

单词 卵巢的

See also:

卵巢 pl

uterus pl


nest n

surname Chao

External sources (not reviewed)

本实验的结果提示:小鼠巢囊淋巴孔的大小、分布都与金仓鼠、豚 的卵巢 囊 淋巴孔有一定的差异,其淋巴孔的物质吸收功能具有时间依赖性。
In addition, some
[...] closed lymphatic stomata were observed on the ovary bursa, which suggested that the stomata might [...]
be regulated in physiological condition.
[...] 于受辐射个体的生殖器官(男性的睾丸和女 的卵巢 ) 中 的 生 殖细胞(精子和卵 子)中 DNA 的损伤。
Whereas the cancer-related effects of irradiation arise in the organs of people directly exposed, heritable effects originate from damage to the DNA of germ
cells (sperm and eggs) in the reproductive organs
[...] (testes in males and ovaries in females) of these [...]
exposed individuals.
當然 , 母乳不 只 對 初 生 嬰 兒 有 許 多 優 點 , 對 母 親 亦然,例如 已 有 證 據 顯 示
[...] 餵哺母乳可減低 母 親 產後流 血 、 患 乳癌卵巢癌的 機 會
Of course, breast-feeding is not only beneficial to the baby, it also does good to the mother; there
is evidence showing that breast-feeding can reduce the chance of post-partem
[...] bleeding, breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
中心目前提供乳癌卵巢癌的臨床 及支援服務。
In the initial stage, the Centre will focus on clinical and support
[...] services for breast and ovarian cancer.
这是附着在扇贝的闭壳肌的卵巢, 在冬季是最可口的。
As expected, the ingredients are all fresh and
they offer plenty of ingredients only found in Aomori,
[...] such as scallop eggs shown in the photo, [...]
which is best in winter.
与其它利用低温生境或利用温暖生境但 卵 于 浅 巢的 有 鳞类爬行动物相比较,蜡皮蜥有相对较高但较窄适宜的卵孵化温度。
C. Compared with results reported for other squamate reptiles either from
cool habitats or from warm habitats but
[...] depositing eggs in shallow nests, temperatures [...]
suitable for egg incubation are relatively high but narrow in
卵巢和子宫癌的症状 可能包括月经周期不规则,推迟或者延迟,或者在经期间或更年期后出血。
Symptoms of ovarian and uterine cancers [...]
can include menstruation that is irregular, delayed, or prolonged, or bleeding in
between periods or after menopause.
一项在接受助孕治疗妇女中进行的新的研究显示,妇 的卵巢 会 因 为老化而失去修复DNA双股破裂的能力。
A new study in women undergoing fertility procedures
[...] shows that eggs in a woman’s ovaries lose the ability [...]
to repair DNA double-strand breaks with age.
此外,在繁殖方面,该系统能检测95%以 的卵巢 病 理 以及所有产后发情,这些都是影响牛群繁殖性能的重要因素。
Also on the reproduction side, the system detects
[...] more than 95% of ovarian pathologies and [...]
all anoestrous postpartum, events that impact
on the fertility performance of the herd.
這 些事故包括一名初生嬰兒在分娩期間意外墮地的事故16
[...] ,以及 一宗涉及一名病人在一間私營醫院接受取卵手術後需要進行 切卵巢手術的延誤呈報個案。
These incidents included the accidental fall of a newborn baby during delivery16 , and the delayed reporting of a
medical incident involving a patient who had to undergo surgical
[...] removal of her ovary after an oocyte pick-up procedure.
鲨鱼软骨被用于制作多种药品,制成粉、膏和胶囊,鲨 的 其 他 部分也同 样用于制药,例卵巢、脑、皮和胃。
Shark cartilage is utilized in many pharmaceutical
preparations and reduced in powder, creams
[...] and capsules, as are other parts of sharks, e.g. ovaries, brain, skin and stomach.
为探讨猪发情周期不同时期卵泡发育和闭锁的规律及机理,本实验通过TUNEL原位标记、H.E. 染色以及放射免疫测定等手段研究了猪发情周期不同阶 卵巢 表 面各 类 卵 泡 数 量 的 变 化 、各类卵泡中颗粒细胞的凋亡比例、闭锁卵 的 形 态变化以及发情周期各阶段血清孕酮及雌二醇水平的变化等问题。
TUNEL labeling, H. E. staining and other techniques were used to elucidate
the pattern of
[...] follicular development, atresia, changes in follicle number on the ovarian surface, proportions of apoptotic granulosa cells in follicles [...]
of different sizes
and morphological changes of atretic follicles, as well as changes in serum estradiel and progesterone levels at different stages of the porcine estrous cycle.
更年期表示作为一个女人的年龄激 的 变 化 ,是 卵巢 功 能从旺盛状态逐渐衰退到完全消失的一个过渡时期。
Menopause indicates a change in hormones as a woman ages.
花序顶生,下垂,一种伞形花序的圆锥花序; 主轴3-6厘米; 二级轴5-10,向基部,上部的星散形成一顶生伞形花序,20-60厘米; 每二级轴第三轴8-12,在1-3轮内,(1.5-)3-12厘米;1-2厘米的花序梗,具两性花的顶生伞形花序和通常1(或2) 雄花的侧生伞形花的;花梗4-10毫 卵巢 3 - 或 者 (或者5)具心皮的4; 花柱离生近基部,下弯在果期。
Inflorescence terminal, pendent, a panicle of umbels; primary axis 3-6 cm; secondary axes 5-10, scattered toward base, upper ones forming a terminal umbel, 20-60 cm; tertiary axes 8-12 per secondary axis, grouped in 1-3 ver- ticils, (1.5-)3-12 cm; peduncles 1-2 cm, with a terminal umbel of bisexual flowers and often 1(or 2) lateral umbels of staminate flowers; pedicels 4-10 mm.
虽然还需要进行进一步的测试, 但Zick和研究报告的作者还是对其前景感到欢欣鼓舞,“我 的 初 步 研究成果表明生姜 卵巢 癌 病人可能具有显 的 治 疗 效果”。
Although further testing is needed, Zick and the study’s authors are
excited about its prospects: “Our
[...] preliminary results indicate that ginger may have significant therapeutic benefit for ovarian cancer patients.
月经疯狂应付了由剖腹术和双边“正 卵巢 切 开”,但是Charcot,与 的 歇 斯 底里的公开示范在妇女在19世纪70年代,强调了他的信仰多数精神病在妇女起因于女性外在生殖器的反常性或励磁。
Menstrual madness was dealt with by laparotomy and bilateral “normal ovariotomy” but Charcot, with his public demonstrations of hysteria in women in the 1870s, emphasized his belief that most mental disease in women resulted from abnormalities or excitation of the female external genitalia.
河豚毒素是一种毒性强的海洋 生物毒素, 存在于魨形科鱼类体内,并集中 卵巢 ( 卵 子 ) 、鱼肝、鱼肠及鱼皮。
Tetrodotoxin is a potent neurotoxin
[...] found in fish of the family Tetraodontidae, and concentrated in the ovaries (eggs), liver, guts and the skin.
这项多中心研究的主要目标是评估OVA1对于适用人群的效果,重点是两类难度特别大的人群:一类是早期卵巢癌妇女,她们中约有一半人CA125水平正常,另一类是绝经前妇女,她 的卵巢 癌 发病率低,而良性囊肿的发病率高。
The primary objective of the multicenter study was to assess the performance of OVA1 in the intended use population with a focus on two particularly challenging subgroups: women with early-stage ovarian cancer, where approximately half of patients have a normal
CA125 level, and premenopausal women, where
[...] the incidence of ovarian cancer is low [...]
and incidence of benign cysts is high.
深入研究显示,LSD1抑制剂也可用来抑制许多癌症干细胞 的 细 胞 ,如乳癌 卵巢 癌。
Further studies indicated that LSD1 inhibitors can also be used to inhibit many cancer stem
[...] cell-like cells such as breast and ovarian cancers.
临床如遇可疑情况都应借助于影像学检查和肿瘤标记物检查及早作出诊断。所谓可疑情况包括:较 的卵巢 功 能障碍,长期不明原因的消化道或泌尿道症状,幼女卵巢增大或绝经后触及卵巢,以及卵巢瘤迅速增大,变硬等等。
Imaging examinations and tumor marker examination should perform to detect ovarian cancer if any following
suspicious conditions occur:
[...] long lasting ovarian dysfunction, abnormal symptoms of enteron or urinary tract without obvious cause for long time, increasing ovary of young [...]
girl or palpable ovaries
after menopause, rapid increase and hardening of ovaries.
乳腺癌、宫颈癌、子宫癌卵巢癌占 2004 年所有恶性肿瘤 新病的 18%,占癌症死的 13%。
Cancers of the breast,
[...] cervix, uterus and ovaries accounted for 18 per cent of all new cases of malignant neoplasms in 2004 and for 13 per cent of the deaths [...]
from cancer.
从青春期到更年期开始卵巢会产 生雌激素(雌性荷尔蒙 的 一 种 )。
From puberty to the onset of menopause, the ovaries produce estrogen, one of the female [...]
雌性尖头斜齿鲨肝油22:6ω3的含量随着性腺的发育而逐渐增加,妊娠早期达到最高值(49.7±4.04,n=5),显著高于未成熟期个体(25.7±0.64,n=3) 卵巢 发 育期个体(33.3±3.46,n=4),妊娠结束期肝油22 :6 ω 3 的 含 量 显著下降(25.6±8.08,n=3),提示 22:6ω3在尖头斜齿鲨胚胎的生长发育中可能起了重要作用。
Contents of 22:6ω3 in the liver oils in female increased during the development of the fish and reached maximun at the pre-gestation stage (49.7±4.04, n=5), which were
significantly higher than
[...] that at the immature stage (25.7±0.64, n=3) and at ovary developing stage (33.3±3.46, n=4), respectively, [...]
and decreased remarkably
at the end of gestation (25.6±8.08, n=3).
在结束治疗后,月经可能恢复,但 的 女 性 可能 卵巢永 久停止分泌激素而提早停经。
Sometimes this alteration reverses itself but some women may experience
[...] early menopause when the ovaries stop hormone production [...]
[...] 於2007年8月19日或該日前後,被告為投訴 的 犬 隻進 行 卵巢 及 子 宮移除手術時因疏忽或行為不當,導致該犬隻內出血;及/或(b) [...]
Summary of the charge(s): The veterinary surgeon was charged with the offence of misconduct or neglect in a professional respect
that he, being a registered
[...] veterinary surgeon, (a) On or about 19 August 2007, the Defendant [...]
carried out ovariohysterectomy
to the complainant’s dog in a negligent or improper manner, causing internal bleeding of the said dog; and/or (b) During the period from on or about 22 August 2007 to on or about 25 August 2007, when the said dog was brought back to the Defendant for symptoms associated with internal bleeding caused by the said ovariohysterectomy, the Defendant failed to take appropriate or adequate remedial action leading to the eventual death of the said dog.
在早发现早治疗癌症、特别是妇女惟 的卵巢癌 和乳腺癌方面,我们取得了进展。
We have made progress on early cancer detection in order to provide treatment at an early stage, particularly for women with uterine or breast cancer.
这些新结果揭示了用OVA1制定标准化筛选方 的 可 能 性,它对所 卵巢 恶 性病变都有着高灵敏度,包括最有可能治愈的早期病例和各种亚型,”Bristow博士指出。
These new results point to the possibility of a standardized
triage protocol using OVA1,
[...] with high sensitivity for all ovarian malignancies including the [...]
most curable early-stage cases
and a broad range of subtypes," noted Dr. Bristow.
花序一顶生的伞形花序的伞房花序,无毛; 主轴5-15厘米; 二级轴11-12,每11-17厘米,具数个两性花的顶生伞形花序和显然雄 的 一 些侧生伞形花序; 花序梗2-4厘米; 花梗1-2 厘卵巢5具心皮; 花柱基部合生成柱状,离生臂下弯。
Inflorescence a terminal corymb of
umbels, glabrous;
[...] primary axis 5-15 cm; secondary axes 11-12, each 11-17 cm, with several terminal umbels of bisexual flowers [...]
and a few lateral umbels
of apparently male flowers; peduncle 2-4 cm; pedicels 1-2 cm.
女性患者經歷相同的過程,需要注射激素,超聲和血液監測,清醒鎮靜,受 的卵 子 在實驗室中,胚胎培養和陰道導 卵 I V F: 卵巢 刺 激 其他婦女。
The female patient undergoes the same
process as other women
[...] who need IVF: ovarian stimulation with injections of hormones, ultrasound and blood monitoring, and transvaginally guided egg retrieval with conscious sedation, fertilization of the eggs in the lab, [...]
and embryo culture.
与普通单一的药物DOX相比较,这一载药模型可以更有效地被多药耐药 的卵巢 癌 细 胞(OVCAR8-ADR 细胞)吞噬,并能更有效杀死该种细胞。
The HIONPs-DOX formula also has a pH-dependent drug release behaviour. Compared with free DOX, the HIONPs-DOX were more effectively uptaken by the multidrug resistant OVCAR8-ADR cells and consequently more potent in killing drug resistant cancer cells.




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