

单词 卵形体

See also:


egg-shaped (leaves in botany)


form and structure


bodily form

External sources (not reviewed)

果近圆形或卵形体,背 压缩,无毛;背棱突出,侧棱宽翅;油管3-5在每棱槽,4-10在合生面上。
Fruit suborbicular or broad-ovoid, dorsally compressed, [...]
glabrous; dorsal ribs prominent, lateral ribs broad-winged; vittae
3–5 in each furrow, 4–10 on commissure.
小坚卵形体,3-4毫米; 正面稍凹,具紧密的钩毛; 边缘的钩毛合流河的基部,以及#177; [...]
形成一个翅膀; 附件痕在中部以上abaxi 联合,三角形。
Nutlets ovoid, 3-4 mm; adaxially [...]
slightly concave, with dense glochids; base of marginal glochids confluent, ± forming a
wing; attachment scar above middle abaxi-ally, triangular.
Fruit cylindric-ovoid, ca. 3 cm, glabrous [...]
when mature, lenticellate; persistent sepals reflexed.
卵形体,约2×1.8毫米,侧面棱槽比背侧宽;突出的棱,疣的有点; [...]
Young fruit ovoid, ca. 2 × 1.8 mm, [...]
lateral furrows wider than the dorsal; ribs prominent, somewhat verucose; vittae 3 in each furrow, 4 on commissure.
蒴果浆果状卵形体或近球形, 2-2.5 * 1.5-2 厘米,成熟时红色黄到紫色,不裂,或干燥时3瓣裂的;假种皮白色。
Capsules baccate, ovoid or subglobose, 2-2.5 [...]
× 1.5-2 cm, red-yellow to purple when mature, indehiscent, or 3-valved when dry; arils white.
雌花序1,或多数在一总状花序或圆锥花序 卵形体 或 椭圆形,球果状; 苞片多数,重叠,木质,宿存,先端5,每苞片对着2花。
Female inflorescence 1, or 2-numerous in a
[...] raceme or panicle, ovoid or ellipsoid, conelike; [...]
bracts numerous, overlapping, woody,
persistent, apex 5-lobulate, each bract subtending 2 flowers.
或更多孤独的球果通常对生在节上,无梗或有花序梗 卵形体 对 成 熟时, 8-11 * 6-10 毫米; [...]
苞片在(2或)3 对,顶端对合生达3/4-8/9其长度,成熟时红色和肉质; 珠被筒部不到1毫米,直。
Seed cones solitary or more often opposite at nodes, sessile
[...] or pedunculate, ovoid to subglobse at [...]
maturity, 8-11 × 6-10 mm; bracts in (2 or)3
pairs, apical pair connate for 3/4-8/9 their length, red and fleshy at maturity; integument tube less than 1 mm, straight.
卵形体,很 少具不明显的5角,不具瘤。
Fruit ovoid, rarely obscurely [...]
5-angled, not tuberculate.
蒴果狭窄和长卵形体,约 3 * 1-1.2 厘米,陡峭渐减至先端,具2 [...]
Capsule narrow and long ovoid, ca. 3 × 1-1.2 [...]
cm, steeply tapering to apex, with 2 vertical grooves.
Trees ca. 5 m. Branchlets puberulent, later
[...] glabrescent; buds ovoid, densely brown [...]
雌花 花萼4-8 放高球; 花瓣4-8;退化雄蕊箭头形或者心形,与花瓣同数,与花瓣互生,花瓣上着生;子房上位 卵形体 , 4-8(-10)室,很少被短柔毛;花柱很少发育;柱头头状,盘状,或者柱状。
Female flowers: calyx 4-8-lobed; petals 4-8; staminodes sagittate or cordate, isomerous, alternating with petals, epipetalous; ovary superior, ovoid, 4-8(-10)-loculed, rarely pubescent; style rarely developed; stigma capitate, discoid, or columnar.
雌花:花梗2-15毫米;萼片5,椭圆形到卵形,1-1.5毫米,近全缘,1脉,后面具龙骨状隆起;花盘小盘状,全缘或近全缘;子 卵形体 , (2 或者3室; 花柱1-1.8毫米,基部离生或合生,直立或下弯。
Female flowers: pedicels 2-15 mm; sepals 5, elliptic to ovate, 1-1.5 mm, subentire, 1-veined and
carinate on back; disk patelliform, entire or
[...] subentire; ovary ovoid, (2 or)3-locular; [...]
styles 1-1.8 mm, free or connate at base, erect or recurved.
雄花:花梗7-10毫米;卵形体,长 约2毫米; 萼裂片卵形, 3-3.5 * 2-3 毫米,先端锐尖,背面的被星状绒毛,正面无毛; [...]
花瓣狭的长圆形匙形, 6-8 * 约2毫米,钝,无毛,淡黄白色;花盘腺体浅的3裂;雄蕊15-20; 内部花丝合生为毛柱状,长约4毫米;离生的花丝长约的1毫米,被微柔毛。
Male flowers: pedicels
[...] 7-10 mm; buds ovoid, ca. 2 mm; calyx lobes ovate, 3-3.5 [...]
× 2-3 mm, apex acute, abaxially stellate-tomentose,
adaxially glabrous; petals narrowly oblong-spatulate, 6-8 × ca. 2 mm, obtuse, glabrous, yellowish white; disk glands shallowly 3-lobed; stamens 15-20; inner filaments connate into hairy column, ca. 4 mm; free filaments ca. 1 mm, puberulent.
叶柄7-12(-22)毫米,密被绒毛,疏生具柄 体; 叶片卵形圆形到宽卵形或倒形, 4 -12 * 3-9 厘米,纸质,具柄腺体幼时,密被绒毛,正面疏生短柔毛特别是沿脉,基部心形,边缘不规则和重锯齿, 侧脉5-7在中脉两边各。
Petiole 7-12(-22) mm, densely tomentose, sparsely stipitate glandular; leaf blade ovate-orbicular to broadly ovate or obovate, 4-12 × 3-9 cm, papery, abaxially stipitate glandular when young, densely tomentose, adaxially sparsely pubescent especially along veins, base cordate, margin irregularly and doubly serrate, apex abruptly acuminate from suborbicular, apical portion of leaf; lateral veins 5-7 on each side of midvein.
一家重視形象和品牌效應的企業,根本不會鼓勵他們的營 銷部門做出這些破壞公形象的 行為,因為這些手法無疑是殺雞 卵 , 非常 愚蠢。
A company that attaches importance to the prestige associated with its brand name will by no means encourage its marketing department to take this kind of action that would damage the image of
their company, as such practices
[...] are tantamount to killing the goose that lays golden eggs, which is extremely foolish.
叶2或3羽状复叶(上面叶通常单生);叶柄2-15厘米; 小叶柄1-5毫米; 小叶3-9 每羽片,卵形, 1-3.5 * 1-2 厘米,膜体,背 面在脉上稍具柔毛到脱落无毛, 正面无毛到有点具柔毛粗糙, [...]
次脉4或者5 对,近明显, 第三脉近明显背面,基部心形到钝,边缘深锐裂和重锯齿(齿具刚毛,渐尖),顶生小叶先端长渐尖,侧生小叶通常钝。
Leaves 2- or 3-pinnately compound (upper leaves often simple); petiole 2-15 cm;
petiolules 1-5 mm; leaflets 3-9
[...] per pinna, broadly ovate, 1-3.5 × 1-2 cm, membranous, abaxially slightly [...]
pilose to glabrescent
on veins, adaxially glabrous to slightly pilose-scabrid, secondary veins 4 or 5 pairs, subconspicuous, tertiary veins subconspicuous abaxially, base cordate to obtuse, margin deeply incised and biserrate (teeth setose, acuminate), apex of terminal leaflets long acuminate, lateral leaflets often obtuse.
叶具小叶3-5(-11); 小叶叶片卵形,椭圆形,或有时 卵形, ( 2-)4-9(-20) * (1-)2-3.5(-7) 厘米, 油体多数 , 中脉正面平或凹陷,被微柔毛,网状细脉干时稍具脊,基部对称,边缘圆齿,具或不具刺,先端钝,圆,具短尖头或渐尖,通常顶微凹。
Leaves 3-5(-11)-foliolate; leaflet blades ovate,
[...] elliptic, or sometimes obovate, (2-)4-9(-20) × (1-)2-3.5(-7) cm, oil glands numerous, midvein adaxially [...]
plane or
impressed and puberulent, reticulate veinlets slightly ridged when dry, base symmetric, margin crenate and with or without spines, apex blunt, rounded, mucronate, or acuminate, usually with a retuse tip.
[...] 更在低处狭披针形的颖片,龙骨最拥挤的地方,; 上面颖片椭圆形到狭倒卵形,龙骨状平滑,延长成为一粗壮粗糙1/2长度的颖片 体 - 2 次; 卵形的外 稃,2.6-4毫米,龙骨状囊状,在中部以上,通常延长成为一粗壮尖突; 等于飞行的外稃,龙骨,具短缘毛的翼,2齿状的信息的内稃。
Spikelets broadly ovate, 3–4.5 mm, florets 3–4; lower glume narrowly lanceolate, keel thick,
hispidulous; upper glume
[...] elliptic to narrowly obovate, keel smooth, extended into a stout scabrid awn 1/2–2 times length of glume body; lemmas ovate, 2.6–4 mm, [...]
keel gibbous, hispidulous
above middle, often extended into a stout cusp; palea equal to lemma, keels winged, wings ciliolate, tip 2-toothed.
卵状披针形的托叶,2-4厘米,边缘全缘,先端锐尖; 叶柄3-5厘米,具或杯状体; 宽卵形的到近圆形叶片, 7-13 * 5-15 厘米,膜质,无毛,侧脉8-12 [...]
Stipules ovate-lanceolate, 2-4 cm, margin entire, apex acute;
petiole 3-5 cm, with 2 or 3 pairs
[...] of cupular glands; leaf blade broadly ovate to suborbicular, [...]
7-13 × 5-15 cm, membranous,
glabrous, lateral veins 8-12 pairs, tertiary veins somewhat prominent, base rounded to truncate, margin entire, apex acute.
托叶钻形,2-3毫米,早落;2-4厘米的叶柄,先端或基部的中脉具2柄和杯状 体 ; 叶 片 卵形 , 卵 状 椭 圆形,或者长圆形, 4-10 * 2-6 厘米,正面的毛逐渐的脱落,但是宿存毛粗糙,基部圆形到稍心形,边缘不清楚地有细锯齿,在齿之间有时具腺,先端钝到短渐尖;基部脉3(-5),侧脉(3或)4或5。
Petiole 2-4 cm, apex or base of midrib with 2 stalked and cupular glands; leaf blade ovate, ovate-elliptic, or oblong, 4-10 × 2-6 cm, adaxial hairs gradually deciduous, but persistent hairs rugged, base rotund to slightly cordate, margins obscurely serrulate, sometimes glandular between teeth, apex obtuse to shortly acuminate; basal veins 3(-5), lateral veins (3 or)4 or 5.
通过开花期早落的基生叶; 0.7张-6厘米的基部和下部茎生叶具叶柄,背面和稍微棕色具长柔毛或具腺具长柔毛; 叶片心形心形到卵形, 1.6-4.5 * 1.1-3.2
[...] 上部茎生叶具叶柄1-10毫米,棕色体 具 长 柔毛,叶 卵形 到 披 针形, 1.3-3.2 * 0.5-1.7 厘米,背面和稍微具腺柔毛,正面无毛或具腺柔毛,基部楔形或圆形,先端锐尖或近渐尖; [...] [...]
Basal leaves caducous by anthesis; basal and proximal cauline leaves with petiole 0.7-6 cm, abaxially and marginally brown villous or glandular villous; leaf blade cordate to ovate-cordate, 1.6-4.5 × 1.1-3.2 cm, abaxially and marginally brown villous or glandular villous, base cordate, apex acute; distal cauline leaves
with petiole 1-10 mm, brown
[...] glandular villous, leaf blade ovate to lanceolate, 1.3-3.2 × [...]
0.5-1.7 cm, abaxially and marginally
glandular pilose, adaxially glabrous or glandular pilose, base cuneate or rounded, apex acute or subacuminate; most distal cauline leaf glandular villous and shortly glandular hairy at margin.
持续的两性物种中有同性大个体,捕捞这些大 体 影 响 产 卵 成 功
Sequential hermaphroditic species may have large individuals of the same sex and their
[...] sustained removal can affect spawning success.
经社会了解到太平洋小岛屿国家为保护生物多样性和维系生态系统服 务能力而出台的各种举措,诸如太平洋最大的海洋保护区——基里巴斯的菲 尼克斯群岛保护区、以及涵盖亚太区域若干国家的珊瑚礁三角区倡议——这
[...] 一地区拥有世界最大面积的红树林,提供了金枪鱼和其他全球重要鱼种卵 和幼体生长的重要区域。
The Commission was informed of initiatives that were being undertaken by Pacific island developing countries to protect biodiversity and the maintenance of ecosystem services, such as the Phoenix Islands Protected Area in Kiribati, the largest marine protected area in the Pacific Ocean, and the Coral Triangle Initiative, which covered a number of countries in the Asia-Pacific region, included the greatest extent
of mangrove forests in the world and
[...] provided a critical spawning and juvenile growth [...]
area for tuna and other globally significant fish species.
托叶约1.5毫米,早落; 叶柄3.5-9.5厘米; 叶卵形的或长卵形,很少椭圆形, 8-22 * 4-11 厘米, 正面几乎不发亮, 背面具苍白乳突, 每面从边缘具3-12腺体,基部的明显增大,基部锐尖到钝,很少渐狭或心形,不为耳状,边缘全缘,先端渐尖;中脉的背面突起,10-16对侧脉。
Stipules ca. 1.5 mm, caducous; petioles 3.5-9.5 cm; leaf blade ovate or long ovate, rarely elliptic, 8-22 × 4-11 cm, adaxially hardly shining, abaxially pale papillate, with 3-12 glands per side from margin, basal ones distinctly enlarged, base acute to obtuse, rarely attenuate or cordate, not auriculate, margins entire, apex acuminate; midvein elevated abaxially, lateral veins 10-16 pairs.
叶柄1-3厘米,纤细,短柔毛,具长柔毛,具柄 体; 叶卵形,长 圆形,或长圆形倒卵形, 6-12 * 4-9 厘米,背面的具柔毛的特别是沿脉,正面具柔毛或无毛,基部心形,边缘不规则和有粗锯齿,浅裂在中部以上,先端短尖的渐尖的或尾状; 侧脉9或10在中脉两边各。
Petiole 1-3 cm, slender, pubescent, villous, stipitate glandular; leaf blade broadly ovate, oblong, or oblong-obovate, 6-12 × 4-9 cm, abaxially pilose especially along veins, adaxially pilose or glabrous, base cordate, margin irregularly and coarsely serrate, lobed above middle, apex mucronate-acuminate or caudate; lateral veins 9 or 10 on each side of midvein.
茎粗壮,对6米叶柄来说攀援厘米,粗壮,具群正面 体; 叶片卵形或卵形长圆 形,8-17和#215; 4-6.5厘米,干燥时革质,基部圆形,先端锐尖的或短渐尖; [...]
Stems stout, climbing to 6 m. Petiole 1-2 cm, stout, with a group
[...] of adaxial glands; leaf blade ovate or ovate-oblong, 8-17 [...]
× 4-6.5 cm, leathery when dry,
base rounded, apex acute or short acuminate; lateral veins 5 or 6 pairs, elevated, arcuate ascending, anastomosing near margin.
在卵黄发生近结束以后,在卵母细胞的表面,逐 形 成 两 层 卵 膜 ,这 时的卵母细胞质中几乎充满 卵 黄 体 和 脂 肪滴。
In matured oocyte surface,two distinct layers were identified,the outer
layer,which appears denser than
[...] inner layer,was formed by follicular cell,probably from the numerous fibrillar materials in the cytoplasm of the follicular cell of the final stage of secondary vitellogenesis;inner layer which was finer and more lucent was formed by oocyte itself.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和
[...] 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视形成恶 性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治体制决 策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services,
employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police
[...] violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack [...]
of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
其中数量众多的囊泡状粗面内质网是形成内源性卵黄粒的最主要的细胞器;部分线 体 参 与 卵黄粒的合成并自身最终演变为卵黄粒;丰富的游离核糖体合成了大量致密的蛋白质颗粒并在卵质中直接聚集融合成无膜的卵黄粒;溶 体 通 过 吞噬、消化内含物 形 成 卵 黄 粒 和脂滴,且方式多样;高尔基器不直接参与形成卵黄粒。
Furthermore, large quantities of vesicular rough endoplasmic reticulum were the dominant organelles which took part in the endogenous yolk formation; some mitochondria participated in the endogenous yolk synthesizing and then developed into yolk granules directly;
many free ribosomes synthesized
[...] numerous proteinous particles and formed yolk granules without membranes by aggregation and fusion of themselves; the lysosomes produced endogenous yolk granules by engulfing and digesting inclusions with various forms; the Golgi apparatus formed yolk granules indirectly.
叶柄1-2.5厘米,先端具2柄体; 叶片卵形,很少卵状椭圆形, 8-12 * 4.5-6.5 [...]
Petiole 1-2.5 cm, apex
[...] with 2 stalked glands; leaf blade ovate, rarely [...]
ovate-elliptic, 8-12 × 4.5-6.5 cm, thinly leathery,
both surfaces densely stellate-tomentose when young, abaxially persistent, adaxially later sparsely so, base rounded, rarely broadly cuneate, margin subentire, apex acuminate; basal veins (3-)5, lateral veins 2-4, arcuately ascending, anastomosing near margins.




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