oocyte maturation and cumulus expansion of CEO, however, high doses of hCG could partially inhibit the oocyte maturation stimulated by FSH. actazool.org |
以后随着卵黄发生的进一步发展, 卵母细胞 与 卵 泡 细 胞的交界面逐步形成一个网状的膜结构屏障,同时在卵巢中可见正在降解 的 卵母细胞。 actazool.org | With the oocyte development,a membrane like net protective screen structure of the oocyte formed,which indicated the maturity of oocyte. actazool.org |
结果表明:FSH明显促进CEO卵母细胞成 熟 及卵丘扩展,而hCG却不具有此作用。 actazool.org | Our results indicate that, in the presence of HX, FSH stimulated significantly cumulus expansion and oocyte maturation of CEO. hCG had no stimulation effect on the oocyte meiotic resumption. actazool.org |
FSH可以明显促进次黄嘌呤(HX)抑制条件下的卵 丘 - 卵母细胞 复 合体 C E O 卵母细胞 成 熟 及卵丘扩展,其最佳作用剂量为100 IU/L,且FSH作用30分钟即可以使CEO获得恢复减数分裂的信息。 actazool.org | The results revealed that FSH stimulated oocyte resumption of meiosis and cumulus expansion of cumulus cell-enclosed oocyte(CEO)in the presence of 4 mol/L hypoxathine(HX), with maximal effect occurring at a dosage of 100 IU/L. The oocyte meiotic resumption could be induced by 30 min FSH presentation. actazool.org |
这说明推迟卵母细胞与激素接触时间可能提高体外成 熟 卵母细胞 的 质量和发育同步水平 [动物学报 49(1):86~90,2003]。 actazool.org | Together, these results indicate that a delayed exposure of porcine COCs to gonadotropins led to an improved quality and a more synchronized development of oocytes matured in vitro [Acta Zoologica Sinica 49(1):86-90, 2003]. actazool.org |
结果证明牦牛卵泡和卵母细胞不同发育时期的结构变化与其它哺乳动物的基本相似 [动物学报51(6): 1050–1057,2005 ]。 actazool.org | The structural modulation of the [...] follicular cells and oocytes during the [...]development of the follicle in yaks is similar [...]with other mammalians[Acta Zoologica Sinica 51(6): 1050–1057,2005]. actazool.org |
虽然排卵前的促黄体素(LH)峰诱导 卵母细胞 减 数分裂恢复已成定论,但是参与该事件的各种过程非常复杂,因而还没有完全确定。 actazool.org | The induction of oocyte meiotic resumption by the preovulatory luteinizing hormone (LH) surge is well established, however the processes involved are complex and inadequately defined. actazool.org |
第一种假说认为,LH对颗粒细胞的刺激作用终止减数分裂抑制因子流 向 卵母细胞 , 从而 使 卵母细胞 隔 离 这些抑制因子并进而促使减数分裂恢复,第二种假设认为LH刺激颗粒细胞产生一种减数分裂诱导信号,该信号进而克服或者破坏减数分裂抑制因子的作用。 actazool.org | The second hypothesis is that LH stimulates the generation of a meiosis inducing signal by the granulosa cells that overcomes or destroys the meiosis arresting factor(s). actazool.org |
在HX存在的条件下,FSH处理后10 hr,CEO卵丘明显扩展,而生发泡破裂(GVBD)则在16~20 hr明显增加,所有卵丘未扩展的CEO中 卵母细胞 均 未发生GVBD。 actazool.org | By 10 hr after FSH treatment, cumulus cells had already apparently expanded, whereas the significant increase of GVBD did not appear until 16~20 hr in culture. actazool.org |
经过与其他动物卵黄发生过程相比较,认为非哺乳脊椎动物卵黄发生 是 卵母细胞 在 多 种细胞器参与下整体活动的结果,不是经由单一的模式或途径形成,因此呈现发生上的多元化;不同物种在卵黄发生中分别采取与各自相适应的模式或途径。 actazool.org | The development of oocytes in different species reveal different patterns, a result of differential expression of intracellular pathways during vitellogenesis. actazool.org |
用光镜和透射电镜观察了山溪鲵(Batrachuperus pinchonii)不同发育时期卵母细胞的显 微与超微结构,特别注意了与卵黄发生相关的细胞器变化。 actazool.org | The microstructure and ultrastructure of several different developmental stages of the oocytes of the salamander Batrachuperus pinchonii were observed. actazool.org |
后者其特征是在卵母细胞的表 面,有大量的胞饮小泡出现在卵膜的内面,随着两细胞表面膜的逐步融合和胞饮作用加强最后形成链锁状结构。 actazool.org | In the late primary vitellogenesis,a ball and chain structure formed in the interface of oocytes and follicular cells surface because of pinocytotic role and the fuse of two cell membranes,intercellular space of oocyte appeared containing materials that resemble the pinocytotic vesicle. actazool.org |
受精膜举起后,由次级卵母细胞排放 出第二极体。 actazool.org | After fertilization membrane was lifted, the secondary egg emitted the second polar body into the perivitelline space. actazool.org |
结果表明,类核周体为线粒体、高尔基体、内质网等膜性细胞器聚集的场所;线粒体自身也可演变成卵黄前颗粒,参与构成卵黄小板的成分;吞饮泡和髓样小体 是 卵母细胞 利 用 外源卵黄物质的中间媒介。 actazool.org | Vitellogenesis in nonmammalian verteberate species results from the harmonious activity [...] of the ooplasm and the [...] organelles. Vitellogenesis is the consequence of whole cell activity, therefore intracellular pathways involved [...]in vitellogenesis [...]are diverse rather than unitary. actazool.org |
卵泡细胞与卵母细胞间其 膜结构完全消失,从而可使滤泡大片细胞质直接融 入 卵母细胞 中。 actazool.org | There was nearly no membrane structure between the follicular cells and subjacent oocytes,so that large amount of materials of the follicular cell near the oocyte could be directly taken into the oocyte and stored as yolk bodies and lipid droplets. actazool.org |
在卵黄发生近结束以后,在卵母细胞的 表面,逐步形成两层卵膜,这时 的 卵母细胞 质 中 几乎充满了卵黄体和脂肪滴。 actazool.org | In matured oocyte surface,two distinct layers were identified,the outer layer,which appears denser than inner layer,was formed by follicular cell,probably from the numerous fibrillar materials in the cytoplasm of the follicular cell of the final stage of secondary vitellogenesis;inner layer which was finer and more lucent was formed by oocyte itself. actazool.org |
前者特征为:在卵母细胞中充 满了内质网泡,在泡内有不同程度的卵黄物质合成,此时 在 卵母细胞 的 表 面区域,可见很多卵泡 细 胞 向 卵母细胞 表 面 迁移,并包 围 卵母细胞。 actazool.org | In the former stage,it was [...] found the follicular cells showed significant streaming movement towards the surface of oocytes and gradually surrounded the oocyte membranes,there were little structural evidence of pinocytotic activity at the oolemma follicular cells interface,demonstrated vitellogenic autonomy. actazool.org |
随着卵母细胞的继续发育,透明带增厚,微绒毛由粗短变为细长,密度增加;皮质颗粒、线粒体、滑面内质网等细胞器的数目不断增加,并逐渐移行到质膜下;在移行的过程中,皮质颗粒成团存在。 actazool.org | With the [...] development of oocytes, microvilli [...]became long and the zona pellucida became thicker. The number of mitochondria, [...]smooth endoplasmic reticulum and cortical granules all increased and they moved to the cortical region gradually. actazool.org |
胞质中靠近卵质周围有卵黄体的积极合成和大量的脂肪滴积累,在此阶段的后期,卵泡细胞质已基本吸收完毕,卵泡 细 胞 膜 和 卵母细胞 膜 融 合,某些界面已无膜结构。 actazool.org | Ooplasmic membrane was often completely fused with that of follicular cell or even was lost and almost materials were found in the follicular cell area in the final primary vitellogenesis. actazool.org |
大卵泡的颗粒细胞凋亡比例(平均11.2%)在发情周期各阶段无显著差异,均显著低于中等卵泡和小卵泡。 actazool.org | The apoptotic cell [...] proportion in large follicles (11.2% on average) [...]showed little change over the cycle, but was significantly [...]lower than that in small or medium follicles at the same stage of the cycle. actazool.org |
中等卵泡的颗粒细胞凋亡 比例(平均16.6%)在发情前期显著低于其它各期。 actazool.org | The percentage of [...] apoptotic granulosa cells in medium sized [...]follicles (16.6% on average) was markedly lower at proestrus than at other stages. actazool.org |
古巴 的眼科医疗机构无法开展通过外科显微镜进行的瞳 孔温热疗法,治疗患视网膜母细胞瘤 — —亦即患视网 膜癌——的儿童。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cuban ophthalmologic [...] services cannot perform transpupillary thermotherapy, which [...]is done through a surgical microscope, to treat children suffering from retinoblastoma, that is, cancer of the retina. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果父母双方 均受糖尿病的影响,这种风险会上升到60%;如果后代为 同 卵 双 胞 胎 , 则风险会上升到90%。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | This risk increases to 60% if both parents are affected; the risk goes up to 90% for identical twins. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
这些样本包括血清、许多组织样本、 人 卵 子 和 其它 单 细胞 以 及 任何含有少量或片段化的DNA或RNA。 china.labmedica.com | These include serum, many tissue [...] specimens, human eggs and other single cells, and any sample [...]containing small or fragmented amounts of DNA or RNA. labmedica.com |
为探讨猪发情周期不同时期卵泡发育和闭锁的规律及机理,本实验通过TUNEL原位标记、H.E. [...] 染色以及放射免疫测定等手段研究了猪发情周期不同阶段卵巢表面各类卵泡数量的变化、各 类 卵 泡 中颗 粒 细胞 的 凋 亡比例、闭锁卵泡的形态变化以及发情周期各阶段血清孕酮及雌二醇水平的变化等问题。 actazool.org | TUNEL labeling, H. E. staining and other techniques were used to elucidate the pattern of follicular development, atresia, changes in follicle [...] number on the ovarian surface, [...] proportions of apoptotic granulosa cells in follicles of [...]different sizes and morphological changes [...]of atretic follicles, as well as changes in serum estradiel and progesterone levels at different stages of the porcine estrous cycle. actazool.org |
T2(议员)的被跳动的磁场 (PMF)利用一个已经广泛地在不同的医疗开始 [...] Angiogenesis(neo 由脉管形成),引起纤维母细胞的增 殖的申请中被证明的非热的机制,和综合新胶原蛋白。 venus-concept.com | The Pulsed Magnetic Fields (PMF) of the (MP)² utilize a non-thermal mechanism that has been widely proved in different medical [...] applications to initiate Angiogenesis (neo vascularity), cause [...] proliferation of fibroblasts, and to synthesize [...]new collagen. venus-concept.com |