




cooling performancen





External sources (not reviewed)

即使行业持续受到环球经济增 长低迷影响,但Glencore地拓展其行业业务、在采矿业务创造强劲业绩及在石油分部创下纪录佳绩。
Despite the industry continuing to
be impacted by low economic growth
[...] globally, Glencore successfully expanded its [...]
industrial business, producing strong performances
in mining and a record performance in the oil division.
(e) 虽然有关的附加费只限 於 繁忙时 间,《 行車隧道(政 府 ) 条例》中所界定 的「隧道费」范围之内,并且需要修订 关法例。
(e) Even though it only applies during peak hours, the surcharge falls within the “tolls” defined in the Road Tunnels (Government) Ordinance, and legislative amendments would be required.
但是,卫星营运开支增加 9,000,000 港元、员工支出上升 4,000,000 港元及中国大陆营业税增加 10,000,000 港元了缩减 之成本。
However, this was offset by the increases in satellite operation expense by HK$9 million, staff costs by HK$4 million and China business tax by HK$10 million.
如果您因为收入而需要支付额外 D 部分保支付,联邦医疗保险会让您退出本计划。
If you are required to pay the extra Part D amount because of your income and you do not pay it, Medicare will disenroll you from our plan.
答覆: 有关工务计划项目 4131CD“乡郊排水系统修復计划-平原河及模范乡 河排水系统修復工程"的工程已大致竣工,然约纠纷未解决。
Reply: The works under PWP Item 4131CD “Rural Drainage Rehabilitation Scheme – drainage rehabilitation works at Ping Yuen River and Mo Fan Heung Stream” have been substantially completed.
有鉴於广深港高铁涉及公帑达669亿元, 而在近期公布的港大民意调查中59%市民自称对整个高铁项目认识'好少'或 '几少',显示大部分市民均不了解广深港高 铁的内容及对社会影响,本人现按照《财 务委员会会议程序》第37A段,动议要求政 府搁置广深港高速铁路拨款,并以独立机 构的民调评估市民对广深港高速铁路的认 知程度,在确定大部分香港市民均清楚明 白广深港高铁的内容及对社会构成的影响 後才重新申请拨款。
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire XRL project, indicating that most people do not understand the substance and social impact of the XRL, I now move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure to demand that the Government shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the public awareness of the XRL with an opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, and re-submit the funding proposals after having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance of the XRL and its impact on the society.
这种规划方式,虽然可确保各自的电力系统内有足 够的电力供应能力,善用本港整个系统内现存和 规划的资源。
This planning process ensures adequacy of the individual systems, but does not lend itself to optimising the overall system’s planned and available resources.
司法机构最终作决定的法院,必须与专业委员会的工作步伐㆒ 致,并须明白到,专业委员会的工作是以同业的评核为依据,㆒些法院认为只是微不 足道的行为,从医疗专业㆖失当的行为角度来看非常严重。
The ultimate courts of the Judiciary must work in unison with the professional council and realize that its work is based on peer assessment and that any act which might appear trivial to the court may well be a severe one from the point of professional misconduct.
南乳的氨基甲酸乙酯含量最高,但即使摄入 量高的市民,消费量也很低;至於啤酒∕麦酒,虽然消费量最高,但氨 基甲酸乙酯含
The former had the highest level of EC contamination but very low consumption value even for the high consumers, while the latter had the highest consumption valuebut very low level of EC contamination.
Middle class people play an important managerial role in Hong Kong society, but they do not have their political spokespersons and their own political organizations.
The water in the intercooler is circulated through a special AMG electrical pump system.
如 被 控 人 指 称 曾 投 诉 受 到 恶 待,但 专 责 小 组 成 员 的 书 陎 纪记 录 此 事 , 法 官 便 可 以 聆 听 专 责 小 组 成 员 所 主 持 的 会 见 的 录 音 带 , 以 裁 定 该 项 指 称 事 实 上 有 否 向 专 责 小 组 成 员 作 出 。
If the accused alleges that he did make a complaint of mistreatment which does not appear on the panelist's written record the judge may listen to the tape recording of the panelist interview to determine whether any such allegation was in fact made to the panelist.
可是,政府在处理「应用上的隔 膜 」及「用以提升生活质素上的隔膜 」方面所作的努力落後於资 讯科技硬件方面的发展。
However, government’s policies in tackling the “usage divide” and “usage quality divide” are apparently lagging behind its advanced development in the accessibility of ICT tools.
香 港 来 说,‚ 案 中 案 ‛ 程 序 在 地 方 法 院 审 讯 中 的 使 用 频 密 程 度 几 乎 与 原 讼 庭 的 一 样 , 而 在 地 方 法 院 进 行 的 审 讯 中 , 法 官 开 庭 之 时 并 无 陪 审 团 在 场 , 法 官 本 人 顸 履 行 法 官 兼 陪 审 团 的 双 重 职 能 。
The fact is that in Hong Kong the procedure is used almost as frequently in trials in the District Court, where the judge sits without a jury and performs the function of both judge and jury, as it is in the High Court.
Also include any non-actions when you really should have acted.
无論如何,目前由 美国主宰的国际金融秩序「缺乏纪律」难以辩白。
Nevertheless, it is difficult to vindicate the present international financial order dictated by the US dollar.
The city- whether in the form of the street corner, the public park or the concert hall- will always provide a space for musicians to meet, for audiences to come together and for music to be presented in its most vivid forms.
另外,教师也可以给予学生相 同的作业,不同程度和形式的支援,例如给予表现稍逊的学生多 [...]
Alternatively, teachers can provide students with the same
[...] exercises, but with variations in [...]
the amount and style of support given – for
example, by providing more clues, or by breaking a complicated problem into several simpler but connected parts for students with weaker performance.
为避免被发热表 面或元件烫伤的危险,请先让该表面或元件,再从这个区域取出纸张。
To reduce the risk of injury from a hot component, allow the surface to cool before removing paper from this area.
营业支出下降, 反映平均职员人數缩减及与表现挂鈎的酬勞减 少,但 2012 年客户赔偿准备增加,以及重组架构 及其他相关成本上升了上述部分减幅。
Operating expenses reduced, reflecting a decline in average staff numbers and lower performance-related pay, which was partly offset by higher customer redress provisions and increased restructuring and other related costs during 2012.
相反,Glencore的主要行业竞争对此种业务模 式,他们一般不定位於充分发掘商品供应链中既存的价值及套利机 会。
In contrast, this is not the business model of Glencore’s mainly industrial competitors who are generally not set up to exploit the full range of value added margin and arbitrage opportunities which exist throughout the commodity supply chain.
5.2 受访的 560 名参展商当中,52.0%(291 名受访参展商)在 2010 年和 2011 年均参加了 「美食博览」,而余下的
[...] 48.0%(269 名受访参展商加了 2011 年的「美食博览」 [...]
而没有参加 2010 年的展会。
5.2 Of all the 560 exhibitors who took part in the Survey, 52.0% (291 enumerated exhibitors) participated in the Food Expo in both
2010 and 2011, while the remaining 48.0% (269 enumerated exhibitors) took part in the
[...] Food Expo in 2011 but notin 2010.
除上市规则不时指明的该等其他最短期限外,周年大会(不论就通 过特别决议案及╱或普通决议案)须以不少於二十个营业日或二十 一日(以较长时间为准)之书面通告召开,就通过特别决议案而召 开之特别大会须以不少於二十一日之书面通告召开,及大 会或就通过特别决议案之特别大会以外而召开之本公司大会,须以 不少於十个营业日或十四日(以较长时间为准)之书面通告召开。
Subject to such other minimum period as may be specified in the Listing Rules from time to time, an annual general meeting (whether for the passing of a special resolution and/or an ordinary resolution) shall be called by not less than twenty clear business days’ notice or twenty-one days’ notice (whichever is the longer) in writing and an extraordinary general meeting called for the passing of a special resolution shall be called by not less than twenty-one days’ notice in writing, and a general meeting other than an annual general meeting or an extraordinary general meeting for the passing of a special resolution shall be called by not less than ten clear business days’ notice or fourteen days’ notice (whichever is the longer) in writing.
Ten days before the presidential election in Taiwan, although the media has stopped releasing the opinion polls, one can see a flood of different candidates' publicity and election advertisements inthe media.
虽然创新及科技基金的拨款主要为香港社会的利益而设, 因此从香港角度着眼至为重要,但我们也会从较宏观的角度考 虑创新科技的范畴。如某个项目未必会为香港社会带来很多裨 益,全人类有所裨益(例如进行农作物研究工作以解决 粮食短缺问题),我们也会予以适当重视。
While ITF funding is primarily for the benefit of Hong Kong community, and hence the Hong Kong angle would be of greatest importance, we will take a boarder view in the field of innovation and technology - if a project may not bring a lot of benefit to the Hong Kong community but willbring benefit to mankind, we will give reasonable regard (e.g. crop research to solve the problem of food shortage).
2011年11月1日,悉尼在一场波及范围极广、规模空前浩大的罢工行动结束以後,澳洲航空公司Qantas的飞机终於重返蓝天,而Servcorp首席资讯官兼市场销售总监、小型企业菁英 Marcus Moufarrige这场广泛影响澳洲企业的危机其实是可以避免的。
Sydney, 1 November 2011- With Qantas returning to the skies today after wide-spread industrial action and an unprecedented lockout of staff, Servcorp CIO and Sales Director and small-business champion Marcus Moufarrige said that the crisis - which hurt businesses all over Australia - could have been avoided.
虽然比赛重点是海滨设计而非主干道设计,但得奖作品 「活力海滨新生命 健康城市新体验」的设计基准主干道隧道方案构想二类似的主干道隧道方案。
Whilst the designs were focussed on the harbour-front design rather than on the Trunk Road, the basis of the design of the winning entry, “Healthy Life Healthy City”, is a Trunk Road tunnel option similar to Trunk Road Tunnel Variation 2.
保时捷展出车款阵容强大,除了甫上市之全新四轮驱动 911 Carrera 4 与 911 Carrera 4S 之外,展出车型还包括:加装空气力学套件之最新一代 911 Carrera S 跑车、双门双座饶富驾驭乐趣的中置引擎 Boxster S 跑车、保时捷 Gran Turismo 车系中最具个性的车型Panamera GTS 四门跑车、典型跑车运动环保的 Panamera S Hybrid 、以及保时捷最为畅销之出色性能与效率兼具之 Cayenne Diesel 运动休旅车。
The Porsche booth features an exciting line-up of new cars namely: the all-wheel drive 911 Carrera 4 and 911 Carrera 4S, the new 911 Carrera S equipped with Aerokit, the fun-to-drive mid-engine Boxster S, the sportiest four-door Gran Turismo Panamera GTS, the most economical Panamera S Hybrid as well as the popular SUVwith outstanding performance and efficiency Cayenne Diesel.
一级纵火犯罪 - 明知损害或明知会造成损害,,建议,鼓励,雇用,诱导,或促 使他人用火灾或爆炸之方法,损害楼房,车 辆,铁路车箱,船舶,飞机或其他任何结构 的建筑物:(a)有被投保,但未经保险人或 保险公司同意;或者(b)可以合理的有理由 预见,这种情况将可能危及到他人的生命安 全。
Commit first degree arson - Knowingly damage or knowingly cause, aid, advise, encourage, hire, counsel, or procure another to damage, by means of fire or explosive, any building, vehicle, railroad car, watercraft, aircraft, or other structure: (a) that is insured without the consent of the insurer and the insured; or (b) under such circumstances that it is reasonably foreseeable that human life might be endangered.




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