

单词 危辞耸听

External sources (not reviewed)

对叙利亚当前事件的描述有很多是夸大 辞 , 当 地正在发生的真实情况被人出 于煽风点火危言耸听的目 的加以夸大。
There are numerous exaggerations in the
depiction of current events in
[...] Syria, and the reality of what is taking place on the ground is magnified with provocative and alarmist intent.
这听起来可能过危言耸听呼叫 下降,股票的战争,但他们应该叫休伯曼的 危 言 耸听 ” ,但它并不是没有今天,他的书印。
It may sound too alarmist call a fall in the stock of a war, but they should have called Huberman of "alarmist" also, but [...]
it is not for nothing that his book is printed today.
我最后要谈的一点,是支持其他发言者的呼吁, 将我们在会议听到的美好辞付诸 行动。
My final point is to echo the sentiment
expressed by other speakers who have called for follow-up actions to match
[...] the fine words we have heard during this meeting.
即使没危言耸听,但由于有关健康和安 全的正常报道产生了许多互相矛盾而且往往 是片面的警示或赞同意见,故很难有效传达纳 米微粒的确切风险。
Even in the absence of such alarmism, however, the normal course of health and safety reporting produces so many conflicting and often incomprehensible warnings and approvals that it will be difficult to effectively communicate the precise risks of nanoparticles, whatever they are.
阿塞拜疆常驻联合国代表于 2010 年 2 月 8 日通过大会议程项目 14 和 18 下 的 A/64/658-S/2010/78 号文件,分发了一危言耸听的信 ,其目的无他,就是 要掀起新一轮的针对亚美尼亚共和国和纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫的仇恨宣传。
The Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan has circulated an appalling letter, contained in document A/64/658-S/2010/78 of 8 February 2010, under agenda items 14 and 18 of the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly for the sole purpose of spreading a new wave of hate propaganda against the Republic of Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh.
在 6 月 28 日第 12 次会议上,理事会继续举行关于年度部长级审查主题的国 家自愿情况介绍听取了荷兰危地 马 拉和摩尔多瓦共和国的介绍。
At its 12th meeting, on 28 June, the Council continued the voluntary national presentations on the
theme of the annual
[...] ministerial review and heard presentations by the Netherlands, Guatemala and the Republic [...]
of Moldova.
在我们看来,很显然,塞尔维亚和科索沃未来被 吸收加入欧洲联盟是肯定无疑的,但同样明显的是,
[...] 要实现这一目标,两国就必须找到进行对话以及建立 更和谐睦邻关系的途径,而且已从一个超越无谓危 险的言辞的现实中汲取经验教训。
While the future presence of Serbia and Kosovo in the European Union is, in our view, assured, it is equally clear that it cannot come about until both countries have taken the paths to
dialogue and calmer neighbourliness and have learned the lessons of a reality
[...] that transcends vain and dangerous rhetoric.
这项活动首先请执行局主席和教科文组织 的亲善大使 Claudia Cardinale 女士致辞,吸引了许听众并 在新闻界引起了广泛的反响。
The day, which began with addresses by the Chairperson of the Executive Board and Ms Claudia Cardinale, Goodwill Ambassador for UNESCO, was attended by a large audience and received broad press coverage.
大众媒体,特别是小报和黄色报刊往往突 耸 人 听闻 的 事件,从而形成对儿童持偏见和成见,特别是弱势儿童或青少年,往往被描绘 成暴力或违法者,而原因仅仅是他们有着不同的行为或着装方式。
Mass media, especially tabloids and the yellow press, tend to highlight shocking occurrences and as a result create a biased and stereotyped image of children, in particular of disadvantaged children or adolescents, who are often portrayed as violent or delinquent just because they may behave or dress in a different way.
但法律委员会认为,某些条款的辞 还 可 以从更加准确和(或)符合条约法惯例的角度作一些 改进。
The Legal Committee did however consider that the drafting of certain articles could be improved so as to make them more precise and/or to comply with the usual rules of treaty law.
有关被剥夺自由的儿童的人数以及他们为什么被关押和监护的资料匮乏; 几乎没有独立的监督机制保障他们的权利和处理他们的投诉 耸 人 听 闻 的消息加 之对少年犯罪越来越多的不良看法,更增加了要求儿童和青少年承担刑事责任以 及要求进一步降低承担刑事责任的年龄和延长剥夺自由期限的社会压力。
There is scarce information on the numbers of children deprived of liberty and on the reasons that lead to their placement in justice and care institutions; independent monitoring mechanisms are rarely available to safeguard their rights and address their complaints; and sensationalistic information, combined with ill perception of growing juvenile delinquency, fuel social pressure for the criminalization of children and adolescents, and for the introduction of increasingly lower ages of criminal responsibility and longer measures of deprivation of liberty.
共同主席(戴斯先生)(以法语发言):大会现在听取危地马拉共和国总统阿尔瓦罗·科洛姆·卡瓦列 罗斯先生的讲话。
spoke in French): The
[...] Assembly will now hear an address by Mr. Álvaro Colom Caballeros, President of the Republic of Guatemala.
危机组织也听到这 一观点:中国同 伊斯兰教国家,比如说沙特,仍关系良好。
It was however argued to Crisis Group that China still [...]
enjoys very good relations with Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia for example.
同样,第 1 条关于“国家间条约关系”等辞 源自《维也纳公约》第 2 条(c)项,它的重点在于所涉条约制度中存在的关系, 这样就能够对以下两种情况作出区分,即:条款草案范围所列的国家间条约关 系;排除在条款范围以外的同一条约下产生的国家与国际组织之间或国际组织间 的条约关系。
Similarly, the formulation “relations between States under a treaty”, found in article 1, is drawn from article 2, subparagraph (c), of the Vienna Convention, and places the focus on the relations existing under the treaty regime in question, thereby making it possible to distinguish the treaty relations between States, which are included within the scope of the draft articles, from the relations between States and international organization or between international organizations arising under the same treaty, which are excluded from the scope of the articles.
最近一耸人听闻的案例是野蛮摧毁今天位于纳希切 万自治共和国的亚美尼亚古代城镇 Jugha(Julfa)的著名中世纪墓地。
The most recent horrific case was the barbaric destruction of the famous medieval cemetery of the ancient Armenian town of Jugha (Julfa) in the present day Autonomous Republic of Nakhijevan.
如果时间更为充裕,厄立特里 亚愿意就这耸人听闻的 指控提供更确切的进一步信息,目 前 的 [...]
指控使人想起早 先监察组曾指责厄立特里亚向索马里派遣 2 000 名士兵,甚至还包括他们在何时 以及如何抵达,还有多少人部署在何处。
If given the time, Eritrea wishes to
provide crucial extra information
[...] pertaining to this sensationalized accusation, which [...]
reminds of an earlier accusation by
the Monitoring Group that Eritrea had 2,000 soldiers in Somalia, with detailed information on when and how they arrived and where and in what numbers they were deployed.
对于厄立特里亚的最大指控,即要求进一步制裁的依据,就是2011年1 月非洲联邦首脑会议期间在亚的斯亚贝巴制造爆炸事件 耸 人 听 闻的 指控。
The centrepiece accusation against Eritrea,
the basis for calls for
[...] additional sanctions, is the sensationalized allegation of a plot [...]
to bomb Addis Ababa during the
African Union Summit in January 2011.
已经被定罪或拘留的人中, 也有关于逃脱耸人听闻的事例。
Notorious instances of flight have been registered, also among those already convicted or detained.
耸 人听闻的 信息以及对未成年人犯罪日益增长的误解造成了将儿童和青少年罪犯化 [...]
的社会压力,使得刑事责任最低年龄日益降低,而剥夺其自由的措施则更为严 厉。
Sensationalistic information [...]
and ill perception of growing juvenile delinquency build social pressure to criminalize children
and adolescents, and for the introduction of an increasingly lower minimum age of criminal responsibility and harsher measures of deprivation of liberty.
同年,其还审议了非洲粮危机问题 , 听 取 了 世界粮食计划署执行主任的情况通报。
In the same year, it also
[...] considered Africa’s food crisis, receiving the briefing [...]
by the Executive Director of the World Food Programme.
有些会员国认为,优先事项和主要工作重点的 辞 都 应更明确地体现信息社会问题世 界首脑会议(WSIS)的成果和教科文组织所提倡的建立“知识社会”的四项原则,即“言论自 [...]
Several Member States proposed that the outcomes of the World Summit on the
Information Society (WSIS) should be better
[...] reflected in the wording of priorities [...]
and main lines of action as should be the
four principles advocated by UNESCO for the development of “knowledge societies”, namely freedom of expression, equal access to education, universal access to information and cultural and linguistic diversity.
然而……可……包括在”的辞反映 了这一不同 做法的可选性质,而最后的限制句“如果没有任何缔约国或缔约组织在特定情况 下提出反对”则保障在若无任何一个缔约国或缔约组织反对将其列入计算时适用 第 1 款中制定的原则。
The expression “may, however, be included” reflects the optional nature of this divergent practice, whereas the final qualification “if no contracting State or contracting organization is opposed in a particular case” safeguards the application of the principle established in paragraph 1 should any one contracting State or contracting organization be opposed to that inclusion.
实行该禁令的原因很简单,那 就是这些人发表了一耸人听闻和 不全面的报道。
This ban, which has been enforced simply because of the sensational and unbalanced reports
that have emanated from these
[...] individuals, however, does not apply to the media agency which these personalities work for.
代理主席(以法语发言):大会现在 听 取 危 地马拉共和国副总统拉法埃尔·埃斯帕达先生阁下的讲 话。
The Acting President( spoke in French): The Assembly will now here an address by His Excellency Mr. Rafael Espada, Vice-President of the Republic of Guatemala.
代理主席(以英语发言):大会现在 听 取 危 地马 拉共和国总统的讲话。
The Assembly will now hear an address by the President of the Republic of Guatemala.
挪威斯考根集团的LNG总监耸先生 从挪威运营商的角度介绍了中国的市场情况,并就中国市场上所存在的障碍与机遇进行了探讨。
The LNG Director of I.M. Skaugen, Mr. Yao Song, held a presentation about the market situation in China from the view of a Norwegian operator, talking about obstacles and opportunities in the Chinese market.
[...] 依靠摩纳哥非政府组织和其他 组织的参与:“世界儿童之友联合会” 、 “无辜 儿 童危险”、 “听年 轻 人 ” 、 “ 儿童第一” 、 “ 国际尊 严 ” 、 “ 摩纳哥无 辜 儿 [...]
Civil society plays an important role in Monaco in combating violence against children, mainly through the involvement of Monegasque non-governmental organizations and associations, including the World
Association of Children’s
[...] Friends, Innocence en danger, Jeune J’écoute (Young person, I am listening), L’Enfant d’Abord [...]
(Putting the Child
First), Dignity International and Action innocence Monaco.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b)
食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c)
[...] 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物 危 机 、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 [...]
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for
prevention, early warning, preparedness and
[...] response to food chain crises caused by transboundary [...]
animal and plant pests and diseases,
food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
由於該病毒是具潛危險的 病原體,因此化驗室如出現 人類豬型甲型流行性感冒(H1亞型)病毒逸漏事故,必須受法定呈 [...]
報規定所管制,以便及早偵察有關事故,並及時採取適當的控制 措施,以保障化驗室人員的健康和防止疾病蔓延。
As the virus
[...] is a potentially dangerous pathogen, it is [...]
important for incidents of leakage of human swine influenza A virus
(subtype H1) from laboratories to be subject to the statutory notification requirement, so as to facilitate early detection of such incidents, and to enable appropriate control measures to be implemented in a timely manner for the protection of laboratory workers and prevention of spread of diseases.




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